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7129921 No.7129921 [Reply] [Original]

>be white guy
>PhD in engineering
>move to China
>work for multi-billion dollar Chinese conglomerate
>120k salary
>someone drives you to work everyday
>only real work is to sit in on board meetings to make the directors look more international
>top priority of boss is to make sure you have a nice suit and haircut

Why haven't you moved to the land of opportunity?

>> No.7129932

>>only real work is to sit in on board meetings to make the directors look more international

>> No.7129934

My friend teaches english there. fun stories. I like my country too much to move out. spent a lot of time abroad and it wasn't as good.

>> No.7129935

>having to learn Chinese
no thanks.

>> No.7129938

Everyone who isn't dirt poor in China speaks almost fluent English. It's more important than speaking Chinese.

You're probably thinking of Japan or Korea, who despite being huge westaboos and learning English in school, have a low amount of English speakers.

>> No.7129946

I find it very creepy being in a country like China without speaking the language.
Just getting lost in an alley can go from bad to horrible in no time.

>> No.7129948

Like I said that could only ever be an issue in rural China.

But I do agree, it doesn't sit right with me to be in a country and not knowing enough of their language to hold a basic conversation with the people there.

>> No.7129961

Chinese people can't speak english for shit because they were all taught english by a chinese person that suffers the same pitfalls in speech that they have in learning that language, and that is pronunciation of certain sounds. I'll give you that some chinese can actually speak english though.

>> No.7129977

Do you ever do any real engineering work/research? I'm finishing my PhD soon and I'd be more than willing to keep my mouth shut and look pretty like a good little puppet meetings if I was also allowed to do some productive work on occasion.

>> No.7129983


>> No.7129997

How do you deal with the pollution? Every city I visited there left me feeling like a slug had crawled all over my skin and finally lodged itself in my throat.

The women were nice, though. And the mountain regions are beautiful. But I get that in Canada. And the same income, without a degree. I guess I don't get my own driver....

Mandarin is dead easy to learn. You'd start speaking it just from being around it, and the writing system turns out to be pretty awesome once you break yourself of the idea that it should be phoenetic.

>> No.7129999

Nope, you're basically a puppet or doll for show here if you have a PhD or enough experience. Coming here with just a bachelors or no experience and you'll do some real work, with no health and safety

>> No.7130000

>Why haven't you moved to the land of opportunity?

I need to do 2-3 years of credentialing first.

>> No.7130008

Fuck it, your glorious quads still convinced me, how much experience will I be needing? I only have a few internships and my PhD research under my belt, will I need some industry experience first?

>> No.7130015

Most of the new skyscrapers have excellent air conditioning systems, pollution is only an issue on the streets.

The truth is that most Chinese engineers are better than Europeans or Americans. The public transport systems over here are 20 or 30 years ahead of western counterparts

>> No.7130020

I'm assuming they only hire from brand name schools though?

>> No.7130032

I'm not sure. I know plenty of Europeans here from no name universities that are doing well. I think just being a westerner is all they're looking for. It's a country where image is the most important thing - if you don't like good they're not interested

Internships would be enough probably

>> No.7130033

How do you deal with internet censorship? Do proxies and TOR work well?

>> No.7130041

Nice, I'm a German that looks pretty athletic and I'm totally willing to sell my body to my new Chinese overlords, see you in a few years based anon.

>> No.7130044

No different to anywhere else in Asia. If you have some basic understanding of computers you can get around it

>> No.7130048

They really love Germans here, more than Americans even.

>> No.7130071

Are they looking for nigs, or is that not okay in china?

>> No.7130102

Yea but you'd have to live in a country where you're on the wrong side of the Chinese firewall.

>> No.7130113

>bonus pay for being over 6'

>> No.7130123 [DELETED] 

white men only sorry

>> No.7130131

Afraid not. They're the biggest racists in the northern hemisphere.

>> No.7130142

what nationalities do they like the most? And based on what?

>> No.7130144

Multiculturalism/Tokenism is more of a Western thing, Eastern Asians are extremely racist, but all the best schools and biggest companies are European or American so they like those connections.

>> No.7130156

i didn't know the chinese government employed shills for sites like 4chan

>> No.7130487

>20 or 30 years ahead
that's because they were built 50 or 60 years after.

>> No.7131177
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>The truth is that most Chinese engineers are better than Europeans or Americans.

