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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7105507 No.7105507 [Reply] [Original]

Did they teach you differential equations in school intuitively by explaining how it defines a slope of a curve at a point ?

or Did they just teach you how to get the answer ?

>As an older me, I feel cheated. I can't contain my disappointment and anger.

>> No.7105516
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They did a very bad job of attaching it to real world examples. I think anyone besides an autist probably struggled with math in grade school and on until it "clicked" that all that fucking work was geometric in nature.

We are talking about American education, right?

>> No.7105518

>differential equations
That expression is the name of a particular concept, likely not the one you refer to.

>> No.7105522

did you never do slope fields and integral curves? these are pretty fundamental topics in DEs, I'd be surprised if you weren't taught them

>> No.7105540

Every math class I've attended was always aimed at getting answers and nothing else.
And people wonder why math doesn't interest kids these days.

>> No.7105559

>Did they teach you differential equations in school intuitively by explaining how it defines a slope of a curve at a point ?
That only works for first-order equations.

And how hard is it to understand what a differential equation <span class="math">is[/spoiler]? What's more difficult is understanding how the solution methods work.

>> No.7105577
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If your math class wastes time on "intuition", then your school is pleb tier. A real math class starts with abstract definitions.

>> No.7105585


>> No.7105588

Most results in mathematics were proven using intuition and without intuition it's difficult to do anything meaningful that isn't simply manipulating definitions.

>> No.7105616

I was glad that I actually solved DEs in my undergrad because there was none of that in grad courses lol, well expect numerical methods but that doesn't count.

>> No.7106651

>tfw the prof of my ode class used an abstract kind of functional analytic approach.
I didn't even know what differential equations were good for until i took a numerical ode class

>> No.7106664


We rigorously proved uniqueness and existence for ODEs.