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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7088852 No.7088852 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw tutoring calc

>> No.7088870
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>tfw tutoring middle school math

>> No.7088875
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>explaining epsilon-delta to econ students

>> No.7088877

>tfw people tell me i explain math to them better than their teachers

this frightens me

>> No.7088890

being a good teacher and being good at math are not the same thing.

>> No.7088894
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>tfw tutoring intro into programming

>> No.7088898

this is the real hell

>> No.7088905
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>tutoring pchem

>> No.7088914

>tutoring intro to differential equations
>"What's a derivative?"

>> No.7089242

>tutoring intro to Inter-Universal Teichmuller theory
>"What's a Hodge theatre?"

>> No.7089269

Done all three, never had a problem. You guys probably just suck at tutoring.

>> No.7089276

>tutoring quantum mechanics
>"What's free will?"

>> No.7089282

>tutoring algorithm analysis and complexity
>"What's a logarithm?"

>> No.7089283

>Tutoring Cohomology
How do you compute the etale fundamental group?

>> No.7089759
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Currently tutoring Abstract Algebra, 2 ODE students, Numerical analysis (fml), 2 regeants students, and a calc 2 kid

The thing about tutoring math in particular most people don't usually realize: all of my (adult) students are drop-dead gorgeous women.

I love my job.

>> No.7089764


555 :D

>> No.7089772


>> No.7089788
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tfw tutoring trig and everythings going well until the guy just stops showing up halfway through the semester

>> No.7089898

>adult women

>> No.7089924

I currently run SL sessions for calc students. Turns out that the prof is pretty bad and like 100 show up. It's a bad time.

>> No.7089961

How do i get a job as a tutor? Im a 3rd yr math undergrad

>> No.7090051

>all of my (adult) students are drop-dead gorgeous women
fuck, I'm in the wrong business

>> No.7090108


look into it at your schools department... Or ask one of the lecturers of a course that has tutors in it.


>Tutoring Engineering Math
>"What's a matrix", "calculus is useless", "I just want to fuck sluts in my ferarri so can I leave early?"

>> No.7090112

I tutor a Japanese professor's son in Chemistry. It's rough; I honestly feel like he just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.7090117


>> No.7090121

>tfw tutored bordeline retarded girl in precalc and she failed
>tfw she had some kind of speech impediment that makes her sound even more retarded than she is
>tfw she is trying to become a dietician for no reason whatsoever

>> No.7090145

Did he want to smoke cigs after fucking the sluts?

>> No.7090183
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>tfw tutoring engineering students in introductory calculus based physics
>most of the questions are about vectors
>try to explain what a vector space is
>"anon, but how do we add vectors"?

Another one is when they think that the projection onto the x-axis is always just the cosine, regardless of how the angle is defined.
I hate state school.

>> No.7090186

>implying you need to know what a vector space is to pass physics.

It's like you want your students to fail.

>> No.7090190

>tutoring calc 2
>student takes 80% of the alotted time struggling to do things such as multiply out (3+5x)(2-6x) or solve quadratics

People need to fail algebra and re-learn it if necessary. It's for their own good

>> No.7090374

They literally are. If you can't teach something, you don't understand it.
The difference with teachers is that they often don't understand what they are teaching.

>> No.7090376

why the fuck do econ students need epsilon delta

>> No.7090400

algebra is hard though we should let computer do that

>> No.7090408
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>tfw tutoring garbage common core mathematics
Seriously tho, why is this shit still exists?
This country is fucked if they continue to teach this bullshit to kids

>> No.7090418

>If you can't teach something, you don't understand teaching.
If you think understanding Math will somehow automatically transform you into a Math teacher, then you know nothing about teaching.

>> No.7090429

It's the same with any subject, if you know it you can teach it.
Teaching isn't some separate skill, it's why any academic at university will be able to teach you something and why they don't require specially trained people to be lecturers.

>> No.7090647


>> No.7090827
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>tutoring little brother in integration
>what are upper and lower riemann summs

>tutoring girlfriend in diff eq
>why are we solving for v the question is asking for y
>what do you mean i can't just write dx/dy, i can just multiply by dx and divide by dy and then we get dx/dy

>> No.7090884
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>tfw tutoring logic fundamentals i acquired at age 12
>did genius's like leonardo have emotions

>> No.7090896

>what are upper and lower riemann summs
I have no idea.
sounds like rectangle sums to me

>> No.7090903

I hope you are just trying to meme something here. Unless she's a math major it's perfectly fine for her to use dx/dy just like that. Yeah, yeah, it's not so good to do that if you are being pedantic, but for the rest of the situations one might encounter it's ok. Stop being autistic, it's not cool.

>> No.7091690


most common core methods are probably how you do math in your head, you're just too stubborn to accept it.

