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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7124934 No.7124934 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously...Why are there practically no black mathematicians?

>> No.7124939

because math teachers in black communities dont know basic maths

>> No.7124955

Blacks are two standard deviations away from whites in term of IQ.

>> No.7124957

As if the ones in white communities do.

>> No.7124965

Intelligence and education are passed through generations. You are extremely unlikely to go for a PhD if your parents didn't go to college. And I would even say you are extremely unlikely to get a PhD in math if your parents didn't get at least a masters.

So basically, generations have a hard time moving up more than one step at a time, and math professors are the top of the pyramid.

>> No.7124967

IQ. No Denisovan/Neandertal DNA.



>> No.7124977

When did the brain gene first manifest in people? Half a million years ago? One million years ago? 50,000 years ago. This is very interesting.

>> No.7124987

>So basically, generations have a hard time moving up more than one step at a time, and math professors are the top of the pyramid.

>> No.7125018

Engineer detected

>> No.7125028

They're generally not interested for the most part. Not all, but a lot.

I teach at an after school program and every time a black/Dominican student registers, thy drop it in a week or two, even the good ones.

I remember one dominican girl was really good, but then she switched due to peer pressure.

>> No.7125037

Exactly how familiar are you with "black" mathematicians?

I ask this because typically those who ask questions like this don't put in enough effort to answer their own question.

Protip: Just fucking goggle black mathematicians and the first link should literally point you to a number of them.

Also be aware that any blacks who had a focus on math or science pre-colonialism were tied to semetic/ islamic origins and thus are obscure as fuck to learn about.

>> No.7125041

The head of the department of Math and Computer Science department at my school is black.

>> No.7125058

>this thread

>> No.7125084

>MFW no one in the thread mentions Neal Degrasse Tyson
>Most obvious example and no one remembers

>> No.7125087

He's not a mathematician dumbass

>> No.7125095


Sociocultural reasons, most likely. You live in a crummy neighborhood and math can be difficult. Then you see people with money and status doing things that are cooler than math, like sports and whatnot. Don't gotta be a math professor to figure out what happens next. This goes for poor white communities, too. If not crack-cocaine, it's meth. If not fancy cars with spinning rims or whatever it is, it's trucks. Both the poor black and poor white communities love American football, for instance. I just think it's a matter of location, rather than some silly theory that implies that black people are somehow inherently worse than everyone else.

>> No.7125100

my Real Analysis professor was black

>> No.7125124

The inventor of the hairy ball theorem was black

>> No.7125130

Nothing of what you said made any sense whatsoever
But if I understood right what your argument is based on (social status over genetics) I might just remind you that is extremely easy to interchange cause with consequence when you have a clear idea of what you want to say

>> No.7125131

worst bait i've seen in a while.

did he keep it real?

>> No.7125134

hello darkness (/pol) my old friend

>> No.7125143
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>> No.7125148

Oppreshun n sheeit

>> No.7125152
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>> No.7125153

My mum dropped out first semester of uni and my dad didn't finish high school.

My sister has a PhD in microbiology and immunology and I'm studying for a masters in applied maths.

Your theory is bullshit, my uni is full of the children of the not smart.

>> No.7125154

It sounds /pol/-ish to you simply because it is said (and sometimes because it is said in a very retarded way in their case), in a society where you learn since kid that shit like this will make you look hateful or "evil"
But what if it is true?

>> No.7125163

You're doing a master's degree and you still don't know that you anecdotical life is not a proof?

Are you doing a master's degree in a third world country?

>> No.7125167

Not him but you just described your original post?

>> No.7125168

my original post? That was the first post I made in this thread

>> No.7125169
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oh it's true, just you can't say it for now at least, or do anything about it, but the day of reckoning is coming, /sci should really learn some history and about the pattern falling empires follow

>> No.7125172

Not him but my parents are also lowly educated and Im doing a master in theoretical physics

>> No.7125177

True or not you sound retarded

Yeah? What type of reckoning?

>> No.7125178

being a math teacher is hard work
black people don't work
by the fema lemma, black people don't do math

>> No.7125182
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>> No.7125185
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>using insult as a counter argument

>> No.7125186

But what IS your argument? Like I implied I think there IS a genetical difference, intelligence included, and I despise modern Western society and the Messiah complex whites have developed, and? What reckoning?

>> No.7125187

The burden of prove is on you, nigger

>> No.7125188
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what type do you think?

>Messiah complex whites have developed

are you by any chance a negro?

>> No.7125190

At my university they pay blacks and hispanics to take math/science classes.

I remember bumping into my friend from HS in calc before and he said they paid him to take pre-calc over the summer and he gets paid for every math class he takes.

Also black kids here usually fail calc or pre calc like 3 times it's normal.

>> No.7125272

...but anecdotal evidence is valid, e.g. a case study.

>> No.7125300

Oh god. Anedotal evidence is horseshit. I'm from a poor background, and the guy asserations are correct. I know smart kids from poor background who do well in social sciences, or bio. But they rarely go into a math intense field. The issue is lack of math training in their K-12 years. This is remedy by remedial math in college, but also lots of practice in their 20s. They can do it, but most just give up after college. This goes for all college graduates.

>> No.7125303

They fail, because they never encounter maths like in Calc 1 or above. But three times sound about right. In calc 2 and 3 is where they pass it on the first try. Its getting the hang of proofs and theorems in math class. Its not just blacks. Its those from poor backgrounds.

>> No.7125307

>Seriously...Why are there practically no black mathematicians?

Its the old nature vs. nurture debate. We dont really know for sure what is more important. Could be because of their socioeconomic conditions. Could be because they are genetically unsuited to succeed in these fields. The experts are not sure.

But you will find lots of dumb racists or anti-racists on the internet who swear they magically know it is because of this or that.

>> No.7125342

nah man I'm Swiss
what did you not understand?
I'll explain mang no problem

>> No.7125350

Because the are a minority in developed nations.

>> No.7125375

You ask why but that is the wrong question.
The question should be: How did a mere current lack of math nerds with darker skin become my choice for acting like a racist troll on /sci/?
Only you can answer that question.

>> No.7125385

You're a pretty disgusting human being

>> No.7125393

No the experts are sure it is genetics but they cant say it because muh racism.

>> No.7125410

only according to butthurt racist trolls like you.

you can't quite manage to hide your racism and lack of intelligence and cultish, delusional 'logic', so if you feel disgust it sure as fuck could never be more than the disgust I feel at you.

Why not leave /sci/ for the non-racists and go back to /pol/, oh, wait, they probably kicked you out. Why not go back to reddit? All your racist friends are there waiting to jerk off with you...

>> No.7125414

Whatever man, le /pol/ here, le racist there, I was just saying
Disgusting wasn't the word I wanted to use though
I'd say pathetic. Yeah, pathetic fits perfectly

>> No.7125417

>Let me go to Sci to confirm my bias
>Sci told to me to fuck off and that I'm racist
>y-you guys are pathetic!
Lol what a faggot.

>> No.7125421

Black culture. The United States' liberal school teaches Blacks to be proud of their heritage and in doing so, we teach them to be proud of lack of progress. We also teach them that the 'elite' is evil and you shouldn't do evil. Mathematicians are a part of that 'elite' group.

>> No.7125424

Essentially http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acting_white ?

>> No.7125426

Stop with the SJW bullshit.

Kenyans are generally better at running than anyone else. It's in their blood. There is nothing racist about that statement.

Whites are generally better at science and mathematics than Kenyans. It's in their blood. This statement is EXTREMELY RACIST AND YOU SHOULD BE PUT ON TRIAL.

If you don't acknowledge these simple facts equally, you are an anti-science hypocrite.

So, the answer to the OPs question is quite simply that black people aren't actually mathematically talented as a race. They're good at other things though.

>> No.7125429

Exactly that. Funny that Obama is on that list. I remember when he became president, some black citizen, forgot who, was being interviewed and got asked "what do you think of the fact we have our first black president?" and the black interviewee responded with how Obama isn't black 1. for the reason you posted but mostly 2. he never truly experienced the black life.

I think its stupid that "acting white" is supposed to be an insult. Good on Obama that his family managed to break out of such a shitty culture and join the better one. Compare white history with black history. One is clearly superior. I'm not racist, I'm not saying "blacks are monkeys top pol", I'm saying that one culture is about progress and one culture is about monkeying around.

>> No.7125430
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The difference in average IQ. Whites and Asians are simply more intelligent than blacks.

