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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7120872 No.7120872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with this board? Why is the moderation so horrible? Why is it that threads completely devoted to shitposting and autism are rampant, when an earlier thread about internship opportunities and summer national lab experience gets deleted? It's almost as if this board is actually dedicated to pseudoscience and autistic ramblings, not science and math. Either change the name of the board or change the way it's moderated because in its current state, /sci/ is a disgusting cesspool of shitposting and autistic ignorance.

>> No.7120886

>If you want advice with college/university, go to /adv/.

>> No.7120892

>>If you want advice with college/university, go to /adv/.
never asked for that m8

>> No.7120894

>off-topic shitposter
>thinks she's entitled to complain

oh the ironing

>> No.7120899

half of the threads on /sci/ on any given day are off topic

>> No.7120909

No man on earth has the willpower to monitor /sci/ 24/7.
Be happy when they occasionally do their job.

>> No.7120914

>Be happy when they occasionally do their job.
It's just the fact that actual informative and useful threads are deleted instead of "what's your favorite interpretation of QM" or "le godking shane" threads.

>> No.7120924


/sci/ needs less moderation because starting with psuedoscience and cutting away the misconceptions until what remains is truth or nothing, that is what science is all about. I don't mind seeing psuedoscience threads, whether they're real, whether they're troll attempts, it doesn't matter. Finding the cracks in a false premise and putting them into such sharp relief that they can't reasonably be ignored, that's satisfying. Whether the other person is able to be reasonable at that point is out of my control.
I think what drives some people (perhaps you?) nuts is that they think they have to change the other person's mind, to make them see what is true. That's futile. Some people just *want* to believe in chemtrails, and there's no getting through to them. Expose the flaws, walk away, stay sane.

>> No.7120931

>No man on earth has the willpower to monitor /sci/ 24/7.
Good thing I'm a woman...

I really should of applied for janitor.

>> No.7120935

What's wrong with interpretations of QM? Is QM not science anymore?

>> No.7120938

Do you guys assume most of the janitor staff are male?

>> No.7120939
File: 17 KB, 383x630, logic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaneposting is /sci/ culture

>> No.7120945

Yeah, the janitor pretty much just shows up once a fortnight, deletes three threads completely at random, then rides off into the night before anyone can start asking questions.

>> No.7120949

the problem is that most of /sci/ knows jack shit, and are exceptionally gullible to trolls, so there is almost no gain of any knowledge, and a large spread of misinformation, that just continually perpetuates itself as the people that were trolled by it spread it as fact, since they believe it. examples:
good thread: >>7118707
bad thread: >>7115966
assuming this isn't b8, interpretations of QM is bullshit pseudoscience that spergs like to talk about and nothing more. recurring threads about conscious observers collapsing wave functions is retarded and unnecessary and have nothing to do with science or math in the first place

>> No.7121016

Try reporting the shit threads instead of complaining, moron. The only mod who cares about /sci/ comes on to process the report queue in ~6 hours.

>> No.7121022

i do, but they are never deleted

>> No.7121029

stop whining faggot
the only problem is lack of good threads not too many bad threads so create some good threads unlike this shitposting extreme

>> No.7121032

Forget career advice threads or pseudoscience threads, the worst is when a good thread is full of autists only posting one liner replies where they call someone else stupid without furthering the conversation.

>> No.7121036

I think the janitor drops by about once a day, and it's generally later than midnight Pacific Time.

>> No.7121041

i do make good threads, the only problem is /sci/ is either too stupid to understand them, too autistic to stop sperging over muh pure math to be interested, or too busy shitposting about some retarded bullshit

>> No.7121057

>AMA thread

>> No.7121059

at least there was actual information being spread, not retarded babbling about what degree is better or memeposting

>> No.7121063 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 2448x1426, cat spam redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/'s mod is an asshole. He let some mentally ill piece of shit ruin the board with bump spam for almost a year. It forced all the good posters to leave and replaced them with trolls from /q/.

>> No.7121064

>i'm make good threads but no one ever posts in them!!!
>they're still good threads guys trust me!!!

fuck off retard. your kind are cancer to communities.

>> No.7121065
File: 137 KB, 2448x1426, cat spam redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/'s mod is an asshole. He let some mentally ill piece of shit ruin the board with bump spam for almost a year. It forced all the good posters to leave and replaced them with trolls from /q/.

>> No.7121070

you're fucking stupid

>> No.7121072

no fuck you dumbass. you think you have the innate ability to judge a thread's quality for yourself instead of letting the community decide what's appropriate. know who else does that kind of shit? autistic janitors who ruin their boards. go eat a dick.

>> No.7121074

>letting the community decide what's appropriate
damn, should have just shitposted about what field of math is the best or general pseudoscience faggotry

>> No.7121075

and YOU should have just stayed in reddit.

