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File: 1 KB, 250x44, 2015-02-26-132450_250x44_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7093073 No.7093073 [Reply] [Original]

>autists will defend this nonsense

>> No.7093076



>> No.7093079

Here's how your thought process should go unless you're an engineer.
> Hey, an equation.
> Wait, the left side is divergent.
> I wonder what the equality means.
> Ahh, it's analytic continuation.
> Cool, what can you do with it?

>> No.7093094

Apparently I'm not autistic enough then. Fuck this pseudo-math.

>> No.7093107


>> No.7093120

> naming a function after the symbol used to describe it
good job autists

>> No.7093122

do you know your ABCs?

>> No.7093123

Not like it is a usual thing

>> No.7093124

My alpha-beta-gamma?

>> No.7093126

Analytic continuation is not real math. It's handwavy physicist "math", i.e. "it works in experiment so it must be true even though it makes no sense".

>> No.7093129

Well how do you define real math?
Sure its implementation (in Sting theory if I am not mistaken) is based on your mentioned concept, yet the function itself is well-definend and proven

>> No.7093682

it is not handwavy. topology and any analysis course will teach you otherwise. do you know what an analytic continuation is?

>> No.7093706

don't get trolled, bro

>> No.7094063

But that's wrong.
It's used in all QFT, not just stringy things.

>> No.7094068

Thought process of an engineer
>What is this garbage
>Give me the answer, and if it's useful, I'll apply it to the real world.

>> No.7094084

Real thought process of an engineer
>This isn't a dick
>Give me more dicks to suck

>> No.7094089

I work with a lot of engineers and they really don't care for any math if they don't have to learn it for an exam.

>> No.7094198


probably because engineers care about applying their craft. Anything higher than Calculus III isn't even worth knowing in the real world. Hell, most jobs just require a decent knowledge of Calculus.

>> No.7094205
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>Analytic continuation is not real math

>> No.7094253
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>> No.7095205

What would you propose calling it? A Riemann function?

>> No.7095214

Just solve for variable.
... = -85/12

>> No.7095218

this thread again. great.

>> No.7095269

Thought process of an engineer
>Can I suck it?

>> No.7095628

autists will make make a thread about it
autists will argue about it
people who didnt turn their brain off halway through school will facepalm and move on

>> No.7095645


Actually the middle dot is a multiplication sign, which means . . . is actually . squared, so the answer is the square root of -85/12

>> No.7095657


>> No.7095670

What do those dots mean?

>> No.7095790
File: 252 KB, 1252x808, sumofnaturals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7095797

>Thought process of an engineer
>Give me the answer

Because god knows the engineer isn't going to figure it out on his own and needs the solution spoonfed to him like everything else in his pathetic "education."

>> No.7095839

That's assuming A=A

>> No.7095863

>if you sum up all POSITIVE NATURAL NUMBERS...
-1/12 is not the sum of all positive natural numbers, but of a series which contains them, and more.

Infinity can not be grasped by language, which is why a word is used to describe its many concepts (imaginations) of "never ending."
Therefore there can't be infinite series in nature, as unfortunately as there can not be zeros in nature.
>It's a divergent series.
It's a series that resets every other term, but who never ends. 1,0,1,0. The sum (term 1 to term NOPE) can then only be described as 1 or 0. It does not increase nor does it converge.
The average of the two sums that are equally probable (although impossible) can be assumed to be the average (since even the idea of summing an infinity is an assumption)

>This is when I stopped taking math seriously.
Good for you.
I assume you don't read books, talk to people, or read poetry either.

>> No.7095873

Know-nothing here. If they come to the unavoidable conclusion that all that stuff equals -1/12, why don't they just take it as proof that all or some their previous theories were false?

>> No.7096006

the one correct post

>> No.7096832

triple multiplication

>> No.7096866

And this kids, is why you never use the equality sign in the wrong context, because people just won't get you.

>> No.7096883

>what the equality means
this is where most people go wrong
the series isn't *actually* equal to -1/12, it is a magical equal sign

>> No.7096884

this is the best troll math i've ever seen

>> No.7096886

found the autist

>> No.7096887 [DELETED] 

lel how stupid you mathsfags are
>one sum that diverges is replaced by a different one that converges
>toy with some other bullshit
fuck off you idiot, don't believe everything you read on the internet

>> No.7096896
File: 58 KB, 351x390, 1423958786124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of analytic continuation. What a crock of shit. If your function can only be extended by inventing values that you didn't know, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.7096898

-3c would be -3-6-9-12...
this proof makes no sense

>> No.7096920

this is true but as an electro engineer i like to play with math in spare time since even those math things that are not applicable and required in real world are still there , defining our universe and things we cant touch but we know they are there

>> No.7096934

>analytic continuation
where is it even used? you sound very sure and i kind a believe this

>> No.7096944

string theory uses this factoid to validate the 24 spatial dimensions out of the 26 total dimensions in our universe.....it's a bullshit string theory thing, no mathematician gives a shit about it, any mathematician doesnt care about the infinite partial sum of a diverging sum

>> No.7096972


>> No.7096978

It's pasta, but was originally about imaginary numbers.