>> No.7131179

Because the Internet is censored and the government is terrible.

>> No.7131206

What's the income tax situation like on 120K?

Pensions lol right?

>> No.7131209

They're brilliant copiers. Innovators? No. That involves going against the herd and having unpopular notions once in a while. Not a cultural strong point at all.

>> No.7131211


do I have to speak chinese?

>> No.7131216

Really? So why do they make shitty copies of everything?

>> No.7131296

>what is a VPN
>implying not 99% of governments are fucked especially the US/five eyes

>> No.7131315

They only hire people who have experience, aka, if you're able to recall / redraw blueprints from memory.

Other than that, China really seeks programmer/developer MANAGERS. The entire way of teaching software to China has been backwards, it's a struggle to foster, nourish, or recruit any decent talent. The pay is golden (~ 150k, and depending on how much you want that to be taxed), but you can't live in the US, which is a really big fucking difference.

People like to think China as a developed, complete world, but it's decades away.

I speak from experience. My family friends work in China after being educated and employed in the US.

>> No.7131332

My friend got a degree in boat engineering or something like that.

He got hired right out of college to go live in South Korea because apparently they're huge boat makers.

He earns $150,000/yr and his home, food, and driving expenses are paid for by his company.

Pretty sweet if you ask me. He's currently designing some massive eco-friendly boat or something.

>> No.7131365
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>decide you want to go home
>government accuses you of corporate espionage / sharing secrets
>end up dead in your apartment with no history of mental health issues and a suicide note written in someone else' handwriting

>> No.7131388

Why would anyone ever want to leave the glorious PRC?

>> No.7131431

murder then?

>> No.7131437
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>> No.7131448


>> No.7131454

>It's a country where image is the most important thing
Although I'm a westerner, being ugly and short I don't stand a chance. Same goes for Korea too. Thanks mom n dad.

>> No.7131458

The real question is why does the clock in OP's picture have a map of Belarus on it

>> No.7131465

All clay is rightful Chinese clay.

Looks more like Tianjin or probably some other/older Chinese province.

>> No.7131469

...No, it is distinctly Belarus, and also, there is cyrillic writing on one of the namepads.

>> No.7131488

Did not notice that. Gas deals probably though I don't know why it's in Belarus. Anyway everyone knows China will be Slavsphere's greatest trading soon thanks to NATO countries being dicks.

>> No.7132047
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B E L A R U S E?

>> No.7132054

In B E L A R U S E they have a dictator and you can't even publically gather in groups of more than 5 people.

>> No.7132182


They discovered the serum of immortality; on the other hand.

Just looks at photos of their leader from twenty years ago and today...

rest my case.

>> No.7132496

>issues in pronunciation
>issues in grammar
>still being understood
>can't speak english for shit

yeh oky

>> No.7132773

not to mention the higher population densities allowing for the public transport systems to actually be profitable

afaik there isn't a single public transport in North America that is in the green. They all have to be subsidized.

>> No.7132834

Because Russians/Slavs are known for their clockworks and watches. For real. It's the only thing they make with any quality besides Vodka.

>> No.7132862

>getting paid for not doing anything

i already had a government job, and it was lame as fuck.

>> No.7132867

>dead easy

If you like the language that's fine but please don't pretend it isn't extraordinarily difficult to learn

>> No.7132874
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>> No.7133651

Because the food, water, and air are literally poisoned. The chinks are in for some serious health issues very soon.

>> No.7133988

lung cancer inc

>> No.7134004

tell us stories

>> No.7134011

Are you good at basketball?

>> No.7134044

>University of Florida


>> No.7134227

So how the fuck do you get such a job? I'll be finishing ChemE degree at a shitty no name european university, but I'm a 190cm blonde, blue eyed guy.

>> No.7134263

google. no, seriously.

>> No.7134264

I too am curious about how one gets such a job. How do you put yourself in that market?

>> No.7134348

Eh, yeah, but I'm not sure "white guy needed to look white, 300k starting" would return much. It's there anything more specific to look for?

>> No.7134358

>go to a career fair
>find companies that operate in china that you could get hired at
>look at their chinese analogue competitors
>apply there

you might have to network your way there a bit, but fuck man, this is simple problem solving. are you even an engineer?

>> No.7134380
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>especially the US/five eyes

>> No.7134384

So basically apply to random Chinese companies? I could skip a few steps there.