>but I know this black who's good at maths!!
Anecdotal evidence. Anyways, a low average black IQ of course allows for high IQ statistical outliers. But they are, compared to high IQ whites and asians, very rare.

Also, most "black" scientists usually have a hefty amount of white blood. It's hard to find a black scientist who looks like a south sudanese.

>> No.7125440

>But you will find lots of dumb racists or anti-racists
( >>7125169, >>7125410 )
are you a wizard

If you have any insight you'll know that there are reasons if racial groups form within society. Other than istinctively wanting to stick with your own, these exist because the kind of equality and "progress" being publicized since the 90s has never been able to find any form that didn't feel fake, forced, or overall utopian, and I'm sure the black fellas are smart enough to get that. Equality promoted by the same social retards who don't realize the the everlasting existence of the underlying, natural layer of racism (not the colloquial meaning of the word) that exists within ethnic groups, that characterizes every individual in some way, including them. The same social retards that don't realize that victimization of minorities is going to bring more bad than good

>> No.7125441

They're too busy making money to worrry about learning how to get it.

>> No.7125448

Racial enclaves do more damage than victimization of minorities, in the latter the "elite" victimize the minorities, but in the former, the minorities victimize themselves. When the "elite" victimize the minorities, the minorities want to rebel against their superiors and progress is made.

The fact they feel a need to form restrictive racial groups feels a bit more xenophobic than simply taking on the "white lifestyle". The "white lifestyle" is one of progress, morals, family, and education. If these things aren't important to you, you shouldn't use "muh heritage" as the reasoning why they aren't important. You shouldn't take pride in your heritage if your heritage is not something you should take pride in.

>> No.7125452

>hello darkness (/pol) my old friend

The darkness of data? o_O

Rejecting data due to IDEOLOGY just isn't science.

Get the FUCK off of /sci/ you shitlord.

>> No.7125453
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>> No.7125456

Worst joke I've seen in awhile

>> No.7125457

>I just think it's a matter of location, rather than some silly theory that implies that black people are somehow inherently worse than everyone else.

Except that Blacks remain in impoverished ghettos, and they create new impoverished ghettos wherever they appear in large numbers.

You're stuck inside a trap of ideology. You will never find out the truth since you reject the mechanisms by which truth is found.

>> No.7125461

Yes, I'm a wizard and you are a racist troll.
Anything intelligent seems like magic to you.
Your cult worships Hitler, that Catholic leader of the xenophobic krauts who thought murdering children was just peachy.
Yeah, don't ever get too close to that edge, huh.

>> No.7125464

>Its not just blacks. Its those from poor backgrounds.

And Blacks remain stuck in poor backgrounds. Liberals, we have many decades of data. It's time for you to admit it's Blacks, not poverty, that are keeping Blacks down.

>> No.7125470


whether you're right or wrong, fuck off.

>> No.7125472


Obama isn't Black. He's mulatto. His mother was 100% American White. His father was 100% African Black.

> B-b-buh he looks B-b-black, anon!

>> No.7125479

>decades of data

and in no way could that data be adulterated by, oh, i don't know, latent dehumanization such as not being able to take a dump in the same toilet as some white dude because reasons?

>> No.7125503

>Muh anecdotal evidence

Statistics sow that those from more educated backgrounds tend to maintain that high level of education.

This is particularly true in america, where racism against blacks was (and still is) a particular problem and university education is so expensive.

>> No.7125507

It's been 50 years since desegregation, billions of dollars have been redistributed to blacks through the form of welfare and affirmative action yet blacks are still poor.

>Statistics sow that those from more educated backgrounds tend to maintain that high level of education.
That's because they inherit the intelligence of their parents.

>> No.7125508

I can't breathe

>> No.7125519 [DELETED] 

neither can anyone else when racists are all over the place. When you want to talk, we'll be here for you, but if you just want to troll, get the fuck out. we don't need you alive.

>> No.7125522

Anti-racists are the real trolls though. They ignore facts and evidence because >muh feelings

>> No.7125532

>these exist because of this bullshit

No. They exist because during Jim Crowe, southern blacks were pushed institutionally into ghetto areas and blacks in general flocked to Northern industrial cities to get manufacturing jobs. White people ahd already begun moving to the suburbs. The manufacturing jobs paid enough to live off of, not enough to save up. Then the manufacturing jobs began to leave. The urban areas become ghettos as black people are unable to get jobs and resort to illegal activities. Fast forward a few decades. Black people are still there, a ghetto culture has developed. Most uneducated jobs in the US are now in the suburbs, which require a means to get to the suburbs in order to work. Most people in the city for the reasons above can't afford cars because they can't get jobs for the aforementioned reason.

Now take that and combine a few other major factors I didn't get into and THAT is why things are still the way they are. It's not some /pol/ish innate desire to only be with people that look like you. It's the remnant of institutionalized racism, though it's a self-perpetuating cycle now that is not about racism, despite what many activists claim.

Here, let Elvis explain it to you.


>> No.7125535

Racists, by and large, are guilty of causation/correlation fallacies, though. They refuse to accept the possibility of spurious correlations that do not further their own beliefs. Statistics should never be taken at face value, and if a statistician expects you to do so, you should be extremely suspicious.

If you want a fact, take the fact that IQ is only a good judge of intrinsic intelligence across a population, not across several populations. If you take a ghetto black baby and have white suburban folks raise him, he'll be on par with his white peers.

>muh feelings
It literally comes down to "there is more reason to believe taht the primary differences between blacks and whites are socioeconomic, not genetic, so let's not be racist fucks and try to hurt people based on genetic variation."

>> No.7125536

It's true... Blacksare behind in IQ. That's not a controversial statement.

>> No.7125537

>If you have any insight

There you go

>/pol/ish innate desire to only be with people that look like you.
I have no idea how naive or dissociated from reality you have to be to consider ethnic identity a "/pol/ish innate desire".
Then I wonder if the retards ruined this board so much people started saying stupid things out of spite to counter them, or if it actually helped make all the reddit spirits show themselves

>> No.7125538

>It's been 50 years
So 1 generation? Maybe try 500 years for some valid data.

>> No.7125543

> If you take a ghetto black baby and have white suburban folks raise him, he'll be on par with his white peers.
Absolutely false. Read up on twin studies. Black children adopted into upper middle class white families fare worse than white chilren adopted into upper middle class white families.

>It literally comes down to "there is more reason to believe taht the primary differences between blacks and whites are socioeconomic, not genetic, so let's not be racist fucks and try to hurt people based on genetic variation."
White students whose parents earn less than 30k/year outscore on standardized testing blacks whose parents earn more than 100k/year.

>> No.7125544

More like 2 generations, which is plenty of time. Other minorities such as jews, italians and the irish all joined the middle class in america in a generation or two.

>> No.7125554

Because joining the middle class back in the 1800s was just like joining the middle class now.

>which is plenty of time
Given that you're by far most likely going to be in the same socioeconomic class as your parents, no.

>> No.7125555

>latent dehumanization

Did you get that right out of the Liberal Playbook? That's a good nonsense triggerphrase.

So your 'theory' is that because a black kid's grandfather had to deal with "White Only" and "Black Only" drinking fountains, then that Black kid chimps out, wears his pants halfway down, and plans B&Es?

I wonder if you know that the Blacks hate you condescending Liberals more than anything else.

>> No.7125558

>The manufacturing jobs paid enough to live off of, not enough to save up.

Utterly false. The Boomer generation got a big financial boost from their factory roots. The problem is that they then chose more and more to live large, which means choosing to spend money which should have been saved and invested instead.

>> No.7125561

let me ask you a question, why didn't they advance on their own? why were they playing with sticks while Europe was using calculus?
Why do you assume they are the same when there is nothing on which you could base that assumtion. If you would to look at IQ, you would see that they are far below any other race, sub-saharan africans that is.
While every other race did something of value, contributed in some part, they did nothing. why?

>> No.7125562

>Absolutely false. Read up on twin studies. Black children adopted into upper middle class white families fare worse than white chilren adopted into upper middle class white families.

Dude, you're trying to point out FACTS to a Liberal propagandist. That won't work. About all you can do is point out his 'facts' are just more Liberal nonsense designed to keep Whites paying into the welfare system.

>> No.7125564

>Because joining the middle class back in the 1800s was just like joining the middle class now.
No, it was much harder. Joining the middle class today is pretty easy if you're not retarded.

>Given that you're by far most likely going to be in the same socioeconomic class as your parents, no.
What has that got to do with anything?