>> No.7096991

Engineeringfag here.

My understanding is that this isn't an arithmetic solution that you can perform algebraic operations on, rather an analytic one used to differentiate divergent series. For example, the sum of all natural numbers squared approaches infinity differently than the sum of all natural numbers, and this is represented by the two series giving different values using the analytic continuation method, which is more useful than just saying they both go to infinity.

Am I understanding it correctly?

>> No.7096999
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I've replaced the confusing symbol with a less ambiguous substitute. Please spread the word.

>> No.7097012

Now it makes sense. Thank you.

>> No.7097014


>> No.7097033

The series isn't equal to anything, it diverges.

>> No.7097046

Infinite series do exist in nature. Zeno's paradox is a rather rapidly converging infinite series.

>> No.7097075

There's nothing clever about lying and pretending that that equals sign means the same thing as normal equality in Rn.

call it "can , in a sense, be assigned to" or better yet "magical equals".

>> No.7097080

>not -121/12
>thinking 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 7

>> No.7097108
File: 447 KB, 1224x816, Toddx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no. Arithmetic doesn't allow to compute any infinite sum.
If you say
"Call <span class="math">\sum_{n=1}^\infty f(n)[/spoiler] the number which comes closer and closer (with respect to the distance function on R) to the partial sums <span class="math">\sum_{n=1}^m f(n)[/spoiler], as m goes towards infinity"
then this uses the limit and is hence also part of an analytic theory.
You're right in that it gives you more power to separate different expression from another.

-1/12 is the second Bernoulli number B2=1/6 times -1/2! and those often show up when you relate discrete quantities with their smooth interpolations.
For example, the linearization of the exponential function at 0 is "exp(0)·h" and the finite difference is "exp(0+h)-exp(0)". Now sure enough, you get the Taylor expansion

<span class="math">h/(exp(h)-1) = 1 - h/2 + h^2/12 + ...[/spoiler]

More dramatically, there is this equation relating sums and integrals due to Gauss:

<span class="math">\int_a^b f(n) dn = \sum_{n=a}^{b-1} f(n)+(lim_{x\to b}-lim_{x\to a}) (1/2\,f(x)\,-\,1/12\,f'(x)+...)[/spoiler]

For example, for a=2, b=4 and f(n)=n^2, you have

<span class="math">\int_2^4 n^2=(2^2+3^2)+(1/2)(4^2-2^2)-\frac{1}{12}2(4^1-2^1)[/spoiler]

Now naively

<span class="math">\int_0^\infty f(n) dn = \sum_{n=0}^\infty f(n)-(1/2\,f(0)\,-\,1/12\,f'(0)+...)+lim_{x\to b}(1/2\,f(x)\,-\,1/12\,f'(x)+...)[/spoiler]

In the standard theory, f(n)=n gives
"(undefined int) = (undefined sum) - (-1/12) + (undefined lim)".
Note that we speak of undefined expressions only in the meta-theory, limits are not functions.
The point is now that you get a consistent theory of infinite sums, in your sense, by dropping all other undefined terms. E.g. here
"(the sum over all n) = -1/12".
The theory isn't more or less inconsistent than the one that assigns 2 to
but they are not compatible with one another.

You keep bringing that up, but of course the equal signs in the logical theory of natural numbers, the theory of groups and the theories of sets is also not the same.

>> No.7097127

>You keep bringing that up, but of course the equal signs in the logical theory of natural numbers, the theory of groups and the theories of sets is also not the same.
Saying 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... would also be incredibly misleading (Get it, the + is set union, and equality is in terms of cardinalities of sets, where each integer is identified with the set containing that integer)
We have conventions, and when your notation breaks the normal conventions, you should specify what it means if it differs from the normal conventions. OP equation is just as misleading as saying 1 + 1 = 0 without metnioning you are working in Z/2Z

>> No.7097131
File: 36 KB, 578x352, Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-28 um 02.51.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should add the full formula:

And pic related is the -1/12 relation in Mathematica, when transferred to the standard theory of limits,
where you can't just cancel the undefined integral but instead subtract it form the sum.
After evaluation of the inner limits, it's this relation:


>> No.7097164


>> No.7097235

>autists will take this as a literal sum and get huffy

>> No.7097271

what is a literal sum?

>> No.7097294
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>> No.7097307

my dumb layman way of saying this isn't dumb layman addition

>> No.7097583

thanks this really cleared things up for me

>> No.7097710

the equal sign begs to differ
of course, in actuality it is not an equal sign, it is a "fantastical equal sign"

>> No.7097829

Here's how your thought process should go unless you're an engineer.
> Hey, an equation.
> Wait, the left side is divergent.
> I wonder what the equality means.
> Ahh, it's analytic continuation.
> Cool, all this thinking makes me feel like sucking cocks

>> No.7097849

What's the fastest way for a physics student to learn about this "analytic continuation" so these damn threads will finally make sense?