>> No.7134397

Now that I think about it, I could just write up a CV with the required credentials and apply.
Out of 10k companies there'd probably be a few which wouldn't bother to do a detailed check of an university in eastern Europe.

>> No.7134401

no, you want to apply to companies that are in direct competition with western companies.

why else would they hire a westerner?

>> No.7134455

>The public transport systems over here are 20 or 30 years ahead of western counterparts
>over here
Fifty center confirmed
Please go chinkshit

>> No.7134458

because im racist

>> No.7134766

You've clearly never been to China.
Lookup the literacy rate of Chinese reading in Chinese. Go ahead. I'll wait here for you apology.
This guy thinks most of Asia censors internet. WTF? Hey anon, do you have enough basic understanding to tie your shoes?
Is that why they have traffic jams that last for days and days to the point where people are nearly dying of thirst?
Have you heard about the time a high speed rail car crashed and the government was in such a hurry to cover it up before too many cameras could get there that they just brought in bulldozers and buried the survivors alive rather than waiting to help them?
Money is nice, but culture and humanity are more important. No thanks. Be grateful you're not there.

>> No.7134786

in terms of writing and vocabulary differences, yeah
in terms of grammar, it's different to English but way, way simpler

>> No.7134896

What if you're a second generation asian in US and want to return? Do you get same benefits?
Worst Korean here and I don't speak a lick of my tongue.

>> No.7134960

Nope. Even worse, people don't know how to handle you. Like "Asian face, noes not speak Korean; DOES NOT COMPUTE. MALFUNCTION! MALFUNCTION!"
Basically it's like that. At least until you get to know someone well enough. ...and often even then still.

>> No.7136972


>> No.7137163

Why would you get any new benefits?? They want white people not more Asian people that they already have...

>> No.7137202

most English L1 speakers have a very difficult time with the tone system, it's often something they just aren't able to wrap their head around

>> No.7137357
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>have AS in automotive technology
>got gud with autoCAD
>help design exhaust manifolds at a Toyota plant for $28/hr

>> No.7137389

Im doing my PhD in physics so I dont have to do 9-17 designing stuff. Sounds boring as fuk :D :(

Maybe its fun the first 2 weeks. But for 40years? noty

>> No.7137396

about to go to 4-year for physics, any protips?

>> No.7137401

thats basically really good engineering internship pay.

should have just gone all the way with your education and made triple for doing the same job.

>> No.7137420

Start studying now :D

Try to learn a new math concept every week. Schaums can help you with this. Buy schaums "Advanced MAthematics" for engineers and scientists. When you know the whole book you will know most of what the experimentalists need.

If you wanna be a theorist you probably should start studying discrete math, too, so lie algebra and stuff will be easier to learn.

But if you dont wanna do it, I think the most important thing is to have a very solid calculus I and II. Otherwise even the basic physics courses will
feel harder than they are.

>> No.7137435

Sounds boring as hell.

>> No.7137453

Whatever makes you realized man
I'd never go in Asia for a longer period than 1 month, I'd feel like a fish out of water, not to add that the women are buttugly, and that that kind of work would probably be the right trigger of an everlastingly postponed suicide

>> No.7137986

>thats basically really good engineering internship pay.

Maybe if you live in a shit-tier huge city.

$28/hr in bumfuck Appalachia can buy me 500% more than double the salary in a big city.

>> No.7138004

>$28/hr in bumfuck Appalachia can buy me 500% more than double the salary in a big city.
as long as you restrict your purchases to fast food and domestic beer, sure, good news is that should be easy since there's nothing else to spend money on.

>> No.7138019


>> No.7138024

Where else are you going to buy a 4500 sq ft home with 10 acres for $120k?

>> No.7138029
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I mean, if you'd rather spend hundreds of thousands to live in a sardine can, be my guest.

I like having enough room for a garden.

>> No.7138039

I had my AS in Engineering, and was offered a 50+hour/week machine shop job, 1+ year retention guaranteed. I ended up turning it down, but even if it was only like $15/hour, that's more than a lot of parents in my area. Going further would have been easy as shit, I could probably have been making $20/hour with benefits by the end of that year.

God why did I decide to go for more education I am retarded. At least it's EE, right?

>> No.7138060


Nigga if I'm going to school that long I'm not moving to fucking China