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7090645 No.7090645 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any Biochemists, MP's or geneticists in here atm? I want to run something by you which may have a significant impact on the treatment of bone cancer.

>> No.7090658

Biochemist here, shoot.

>> No.7090659

I'll post this here for others to read, I welcome criticism and if I am wrong so be it.

>up-regulation of caspase-3 and caspase-7 genes in C2C12 cells after treatment with Au-NPs.

Bone cancer is immune to apoptosis, however if you introduce Colloidal Gold to the area which is permeable to all membranes including cell nucleus, the myoblasts that the cancer is creating as a spreading mechanism are commanded to die.

This could be extremely helpful also as a carrier, bringing medicine directly inside of the affected area through the protective mucus lining the affected tissue. A great example of this is gamma globulin, something that the Gold naturally binds to.

>> No.7090676
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>Bone cancer is immune to apoptosis
All cancers have to be, it's one of their hallmarks. Drug delivery by gold nanoparticles isn't a new concept (in fact, you can make a treatment even more targeted by fully encapsulating your compound in a gold nanoparticle then rupturing it at the appropriate spot with an array of lasers. However, if the gold itself is doing the killing, it's potentially able to kill off healthy cells too (pic related). This is all chemotherapy is, selecting compounds that kill cancerous cells slightly better than they kill healthy cells, which is why they usually target an element of cell replication or are taken up preferentially by cells undergoing replication (this is also the connection to the specific side effects suffered by those undergoing chemotherapy, particularly fast dividing and metabolically active cells are damaged before those which are less active).

Finally, consider that the production of cancerous cells is a form of evolution, by the time of macro scale tumor formation, the cells constituting that tumor have been selected to posses all the hallmarks of cancer (look up "The Six Hallmarks of Cancer".

>> No.7090685

You do understand that Chemotherapy kills off the immune system, while the Gold enhances its availability and efficiency. It seems to be a much greater prospect in this way.

Ill look up the six hallmarks of cancer thank you. It certainly is a shame that in becoming immortal in a sense, it also becomes dysfunctional or we would live forever haha.

Yes Gold is long known as a carrier but it's interaction with DNA and Rna is far more interesting to me.

I am considering production of this product at a scale of 5 nanometer in order to treat depression and anxiety. From personal experience I was liberated from the symptoms of anxiety in less than a week and the change has been permanent. WHY is a entirely new ballgame hence my research and this stood out to me.

>> No.7090692

>You do understand that Chemotherapy kills off the immune system, while the Gold enhances its availability and efficiency.
Yes, immune cells are rather metabolically and reproductively active. Immune enhancement isn't necessarily a universally good thing, increasing immune activity can lead to premature aging and autoimmune disorders.

>I am considering production of this product at a scale of 5 nanometer in order to treat depression and anxiety. From personal experience I was liberated from the symptoms of anxiety in less than a week and the change has been permanent.
Sugar pills will work just as well and they're cheaper. However, if you want an even stronger placebo effect, get a medical professional to inject you with normal saline, it's more cathartic and therefore more effective.

>> No.7090694

As a side-interest and while I still hopefully have your attention have you done any reading on resveratrol and it's interaction with telemeres?

>> No.7090697

I'm afraid not, I specialise in developmental biology. I'd strongly advise against taking novel compounds, especially if they're believed to interact with genetic material there's a million ways that can go badly wrong.

>> No.7090699

Oh come now :) There are a lot of studies that link colloidal gold with many benefits. I am surprised you have thrown it under the bus as a snake oil so easily. Plus my experience with treatment using it is far from an isolated or placebo category.

Yes I am doing further reading on its affect on MS. Naturally our immune system must be kept in balance, throwing this out is dangerous. I have to consider all of this before making my decision to produce.

>> No.7090701


this is a good enough reason to take it

>> No.7090704

>I am surprised you have thrown it under the bus as a snake oil so easily
Not at all, it sounds like it's worth researching further, I just don't regard
>" From personal experience I was liberated from the symptoms of anxiety in less than a week and the change has been permanent"
as a compelling reason to forgo further research and start taking it or offering it to others to take. If anything, a caspase cascade interaction, even if only observed cancer cells, makes its use without proper research even more troubling than if it were totally inert.

>> No.7090710

It is definitely something that I need to do further research on. That being said, personal experience is a green light for me to do further analytic work. Sadly I am not a graduate in chemistry, biology or medicine as of yet I am only semester 2 which makes wading through information all the harder, so it is a real growth process for me.

>> No.7090716

I'm not at work so I can't read the full article but there are no gains in medicine without losses. A small example (that I am familiar with). p53 is dysfunctional (either the gene is switched off or the protein is malformed) in about 50% of human cancer so an idea that was considered a while ago was to devise a way to concoct a virus that caused additional, normal p53 production and activity in cancerous cells. However, this would also lead to increased p53 activity in normal cells which is linked to premature aging.

Here's one example:

>> No.7090719

>I am only semester 2 which makes wading through information all the harder, so it is a real growth process for me
I certainly wouldn't take this as justification to begin self experimentation.

>> No.7090722

I understand it is foolish to 'mess around' with my system but the truth is I wish to expand my lifespan. I am following leads in the best way that I can. Much of my research is based upon known effects but you are right in that I must definitely understand the why in order to avoid problems esp later in life.

>> No.7090727

Your adventures may lead you to achieving the opposite result. A far better strategy would be to look into what your familial risks are and minimise the associated risk factors. Alternatively (or additionally), study hard so you can help produce something that will work with minimal side effects.

Afraid I have to go now, hopefully someone else can help you if you have any further questions.

>> No.7090728

Great read indeed