>> No.7121079

Go to that thread. It is utter shit. The first question is garbage, others can be googled easily. The rest of that thread is shitposting about the fact that the first question sucks.The problem with those threads is that OP has to be in the thread. This board is not fast enough for that. How is a conversation about what degree is better bad? Every college student faces this problem.

>> No.7121089

>it's a cloud chamber. you see the trail left after the particles (in the gif they're alphas) ionize the gas and create nucleation points for vapor droplets to form.
> lead is a good gamma shield but does next to nothing to shield neutrons. in fact if you have a neutron source in water and place a lead shield between the source and a detector, you'll get a slightly higher number of detected neutrons compared to when there is no lead shield
>lead has a very low absorption cross section unlike the water, and momentum is most efficiently transfered between similar masses, so the water is much more effective at slowing down neutrons than lead. so essentially adding a half inch lead shield is like moving the detector a half inch closer to the source, or removing a half inch of moderator.
>absorbed by the water, interact with the detector, absorbed by other stuff in the room, eventually decay if they dont interact at all
could have been so much better if sperg faggots weren't obsessed with only math and shitposting

>> No.7121092

>Go to that thread. It is utter shit
> How is a conversation about what degree is better bad?
fucking lel autist detected

>> No.7121100

Physics and Mathematics need a new board.
Tun this in something like Life Sciences and Engineering.

>> No.7121103

that's one of the most autistic things i've ever hear

>> No.7121104

It could have been a great thread but responses like >>7121092 and >>7121103
ruin shit. ZOMG look guise, an autist is posting on 4chan.

>> No.7121106

lmao are you really autistic?

>> No.7121112

Off topic


Kill urself op

>> No.7121113

neither of those responses were in that thread. are you retarded?

>> No.7121116

Like, as in similar. Are you?

>> No.7121117

Thank you.

>> No.7121118

>should of

Thank God you didn't.

>> No.7121122

The greatest thinkers in history were autistic. It is evolution at it's finest. I don't think it is derogatory at all.

>> No.7121123
File: 11 KB, 392x243, Spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iq threads and basic bullshit like
"how do i integrate x lol??? cant find out how to substitute! oh wait, im so stupid xDDD I forgot I can integrate by parts11!! XD"

also "how do I become smart" threads should be banned and the op executed. if you have to ask how to be smart, you never will be.

>> No.7121126

>that autistic delusion. so disturbing it's almost funny. but seriously kill yourself faggot

>> No.7121128

>taking the bait that easily

>> No.7121321

I think we can all agree that everyone who didn't even consider applying to be a janitor, should be ashamed.

>> No.7121325

>being a fat fuck NEET sperg with no dreams, goals, talent or skills

>> No.7121328

also not a that into hot pockets

>> No.7121443 [DELETED] 

that's a shit adv. /adv/ is full of dumbasses that never took a single math course. moot allows off-topic but related discussions on boards. Why don't you take yourself to /adv/? Your dumb ass would fit in well there.

>> No.7121446

>consider applying to be a janitard
I consider it to be the most-stupid idea you've ever expressed.

>> No.7121450


>still spouting the myth that there are board specific mods

That's half the reason why the moderation is shit if you think about it. Mods have to cover every board and they just go through and ban the blatant rule violations, so the slightly passable shit gets flown under the radar.

Janitors can't do shit other than flag posts to mods iirc.

>> No.7121490

So, you hang out here, complaining about the situation, but are too busy to help fix it?

You are just too important and intelligent, your contribution to intelligent discourse too valuable to take on a responsibly that would require you to limit your partiality? You are just too smart to do the job?

I should have guessed from your perspicacity and erudite vocabulary.
My bad, dog.

You are responding to someone who couldn't even be bothered to respond to what the OP actually said.
Someone who is defending the decrepit state of the board as proper and can't green text appropriately -you expect this person to respond to an appeal to reason and rationality? To understand your desire for threads to be something other than adolescent shitposting, and sympathize?
And moot's not here, man.
mootkins is gone.

>> No.7121496

Just admit that half the people who can be bothered to be to help out have an addenda and the few who give a shit are overwhelmed.

It is a fucking volunteer position.
If you aren't willing to pull your weight, expect people who are actually advertising something ( >>7121065) or are drunk and looking for >>/b/ to rise to authority.

You don't care, who does?
No, moron, I'm actually asking you; it's literally rhetorical, not an empty question: think about it.

>> No.7121497
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>internship opportunities and summer national lab experience
feeling anxious about your resume, anon-kun? projecting some that anxiety onto /sci/?
it's okee

>> No.7121505

>>still spouting the myth that there are board specific mods
I read that pic a bit differently:
Mods have global responsibility/ability to act but in fact have agreed among themselves to divide up territory based on interest.

>Janitors can't do shit other than flag posts to mods iirc.
They can delete comments and images on their assigned boards - even if they cannot issue a ban related to the removed content.

>> No.7121520

/sci/ is this easy