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7092658 No.7092658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every time the topic of fluoridation comes up, liars come in these threads and start pushing fluoridation and how opposing it is "anti-science". Hah! Here's some real SCIENCE for you!

>Fluoride in drinking water may trigger depression and weight gain, warn scientists

>Around 15,000 people could be suffering needlessly from thyroid problems because of fluoride in drinking water, the University of Kent has warned

>Fluoride could be causing depression and weight gain and councils should stop adding it to drinking water to prevent tooth decay, scientists have warned.
>A study of 98 per cent of GP practices in England found that high rates of underactive thyroid were 30 per cent more likely in areas of the greatest fluoridation.
>It could mean that up to 15,000 people are suffering needlessly from thyroid problems which can cause depression, weight gain, fatigue and aching muscles.


How do we get this shit out of our water?

>> No.7092699

its so hard to know the truth OP when it comes to public water+the shit they use to make it drinkable

>> No.7092704

>depression and weight gain
Right, let's give the fatties something to blame, they are always looking for something.

>> No.7092715

>not drinking the most godly of halogens
>not smearing it all over your teeth in the morning

What are you, gay?

>> No.7092732

lol 1g to kill a fragile newborn.

Alright, op thanks for the warning. I'll be sure not to inject 1000kgs of water all at once into my baby so I don't possibly kill it.

>> No.7092739

sodium is a soft metal that reacts violently with water
chloride is poisonous
ethanol is a poison

sodium chloride is delicious
and ethanol is amazing

don't know what your point is.

>> No.7092743

It's a meme thread just in case you aren't just counter baiting me

>> No.7092785


everything is poisonous if you inject enough of it into you all at once.

>> No.7092926


Claims which are asserted without evidedence can be dismissed without evidence.

>I linked to an article.

Not a scientific article, though. An article published by people trying to get as many views as possible and unconcerned with the validity of the news it reports on. The article itself has no sources .

>It talks about a study being done in a university.

And doesn't link to the study. Look, none of this proves your position isn't correct, but it proves you haven't given us any evidence that it's correct. Do you have some from a reputable source?

>> No.7092962

Ah, the end of the article sort of even makes the point that if this is true it will be acted upon by the governing body. While if the results are found to be unfounded (pun!) then a knee jerk response won't occur. So basically the system already works. This is why we have continuous scientific review.

>> No.7092969

>and ethanol is amazing
Haha, kill yourself. Then again, drinking that shit is killing you already anyway.

>> No.7092987
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>and only slightly les toxic than arsenic

Ok this random statment makes me worry about the arsenic in rice. Why don't people worry about arsenic in rice? Many strains of rice have arsenic in them depending on where the rice was harvested.

>> No.7093003

>1g of fluoride in a tube of toothpaste

Do Americans have giant toothpaste tubes? The maximum consumer fluoride concentration for toothpaste is 1.1mg/g so you're looking at a 2lb tube to get that much fluoride. If your child is able to consume 2lb of toothpaste in a single sitting, it's probable that they're so rotund that their sheer body mass would lower the serum concentration achieved from consuming it (assuming that the body weight ratio for toxicity remains the same with excess adipose tissue)

>> No.7093007

>implying teetotaling isn't as bad for your health as moderately heavy use