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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7115512 No.7115512 [Reply] [Original]

Lets complain about our departments

>no course in algebraic topology

>> No.7115514

must really be a shit tier uni

>> No.7115865

no course in developmental biology. suck my ass

>> No.7115876

my geology department is largely run by idiots

>> No.7115877

>tfw my university doesn't offer awareness campaigns for gender issues in mathematics

>> No.7115885

Men already do fine in maths, how would an awareness campaign help them any more?

>> No.7115889

>very little lab time for mechanical vibrations/solid mechanics courses
>most lecturers are more concerned about their investigations and stuff

>> No.7115894

Theoretical computer science courses are only for maths majors.

>> No.7116069

Topology and Differential Geometry once every two years.
Offered PDEs for the first time in like 7 years last year. Got cancelled this year due to only about 5 people enrolling in it.

>> No.7116071

Move to another uni?

>> No.7116076

>only lets you take 2 graduate classes for credit
>going to run out of math classes before I'm able to graduate
>no course in algebraic geometry

>> No.7116100

I had a course last semester with 3 people in attendance. 5 people is the norm, lol.

>> No.7116608

aerospace minor is highschool-tier

>> No.7116622


> ODE before Theoretical Methods in Physics
> Theoretical Physics before Wave Mechanics
> Computer Science is a core class for Physics
> PDE isn't needed for Physics

>> No.7116628

For grad classes it is, but this wasn't one. Faggot professors can't be bothered to teach 5 undergrads at this terrible school.

>> No.7116649

>Most of the interesting classes are experimental
>The really good ones are only taught once every 2 years
>Master's program is only 2 years

>> No.7116667

>Group theory not required
>Topology not required
>Variational calculus not required for experimental physics stream
>QM taught without emphasis on the mathematical structure
>Particle physics stream doesn't require condensed matter I
>Renormalization group analysis not a course of its own
I can go on and on. Shit's too lax here.

>> No.7116675

>no astronautics courses

>> No.7116682

I had the same stuff that you're complaining about at your old school and I transferred. Shit at my new school rocks. No complaints. Oh, except Econ 101 is too difficult here.

Is this for a Masters in physics? It seems pretty normal not to have those subjects in undergrad for physics.

>> No.7116689

>course for more advanced abstract algebra is listed, but never offered
Well, at least they have a fourier analysis course.

>> No.7116692

It's for graduate school level courses, but group theory, topology and variational calculus should be required for undergrad.

>> No.7116703

Variational calculus, yes x1000. Group theory and topology are questionable. They would just cause students to burn out on the math reqs and drop out of the undergrad program.

>> No.7116709

i like my dept. really small but offers lots of great courses. only thing that's lame is they only allow 9 credits (3 courses) of grad classes that are taken as undergrads to count toward a graduate degree

>> No.7116712

>group theory, topology
>for undergrad physics
What? Do you mean undergrad math?

>> No.7116713

It's literally a sin to not have a bit of group theory and representations under your belt when learning QM. Symmetry groups pretty much determine the mathematical structures of models in QM.
>Burn out
It's not that fucking hard. The only higher level maths courses required are PDE, fluid dynamics, numerical analysis and intro to measure theory.

>> No.7116718
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>> No.7116719


>> No.7116740

>Computer Science is a core class for physics
and it should be

if you don't know how to code then best of luck to you buddy

>> No.7116742

Burning out isn't about difficulty. It's just that the average physics undergrad is going to hate taking those math courses, and will just switch to something that doesn't require those classes.

The amount of group theory you need for undergrad QM can be taught in the QM class.

>> No.7116749

my physics department has only one teacher, and shes tenured out the ass and runs tests that should only be 2 hours to be 4-6 hours longs

>> No.7116785

>It's just that the average physics undergrad is going to hate taking those math courses
How do you figure? I enjoyed those classes when I was in undergrad, even though they're not required.
>The amount of group theory you need for undergrad QM can be taught in the QM class.
That'd be too taxing on the schedule, unless you're underestimating how much group theory can do for QM.

>> No.7116809

>How do you figure?
Your perspective is different because you elected to take those courses, and you wanted to go into a grad program. A lot of people who are doing an undergrad in physics have different goals, and are kind of just there to learn physics, not a bunch of math.
>group theory and QM
Honestly, there isn't a course in most math departments that's going to talk about groups in the way that physicists talk about groups. It's better that the physicists just talk about the notions that they want to use.

>> No.7116815

>pharm dept full of old hacks that are too lazy to update material presented in class and write shitty test questions.

Kind of fucks me over. but at least the micro/immuno dept is pretty legit.

>> No.7116827

I was more or less focusing on the specific physics majors that want to get into grad school (i.e. physics honours students). Of course those higher level math courses wouldn't matter much for other physics majors.
>It's better that the physicists just talk about the notions that they want to use.
Fair enough. It's just that I found my undergrad QM courses to be lacking in some group theoretic demonstrations, even though it's an extremely useful and powerful tool.

>> No.7116874
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>everybody doing fucking biomath

don't have anything against it really but it's not my thing and i'm kind of a loner as far as research direction

>> No.7116880

similar for me, they alternated the "theoretical" PDE with numerical PDE in different years. there was a stochastic calculus sequence that you had to start every two years or something. not the department's fault really but still annoying

>> No.7116894

>Be me
>Community college
>no associate's degree in Engineering

>> No.7116911


I do comp sci so I'm biased, but I think the more mathematical aspects of comp sci should be useful for physicists. I mean you're all smart enough to make a python script to number crunch with fast libraries, so an intro comp sci course is wasted, but some of the algorithm stuff I'd definitely recommend.

I dont know much about physics though

>> No.7116914

Algorithms like Monte Carlo and density functional theory are plenty for physicists. And really numerical analysis is still a small fraction of what theorists do.

>> No.7116915

>numerical analysis is still a small fraction of what theorists do
but most physicists aren't purely theorists

>> No.7116938
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>One of the biggest and most prestigious STEM schools in the country

>Not a single undergrad course in nuclear physics

>> No.7117022

>No courses or interest in mathematical logic.

>> No.7117025

Women make up about 45% of the population in mathematics. You're thinking about those homosexuals in the engineering department and those /mlp/ aspies in the comp sci department.