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7105256 No.7105256 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7105403
File: 83 KB, 613x708, Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-03 um 20.37.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for the update.
This appears to be the most comprehensible invitation today, but of course I still understand shit.
I'm not a fan of elliptic curves, but I see myself learning about stacks in the future. Does anybody here have some more intuition about them?

>> No.7105413

Holy fuck those notes are unreadable as shit. Are you seriously telling me this is more comprehensible than anything else he wrote?

>> No.7105418
File: 55 KB, 581x337, Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-03 um 20.42.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, yes, as the vocabulary refers to more common core objects an triggers some associations.

<span class="math">\zeta(s) = 2^s\pi^{s-1}\ \sin\left(\frac{\pi s}{2}\right)\ \Gamma(1-s)\ \zeta(1-s)[/spoiler] ?

Well in any case, regarding the paper, for starters: Does somebody know how to understand his <span class="math">a\in a[/spoiler]?
I've read before that it's called "inter-universal" Teichmüller theory because he doesn't fix an underlying set universe for his study, but moved between them.
On Math overflow I read that all of this relates to non-wellfounded set theories
and so "a in a" shouldn't scare one.

Thoughts: I'm thinking of topoi of sheaves, C^X, over a topological space X. Those are like set universes, and (geometric) morphisms (functors between topoi) are induced by continuous transformations Y->X Grothendiecks 6, etc.. Also, Mr. Samurais theories work is related to his anabelian stuff.
I've no idea if this might be how switching between universes should be interpreted, but that's also my association and I was triggered by reading about stack in it, which I guess are nicer sheaves.

>> No.7105431

Professor Naruto and Jacob Barnet should work together.

>> No.7105440

"Inter-universal Teichmuller theory."

Okay, what math do I need to know in order to comprehend this? All I know right now is abstract algebra and basic topology and differential geometry.

>> No.7105456

I'm not even talking about the concepts he's trying to explain....just the wording on that first page alone where he's talking about N h = h => h = 0 is so atrocious that I had to read it three times over. And wtf is up with all the random underlining.

>> No.7105491
File: 932 KB, 400x225, sorry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Algebraic geometry will be the main ingredient.
Then p-adic analysis complex differential geometry, number theory and some set theory...

Yeah it sucks that it's so hard to read.
Okay, so let's get thought it and try to understand what the objects are at least.

First on page 2, the second point of the first example, there are some suggestions:
he gives the example of a number h being a part of number C.
His h fits into his C because the there is an N>=2 so that h·N is something just as big or even smaller than N.
I.e. h·N<=C.
Now he say C=0 means h=0 in arithmetic, but he suggest to us to take a defining equation in this case
N·h=h. This leads to the same result, but expresses h is part of h itself.
I guess in his inter-universal world the relation is allowed and so we get new nicer spaces.

Then on the same page he gets into algebraic geometry. Fix a prime number l.
He says we consider an elliptic curve E, i.e. basically a solution space (with emphasis on space), and says for his object of interest there is a short exact sequence
0 --> mu --> E --> Z/lZ --> 0
So, stretching concepts a bit, the space E is more or less the Cartesian product of the simple arithmetic object Z/lZ and the "multiplicative subspace".
He then goes on to state the problem: For the spaces he'd need to solve his elliptic curve stuff, that relation doesn't hold.
Given what he said so far, I conclude he came up with the inter-universal theory to enable just that, introduce new nice spaces so he have split the E's apart.

Then there is q-parameter I don't know. He says q to the power of l is the other q.
Well, I don't know anything about it, but I heard the word "Frobenioid" in another thread
and without knowing much about modular arithmetic, I know there are those maps
which are about mapping inside Z_p to the prime power p.

>> No.7105499


This does not read like a serious math paper. This reads like something from a kook website, complete with nonsense identities presented as mysterious insights (<span class="math"> \infty ~> 0![/spoiler]? Give me a break.)

>> No.7105503


Should be <span class="math">\infty[/spoiler] ~> 0!, my bad.

>> No.7105513
File: 8 KB, 110x38, &gt;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're referring to pic related, that's an arrow.

And yeah, if he wouldn't be a renowned mathematician already, people wouldn't do seminars of those odd looking papers.

>> No.7105524


You don't get to analytically continue 0! to infinity. It's already rigorously defined as 1; it would be like saying the analytic continuation of sin(x) at 0 is 5- it just makes no sense.

>> No.7105612

it's the continuation from infinity, not to infinity, and not to the function 1 or 0, but of a function to the value 0.
And not that it matters, but "!" is an exclamation mark here, kek.

>> No.7105622

What happened to that guy's proof of something that was taking a while to check?

>> No.7105691

He proved the abc conjecture. it is verified by other japanese mathematicians. rest of the world is too retarded to understand it

>> No.7105713


I'm no algebraist or chink, but it seems what he's saying is this:

Proof of Goldbach conjecture comes down to proving that Spziro inequality.

this tautological solution, I don't really understand, but the gist of it seems to be if you think of an automorphism as instead of going between the *same* group/ring/field, as being between distinct copies of that group/ring/field in different "universes" where group/ring/field theory operates differently, then you can prove the Spziro inequality.

Inter-Universal Teichmuller theory is about doing these transformations *between* these universes.

Like I say, I'm not an expert in the field, just a keen physicist; but I've been trying to decipher some thread of that paper.

I agree with most people here that it's written like the lecture notes of a cokehead with ADHD. All those abbreviations all over the place, yet he defines the Jacobi identity twice? Could've been a bit more considerately redrafted.

