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7095909 No.7095909 [Reply] [Original]

27 year old here going back to school

Did military because dirt poor

Looking to get into an astronomy physics undergrad then pursue a doctorate is that possible?

Picture unrelated.

>> No.7095927

This is a great way to get unemployed after wasting a lot of time and money, stick with some field that isn't overrun with students and has 2 new jobs every year in the whole world.

>> No.7095959

If you want to do physics, do applied physics. At least that should have good job prospects. I think physics also has good job prospects BUT NOT IN PHYSICS. There is just too much physics grads and too little funding right now.

Being 27 and having been in the military you will pretty much already be discriminated against as "probably not the brightest" so you have nil chances of getting into a research position.

I think materials science is a good solid field to aim for as it has many direct industry applications and cool physics as well.

>> No.7095994

Pure science is doodoo for finding a job right now

the STEM crazy is bologna, just remember that misery loves company whenever someone tells you about 'X job field being great'

>> No.7096003

study accounting, nursing, or computer science.

everything else fucking sucks. imagine being in your early 30s and still working $10-15/hour jobs because you can't find a job with your worthless physics degree.

yeah, counting tires in a warehouse, wiping asses, or writing webapps ain't that interesting, but it beats the alternative. at least it pays the bills.

>> No.7096013

just get a engineering degree.

>> No.7096016

not a safe bet anymore, and the projected job growth of many engineering sub-disciplines is embarrassingly bad.

>> No.7096023

>Looking to get into an astronomy physics undergrad then pursue a doctorate is that possible?
Yes, but honestly why? It's extremely difficult to get a job with that degree in the field and it's not very useful in industry. I would recommend you study engineering for your comfy salary and only study astro physics as a hobby in your spare time.

>> No.7096025

>study accounting, nursing, or computer science.
>everything else fucking sucks.

>study accounting, nursing
>everything else fucking sucks

>study accounting
>everything else fucking sucks


>everything else fucking sucks

>> No.7096029

>I think physics also has good job prospects BUT NOT IN PHYSICS.
This pretty much sums it up, it's good for many careers and you can get a job, but not really for a technical career.

>Being 27 and having been in the military you will pretty much already be discriminated against as "probably not the brightest" so you have nil chances of getting into a research position.
Completely disagree with this though, ex military is more disciplined and hard working, if he gets good grades he can easily get a research position. It's happened before.

Agree with mat sci, probably one of the few ways to get a R&D research career with a physics degree.

>> No.7096040

it's a job. i'll gladly work 40-50 hours a week doing something that's boring if it means i get a decent paycheck with good career prospects.

>> No.7096045

>good career prospects.

>good career prospects

>good career



>> No.7096055

i'm not arguing with an autist. go look up career trajectories of people who worked in public accounting and later switched to industry. $100k/year by late 20s is pretty common, and if you're really good you can climb the ladder to CFO and make big bucks.

>> No.7096070


>> No.7096082

it's probably good for you that you are such a money grubbing whore but i personally would rather shoot myself in the fucking head than dedicate the next 30-40 years of my life to doing someone else's bookkeeping, if it was actually a lot of money that's one thing but middle class wages for a job that's on the same intellectual level as flipping burgers at mcdonalds and significantly less interesting is just terrible.