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7126818 No.7126818 [Reply] [Original]

anyone have any good stories of accidents or funny shit that you've seen (or heard of) happening in a lab? Whether you work in one, were in school at the time or whatever.

one time a dude in my pathogenic microbiology lab spilled E. coli all over himself

>> No.7127138
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>that guy that blows up the laser diode on day 1

>> No.7127550

We had an engineer pour e-put water into a beaker full of conc. acid. She burned her face and chest. She was wearing contact lenses which fused to her eyeballs and open toed shoes.

Keks were had

>> No.7127554

Must've been pretty intense if her contact lenses fused to her shoes.

>> No.7127583

in highschool I was writing a report about detectors of radioactivity and my physics prof wanted to show me how a Geiger counter works. it was an old highschool which was recently renovated, so all the materials and stuff was a mess, so the prof couldn't find the radioactive samples we had. he found some small tubes with rock-like things in them and said we can try to detect the radioactivity on this, but it's not likely to be very active. so we carried the whole box of those tubes to another classroom and took it to the Geiger counter. it beeped a lot. he later realized that the tubes had radioactive marks on them, but at the bottom.

>> No.7127619

I once left a solution on a magnetic hot plate to supersaturate while I took my lunch break. When I came back the bottom of the beaker had shattered and my solution was everywhere.

>> No.7127626

my lab partner turned the wrong knob on the HV supply and the inside of the GM tube started arching and buzzing. luckily it still worked

>> No.7127628

acid to water, get a little hotter
water to acid, blow you to lake placid

one of the more practical rhymes I've heard before

>> No.7127633
File: 108 KB, 3000x452, virchow-brain-sectioning-knife-blade-160-mm-x-20-mm-double-ede-34-50-miltex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a brain dissection lab for the neuroanatomy course I took a couple years ago.

The knives you use for brain sectioning (pic related) dont really look like knives, they look more like spatulas you would use to spread icing on a cake, but they're razor-fucking-sharp.

Some idiot in my lab picks up one of the knives, looks at the lab TA and goes "what the hell, THIS is what we're using to dissect these brains? They aren't even sharp", and the proceeds to "prove" his point by dragging the knife across the palm of his hand and slicing it wide open.

>> No.7127642

First year bio lab
We are dissecting fish heads. I have steady hands and extract the brain.

This pretty girl is having trouble and asks for my help. Turns out, everyone is having trouble so the whole class crowds around me. I am using all my strength on the cranium.
Something has to give

A loud pop and a huge chunk of brain flies up in the air and perfectly lands between the cute girls breasts. Down the cleavage the brain went. She ran out of the room and is linked back to my seat. I tried apologizing when she got back but somehow it made it worse.

>> No.7127653

Old story from high school, but
>Teacher throwing Sodium in water to show everyone how cool science is, etc.
>some dumb shit decides to steal some
>Just kinda dumps it in his pocket
>Goes to sport afterwards
>Burns his fucking leg by sweating on Sodium

>> No.7127661

This exact situation happened to me but on a day where I was babysitting a couple of high schoolers who were using my lab to do a science fair project (overachieving little mother fuckers that they were). I got back and they just kind of timidly went "um mm sir your beaker fell apart and we didn't know what to do...". They didn't even turn the damn hotplate off lol

>> No.7127671

In highschool. In 'honors' physics class. We're learning about moments, density, solid body rotations and center of mass. Teacher asks us as a class, "so if we were looking for the center of mass in this room, where about would it be" he gestures to the whole room which is crowded with students. My friend politely raises his hand, gets called on and says, "well wouldn't the center of mass be right below your feet (pointing to the space right beneath our poor physics teacher)". The teacher was indeed a bit portly, and bald. Anyway he turned bright, bright red and the whole class laughed at his expense for about five minutes straight before he could get the class under control.

>> No.7127678

I had a teacher in high school that was just the worst at laboratory safety, she had no clue. She never tied her hair back - so it inevitably caught fire. She sat on the counters - which inevitably led to her sitting in spilled acid. She would work with chemicals on her desk at the front, despite it not being a secure or clear surface - which led to her setting the fucking thing on fire.

Unfortunately, some students started harrassing her for maybe being gay, so she left the school as a martyr.

>> No.7127680

High school physics

We're learning about velocity and displacement etc .

Teacher takes outside and asks a student to hop on his bike.

An old style bike with the back peddle brake.

The student expected a hand brake and had never ridden one with a back peddle brake.

He flies down the hill and into the bushes unimpeded.

Keks were had by all.

>> No.7127694

some years ago we had an chemistry teacher who was very easily persuaded. She showed the class how a small amount of sodium ``burns´´ when in contact with water, i had seen videos of it exploding and got here to put a rather big lump of sodium in water. (the bowl of water was not in any protective plexi box). This resulted in a big explosion, and we had to go home because there was smoke everywhere

>> No.7127732

> below your feet
Props to the portly prof for doing a hand stand while lecturing.

>> No.7127743

A girl in my research lab once leaned too close over a portable burner and no joke almost half of her hair straight burst into flames.

Shit was bonkers