>> No.7125568

Why do you people like to conveniently ignore that Europe was ass-backwards for centuries?

>> No.7125573

Why were the europeans killing themselves and cats and getting killed by the bubonic plague while the arabs and indians and chinese were so much more advanced? Civilisation advances because of the contributions of a few special individuals, not race or anything else. If James Watt didn't improve the steam engine, the industrial revolution isn't possible, and history as you know it is different. Do I think blacks can contribute? Yes, and if you don't then you don't know how bell graphs work, even if you take their lower IQ on face value (high correlation with familial wealth).

>> No.7125577

>No, it was much harder.
So they didn't join the middle class in a generation or two. They were poor like most people in those days. How are we defining middle class here exactly? I thought you just meant owning your own property and being relatively self-sufficient which was easy to do in those days provided you were white.

>What has that got to do with anything?
Is it really not obvious? Social mobility is very low, and it takes a very long time for people to move up. It has everything to do with this.

>> No.7125578

Europe by the year 10 000 BC had agriculture, the wheel, domesticated animals : in essence it was more advanced than pre-colonial africa in the 19th century.

>Why were the europeans killing themselves and cats and getting killed by the bubonic plague while the arabs and indians and chinese were so much more advanced?
Wars were universal, not confined to Europe. As for the black plague it didn't discriminate and hit asia and the middle east just as hard. To quote a genoese merchant : "India was depopulated, Tartary,
Mesopotamia, Syria, Armenia were covered with dead bodies"

>Civilisation advances because of the contributions of a few special individuals, not race or anything else.
It just so happens that some races posess more of these exceptional individuals, due to a higher average intelligence.

>If James Watt didn't improve the steam engine, the industrial revolution isn't possible, and history as you know it is different
Sure, but honestly someone else would have probably invented the steam engine.

>Do I think blacks can contribute? Yes, and if you don't then you don't know how bell graphs work, even if you take their lower IQ on face value (high correlation with familial wealth).
Of course some blacks contribute, just they're an ultra minority compared to the blacks which don't.

>> No.7125579

forgot to quote >>7125573

>> No.7125593

>Europe by the year 10 000 BC had agriculture, the wheel, domesticated animals : in essence it was more advanced than pre-colonial africa in the 19th century.
Nice historical revisionism. Africa developed agriculture and domesticated animals as well. The only legitimate thing is that the wheel wasn't used much in sub-Saharan Africa until the Europeans arrived. No, 10,000 BC Europe was not more advanced than pre-colonial Africa.

>> No.7125619

>Africa developed agriculture and domesticated animals as well
No they didn't, except in the Sahel region and there it's debatable whether they actually domesticated the animals themselves or bought them from the other side of the sahara.

> No, 10,000 BC Europe was not more advanced than pre-colonial Africa.
Perhaps "more advanced" was a bit of a stretch, but it was certainly on par.

>> No.7125624

it IS a controversial statement but that doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.7125653

well actually only 1 standard deviation.

Average European IQ is 100, average IQ of someone of African extraction is 85.

Of course this is more than enough to make competent black mathematicians extremely rare, and top black mathematicians virtually non-existant.

Ashkenazi Jews only have a 10 average IQ point advantage over non-Jewish Europeans and look at their total dominance in physics and mathematics in the last 100 years.

Black people who are intelligent enough to become big-name mathematicians are simply too rare.

>> No.7125671

It's interesting how the thread boiled down to there are not as many blacks due to IQ, as if IQ has anything to do with it. What if the subject just isn't interesting or profitable where blacks are? I see many black artists, writers, polticians, ect that are quite successful. So in my opinions, it's more likely that mathematics just tends to hold no interest.

>> No.7125673

Have you ever done a group project in engineering with blacks? You'd stop blaming racism if you did. You'd realize that "working" with a black is really doing the black's work, after attempting to explain concepts to a brick wall.

>> No.7125674

So, you pigeonhole an entire race into not being interested in higher maths rather than just being statistically unable to perform in them. That explanation isn't as satisfying to me.

>> No.7125683

so are racist rednecks from Alabama, what's your point?

actually, i'd love to see a study on average iq of people who hold some specific racial biases

>> No.7125690

You'd be disappointed. Higher IQ means greater tendency to categorize.

>> No.7125694

>If you take a ghetto black baby and have white suburban folks raise him, he'll be on par with his white peers.

But this is objectively false.

transracial adoptions studies already asked this question and examined adoptions by upper-middle class parents who had a mean IQ of 115 in Minnesota.
at age 17, the mean IQ of adoptees with two black biological parents was 89, while the mean IQ of adoptees with one black and one white biological parent was 99 and the mean IQ of adoptees with two white biological parents was 106.

that's a fucking significant difference.

It indicates that we should reject the hypothesis that blacks have the same mean IQ as whites.

>> No.7125695

Saying that blacks are not interested in maths is, to me, an even more racist statement than saying that blacks have a lower average IQ.

No, racist rednecks would be below the white average but certainly above the black average.

>> No.7125696
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>Seriously...Why are there practically no black mathematicians?

Before we answer WHY there are practically no black mathematicians, let me first propose an observation. Throughout this planet there are different populations, some are more close while others are more remote. Some occupy larger landmasses while others occupy smaller landmasses. Going even further some occupy a bigger area of landmass while others occupy a smaller area of landmass.

It has been my observation through history that before the advent of european colonialism (and even now in some respects), populations who are closer to other populations, on larger landmasses, who occupy larger areas have on average more utilization and knowledge in math than those who are more remote, on smaller landmasses, who occupy smaller areas.

So far there have been only three populations that I can think of who do not follow this observation. The British, Japanese and North American Indians. The first two despite being on small landmasses have a larger utilization and knowledge of math than the last one. This most likely due to their closeness to the largest land mass and sea trade with it.

With that said there are some truths within this observation that despite how ignorant one is or may want to be has to acknowledge. First as a combined landmass Afro-Eurasia has the greatest sum total of utilization and knowledge of math on the planet. Second after dividing the two landmasses, Eurasia has the greatest sum of total utilization and knowledge of math with Africa coming second. Third after dividing the landmasses further Asia has the greatest sum of total utilization and knowledge of math, with Europe being second and Africa being third.

But wait you ask, Europe is smaller than Africa, how could they have more and Africa have less? Easy despite being smaller Europe is still more closer and connected to Asia then Africa is. It stands to reason that the distribution of math favors more to Europe than to Africa.

>> No.7125697


Is that so

>> No.7125698
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Continued from >>7125696

Going of a slight tangent this makes sense even on a region by region level too with North Africa being closer to Europe and Asia, seemingly having more utilization and Knowledge of Math than other regions of Africa.

Now I could go further but after Asia, Europe and Africa only Australia, North and South America are left as every other subsequent smaller landmass has less total utilization and knowledge in math or in the case of Antarctica none.

So finally going back to the question. The answer is this, there are African Mathematicians but in relation to European and Asian mathematicians they represent a smaller proportion. Taking this further with everything we talked about it stands to reason there are more mathematicians in the northern region of Africa than the others. Even further if the bulk of the world's black population resides in the regions below North Africa it stands to reason that as a more distant population in relation to it's peers there should be less black (or sub-saharan) mathematicians.

And when you only compare black populations around the world it stands to reason that those who are closer, on a larger landmass and occupy a larger area have a larger amount of mathematicians. This means that African American and Northern African Black populations should have more mathematicians, which in reality seems to be the case. This also can be applied to other populations too and with the sole exceptions of Britain and Japan.

With this answered, a more interesting question arises, why is Math so centralized in Afro-Eurasia? And why is the sole exception to this South America?

Is because of total population? Maybe. Afro-Eurasia has the most human to human activity than anywhere else. Could it be because of IQ? Maybe but it wouldn't explain the lack of mathematicians in many south asian and northern american indian populations despite them having higher IQ's than Africans.

>> No.7125700

yeah, that's so

>> No.7125703

>Relevant in anything

In this world, it's what you have accomplished. You can have a 200IQ, but if all you have done in life is work at walmart, I won't be impressed by your IQ.

>> No.7125705

IQ correlates with intelligence. You "IQ doesn't mean anything!!" faggots are cancer.

>> No.7125706

Define intelligence.

>> No.7125707

That isn't a counter argument because high Iq is a more necessary requirement to top-level mathematics than it is to being a musician or a writer or a politician.

If you went to Harvard or Princeton's mathematics or physics departments and had all the professors do IQ tests you'd find pretty unanimously that they'd all get very high scores with some getting very very or very very very high scores.