I'm familiar with general principles of groups and sets and some topology. It has become very apparent that the -1/12 has nothing to do with addition like I learned in 1st grade.

>> No.7097867


What I love about this equation is what so many people seem to miss.

Its like the "Schrödinger's cat" thought experiement. The autistics and engineerers will argue about it.

They dont see the underlying deep thought behind it. ( Because they are autistics and Engineers).

What this equation so beautifully tells us is that the foundations of mathematics are totally fucked up. Yes, they work for shit like building bridges, sending probes to Mars, counting beans in a bean factory and other such mundane tasks. Just like Newtonian physics works for most common day applications. But no one would seriously suggest that Newtonian physics is superior compared to the Einstein's Relativity. Well, maybe Engineerers and Autistics would.

The crux of the matter is that modern mathematics do not describe reality. Nor is it a system of logical proofs. We have made some fundamental errors in our mathematical systems. Fundamental errors because this sort of bullshit would not happen in a perfect mathematical system. And no one knows what the errors are yet. And the guy who realises what the errors are and comes up with the new way of looking at mathematics will make Einstein look like an intellectual dwarf.

>> No.7097872

Or you know... it's a divergent series.

>> No.7097975

the fact the the series is divergent, i.e. no limit of it's partial sums exists, doesn't hold us from assigning -1/12 to it.
Of course, if, your notation is to denote the predicate D(s):=(the series S is divergent) by <span class="math">D(s):=(S = \infty)[/spoiler], then you're bunt to confusion.

>> No.7097985

then why cant you math faggots accept evaluated at x=0 sinx/x EQUALS 0
why you gotta write lim and arrows and whatnot?

>doesn't hold us from assigning -1/12 to it.
it actually should
i have no problem with zeta(-1)=-1/12
but you cant write that the sum of all natural numbers EQUALS -1/12

>> No.7097993
File: 59 KB, 2000x2000, Sum1234Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, it's very easy. You can't take the value at the end so you take the value at the beginning.

>> No.7098014

which means you cant use the notation
1+2+3+4+... because if you were to add them up, youd reach the END not the beginning, which is infinity
>oh but infinity is not a number
fuck you

>> No.7098022
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>not analytically continuing your functions

kill yourself

>> No.7098027

That you even bothered to typeset this bullshit is commendable.

>> No.7098045

You can, try plotting the smoothed asymptote of a convergent sum and look at it.

Just define the sum as the y-intercept.

>> No.7098167

>Just define the sum as the y-intercept
the most mathematician thing ever said
"just define it"

>> No.7098232

You got me curious, where can I read something about it(what particular topic involves it)?

>> No.7098408
File: 330 KB, 600x931, toddno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keywords are regularization and renormalization.

In field theories you often set up theories with parameters which yet have to be measured, like the mass or the charge of a particle.
For example, you might conjecture that there is some mechanical quantity Y associated with an energy <span class="math">E=\frac{1}{2}m_Y(x'(t))^2[/spoiler]. But that alone doesn't tell you what the value of <span class="math">m_X[/spoiler] is. There might be an experiment, say measuring the inertia of Y, which tells you it. Say the experiment says <span class="math">m_Y[/spoiler] should be about 7. If the predictions of the theories with <span class="math">m_Y=7[/spoiler] stand the test of further experiments, you might be on to something.

In the above case, we measured masses and adopted the values. A fundamental theory of elementary particles might actually predicts the masses (e.g. string theory, in principle), or at least correlates the masses/charges etc. strongly and that a priori (e.g. quantum field theories). Here the masses are determined in the way that the theory actually only works for particular values of it.

In field theories the energy terms are more complicated than just the velocity x'(t) squared, there are energy densities and whatnot.
Instead of doing actual renormalization theory here, consider the integral

<span class="math">E=\int_2^\infty \left(\frac{2}{x+2}+\frac{1}{(1+x)^2}\right)\,dx[/spoiler]

The sign <span class="math">\int_2^\infty[/spoiler] is defined as <span class="math">lim_{a\to\infty}\int_2^a[/spoiler].
The integral over 1/x to infinity is undefined, i.e. the integral is convergent.

>> No.7098412
File: 91 KB, 862x401, Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-28 um 18.00.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say you have a physical situation for which no established theory works.
To explain what's going on, you might conjecture that maybe there is a yet undiscovered quantity Z, interacting with the system (historically: neutrinos, anti-particles) and you come up with a physical theory where the situation actually looks like

<span class="math">E=\int_2^\infty \left(\frac{2}{x+2}+\frac{1}{(1+x)^2}-\frac{1}{x}m_Z\right)\,dx[/spoiler]

And now the integral has the chance to be convergent, but only if <span class="math">m_Z=2[/spoiler], in this case. Not that it matters here, but in that case the integral has the value 1/4-log(4).
You’re in the situation now that you can say:
>Guys, guys, I predict further experiments will hint at E being -log(4)+1/4=-1.136…!
That value is kinda random, so if this happens they will be even convinced that your Z-quantity theory with mass equal to 2 is correct.
The idea that there is a higgs is from the 70’s, i.e. 40 year before it was possible to make that particle scattering measurement. It was just conjectured to be there because it was the simplest solution to complete the energy expression of the standard model.