>> No.7105715


I'm no algebraist or chink, but it seems what he's saying is this:

Proof of Goldbach conjecture comes down to proving that Spziro inequality.

this tautological solution, I don't really understand, but the gist of it seems to be if you think of an automorphism as instead of going between the *same* group/ring/field, as being between distinct copies of that group/ring/field in different "universes" where group/ring/field theory operates differently, then you can prove the Spziro inequality.

Inter-Universal Teichmuller theory is about doing these transformations *between* these universes.

Like I say, I'm not an expert in the field, just a keen physicist; but I've been trying to decipher some thread of that paper.

I agree with most people here that it's written like the lecture notes of a cokehead with ADHD. All those abbreviations all over the place, yet he defines the Jacobi identity twice? Could've been a bit more considerately redrafted.

>> No.7105720


Dr. Naruto isn't a chink, you fucking racist /pol/ scum.

He's a gook, get it right.

>> No.7105750


I'm no algebraist or moot, but it seems what he's saying is this:

Proof of Goldbach conjecture comes down to proving that Spziro inequality.

this tautological solution, I don't really understand, but the gist of it seems to be if you think of an automorphism as instead of going between the *same* group/ring/field, as being between distinct copies of that group/ring/field in different "universes" where group/ring/field theory operates differently, then you can prove the Spziro inequality.

Inter-Universal Teichmuller theory is about doing these transformations *between* these universes.

Like I say, I'm an expert in the field, just a homoerotic physicist; but I've been trying to decipher some thread of that paper.

I agree with most people here that it's written like the lecture notes of a methhead with ADHD. All those abbreviations all over the place, yet he defines the Barnett identity twice? Could've been a bit more considerately redrafted.

>> No.7105793
File: 121 KB, 657x807, jmGsOyBzyvQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7105810 [DELETED] 



I'm algebraist and moot, but it seems what he's saying is this:

Proof of Barnett conjecture comes down to proving that PvsNP inequality.

this tautological solution, I don't really understand, but the gist of it seems to be if you think of an automorphism as instead of going between the *different* group/ring/field, as being between distinct copies of homology in different "universes" where group/ring/field theory operates differently, then you can prove PvsNP inequality.

Inter-Universal Teichmuller theory is about doing these transformations *between* these universes.

Like I say, I'm an expert in the field, just a homoerotic physicist; but I've been trying to decipher some thread of that paper.

I agree with most people here that it's written like the lecture notes of a methhead with schizophrenia. All those abbreviations all over the place, yet he defines the Barnett identity twice? Could've been a bit more considerately dated.

>> No.7105812

Why doesn't he just give lectures on it to other mathematicians in similar fields?

>> No.7105815

Because he is correct and everyone else is dumb. Not his fault.

>> No.7105828

>believing anything Japanese scientists say
>believing they wouldn't just kiss his ass and have any idea what it is about

Academia in Japan is a joke. Math at it's core is a social phenomenon and if you are too shitty to participate in a language or manner that convinces others then you are shit.

This guy is a hack

>> No.7105862

I've seen a lot of /sci/ memes, but this is a timeless piece. Truly remarkable.

Someone needs to send it to Mochizooka himself.

>> No.7105928

Thanks for the response.

Yeah I also noticed the double Jacobi statement.

The transition of structure via automorphism seems cool.
Why would the proof by tautological, then?
Also, do you know if my idea about the universe translation as induced by the automorphism correpsonds to some sort of induced functor?

PS you can easily delete post (if they are not too old) by checking them and the in the bottom right

>> No.7105974
File: 128 KB, 648x488, Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-04 um 00.42.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connecting some more dots: Are maybe the frobenius morphisms those automorphism and the Frobenoids

>> No.7106026

tbh someone from sci should make a blog with a title UITT for dummies

>> No.7106102

What is the highest level math you've taken? I'm betting calculus.

>> No.7107316

seconded! we need to send it to him.
Now who knows this guy for real?

>> No.7107331
File: 64 KB, 629x374, motizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just send him an e-mail?

>> No.7107605
File: 44 KB, 549x787, shinichi mochizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109221

/sci/ im scared

>> No.7109579

listen to him please, we need a blog like this, i'd love to know more about this theory.

>> No.7110080

Listen Mr. Shinichi, I don't wanna being rude but you HAVE TO stop making those threads. Nobody understand that shit, and never will. But you keep postin that every two weeks...

>> No.7110092

but i love these threads. i'm just a BSC in physics and i will probably never understand that shit but it's interesting.

>> No.7110155

Shinichi Mochizuki is /sci/'s best meme, and /sci/ is the reason he's so well known!

>> No.7110211
File: 47 KB, 362x565, 140313-knot0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys claim you want to know about it, but you don't really want to invest anything.
If you really care, learn about schemes and then, in some months, come back and report about what you learned and teach others.
It's just math, if you work with it for some time, you'll understand it - also, it gives new ideas. Especially if you're into a mathematical subject like physics, knowing more math can never be bad. Witten is hailed a genius of this day, and a part of why he was so successful in his respective community is because he kept up with algebraic topology.
You don't have to understand Narutos theory - it's know to be hard. But don't say you want to know about it and not even learn the available basics of the tangible subject that motivates his work.

>> No.7110218

>implying i have time for this.

>> No.7110278

>learn about schemes and then, in some months, come back and report about what you learned

Yeah. Except it would more likely take 1-2 years.

>> No.7110298

To truly understand Grothendieck's insight, motivation, and grand machinery of scheme and the abstraction of sheaf cohomology would take about the time to a PhD.