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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7130064 No.7130064 [Reply] [Original]


/lit/ is talking about us again

>> No.7130069

And it's pretty typical. They think all stem majors are big meanies because sophomore engineering majors make fun of them.

If you are a science student and think the humanities are useless, please kill yourself. You'll make a shitty scientist anyways.

>> No.7130070

because we are better, that's why.

>> No.7130072

Just keep ignoring them, we've won every internet argument ever, but they are always too delusional to realize when they lost and try to attack us personally even though we're just pointing out facts without being confrontational.

This is why we stopped sending them holiday cards.

>> No.7130076

Humanities isn't useless, but it's been co-opted by the social justice warriors / feminists / post-modernists.

>> No.7130088

I'm a STEM student and I am very interested in culture as well. I enjoy literature, theater and art. Unfortunately /lit/ doesn't know anything about these topics. /lit/ is full of pseudo-philosophy fedora teenagers who think they are deep for spouting trivialities.

>> No.7130101

it only took 7 replies for someone on /lit/ to compare STEM majors to Nazis, lol

>> No.7130109

I don't get these discussions. To me it always sounds like insecure people desperately trying to validate their life choices. It's just so pointless.

>> No.7130118
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>lurking /lit/

>> No.7130214

What's an alternative forum then?

>> No.7130217

Honestly, /pol/

>> No.7130222

I can't talk about general books on /pol/

>> No.7130228

Yeah /int/ and /pol/ to be honest, just reference the country of the author/artists and you'll likely have a good on topic discussion.

>> No.7130246

If those books have anything to do with culture/philosophy than you absolutely can. Just don't be off put by the shitposters and you'll usually draw in a few people who know their shit. The id's have made discussion considerably better.

>> No.7130339

welp, i guess theyd rather have a bachelor of art design their nuclear powerplants

>> No.7130390

It's interesting how another board can have pretty much opposite stance as /sci/ but still be equally elitist and smug about it.

>> No.7130413

but unlike /lit/ we are right
i mean, cmon, humanities *is* pretty much useless comparison to stem

>> No.7130415

Humanities is unscientific nonsense supported by homosexuals and feely-feels people who don't know what they're talking about and need to shut the hell up.

Thats why I hate humanities. I get tired of hearing all the leftist gobbledegook thats being shit-shovelled into my face by a prof thats likely a moronic success hating independence hating fagbert.

>> No.7130420

Oh hey it's /pol/ again

>> No.7130421

Yeah, it is. I never hide my power level. Get used to it or get lost.

>> No.7130422

>Thats why I hate humanities.

That's a broad generalization. Do you ever read fiction? Do you ever go to museums? Do you ever listen to music? Go fuck yourself if you answered no to any of the above, and if not, think more closely about whether you hate the humanities or you hate something else.

>> No.7130428

You misunderstand my standpoint of hatred, you nincompoop.

I get real, real tired of hearing about how "evil" capitalism, patriarchy, and the white cis het privileged men are.

IF, you could teach a humanities class without getting into that, then yes, I wouldn't hate it.

But its ALWAYS the humanities teachers who are like this.

>> No.7130433

There's a distinction between gender studies and humanities you know, or maybe you don't.

>> No.7130446

Thats fair. But don't you get tired of hearing that shit all the time as well?

Why even take a humanities class if you're going to have to work 7 times as hard to pass because you're a white male?

Also Stem is better because it often has firm, definite, clear-cut answers that are either group A or group B, and not wishy washy in-betweeny-weeny.

>> No.7130470

there is nothing more holy then hating sjw's but grouping all humanities under the sjw umbrella is retarded

but, of course, humanity degrees are mainly useless, for different reasons

>> No.7130473

Well then from a purely-practical standpoint, what is the point of having a humanity degree?

>> No.7130480

Conservation of hyphens.

>> No.7130482

i wouldn't know
but there has to be some fringe cases where it has some use
it has to be somewhere between 0 and 1/10 of a stem degree

>> No.7130489

I could see it being useful if you're working in the louvre or something. Someplace where you need the lore and background to be able to work properly with the exhibits. Being the curator of an archeology site, perhaps. Something along those lines.

>> No.7130509

makes sense

>1/10 of a stem degree
i also want to clarify one thing. I do not think that an average (mean) humanities degree is 1/10 as valuable. Some humanities graduates who work in a related field (i can not even come up with an example but there HAS to be some) can possibly be far more worthier than most stemmers will ever be but the vast majority of humanities degrees will be completely useless

>> No.7130514

If I'm having to choose between a humanities major and a nuclear scientist as to whom will be in charge of maintaining the codex gigantum, I'd probably choose the humanities major.

But its twisted, because I don't want the humanities major to detect cis privilege and get buttblasterized into another dimension and end up changing the content of what they are caretaking.

>> No.7130546
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The problem isn't that humanities are worthless. It's that the majority who major in them are slackers that could care less about anything and just want the easiest degree possible to float through college with.

>> No.7130547

what's the point of having a pure science or math degree?

>> No.7130555

A pure science or math degree has an actual use. It teaches you information that helps with a wide variety of tasks. humanities doesn't.

Also pure science or math; you just have to get the answers right to get. For humanities, you have to agree with the prof that whites are the source of evil in the world and need to be rounded up and killed violently, AS WELL AS get all the answers, to get the degree.

>> No.7130563
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>that /lit/ image
>this is what /lit/ unironically believes

Only thing right is the engineer one.

>> No.7130578

so exactly like /sci/ with science ...

>> No.7130588

Or any board with what it's supposed to know and talk about on 4chan.