On the other hand if you did the same with the house of representatives or all the members of def jam , or the new York philharmonic orchestra, or the screen-writers guild of America, you'd find much more variation. There'd be plenty of people with very high IQs but also a significant number with only average or slightly above average IQs.

>> No.7125709


>> No.7125711


That's nice that it correlates with intelligence. Like I said, if all you've done is work at walmart, I won't be impressed. Now, if you used that IQ/intelligence to get a PhD and have created/improved something, than I would be impressed. Your accomplishments in life is what matters. Not what a piece of paper says about your IQ.

>> No.7125713


IQ is potential.
potential is a necessary but not a sufficient requirement to mathematical success.

>> No.7125716

All right, but you're kind of strawmanning here.

>> No.7125720


Well, people here are touting IQ like if one doesn't have a high IQ than they are garbage. It's like someone with a PhD who hasn't accomplished anything in their field, but they continue to mention that they have a PhD to downgrade someone else who does not. IQ is just a benefit given to you, but if you don't use that benefit, than it's nothing.

>> No.7125725

>Well, people here are touting IQ like if one doesn't have a high IQ than they are garbage.
No they're not. We're just saying that the reason why so few blacks become mathematicians might be because they have a low average IQ.

>It's like someone with a PhD who hasn't accomplished anything in their field, but they continue to mention that they have a PhD to downgrade someone else who does not.

>IQ is just a benefit given to you, but if you don't use that benefit, than it's nothing.
I agree, but once again you're besides the point.

>> No.7125739

Well, let's use our critical thinking skills, OP.

Majority of black people are poor, so they wouldn't be able to afford getting their Master's in Mathematics. Since black people are poor, they prefer to get into something that will make them money. Engineering, Music, Sports, etc. Those are the places where money is made. Why would a poor black person go after a subject like Math when there is no real benefit in the subject for their living situation and their families?

>> No.7125743

Why are black people poor?

>> No.7125750

Black people have low IQs? I'm surprised since blacks have essentially impacted the culture of America.

Jimmy Hendrix, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, etc. They may not be Mathematicians, but they surely created things that made them well known.

>> No.7125757


300k starting

>> No.7125760


Racial discrimination like making them slaves for over hundreds of years, making laws to keep them down after they were freed like Jim Crow laws, continuation of discrimination afterwards. The fact that America needed to write into that Blacks are equal in the constitution just shows you how much real hate and discrimination there was and still is. It's only been 50 years since they've really had a chance.

>> No.7125768

Many people in America suffered from discrimination. The irish, italians, jews, chinese for example. Yet they all eventually thrived.

Also, black people all over the world are poor. Are you going to tell me that the africans living in Sweden, which has absolutely no history of colonialism and slavery, are poor because of "oppression" ?

I don't buy it.

>> No.7125771
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>No Denisovan/Neandertal DNA.

When will this meme finally die?

>> No.7125775


>Majority of black people are poor, so they wouldn't be able to afford getting their Master's in Mathematics. Since black people are poor, they prefer to get into something that will make them money. Engineering, Music, Sports, etc. Those are the places where money is made. Why would a poor black person go after a subject like Math when there is no real benefit in the subject for their living situation and their families?

In relation to finances this makes sense and is logical. But in relation to using math it doesn't explain more of them don't go the autodidact route with math. Although it should be said some of the more well known popular blacks in history are in fact autodidacts to an extent.


Not that anon but there are plenty of non-black poor people. Why are they poor? Obviously it's because within the regions they occupy they are not the dominate ethnic/ political power and more vulnerable to social policies. Especially when said people make a bigger portion of a population than other smaller populations and take the brunt of any force made by policies.

This explains why asians and indians aren't as affected as blacks in America since blacks make up a bigger population than the other two thus taking more hits. This is also observed in other places like China with muslims and the middle east with christians.

>> No.7125787

As a Hispanic who is at a community college taking Calculus II, I can see why blacks would not want to get into Math. It's completely boring. I would rather get my engineering degree and suck good cock.

>> No.7125798

>so are racist rednecks from Alabama, what's your point?

and how many famous racist redneck mathematicians have you heard of?

Check and mate.

>> No.7125799


>Also, black people all over the world are poor. Are you going to tell me that the africans living in Sweden, which has absolutely no history of colonialism and slavery, are poor because of "oppression" ?

All races/ethnic groups have populations of poor people all over the world what is your point in that respect? That blacks consist of the greatest number? If so, where the stats to back it up? Especially to populations like indians and central asians.

Also when we talk being poor what are talking about here? Monetary? Health? Food? Infrastructure? Are we talking about all four? And if we are talking about all four are we speaking of it as a collective nation or as a sub-population?

Because on average poor blacks in america are still MILES better than poor blacks in Africa or for that matter in India or Central Asia. As a matter fact if there was only one place where you would have to be poor, America is possibly the best place for it.

>> No.7125801

I swear to god, theres this one butthurt fag probably because he couldn't get into engineering and ended up in CS or someshit, and he posts all over /sci. He talks the same every fucking time, by now I would recognize your voice you fucking faggot

>> No.7125831

There are actually a lot of Blacks/Arabs in my math program; but most of them seems to go in finance.

>> No.7125846

Dont forget about other black gentlemans who impacted American culture


>> No.7125959

This is all lifted from Guns, germs and steel, or something like that. Those theories have been debunked.

>> No.7126006


Except this nothing to do with guns, germs and steel. This isn't about the birth and growth of civilization, it's about how around 90% of all mathematical knowledge is centered in Afro-Eurasia and how when taking distance into account the amount of mathematicians within a given population decreases the farther out they are not only within this landmass but away from this landmass.

I mean seriously why do north american inuits have IQ's above 90 but have contributed several leagues less in mathematical knowledge than western sub-saharans and nubians despite them having IQ's in the 80's?

It flies in the face of what most of the anons are posting when it comes to IQ and contribution in math.

>> No.7126020

>Those theories have been debunked.

links pls


Your theory makes no sense. Britain is no closer to Asia than Africa is. In fact Africa has a direct land link to Asia via the Sinai Peninsula so your theory makes even less sense. It's overly simplistic and is not supported by the facts.

>> No.7126037


Did you even read the posts? It states North Africa is close to Eurasia but not sub-sahara Africa which consist of most parts of west, central and south Africa.

Britain, Japan and North Africa in relation to distance is closer to the landmass that is Eurasia than Sub-sahara Africa.

This explains why the amount of mathematical knowledge is greater in North Africa than any other region of Africa.

>> No.7126053

Let's all be honest here... it's 90% due to genetics (lower IQ) but it also has to do with their environment.

I'm black myself btw. If you believe in evolution it shouldn't be that hard to believe we selected for slightly different traits and ended up with different skills.

Won't matter in a few decades anyways once we figure out the genes involved.

>> No.7126086

>Not that anon but there are plenty of non-black poor people
In America? Apart for hispanics, no. I'm gonna guess you meant in the whole world, not just in america.

>Why are they poor?
Because they live in poor countries

>? Obviously it's because within the regions they occupy they are not the dominate ethnic/ political power and more vulnerable to social policies.
What? There are plenty of poor han chinese in han dominated china.

>Especially when said people make a bigger portion of a population than other smaller populations and take the brunt of any force made by policies.
That makes no sense whatsoever.

>This explains why asians and indians aren't as affected as blacks in America since blacks make up a bigger population than the other two thus taking more hits. This is also observed in other places like China with muslims and the middle east with christians.
I'm pretty sure that if there were as many asians as there were blacks the asians would still be rich and successful.

>This is also observed in other places like China with muslims and the middle east with christians.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>All races/ethnic groups have populations of poor people all over the world what is your point in that respect?
My point is that blacks are poor wherever they live, be it in Africa, Europe or America. There is no successful majority black country/city in the world.

> That blacks consist of the greatest number? If so, where the stats to back it up?
Take a stroll in the poor neighborhoods of any big city in america or europe.

>Especially to populations like indians and central asians.
That's my point, there exists many cases of rich and successful indian communities in the west (in america for example). However you don't find such communities for blacks.


>> No.7126089

>Also when we talk being poor what are talking about here? Monetary? Health? Food? Infrastructure? Are we talking about all four? And if we are talking about all four are we speaking of it as a collective nation or as a sub-population?
Being poor is usually defined according to the money you earn.

