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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7091552 No.7091552 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a genius anything about science/technology

>> No.7091563

With all the mobile phones there must be a lot of electromagnetic waves radiating all around us. How does a phone know which waves / signals are the right ones for it and which to dismiss?

>> No.7091564


>> No.7091569

how many unique ways can the points on a 5 pointed crown be painted with 6 colors, if two paintings are distinct up to rotation of the crown

use the orbit stabilizer theorem and burnside's lemma to attack this problem using group actions

>> No.7091570

same way you can tell a G note from a D note

>> No.7091573

not answering math bullshit, and not doing your homework anyway

>> No.7091575

Its because there is a cell tower for each place.

>> No.7091577

>won't do math

>> No.7091578

Are there really that many possible frequencies? There is a technical threshold below which frequencies are indistinguishable for our devices and there is a limited range of frequencies. Are there really millions of available non-overlapping frequency ranges usable for phones?

>> No.7091579

>Ask a genius anything about science/technology
>science and technology
where do you see math there?

>> No.7091584

shit meant for >>7091577
started drinkin some beer when i got back from class, hope this doesn't mean i'm making mistakes with my simulations and data

>> No.7091585

are you implying math is not a science?

>> No.7091590

math is gay as fuck. it's a tool used to do real science

>> No.7091593

>math is gay as fuck
engineers confirmed math majors

>> No.7091595
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>using group theory to do basic combinatorics problems
is this what teachers have resorted to

retard alert

>> No.7091599

>>using group theory to do basic combinatorics problems
>is this what teachers have resorted to
yes this is literally what we learned in lecture yesterday

i hope we're finishing group theory soon and moving onto rings

>> No.7091601

in all seriousness tho, it's just not interesting at all. my uncle has a phd in math and a phd in stats but it's just not interesting or fun to do at all. like in math i dont learn something and think, oh hell, i can use this to go and do this, or make this better. it's just meh, but it is useful for doing things that are important and interesting

>> No.7091604

>using group theory to do basic combinatorics problems
We did this too in our discrete math class. It is very simple just look at the cycles are and your done.

>> No.7091611

>not using group theory to do combinatorics
back to >>kindergarten

>> No.7091614

This is simply not true.
Many phones operate on the same frequency under GSM.

When a message is transmitted multiple phones may receive it however every SIM card has a unique serial number (IICID). If the message received does is not address to this IICID then it is discarded by the phone. There is not an individual frequency for every phone in an area. There would not nearly be enough

>> No.7091621

frequency is the first differentiator between all the signals around us. he didn't just ask about other phones, wifi, wireless mice, etc. frequency is the biggest differentiator

>> No.7091623

Who was more important to development of the modern english language, Shakespeare or Faulkner?

>> No.7091627

The identity consists only of cycles with length 1.
The other 4 rotations consist only of cycles with length 5.

So the solution is
<div class="math">\frac{1}{5}(6^5 + 4 \cdot 6) = 1560</div>

>> No.7091630

Ah sorry I meant

To be an answer to:

But yes phones filter out frequencies outside of the GSM band to reduce 'noise'

>> No.7091631

not chaucer

>> No.7091638

Did you install Gentoo?

>> No.7091659

i used to have ubuntu on a vm but go rid of it

>> No.7091668

the only requirement for installing gentoo is patience
real geniuses install linux from scratch

>> No.7091769

Do you suck dicks?

>> No.7092016

P=NP or P=/=NP. Post proof.

>> No.7092029

P = NP for N = 1

>> No.7092036

<div class="math">\forall N \neq 1 : P \neq NP</div>

>> No.7092054

Wow, go collect your prize to the Clay Institute. You're a real genius.

>> No.7092069

How very humorous, I have never heard that joke before! Harharhar!

>> No.7092071

>ask joke of a question
>get joke an an answer
what did you expect you faggot

>> No.7092093

Will I be able to create an automated reasoning program that is capable of executing any reasoning?

>> No.7092094

you? no

>> No.7092105

Should I give up, then? I have been working on this project for over an year.
Do you want to look at my theory and code?

>> No.7092109

hes going to steal it

>> No.7092110

>Should I give up, then?
yes. it would have to be a massive like code of fuzzy logic and neural nets that you just don't know in the first place

>> No.7092112

How likely is it for me to revolutionize the field of astrophysics or at least make significant contributions/discovery?

I'm 19 and I don't know calculus yet.

>> No.7092117

>Implying that I would show him
I am actually proud of myself, it can deduce the next number for some simple patterns after I changed just a little my algorithm. It doesn't have any parts for searching any pattern in specific, it's all very generic, broad and the code is only 300 lines in Java.

>> No.7092123

>How likely is it for me to revolutionize the field of astrophysics or at least make significant contributions/discovery?
not at all likely

>> No.7092126

You wanna know how I can tell you aren't very smart?

>> No.7092129

Has anyone proved neural net approach is necessary? I agree with fuzzy logic, though. But it's pretty simple. Actually, I came to conclusion that it needs to be a Paraconsistent Logic that eliminates the disjuntive introduction.

>> No.7092130

it also needs to use a Paraconsistent Logic that eliminates the disjuntive introduction*

>> No.7092135

i don't give two fucks about your opinion

>> No.7092144

And I see no reason to ask questions to someone who isn't smart enough to do math, yet you made a thread anyway.

>> No.7092147

>muh math
fucking spergs

>> No.7092148

>fuzzy logic
>hurr durr I can't see the world in shades of gray
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7092151

hahahaha it's so funny because you have no clue m8

>> No.7092156

It is important to have people actually working on this amazing tool.

>> No.7092157


>> No.7092161

Answer me OP. Here:

>> No.7092168

neural networks would be important for mimicking human behavior. to be able to see how humans interact and take that information to modify the machine's behavior is important

>> No.7092176

I think it should arise as a consequence of trying to build an algorithm that follows logic as well as a human being, not as a starting point. Afterwall it's two different environments.

>> No.7092179

What's your field of research?

>> No.7092180

How can our mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.7092182

i meant that it needs to be included because those abilities would be important, not that it should be the basis of the logical structure

>> No.7092184

i slap and i suck clits

>> No.7092188

No, really, dude, mah bro. Are you a physicist or what?

>> No.7092189

How does the curvature of the universe cause gravity, and what evidence do we have to believe the universe has a negative curvature over large scales?

>> No.7092194


>> No.7092195

nuclear engr

>> No.7092199

That is not genius tier. Fuck off pseudophysicist.

>> No.7092208
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>> No.7092219

Will I, a third worlder, be selected to study in Harvard for grad school?

>> No.7092223

what school, what grades, what field, any research, what race?

>> No.7092252

>what school
Universidade de São Paulo
>what grades
I have the equivalent to a 3.9 GPA (different system here)
>what field
Computer Science
>any research
I am doing research initiation on Natural Language Processing, but nothing original.
>what race
I have a lebanese great great grandfather and a indigenous brazilian great great grandmother in my family tree, but I am mostly from european ancestry and have a light skin.

>> No.7092256

why harvard

>> No.7092260

Any Ivy League or high tier university, I was just joking, actually.

>> No.7092276

So, do I have a chance? I am mostly a lazy ass, but maybe if I started actually working hard.