Assining -1.136… to an integral over a positive integrant might seem completely arbitrary without any context, of course.
But as math isn’t arbitrary, there aren’t so many theories to modify self-consistent theories.
At least if you want to keep things simple. Ramanujan came up with a theory assigning -1/12 to 1+2+3+… somewhere in India after having read age old books.
Here is a computation in quantum electrodynamics using that result


>> No.7098427
File: 321 KB, 553x553, moldur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ramanujan sum can also seen as a counter term situation.

<span class="math">1+2+3+4+…=lim_{z\to 1}(1z+2z^2+3z^3+4z^4…)=lim_{z\to 1}\sum_{k=0}^\infty kz^k[/spoiler]

which for moderate z is

<span class="math">z\frac{d}{dz}\sum_{k=0}^\infty z^k=z\frac{d}{dz}\frac{1}{1-z}=\frac{z}{(1-z)^2}=\frac{1}{(1-z)^2}+\frac{1}{1-z}[/spoiler]

We have

<span class="math">\sum_{k=0}^\infty z^k=\frac{1}{1-z}[/spoiler]


<span class="math">\int_{k=0}^\infty z^k\,dk=-\frac{1}{\log(z)}[/spoiler]

The smooth counter term for the divergent sum is

<span class="math">-z\frac{d}{dz}\int_{k=0}^\infty z^k\,dk=-\frac{1}{\log(z)^2}[/spoiler],

which expands as

<span class="math">-\frac{1}{\log(z)^2}=-\frac{1}{(1-z)^2}-\frac{1}{1-z}-\frac{1}{12}-\frac{1}{240}(z-1)^2+…[/spoiler]

>> No.7098430 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">z(d/dz)\sum_{k=0}^\infty z^k=z(d/dz)(1-z)^{-1}=z(1-z)^{-1}=(1-z)^{-2}+(1-z)^{-1}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">-\frac{1}{\log(z)^2}=-(1-z)^{-2}-(1-z)^{-1}-\frac{1}{12}-(1/240)(z-1)^2+…[/spoiler]

>> No.7098433

isn't convergent*

<span class="math">z(d/dz)\sum_{k=0}^\infty z^k=z(d/dz)(1-z)^{-1}=z(1-z)^{-1}=(1-z)^{-2}+(1-z)^{-1}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">-\frac{1}{\log(z)^2}=-(1-z)^{-2}-(1-z)^{-1}-\frac{1}{12}-(1/240)(z-1)^2+…[/spoiler]

>> No.7098440

those equals are all more similar to each other than magical dur hur sum of negative numbers can make a positive number equals.

>> No.7098463

I'm not entirely sure what's your saying here, did you refer back to the post from yesterday on purpose?

>> No.7098473

I responded to
>but of course the equal signs in the logical theory of natural numbers, the theory of groups and the theories of sets is also not the same

>> No.7098522

>sum of positive integers is a negative fraction

when will people stop posting this meme

>> No.7098667

Thanks very much!
Only wondering how E can be defined as your mentioned integral, the units don't make sense?

>> No.7098759
File: 34 KB, 379x213, random_chaotic_temp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That particular integral is just the simplest divergent one I could come up with, the actual ones are more complex.

What you do in quantum- and also statistical field theory is to compute probabilities that one initial field configuration developed into others, essentially by looking at all possible developments.

In Newtonian physics, the development of the path x(t) is given by
<span class="math">mx''(t) = F[/spoiler]
or with the potential U(x),
<span class="math">(d/dt) (d/dx') (m/2) (x'(t))^2 = -(d/dx) U(x)[/spoiler]
I.e. it's determined by the energy function.

Now imagine a ballon in your room, filled with 100 kelvin hot gas, which shake wildly and then pin with a needle.
Upon explosion, the gas will mix with the atmosphere gas and on the microscopic level it will be a mess. You have a temperature density field temp(x), which characterizes the energy and the total energy might be related by the spatial integral over that function

int temp(x) dx.

In the statistical theory, you don't actually know any particular temp(x), but only the initial balloon state at time zero and probablistic time evolutions. Those include some quite chaotic ones, pic related.
In particular, the possible states include some where at come volume there might be a random hot temperature peak. And, and here comes the problem, on within that hot volume there might be finer random ups and downs. And one those too, and so on. This means if you care to integrate for ALL POSSIBLE field configurations, you have a situation like when you want to compute the boundary of a fractal.