>Because on average poor blacks in america are still MILES better than poor blacks in Africa or for that matter in India or Central Asia
I'm talking comparatively. You don't find rich black communities is all I'm saying. Wherever you look, blacks will be poorer than the national average (even if they are richer than in the third world)

>> No.7126092

>I mean seriously why do north american inuits have IQ's above 90 but have contributed several leagues less in mathematical knowledge than western sub-saharans and nubians despite them having IQ's in the 80's?
What exactly are the mathematical contributions of sub saharans and nubians?

The reason why north africa is much more developped than sub saharan africa is because north africans are caucasoid semites while sub saharan africans are negroid bantus.

>> No.7126094
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>> No.7126096


What time period are we talking about here? After the 17th century practically all mathematical knowledge was created in Europe.

>> No.7126175

so racist rednecks from alabama are as dumb as black people even though they are white? how does this mesh with your world view?

>> No.7126232


> What exactly are the mathematical contributions of sub saharans and nubians?

The timbuktu manuscripts, yoruba numerals/ Ifa binary system, nubian vault, early topological maps and a couple other things.

> The reason why north africa is much more developped than sub saharan africa is because north africans are caucasoid semites while sub saharan africans are negroid bantus

True, but there are still more black mathematicians in north africa than sub-sahara.

>> No.7126252

>Why are black people poor?

Because they're Black. Have you ever worked with Blacks? They exhibit constant "racial awareness". If Whites did that, the Liberals would run them out of town on a rail. So you end up with Whites in workplaces actually working, while the Blacks are sitting around complaining about social injustice. End result: Whites do better and prosper. Blacks are ideologically pinned into victimhood and are left behind. And that's the fault of the Blacks; nobody else.

>> No.7126259


> After the 17th century practically all mathematical knowledge was created in Europe.

A near majority of mathematical knowledge was created in Europe but you still had Russia and recently Japan contributing to it. China independently founded some mathematical formulas in acoustics but I can't remember them exactly.

There were a couple black africans philosophers for math but they mostly travel and kept to themselves in the middle east, Investing in magic squares.

>> No.7126266

>Many people in America suffered from discrimination. The irish, italians, jews, chinese for example. Yet they all eventually thrived.

All those socio-ethnic groups have something called a WORK ETHIC. Welfare in the United States has totally destroyed the work ethic for Blacks. Of course, Whites are also subject to the same welfare system, so we see that Blacks are PRONE to letting welfare and self-victimization undermine them. So that's the reality: Blacks are easy to undermine. So they'll never do well. Their genome has to change.

>> No.7126352

>True, but there are still more black mathematicians in north africa than sub-sahara.
Who are? I hope you're not implying that the ancient egyptians were black.

>> No.7126380


Fucking hell anon, there's more to North Africa than the Ancient Egyptains. There's the nubians, the moors, the fula all of them with semetic and black people also the southern populations of ancient egypt did have blacks along with the 25th dynasty.

>> No.7126385

>Capitalising white and black.
Your /pol/icies are showing too much, m8.

Is this a meme?

>> No.7126411

>Your /pol/icies are showing too much, m8.

1. The name of an ethnic group is a proper noun.

2. Proper nouns are capitalized.

3. You wash dicks with your mouth.

>> No.7126418

The same reason there are no South Asian mathematicians, because they grew up poor and suffered through hardship.

>> No.7126420

I thought jews were in the 115-130 bracket? This means I'm smarter than the average slave master? Things are indeed starting to look up today.

>> No.7126422


Those aren't ethnic groups, faggot.

>> No.7126423

If you need an explanation to satisfy you, then you should know why black people aren't huge mathematicians

>Protip: It's because the truth is 'boring'

>> No.7126424


So you have an IQ under 115? That seems about right.

>> No.7126431

No, retard, if the average Jew is 110 IQ and my IQ is HIGHER, yes, math, higher, then I would be happy that the IQ bracket is LOWER. I'm only upset that you are stupid.

>> No.7126433

nubians lived in the sudan and didn't contribute much. Their greatest achievement are tiny replicates of the egyptian pyramids.

The moors were arabs, and the fula never went north of the sahara.

>> No.7126449


So in other words, yes, it is under 115?

>> No.7126455


Yeah no shit the moors were arab but there were black moors too.


>fula never went north of the saraha

Anon where the fuck do you think Sudan and Egypt are located? Seriously all you have to do is google or wiki it.

>> No.7126460

>Yeah no shit the moors were arab but there were black moors too.
Yeah, the eunuch slaves

>Anon where the fuck do you think Sudan and Egypt are located? Seriously all you have to do is google or wiki it.
North Sahara for Egypt, Central Sahara for Sudan

>> No.7126465

Because they'd rather be gangstas living off of welfare and stolen wallets.

>> No.7126474


Goddamn shut the fuck up
You're worse than actual /pol/tards

>> No.7126480

Actually it's the fault of white people for spoiling blacks.
They've been taught from day 1 by whites that whitey owes them big.

>> No.7126482


>all black moors were slaves, there were totally not black moor merchants and soldiers


>North Sahara for Egypt, Central Sahara for Sudan


> North AfricaorNorthern Africais the northernmost region ofAfrica.Geopolitically, theUnited Nationsdefinitionof Northern Africa includes eight countries or territories;Algeria,Egypt,Libya,Mali,Morocco,Sudan,Tunisia.

>> No.7126643

This is FUCKING /sci/. All ignorant fags and niggers get out. They aren't many black scientists and mathematicians because most of them are not even remotely smart. The people defending them should get out because /sci/ does not want them here

>> No.7126647

>tfw I'm a black femanon
>tfw interested in math
>tfw in every math course they look at me as if I'm in the wrong classroom
>tfw they automatically assume I'm the dumbest person in the room

>> No.7126666

Are you not the dumbest person? Serious question.

>> No.7126701


Ignore them, make connections, get your degree, get a good job for scholarly pursuits or making bank and be glad you're not living in a complete shit hole in some back water third country.

That's all you can do for now, if you're lucky maybe you'll find a person you will like, have family, get a pet who cares.

Also stop wasting your time posting /sci/, I'm not saying this because I give a damn about you but if what you say is your talent is wasted here since most of the posters on here aren't even qualified to argue in a high school debate class.

>> No.7126710

They have reason to. Black female is the worst demographic for mathematical success, which means there's a significant chance that you absolutely are the dumbest person in the room. Most black females would be.

Perhaps you're an outlier, but you're probably not. That's the definition of an outlier. Maybe you are, and you have a CV a mile long, but they don't know that and have no reason to seek that out.

>> No.7127140

Except that there are plenty of south asian mathematicians... heck one of them just won the fields medal.

>> No.7127160

There aren't many smart black people. Black geniuses are basically non-existent. plz no ban for stating facts

>> No.7127164
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Actually one of the smartest math person I met was a black girl.

To be honest I was a little surprised, because she was hot and black. So I had an controllable boner when she was my lab partner.

I'm a little racist, but yeah have to admit, there is a reason people look at black people with an wary eye and assume the worst from them.

link related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t50DhJOrwHI

It would be foolish to NOT assume the worst from some black stranger.

>> No.7127168

There's a reason, either get your shit together and reach your objectives paying no attention to others, or fuck off

>wasted here since most of the posters on here aren't even qualified to argue in a high school debate class.
Other than the arguments, one should also pay attention to rhetoric I guess, like, you know, avoiding to look like a condescending faggot

>> No.7127171
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>hot and black

>> No.7127196


Actually she was half asian now that I recall.

>> No.7127199

well that certainly explains a lot.

>> No.7127200

A blasian?

>> No.7127208
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Holy shit i love how those white betas at start get beating. Serves them right.

>> No.7127219

>fema lemma
What the fuck is that?

1) Being a Math teacher is hard work - Observation, Inductive Reasoning
2) Not doing hard work implies you won't be a Math teacher - 1, Transposition
3) Black people don't work (which includes hard work) - Observation, Inductive Reasoning
4) Black people won't be Math teachers - 2, 3, Modus Ponens

>> No.7127226

Jesus christ this
If there is anything worse than niggers are beta whites

>> No.7127234


you mean the majority of the people who post on this website?

>> No.7127235


>my uni is full of the children of the not smart.


>> No.7127240

You know, 4chan isn't a secret nerdy club anymore

>> No.7127350


It's still pretty nerdy, the only thing thats change is that being a nerd is something to flaunt.

The cultural perceptions changed, not the people.

