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7097941 No.7097941 [Reply] [Original]

How do we know logic is true?

>> No.7097945

It's only logical...

>> No.7097952

Read Kant's Logic

>> No.7097959

Read Hegel's Science of Logic

>> No.7097992
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You must assume it in order to do anything. This is basic Aristotelianism.

>> No.7097998


>> No.7098004

Because it works.

Also, careful with how you define "true".

>> No.7098009

Logic can't be true. Truth is logical harmony between propositions.

>> No.7098019


Bumping this for an actual answer.

>> No.7098021

It is merely an assumption. Their is nothing in the universe which we know of right now which says it has to make sense.

>> No.7098023
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Logic itself is not a logical proposition. It cannot be assigned a truth value and therefore "logic is true" is a meaningless statement. It's like asking "what is the numerical value of math" or "how do you synthesize chemistry".

Can philosotards please stop talking bullshit about fields they don't understand?

>> No.7098044

Philosophy is for tryhard faggots that are too stupid and lazy to actually learn anything. All it takes to be a Philosopher is a lack of common sense and heavy doses of ignorance and arrogance.

>> No.7098052

Well, let's assume logic isn't true.
Therefore, logic is true

checkm8 atheists

>> No.7098055

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

>> No.7098068

>not understanding what philopshy is.

Stay uneducated plebian

>> No.7098077

>Can philosotards please stop talking bullshit about fields they don't understand?
>about fields they don't understand?

philosotards fucking invented logic you dumb cunt

>> No.7098084

How do you know it works? Because it worked in the past? Oh well, you are assuming Inductive Reasoning, a part of Logic, is true. So you are assuming Logic is true to conclude Logic is true, and falls in the Munchhausen trilemma, so this does not help OP.

>> No.7098087

Philosophy accepts every thought, but only the great school of thoughts, where you find a big consensus, are studied and praised. So, no, you can't do Philosophy being stupid, lazy, lacking common sense or whatever, because otherwise you will never be taken seriously.
Also, you are using Philosophy to reach such conclusion, whether you want it or not.

>> No.7098091

Logic is a field of math. Philosophy's only contribution to it was the name. Before logic was formalized by mathematicians, it was merely a vague notion of "using reasoning".

>> No.7098097

In German we got a term, I want to introduce to the discussion namely ''wirken''.
Wirken can be translated to: to work + to appear + to seem

''Wirklichkeit'' means reality/ actuality in German.
Reality in our perception is something that appears + seems + works.

I also want to introduce a second aspect, a question:
''How do I know that I can trust what I see is real?''
The relationship between me and the object is something I experience, it appears + seems + works.

>> No.7098106

Same problem of another anonymous. You are assuming Induction is true to conclude Logic is true.

>> No.7098108

It's axiomatic, you inbred shit

>> No.7098113

I assume you are saying it can't be proved.
Can you prove it can't be proved without using Logic?

>> No.7098121

>roundabout way of stating something that sounds profound yet is both obvious and pointless at the same time
hey guys I found the philosopher

>> No.7098143

You are right, logic it's a social construct of the patriarchy and should therefore be eliminated

>> No.7098144

I don't say something is true, I'm just saying that the relationship between me and the object is something I experience.

What would you answer?

>> No.7098148
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Because god told me.

>> No.7098171
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You can't prove logic is real with logic. Same bullshit as you can't prove the universe is real with things from this universe. Philosophy comes up with circular masturbation like this all the time. Frankly they can just go fuck themselves.

>> No.7098183

Any rational motivation would be ineffective, since those can be reduced to usage of logic. The reason I am convinced it works is simple, it is because my instinct is telling me it is.
Note that this claim is irrational by definition, as do all 'valid' reasonings. Obviously, any further rational argument is now rendered futile. This goes to show that finding the origin of knowledge is a futile effort, I guess.

>> No.7098193

Define 'proving without using logic'.

>> No.7098197

Define 'define'

>> No.7098203

> I guess.
I am the anonymous you replied to.
Well, I personally am a foundationalist. There is only 2 things I believe and that everything else I derive from: Inductive reasoning and my past sensorial information.
Convince me it is true without using Logic.

>> No.7098205

Define 'define'.
But seriously, a 'proof' has no generally agreed upon meaning if you are not using logic. The question is impossible to anwser, because the requirement is not clear.

>> No.7098206

To define is to find a sentence that means the same as the expression.

>> No.7098210

Isn't this about localisation?

>> No.7098226

More elaboarte:
>Defining in this context
Trying to ''find'' a code in order to make a certain experience locatable.

>> No.7098243

>There is only 2 things I believe and that everything else I derive from: Inductive reasoning and my past sensorial information.
Sounds reasonable. Sensorial information is rather useful to have, but I'm not sure why inductive reasoning for beliefs is needed. Sure, it is useful for making predictions and approximations, but it doesn't really help me believe stuff.

>Convince me it is true without using Logic.
So if I am some sort of master hypnotist that can make you believe 'logic is true', I would be capable of 'proving' that logic is true, by your definition. This seems rather silly (to avoid using logical terms) and quite unhelpful. It seems rather grim too. Appartently, acceptance of some sort of dogma would be a reasonable method for determining whether the foundations of formal science are valid. Note that this is not an attempt to convince you, but I have convinced myself that attempting to 'prove' this is not a meaningful excersice. I'd better go do some algebra.

Perhaps an anwser to the OP would be that 'true' is a rather imprecise and vague notion outside of logic, as is equality('is'), which would mean that an absolute anwser would be quit unlikely, although personally I'd go for a 'probably not'

>> No.7098283

I think it's important to find a solid foundation for your conclusions.
The problem is that Logic seems to be impossible to prove (you can conclude that by inductive reasoning), so it's useless to keep searching for its foundation. Instead, one should just assume a set of logic rules is true and acquire "knowledge" from its usage.
In this sense, I think Logic is more important than Algebra. The same way Calculus 1 is more important than Calculus 2, simply because the former is required for the latter, but the opposite is not true.

>> No.7098296

>In this sense, I think Logic is more important than Algebra.
Perhaps, but I won't be having an exam in Logic shortly. ;^)

>> No.7098302

so it's like religion

>> No.7098308

What about the statement "Does logic work?"

>> No.7098335


>> No.7098382

you can prove logic is real because using logic is the simple mental process of making sense. if there was no logic, there wouldn't be any sense in anything really. i belive if you look around, you can see that we live in a world filled with explanations, and these explanations might not be true, nonetheless these explanations are a creation of this mental process to create sense.

>> No.7099446

Because first we know true is logic.

>> No.7099453

Logic is reasoning used to assess situation according to validity.

Never detract from the truth.

That is logic.

>> No.7100044

Reality is a lot more strict about how its constituents behave than the English language is. Like Hitler compared to an RA. You just broke a dorm rule, but I'm pretty sure the world is still turning.

>> No.7100101

>How do we know
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.7100111

>merely a vague notion of "using reasoning"

>> No.7100115
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Forgot my pic.