>> No.7098771
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In the statistical theory, you don't actually know t(x), but only the initial balloon state t0 and probablistic time evolutions. In particular, the possible states include some where at come volume there might be a random hot temperature peak. And, and here comes the problem, on within that hot volume there might be finer random ups and downs. And one those too, and so on. This means if you care to integrate for ALL POSSIBLE field configurations, you have a situation like when you want to compute the boundary of a fractal.

Pic related: On the first scale, it has some (gold) length
made up of 3 sections. Then, if you take into account the first finer details (brown), you it's not made up of 3 sections but of four, i.e. the length is actually
But going deeper the (red), you find the length is actually
Really, the length is the limit of n to infinite of
which is not sensible. Exponential divergence.
The problem is that the temperature bumps can not really be arbitrary fine, because at one point you’re at the atomic scale where the madness ends. But you don’t can’t or want to use the atomic theory for the fucking gas balloon. Hence you introduce the „right“ counter term, which gives the right cutoff.
See also

This way, by taking the values that work, you predict the size of atoms, or whatever. Or you come up with atoms in the first place.

The divergence of the integral is one of scaling down the system. Here I talked fractions of L, that’s the only unit.
The example was made up, but the good quantum field theories actually do have those 1/x divergences. You might have some unit in front of the integral for
„upper bound to infinite of int 1/x dx = log(upper bound)“
to make sense

>> No.7098777

(sorry for the sloppy engrish)

>> No.7098807
File: 342 KB, 764x705, Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-28 um 21.31.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with reference to the "integrate over all field configurations" it's also easy to motivate why quantum gravity is hard and in what sense string theory turned form physics to math:
In general relativity, spacetime is dynamic, has it's own (metric) field. If you want to make a quantum field theory of spacetime, you want to average over all possible space times. But opposed to a temperature field
temp: R^3->R
position x \mapsto temp(x)
the spacetime can be very complicated, topologically, and there are also defects (if you change perspective within a room, it's still the same room).
As with gravity (as opposed to the nuclear interactions) we already know what the fields kinda must look like, we can't invent new particles. We must take differential geometry, classify different spaces, and average them. And so those physicists started to get into "how to classify different 4-dimensional geometries", and the mathematicians saw purpose and took over part of the business.

>> No.7099157

Well, you can solve the boundary of a fractal problem by introducing fractal dimensions.
So can you say that QFT equivalent way of dealing with infinity is your mentioned method?

>> No.7099172

>I think I know math after completing real anal
Read this dumbasses:


>> No.7099203 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 686x488, Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-01 um 01.09.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's but one method for a simple example.
The whole subjects goes by renormalization theory and is about as old as Dirac himself. Since 40 years we have some idea what's going on.
If I want to shock (and confuse) you, I could point out methods like


Here, to solve a triple integral

<span class="math">\int(x)\,d^3x[/spoiler]

you regularize it to an integral of "dimension c"

<span class="math">\int f(x)\,d^cx[/spoiler]

where c is a complex number, and then you let c to against 3.

>> No.7099209 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 686x488, Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-01 um 01.09.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's but one method for a simple example. The whole subjects goes by renormalization theory and is about as old as Dirac himself. Since 40 years we have some idea what's going on.
To really say what integrals you need to solve we would have to go into functional integration,
Feynman diagrams etc.
If I want to shock (and confuse) you, I could point out methods like

Here, to solve a triple integral

<span class="math">\int f(x)\,d^3x[/spoiler]

you regularize it to an integral of "dimension D"

<span class="math">\int f(x)\,d^Dx[/spoiler]

where c is a complex number, and then you let D to against 3.

>> No.7099215
File: 71 KB, 686x488, Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-01 um 01.09.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's but one method for a simple example. The whole subjects goes by renormalization theory and is about as old as Dirac himself. Since 40 years we have some idea what's going on.
To really say what integrals you need to solve we would have to go into functional integration,
Feynman diagrams etc.
If I want to shock (and confuse) you, I could point out methods like

Here, to solve a triple integral

<span class="math">\int f(x)\,d^3x[/spoiler]

you regularize it to an integral of "dimension D"

<span class="math">\int f(x)\,d^Dx[/spoiler]

where D is a complex number. You evaluate, and then you let D to against 3.
>that's what physicists actually believe

>> No.7099224

alright, I think everything beyond this goes over my basic knowledge, is this regular physics-bachelor/master stuff or is it more deep?

>> No.7099229

I guess, realistically, 7'th semester upwards, if you go into field theory.

>> No.7099232

You are an idiot.

There is nothing wrong about the way we count things! There is nothing wrong about our laws of mathematics!

It is plain and simple. The sum of every positive cardinal number is EQUAL to negative 1/12.


What is so hard to understand about that?

>> No.7099237

ok, thanks then for the clarification(Einsicht)

>> No.7099256

Excuse me, not a maths whizz kid, I have seen this thing before and I am puzzled.

What are we really dealing with here? Can someone explain this in layman's terms? I only took maths to high school so I dont know much about some of the high level "abstract" maths you guys often talk about.