>> No.7127382

It's nerdy in the sense that it makes you waste time on the internet - much like normies today anyway - not that the actual community identifies with the imagery that's associated with that word. Well, maybe the weeb boards, but that's it

(apart from the fact that the same imagery was never associated with 4chan to begin with, and it's now property of normies since probably 2008)

>> No.7127497

>Those aren't ethnic groups, faggot.

Race and ethnicity are synonymous.

Your ideology is a barrier to rational thinking.

>> No.7127597

why does it matter? race should be irrelevant in the math and sciences because it's a testament to how any pursuit of knowledge is based on your contribution, not on political disparities.

>> No.7127879

Blacks handle autism differently

>> No.7128940

Primarily because of the effects of the Welfare State and so called "white guilt."

>> No.7128944

wow blacks are truly vile

>> No.7128948

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5MGJ87hPGw [Embed]
this fucking video... fucking hell man... time to buy a gun.

>> No.7128960

For the love of God, do not read the comments. Thank me later.

>> No.7129368


But the posters original post isn't verified by any experimental data or research

It's just his shitty observation so it's just as shit as the other posters anecdotes

You're all shit

>> No.7129401

In my undergrad engineering class, there is literally 1 black dude out of 700. He does look out of place in the sea of asians, arabs, indians, and whites.

I had a cool black chem TA and a linear algebra prof though.

I don't see a lot of blacks in general in university, maybe it's because we don't have affirmative action yet (in Canada)

>> No.7129407

Because dark skin makes you unable to process numbers. Blackwell, Banneker, Miller, etc. were just flukes.

>> No.7129416

"statistical outlier" would be a better term than "fluke".

>> No.7129451

There's less black people in Canada

>> No.7129522

>good at maths
contact info?
Also crazy? boring?

>> No.7129548
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I know this girl, she's always been good at math and was interested. I think she plans to become an actuary or something, she stopped wanting to do chemical engineering because her sister is a chemical engineer.
It'd be just better for me to posts a pic of her sister and her I guess. The sister is on the right she's on the left.

>> No.7129552
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>> No.7129788

>mfw butthurt /pol/tards need constant self-affirmation and reassurance that they're not failures
>mfw they believe the scientific achievements of a dead brilliant white somehow makes them more intelligent
>mfw they believe posting on sci is a reflection of higher intelligence

>> No.7129795

>make them *

>> No.7129803

same reason there are no gorilla mathematicians

>> No.7129816

Humans are higher primates you retard.

Also explain why Hispanics are so fucking shit as well?

>> No.7129962

>Also explain why Hispanics are so fucking shit as well?
Because they too descend from stone age savages.

>> No.7130039


you missed his point completely.

low IQ person detected.

>> No.7130096


>> No.7130221

Meshes just fine when you consider everyone falls on a bell curve.

>> No.7131345

Oh shit that jill 0_0

>> No.7131346

Y u postin my girl here bruh she gon be madddd

>> No.7131364
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>> No.7131378

>that feel when everyone in your family was a doctor, professor or someone intelligent and you're dumb as rocks.

>> No.7131389
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I beg to differ.

>> No.7131395

>Jimmy Hendrix
Jimi to you sonny.
Like every black of any intellectual achievement, Hendrix was part white "Jimi Hendrix was primarily of African American descent, with Irish and Cherokee ancestors."

>> No.7131400

In GGS he points out that North-South is a more difficult route than East-West. This is one factor that held America an Africe back, while the Europe - India - Asia trade routes flourished.

>> No.7131404

Based on skin color they are about 25-30% black. Plenty of room for white genes. IQ in blacks is strongly correlated with % white genes.

>> No.7131406

I sat next to a jewish woman at a dinner put on by <an intellectual society>. She was talking about her brother who was a loser and an embarrassment to the family. While the other siblings were CEOs, famous scientists, famous artists etc, he was just a barrister.

>> No.7131420

>America an Africe
America and Africa

>> No.7131457

I know her in person shes 100% black. you're a bloody idiot not all blacks look obsidian

>> No.7131573
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It's impossible for her to be "100% black". This is what people who are 100% black look like :

>> No.7132640

Didnt know it was possible to be this retarded, ok buddy

>> No.7133422

>Why are there practically no black mathematicians?

>> No.7133445

I love how /sci/ is so retarded when it comes to touchy political and social FACTS.

Blacks as a whole are dumb.

Just dumb.

They are a different subspecies and they are retarded.

It is not about education nor the environment they live in.

Blacks as a whole are an overly aggressive and brutish people who would sell their sons and daughters for shiny rocks.

I honestly don't know why they aren't just enslaved again and used as laborers to improve american infrastructure.

>> No.7133447

Perhaps he didn't want life to be handed to him on a silver platter like most kikes.

>> No.7133448
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>tfw 135 IQ and racist as fuck

>> No.7133512

I'd expect it from /pol/ and /b/ to resort to blatant racism. Can't /sci/ into socioeconomics and culture?

>> No.7133522

yeah these fucking racist rednecks are disgusting
why can't white people be all like the amazing atheist


he does tricks with bananas too, he really is amazing

>> No.7133542

if hes so retarded just prove him wrong with an argument.

that chick obviously has some white admixture.

>> No.7133588


>Can't /sci/ into socioeconomics and culture?

>implying we know for sure IQ gap is due to these factors only

we dont and those who claim it is merely socioeconomic are as much ideologues as the racists are

>> No.7133601


>This is what people who are 100% black look like

Not that anon but do you have proof those people in that pic are 100% "black" cause they could be easily hiding 5% - 15% khoisan and/or Semitic admixture and you wouldn't know it simply because their environment may have triggered a higher level of melanin to be produce to get that darker skin.

>> No.7133607

Factor Analysis of Population Allele Frequencies as a Simple, Novel Method of Detecting Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection: The Example of Educational Attainment and IQ.

Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) whose associations with intelligence seem to be robust because they have been replicated in several independent studies were chosen as representative of intelligence increasing alleles.

The first is rs236330, located within gene FNBP1L, whose significant association with general intelligence has been reported in two separate studies (Davies et al, 2011; Benyamin et al, 2013). This gene is strongly expressed in neurons, including. hippocampal neurons and developing brains, where it regulates neuronal morphology (Davies et al, 2011).

The second SNP is rs324650. It was included because its association with IQ has been replicated in four association studies (Comings et al, 2003; Dick et al, 2007; Gosso et al, 2006, 2007). This SNP is located in the gene CHRM2 (cholinergic receptor, muscarinic #2), which is involved in neuronal excitability, synaptic plasticity and feedback regulation of acetylcholine release.

East Asian populations (Japanese, Chinese) have the highest average frequency of beneficial alleles (39%), followed by Europeans (35.5%) and sub-Saharan Africans (16.4%).


Come on dude. There are prominent mathematicians from basically every disadvantaged minority except black people.
that isn't a coincidence.

transracial adoption studies indicate strongly that you guys have a mean IQ lower than 100.

Why are you so sure that your mean IQ is the same as that of the people of Europe and asia? Do you have any empirical evidence that the mean IQ of negroes is 100?

>> No.7133632

>Why are you so sure that your mean IQ is the same as that of the people of Europe and asia? Do you have any empirical evidence that the mean IQ of negroes is 100?

The very definition of IQ is, that 100 is the mean IQ. Always was, always will be, unless they change the definition

>> No.7133660
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>How can math be real if our eyes aren't real

also free wifi for ya all fuckers

>> No.7133672

As much as I find liberal ideas pretty disgusting and degrading, like most of the cucks that adhere to it, I don't think that's a reason to go full retard with the apathy.

Unless your directive objective is to bring back enslavement and subjugate blacks, I'd work on your way of talking and presenting arguments, because you'll get nowhere this way regardless of how true your statements could be, and will just be antagonized and considered a social retard.

People hide things through rhetoric because it's the only thing that can keep society in balance, not because they're all "nigger lovers". You know that an average black guy won't accept the allegation that he is less intelligent than others - and he shouldn't - so what's the utility in proving that, if it doesn't work in any social enviroment?

>> No.7133675

>The mean of GCSE core subjects (English, mathematics, science) is more heritable (62%) than the nine predictor domains (35–58%). Each of the domains correlates significantly with GCSE results, and these correlations are largely mediated genetically. The main finding is that, although intelligence accounts for more of the heritability of GCSE than any other single domain, the other domains collectively account for about as much GCSE heritability as intelligence. Together with intelligence, these domains account for 75% of the heritability of GCSE. We conclude that the high heritability of educational achievement reflects many genetically influenced traits, not just intelligence.

>> No.7133702


>Come on dude. There are prominent mathematicians from basically every disadvantaged minority except black people.
that isn't a coincidence.