Is this some sort of high level trick of maths? You know like that equation that makes it look like 1 = 2 but anyone who has a high school maths education can easily find the error if they follow the eqautions through? Is it something just to catch maths dummies out?

Or is this something different where the "=" sign means something different from what most of us expecty in maths equation? For example is this equation being used in some sort of high level maths field where you are dealing with multiple dimensions or whatnot?

I just want to find out if this is some sort of mathematical joke, troll or whatever, because obviously on the face of it, it really does not seem to make any sense.

Thank you to anyone who would take the time to explain it to a maths pleb like me.

>> No.7099262

this post has to be a joke

>> No.7099311
File: 63 KB, 1087x844, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you'd reach the complete additive.
Infinity isn't a number that can be plotted on an image.

Are you retarded?

>> No.7099315

>negative fraction

Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.7099329

why exactly?
-1/12 is a negative fraction???

>> No.7099341


>> No.7099408

that explanation for 1-1+1-1 sucks...
this makes way more sense:

>> No.7099419

To the layman all your doing is asserting 1-S=S by fiat. They need to understand why that is so in the first place.

>> No.7099497

What kind of mathematics is this?
I'm just about to enter a major for electrical and computer engineering and a separate pure maths major, will I be doing this kind of work?

>> No.7099589
File: 273 KB, 200x303, 1364094122486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at zeta function
>1^s+2^s+3^s+...=-1/12 for s=-1
>autists think adding integers sums to be -1/12
>autists dont realize this is just calc 3...

truth be told, the only reason i come on this board is to get a hardon from looking at all the stupid comments

>> No.7099976

I'm sure a layman who wants to understand that shit can negate S and cancel the 1 at the beginning

>> No.7100000

relies on 1-1+1-1+1-1+1...= 1/2

When I honestly feel it could equal zero just as easily with parenthesis.

>> No.7100003

>Infinity can not be grasped by language

Wrong, on account of the fact that the word "Infinity" exists.

>> No.7100010
File: 69 KB, 300x809, 1405684325291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I honestly feel it could equal zero just as easily with parenthesis.

I'd argue but there's too many zeros in your get.

>> No.7100021

get of truth

>> No.7100057
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some variable is bigger than 0 by defenition
>let's assume it's negative

>> No.7100059

teh quints

>> No.7100103

>some variable is bigger than 0 by definition
You're hereby challenged to formally prove that the limit partial sums, which are all positive, is positive. And independent of whether that limit exists or not.

>> No.7100118

>are there words for things of which we have little understanding?
... like infinity, universal, perfection, certainty, grace, supernatural, satanic, etcetera?

>> No.7100119

I like Emma-fag. I'm proud to be on one board with a near-genious. I'm jealous of him in good sense. I wish I were so smart. He helped me many times with type and cats theory. I wonder how he grasps so wide range of subjects.

>> No.7100158

>formally prove
>mfw mathematifags actually care about such shit

>> No.7100183

I honestly believe that in a few hundred years mathematicians will discover some new math that shows the way we currently use infinite series and sums is flawed. Of all the firmly cemented math, infinite series is not one of them.

>> No.7100190
File: 109 KB, 999x442, here comes the sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if trolling or just awkward.
Having the same discussion on semantics with newt the 5'th time on 4chan when I really set out to work on my PhD on the weekend is the last thing anyone should admire. The uselessness of it becomes apparent when new posters make a comment showing they didn't read the thread. But I'm glad I do category and analytic number theory for escapism, not vidya.

As for learning, my advise is to take something new, promising and odd (like pic related for me) and work towards it. As a kid, I heard on the radio how good people always write down a lot and it made sense to me. Some of my notes and research ideas could not be more vague. I redo them often and the math in it becomes formal. This guy (>>7098027) said on the Euler formula leading to -1/12
>That you even bothered to typeset this bullshit is commendable.
But I didn't, I cherry picked the LaTeX from my notebook.

Though I don't know to what extent /sci/ is a waste, it can be stimulating. Sometimes I stole a question that I couldn't solve, took it to MathSE and it has a 40+ rating now.
Or someone asked why "-1/12" in particular and I didn't knew. I read the book by Kac on quantum calculus, which has some formulas where it plays a role. To answer the 4chan question, I try to present it as concise as possible. Finally I reduce the source to the expansion

<span class="math">\frac{1}{1-e^{h}}=\frac{1}{h}+\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{12}+O(h^3)[/spoiler]

Okay, but "why"? I work around, and finally find that in general

<span class="math">f(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_k z^k[/spoiler]


<span class="math">\frac{f(0)}{f(f(0)\,z)}=1-a_1\,z+(a_1\,a_1-a_0\,a_2)\,z^2-(a_1\,a_1\,a_1-2\,a_0\,a_1\,a_2+a_0\,a_0\,a_3)\,z^3+O(z^3).[/spoiler]

Of course, if in another thread make a computation and justify it with this formula you might go like
>wtf where does this come from?
But I didn't just have to typeset this either ;)
Okay, but why does it look like that?
So I read generatingfunctionology, a book someone once posted here,...

>> No.7100219

I believe it lies in the way they develop HoTT and constructive/computable math in general. My personal favorite is Finite Nature. Btw, it's also another way of interpreting renormalization.

>> No.7100226

May I thought you were like an associate prof. already. You should have written 5 theses with that skill. Really dunno what you're doing out there, but it feels way too much for a single dissertation.

>> No.7100251
File: 45 KB, 657x236, melon transforming power rangers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw. the last expansion was the result of a conjecture when I worked out that in the book

1 / (exp(h)-1)

really comes from it being

exp'(0) / (exp(0+h)-exp(0))

and so looking at the fraction between approximated and actual finite difference suggested itself, pic related.
You get -1/12 when you plug in a_{n-1}=1/n!. This was also the week where I came to terms with the "why" of why the Laplace transform involves the exponential function. With Fourier transforms, you can argue with Hilbert spaces and their bases, at least.
That being said, this sucker would be a good candidate to word towards, it's one for me at least:


Yeah thx, but in actuality I'm somewhat clueless about where to take life atm.
Plot twist: The PhD is in computational combustion chemistry

It literally saddens me that the computational perspective, Curry-Howard etc., isn't part of what you learn when you learn about formal logic the first time. I wonder if we miss out, the way our brains are wired now I mean, compared to kids who'd grew up with some of the main connections being pointed out early.

>> No.7100267

Believing this to be true has resulted in people also believing that they universe is made up of tiny strings spread out over eleven dimensions. I rest my case.

>> No.7100277

Is this the new 0,9999... = 1 flavour of the month?

>> No.7100279

the concept of infinity doesn't belong in mathematics and mathematics went to shit right around the time of "calculus"

p.s. Euclid

>> No.7100284

>Believing in something that makes no sense irl
That is why I believe 0.9999...=1 but not this bullshit. The former isn't weird at all if you realize that 0.9999... is just another way or writing "1" exactly like how 0.3333... is another way of writing 1/3 but this is complete and utter tripe.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... = (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ...) + (1 + 2 + 3 + ...)

The first half equals infinity therefore if the whole thing is equal to - 1/12 then that must mean that infinity is less than - 1/12 i.e bullshit.

>> No.7100295

It the sum doesn't converge, how or why do you do arithmetic with it?

>> No.7100298

>implying the integers are closed under infinite summation

> 3 + 1/10 + 4/100 + 1/1000 +... = pi
> sum of rational numbers

>> No.7100307

yeah. rearranging diverging (or even just non absolutely convergent) series leads to all kinds of different solutions, which is why those bullshit feelgood videos for people without mathematical background are shit.
For example you can get every real number you want by rearranging the terms of
<span class="math"> \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^n}{n} [/spoiler]

>> No.7100312

I'm pretty sure that series is -ln2 moite

>> No.7100317

only if you don't rearrange terms.

>> No.7100355

>all these undergrads getting mad at regularization
why does this intimidate you so much?

>> No.7100362

maybe they want to hold on to their sanity and are afraid of fully devoting themselves to the cult and its indoctrination

>> No.7100370

Yeah, I remember that you were actually doing physical chemistry or something like that. I know you feelings, but we all are better to determine the directions since science turn out to be a dangerous, unpleasant and slippery place to reside. I say it being a fresh postdoc.

>> No.7100381

Fazit: we all agree that there is a legit (mathematically speaking) mambo-jambo that the identity in OP holds, but in no way is it natural or beautiful. Actually, pretty much like the whole renormalization thing. And famous physicists never argued against that.

>> No.7100401

>1000 post
>nobody know that equation is a troll, made by pseudomaths like string theorists and ramanujah
>nobody know that zeta funtion is defined differently when it's argment's real part is negative, positive under 1 and positive over 1

>> No.7100418

>>nobody know that zeta funtion is defined differently when it's argment's real part is negative
many people here knew that including myself
we talked about that shit years ago
not everyone is baffled by undergrad shit
>>nobody know that equation is a troll
no, it's saying "if we need this to be a number and not divergent, the number -1/12 is the most consistent"
sorry if that bothers you :^)

>> No.7100525
File: 712 KB, 1362x2048, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t agree about the naturally.
One important observation is that

<span class="math">f(x+h)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{1}{k!}f^{(k)}(x)·((x+h)-x)^k[/spoiler]

<span class="math">=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{1}{k!}(h\frac{d}{dx})^k f(x)[/spoiler]

<span class="math">:=\exp(h\frac{d}{dx})\,f(x)[/spoiler]

and therefore

<span class="math">\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}=\frac{\exp(h\frac{d}{dx})-1}{h}f(x)[/spoiler]

<span class="math">=\frac{\exp(h\frac{d}{dx})-1}{h}\frac{d}{dx}\int^x f(y)dy[/spoiler]

If you set up a context where you can invert the operator, then the integral is determined by finite and infinitesimal differences, and finally

<span class="math">\frac{h\frac{d}{dx}}{\exp(h\frac{d}{dx})-1}=1-\frac{1}{2}(h\frac{d}{dx})+\frac{1}{12}(h\frac{d}{dx})^2+…[/spoiler]

That is to say these numbers really naturally appear in the finite differences business.