You have only proven that against most other populations blacks just happen to have less prominent mathematicians than others, not that they have none.







Obviously the big problem is no one really talks about them much compared to other mathematicians.

>> No.7134506

Idk what u want me to do, text her and demand she take a dna test or a family tree to prove shes 100% black? I alrdy told him i know her and ive met her parents, both are black. Basing race entirely on phenotype is borderline retarded at this point

>> No.7134531

You seem to think that every single population is defined to have a mean IQ of 100.

This is wrong.

100 was set to be the mean for the European general population that the IQ test was first calibrated against.

Other populations have higher or lower IQs. For example East Asians have consistently been found to have a mean IQ of 105. Ashkenazi jews have an evne higher mean IQ of somewhere in the region of 108 to 115 depending on which tests you look at.

If you decided to test only the population of university mathematics professors you'd likely find a mean IQ of well above 120.
If you decided ot test the population of people with downs syndrome then the mean Iq would be around 60-70, I can't remember exactly.

And when the IQ of negroes in America is tested , the mean is found to be around 85, even when they're adopted and raised by affluent, white families, in which case the mean is 89

Does this make sense to you?
It ought to make sense to you but since you were stupid enough to post such a nonsense reply in the first place.

>> No.7134535
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>> No.7134546


> you shouldn't do this thing if this thing is something you shouldn't do

What the actual fuck.

>> No.7134563

I'm well aware of those arguments. Since I'm not a politician deciding public policy but a person commenting on an imageboard under an alias I don't need to care about things like presenting my arguments politely or worrying about the social utility.

This is simply a matter of fact.

The current body of empirical evidence suggests that niggers have mean IQ below 100.

If any nigger does not understand what the word "mean" means and thinks I am making a statement directly about his own intelligence, that isn't my problem.

The problem is that most of those people haven't made any significant contributions to mankind's body of knowledge apart from Blackwell such that anything important is named after them.

forgive the hyperbole in saying that there are no black mathematicians. iT would be more accurate to say that there are disproportionately few high-level black mathematicians in America for the same reason there are disproportionately many Ashkenazi jewish mathematicians in America: mean Iq.

No one considers it controversial to accept that Ashkenazi jews have a mean IQ of around 110 , but to accept that all the empirical evidence out there suggests that negroes have a mean IQ below 100 will make people hysterical with indignant, anti-scientific, politically motivated rage.

If all you do is simply remain employed in a field then you

>> No.7134692

You can't steal integrals.

>> No.7134718

You guys are hurting my feelings.

>> No.7134767


>The problem is that most of those people haven't made any significant contributions to mankind's body of knowledge apart from Blackwell such that anything important is named after them.

Well I would personally argue that J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr. also contributed to mankind's body of knowledge through the Manhattan Project. But I guess the problem with that is if his contributions is more math and/or physics related as opposed to simply being just math like Blackwell.

>forgive the hyperbole in saying that there are no black mathematicians. iT would be more accurate to say that there are disproportionately few high-level black mathematicians in America for the same reason there are disproportionately many Ashkenazi jewish mathematicians in America: mean Iq.

That's fair, I'll acknowledge that fact. Though even with all these explanations in the thread I still think op's question hasn't been fully answered yet here. Because while it's hard to point out prominent black mathematicians it's a bit easier to point out prominent black scientists (because to be frank there's more of them in comparison), but why is that?

Is the bar just set higher for mathematicians than scientists or is being a scientist just a more attractive subject/ career.

>> No.7134769

Because blacks are given a 200 point bonus on their university entrance exams,while Asians are penalized by 30 points.

>> No.7134930

>In This Thread

We project our insecurities.

>> No.7135006

You can't prove a higher stage to someone who's not at it. If you go to somebody at the mythic stage and try to prove to them something from the rational, scientific stage, it won't work. You go to a fundamentalist who doesn't believe in evolution, who believes the earth was created in six days, and you say, "What about the fossil record"? "Oh yes, the fossil record; God created that on the fifth day." You can't use any of the evidence from a higher stage and prove it to a lower stage.

>> No.7135034


Do you even comprehend where you are? Do you think anyone cares about your feelings?

I've been in over 30 to the 61st exponent bait and switch troll operations, 19 to the 22nd exponent flame wars, 91 to the 13th exponent twitter wars, 51 to the 84th exponent hashtag wars and I have over 300 MILLION successful inflictions of maximum butthurt on people. You thought you could blather away on the internet, hiding out here in this anonymous board and I wouldn't notice. You thought you could just flit away into the oblivious netherworld of 4chan and talk all the shit you wanted, didn't you buddy boy? Well you dun goof'd hard. You are so, so fucking trolled, you have literally not even the faintest inkling of a glimmer of how badly you fucked yourself. You're trolled kid. You're SO trolled when I show up in your personal message box.

>> No.7135308

Man, this guys get it.

>> No.7135310

>Basing race entirely on phenotype is borderline retarded at this point

don't put yourself down so much anon.

>> No.7135332

>blacks need religion
>religion is illogical
>math is totes logic

>> No.7135334

>implying religious people are retarded

>> No.7135400

The only one projecting here is most probably you
all I see is retards on both endings of the spectrum

>> No.7135416

>blacks really have same IQ as whites! its only institutional racism that makes them dumber!
>get disproven by facts
>IQ doesn't matter anyway!

>> No.7135418

>people here are touting IQ like if one doesn't have a high IQ than they are garbage


low IQ subhuman detected
cleanse yourself

>> No.7135492

blank slaters getting fucked up in here

>> No.7135511

Gertrude Blanck and Rubin Blanck, for example, pioneers in psychoanalytic developmental psychology, have persuasively argued that the aggressive drive is the drive to differentiation, and Eros is the drive to integration, and disruption of either one results in serious pathology.

>> No.7135731


First of all most blacks can get a free ride through college in the US so it doesn't matter how poor they are. Secondly, music and sports only make money for 1%ers which most people don't get to be.

>> No.7135750


>> No.7135857

>If you want a fact, take the fact that IQ is only a good judge of intrinsic intelligence across a population, not across several populations. If you take a ghetto black baby and have white suburban folks raise him, he'll be on par with his white peers.

I'm not even interested in the discussion but jesus christ GENETICS
You're on a fucking science board, not reddit

>> No.7135877


Science upsets people who take their ideology / religion too seriously. They assume that OF COURSE their worldview is fully in accordance with reality, it's those OTHER guys who are evil / dumb. SO when they inevitably find some point of departure, their instinct is to deny that it's science at all.
>How could science disagree with MY ideology?
>That would mean I might be wrong!
>It can't be REAL science, it must be pagan / racist / muslim "science", so I'll just ignore it.

You see this same pattern from the religious as well as the ideological, and across the whole spectrum of politics.

>> No.7136005

you guys do realise that intelligence ebbs and flows through out all your life. intelligence is just knowledge+ experience+ timing

>> No.7136019

niggas be dumb yo

>> No.7136624

to be fair, of all the profs/tas i've had at courant, about a fourth have been white and about have of those have been american, so if by "black" you mean "african-american" that could be your answer.

>> No.7136678


Still not debunk, only anti-semitism and weak points, the importance of the connection beetween different people, resource and trade is central, and also the importance of existence of needs, many people in africa, before colonization simply had the resources they wanted and the number of people was naturally under control. Civilization is not a natural thing, is an happening, becouse we know also the whites for many millenia lived without what we call civilization today. This is why we need universities and other science and culture institutions, becouse our knowledge of nature is not the natural progress of the human being, the humans are not a natural rational full-science animal. Probably in ancient times only a little part of population developed culture and knowledge and system of knowledge conservations, but only with trades and migrations the ideas flows, and if this happened north to the sahara, is totally natural that if the trade to black africa was weak, the ideas flow was not good, and is a fact that in the africans countries on red sea where more advanced than the others, becouse with more connections. Our knowledge is miracle, and not the destiny of the white man, and this is the reason we must preserve the cultural institutions. You think the white man is so smart, but is only becouse we live in systems that defend the minority that made a growth to knowledge, becouse you know that the majority of population is little involved in direct invention and direct civilization, many white people are only under systems created by others, and this is the only reason they appear high civilized, but you know instead that many are dumb, full of superstition and not capable of think out of their little life at all. If in Eurasia the people were more civilized, the cause is that some group done that, the thing worked, the contact with others spread the thing, and that knowledge was defended in a religious way. So stop shit post about debunk.

>> No.7136777

literally 10/10

>> No.7137325

This thread's still up??? There's no reason to continue debating or discussing... There are very few black mathematicians and scientists because they are DUMB. The people defending them are ignorant and most likely blind too. They should leave because they are not wanted here.

>> No.7137368

I have been banned twice about two months ago for arguing against the anti-science idealogues after writing as moderately as possible. Its warming my heart to see the anti racists get fucked in this thread. Gives me hope for scis future.

>> No.7137379


Except there's one problem with your statement, there are more black scientists than mathematicians. Even going with your simplistic answer of them being dumb it doesn't explain this phenomenon.

Op's question was why are there so few black mathematicians, not why are there so few black mathematicians and scientist. Everyone ran away with the topic and use IQ or intelligence as an answer. But solely focusing on blacks by themselves there is an immediate difference in the number of mathematicians compared to other occupations.

No one is really addressing this part of the issue. Black scientists, doctors, engineers are a more common occurrence than mathematicians but why is that?

If it's because of IQ then why is the occupation numbers more balance?

If it's because of poverty then why aren't there more mathematicians since that is actually the cheaper occupation resource wise?

What's the explanation for it? Or will you just stick to the intelligence reason and indirectly call scientists less intelligent than mathematicians? Despite knowing that virtually every IQ by occupation chart puts them on equal grounds.

>> No.7137410

I'm not even sure how common black scientists are. But considering that even creationists like to call themselves scientists, I can't be sure what you are referring to.

>> No.7137418

I blame culture. Unlike white culture which is about learning from everything and learning to admit you are wrong, or Asian or Latino culture which is based on working hard, black culture is play hard, fuck work.

>> No.7137437

>more blacks manage to get into feminist theory and negrology departments than into math departments

supports the low-IQ claim pretty well.

>> No.7137440

Black guy here (believe me or not, see if i give a fuck)

Black people (even myself) are more into the short-term than the long game.

Think about what it takes to be an established mathematician than a hood-hero. I'm serious,

The latter gives more fame, money, and power.

I'm 100% serious, who the fuck wants to be a mathematician.

>> No.7137441

What's a hood-hero?

>> No.7137451


Rappers, dope dealers, basketball players.

Don't get me wrong some of those are great things to be and people need them (not dope-dealers)

But when 70% of fucking black kids aspire to be that and only work towards that. You can see why there are few black mathematicians.

Why drop all that money on college when you finna drop your mixtape next week!

>> No.7137463

IQ dictates culture, not the other way around.

Mathematics is the most abstract and difficult, so that fits the blacks having a lower mean intelligence pretty well

>> No.7137465

I'm black and I'm getting my bachelors in mathematics.

Come at me, bro.

>> No.7137467

I majored in mathematics and there was ONE black guy

he was from ethiopia . very smart and worked really hard

>> No.7137469

My highschool algebra 2 teacher was black, and before he was a teacher he was a mathematician. There are black mathematicians out there, you just choose tho ignore them.

>> No.7137472

Well, the music industry is 90% organizing, production, competition, sociology and 10% composition and ideas (actual musicians). Essentially a business on its own.
So if you're looking for dough you'd probably want to be able to do the math rather than play a game that you'll most likely lose.
Even if you're driven by pure musical ambition, there's a very good chance your music is dogshit and no one cares

>> No.7137493

no one is saying there wont be statistical outliers for any race. we're saying lower mean intelligence means less of them.

>> No.7137495

long term planning correlates with intelligence so its not surprising.

>> No.7137499


>> No.7138246

Actually some black populations do have Neandertal DNA.



>> No.7138251

it also correlates to wealth and the hierarchy of needs

>> No.7138257

>Perhaps "more advanced" was a bit of a stretch, but it was certainly on par.

What do you actually know about pre-colonial africa? And please. no memes.

>> No.7138294



NBA is flooded with blacks but prestigious colleges are flooded with whites. This is because of culture.

I am black myself and while me being smarter than other kids were encouraged, my parents were raised in a black community that valued sports over intelligence. It isn't because we are dumber than others, it is the fact that our peers pressure us to do things such as going to clubs and playing basketball. To be honest, I think the only reason I am the way I am is because I spent a lot of time with my elementary school guidance counselor, who was an extremely smart man, with multiple doctorates. If my childhood role model was a football player I probably would have taken a completely different path in life. Its hard as fuck to study when literally everyone around you just cares about having sex with random women and playing basketball.

>> No.7138522

source please

>> No.7138534
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>mathematicians are part of that elite group
>being this delusional

>> No.7138545

>my sister has a PhD
She literally had scholarships thrown at her out the ass, and because she's a woman, isn't expected to do anything else in life except pay off those loans.

I literally would have been starving if my parents weren't giving me money and driving me out for groceries every weekend AND having a local 10hour/week job getting me $200 every two weeks. I'm living on a university, with around $5k in scholarships, and all the loan money I can get from the governments. I will be getting $700 handed to me at the end of the semester, accounting all debts and credits. Even just getting to the uni, I had to have my 68-year-old neighbor transport me and my stuff (such as CLOTHES and BLANKETS) to the apartment, because my parents worked everyday, and have only one car.

America charges out the ass for college, and if you don't have people paying for you, you can't even begin. That doesn't even count the catch-22 of if you don't have a car, you can't get a job, and if you don't have a job, you can't afford a car.

Black people refuse to work their way up incrementally, and refuse to invest in their children, and I get tired of the white people who have parents that work for the government or some shit talking about how they go to salons or spend $80 on video games and then bitch about other people being lazy.

>> No.7138562
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>> No.7138589

>Generalizing white people

"I can't be racist, I'm not white."

>> No.7138700


It's a consequence of nature, nurture and the normal distribution of mental abilities. Deal with it.

>> No.7138722

Do we even have any black posters here? I always imagine /sci demographics is retrospective to U.S.A demographics.

>> No.7139578

>being this mad about non-pc content on 4chan

>> No.7139582

solid comeback dude

>> No.7139724


>> No.7140534


Wow thanks for standing up to these ignorant racist fuckboys.

I've had two black math teachers, so how do that fit into your narrow redneck worldview?

>> No.7140562

Finally, someone fucking gets it right, the reason why blacks are underrepresented in STEM professions is because they're underrepresented in role models for that profession, as well as that's just not a thing that "black people do". It's a cultural issue not because of low intelligence but because their culture has been morphed by generations of people telling them they can't.

>> No.7140582
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>> No.7140610

>uses a trip
>implies test scores are an accurate measurement of someone's intelligence
>implies that correlation implies causation

>> No.7140654


While the results show that whites do better than blacks in both math and verbal.

It is interesting to point out that the results also show blacks actually having greater improvement rate than whites when accounting for family income overall.

>> No.7140690
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Linear regression with R-squared of .984

>> No.7140708


Meh. Standardised coefficient for whites is 0.986, for blacks it is 0.966. To 3 significant figures there is no difference for the unstandardised coefficients.

To clarify, this is Beta for the effect of income upon test score.

>> No.7140713

>Muh anecdotal evidence

>> No.7140718


Something I should mention is that I used the data from >>7140582 and didn't include the "$100K+" section as it was not possible to take an average income for this section whilst the others I just took the average.

>> No.7140971


This thread is about black mathematicians

though the data is organized by income, it still shows blacks with lower scores on math tests

Also you can't argue that comparing math test scores of two groups can't tell you about either group's math skills

>> No.7140972

apparently when minorities are required to identify their race before a test, they always do worse. my girlfriend told me she heard it on freakonomics, whatever that is, so take it with a grain of poop i guess

>> No.7140981


>when minorities are required to identify their race before a test, they always do worse

jesse jackson pls

>> No.7141011

lol im not saying i think it's true. it might be though. im sorry i cant cite

>> No.7141274

Black people don't do research because they see it as a waste of time from an economic standpoint. If you're dirt poor and you get one grant to study one subject you can be damn sure that your parents are making you do law or engineering. /pol/tards claiming blacks are too dumb have clearly overlooked the fact that there are plenty of black lawyers, doctors and engineers. I went to a civil engineering open day a couple days ago and the guy running the department was black.

>> No.7141715

>imply lawyers, doctors and engineers could be elite mathematicians.
>imply blacks arnt under represented in those fields as well.
>"Hey guys I knew this one black guy and he's smart"
Its like you don't understand what mean and standard deviation are.

Just stop.

>> No.7141825
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>faggot said harvard instead of stanford, mit, or caltech
disregard opinion