When Planck started quantum mechanics 120 years ago, he discretized the spectrum of the black body and derived his famous radiation law,


the formula from the
>science. it works, bitches!
xkcd comic

<span class="math">B_\nu(\nu, T) = \frac{ 2 h \nu^3}{c^2} \frac{1}{e^\frac{h\nu}{kT} - 1}[/spoiler]
Is it an accident that Plancks radiation formula is the Mellin transform of the Riemann zeta function?

<span class="math">\zeta(s) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)} \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{x^{s-1}}{e^x - 1} dx[/spoiler]

Spoiler: No.
The number 12 is not as random as 17, say.
1+1+1+1+... and 1+1-1+1-1+... wanting to be one over +-2 is just it being the expression from the second most simple formula for coeffients, and 1+2+3+... wanting to be one over 2·3 (times 1/2!) is just it being the third most simple formula for coeffients.

I'm moving back to Vienna in summer and for now it seems that I might be working, for some time, at a firm that specializes in lube and friction. But I can always sell that as non-equilibrium statistical physics.

>> No.7100536 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}=\left(\frac{h\frac{d}{dx}}{\exp(h\frac{d}{dx})-1}\right)^{-1}\int^x\, f(y)dy[/spoiler]

>> No.7100543

<span class="math">\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}=\left(\frac{h}{\exp(h\frac{d}{dx})-1 }\right)^{-1}f(x)[/spoiler]

>> No.7100853

>limit of a summation approaching to zero equals its total
ayy lmao

>> No.7100939

>at a firm
And scientific career ends there ...

Also, do you at least move to a company after you complete PhD?

>> No.7101013

The problem is not with the particular number. It's the nature of the method.

>> No.7101045

find a function y defined over a domain D. now, define a new function x where x=y over D, however x is defined over the domain DUP where U is the union of two sets and P is another domain such that P!=D.

>> No.7101084
File: 64 KB, 922x590, cutting general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The method of analytic continuation isn't beautiful? I feel the complex numbers are maybe the purest algebraic structure out there.

I now feel I'm becoming too much of a 1+2+3+...=-1/12 proponent here, a statement which I really do not care for. What bothers me though, is when people think they can rationally argue against it, "It's can't be true, because I haven't seen something like this in Calc 1.", as if claiming this proposition would represent a wrong statement about the world.
It's because somehow people seek to be Platonists. It's math! You can either choose just to learn it, or to do it. The first is equivalent to learning the canon established 150 years ago. The second is to find interesting problems and invent new techniques.
If you do you differential geometry of two-dimensional surfaces, an established field, and somewhere pops up an expression

<span class="math">u=2+\frac{3}{\sum_{k=0}^\infty k}[/spoiler]

then you're pretty much guaranteed that u=2 gives the right results for computing the curvature of a curve or whatnot. If instead you work on an unsolved problems about radiating neutrinos in a star, and you have an idea to model the system, then you don't want to drop the research at the point where your exhaustive literature search on previous math used for particle statistics doesn't tell you what to do anymore. There were no Feynman path integrals or Dirac deltas before those people cooked them up, and they didn't sit down and learned set theory for years before they got back to their problems. They -did- math.

What's the difference between firm and company?
When I decided not to do a PhD at a university, I already dropped officially doing quantum gravity and such. Besides, I don't really know the purpose of money besides getting pussy and assuring health at old age. I hit the gym 3 times a week and it seems I do better than the people around me.

>> No.7101424

this post actually made me lough

>> No.7101711

same guy, just wanted to clarify that if you do this post then x is an analytic continuation of y

>> No.7101863

thought process of an engineer
>misspell something
>required to do any math past algebra 1
>someone uses an equation
>someone talks about science
>someone talks about dick

>> No.7102081


Yeah, nah, i watched the vid ( the main guy is a real dick btw, fagging about over how incredible it is then turning in to Captain Asshole soon as the camera guy asks him a couple of questions)

Way I see it is you can not add two infinite series together. Becasue if one series is infinite it precludes the existence of any other number. So the hocus pocus bullshit the guys in the vid do to prove OP's equation is just a maths trick to impress maths plebs.

Fuck, i mean like at school we are taught that 1/0 is undefined becasue there is no way to divide something into equally zero parts. That makes intuitive sense. well the same thing applies here, you can not add something to infinity. Therefore you can not manipulate an equation with two sets of infinity to get the answer in Op's equation.

As for those pompous gits with their "but it proves string theory and shit!". You know, I am reminded of those incrediably complex geometric proofs the Midieval mathematicians came up with to explain the motions of the planets and sun around the Earth.

The motions of the planets AND the Sun around the Earth.

Yeah, you guys are just like them.