>> No.7091717


In calc you do left and right point Riemann sums, if you do Reimann sums at all, because there is no concept of inf or sup in elementary calculus.

>> No.7092563


> tfw tutoring how to shitpost
> what is sage

>> No.7093258

What's the problem? Should he call them Darboux sums instead?

>> No.7093516
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how do i show my teacher how much i appreciate him without sucking his cock
he's teaching me calc 3, but he also teaches 8 other classes, including remedial math. i've seen this. these people suck at third grade math and he keeps 200% calm and explains through things thoroughly and completely, just like he does when he's teaching calc 3. he doesn't have a family and he's working almost 24/7, and he is the most happy, upbeat person i've ever met. i envy him as much as i appreciate him and want to do something nice for him because my classmates are kinda douchebags to him for some reason.

>> No.7093533

for the same reason that math students do. It's important in theory.

>> No.7095196

Suck his cock.

>> No.7095675

>doesnt know shit about econ

>> No.7095683

fucking engineers
If its too hard to figure out, on the number line the kid took out 3 100s then 6 ones. He forgot to take out a ten
3 100s, 0 10s, 6 1s
Its the exact same shit, but this is probably for a 1st or 2nd grader so its trying to give them an intuition for what they are doing, and how to work through a problem.
This is the same as if someone gave the school system shit for "sounding it out" because "WHAT ABOUT THIS WORD, YOUR SYSTEM DOESNT WORK FOR THIS WORD"
The write a letter part is to make the kid think, not to make them think "everyone is right". They gave a problem, asked for an error, and then asked for the kid to explain the error.

>> No.7095688

buy him a present for christmas or birthday.
take him out to dinner

>> No.7095694

offer you boipussy

>> No.7095718

literally sexual service

We're all so fucking sex depraved in academia it's not even funny. How the fuck do people get laid?

>> No.7095730
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>tfw tutoring the theory of symbolic string manipulations known as high school algebra

>> No.7095733
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I wonder if that faggot started to study or is still being a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.7095737

This actually happend in my class. Not joking.

>> No.7095748
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>> No.7095795

epsilon delta is the most useless shit to ever enter any curriculum ever

>> No.7095815

thank mr skeltal

>> No.7095886

my first calc course had these briefly.

>> No.7095940

>what do you mean i can't just write dx/dy, i can just multiply by dx and divide by dy
you actually can do that...
you can also do cross multiplication and integrate

>> No.7096142
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>Treating derivative operators as fractions

Get the fuck out of here right now you piece of shit.

>> No.7096160

only stuck up mathematicians care about that
I studied physics and no one gives a shit + it gives correct results

>> No.7096232

>muh epsilon-delta

>> No.7096237

even Stuart uses epsilon delta

>> No.7096305

>tfw tutoring 091/092 (up to DifEq of course)
Tutored for 3.5 semesters. What's worse is they use this shitty "Hawkes System" at my old college which is easily the worst way to ever teach students, and as a result at LEAST 1/3rd of students in statistics 101 drop out, and the only students in the Calculus-based physics or chemistry stuff are students that started at the calculus level in college.

Anything "Pre-Calc" related is autistic circlejerking, I swear to fucking god.

>synthetic division
>Rene Descartes ANYTHING except the coordinate plane
>epsilon delta
>all the different terms they use to demonstrate something converges or not, can't just write out the working, HAVE TO PUT THE RIGHT WORDS DOWN
Seriously anything that involves those makes students WORSE at math. I have never seen a good math or science student that actually had to deal with that bullshit.

>best friend in college was qt latino milf in Engineering
>milf-tier biker-style smoking chick
>giant tall black woman, friendly
>women with HUUUUUUUGE hips, almost cooed when she talked and got too close
>very thin woman who pastes on a ton of make-up because she's divorced, 45+, going to college
I love women. All the girls around my age were vapid whores, though there were a few bros.

>> No.7096309

>classes spend an hour getting kids to write essays on why 5x6 is not 56, instead of having them do problems
>literally 95% of math teachers in schools are women, despite women openly saying in studies they don't understand anything they're doing and in studies say they have 0 confidence in math and they can't think fractions
>NO education program is made with the advice of engineers or scientists, the people who actually have to use math
You fucking niggers are the reason I have to teach solving algebra to 40 year olds. They used to call it New Math, now it's Common Core, next week it will be something else, when LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE SUCCESSFUL ADVANCED MATH PROGRAM DOES DRILLING. There has NEVER been any breakthrough in teaching mathematics, because the only way forward would be to enhance performance, and that would be racist because of how fucking slow normals are.

>> No.7098062

It's abuse of notation, but it works. It is pretty much the basis of the chain rule and guess what faggot, the chain rule works.

>> No.7098089

thank mr skeltal

>> No.7098099

>tfw never needed a tutor for any subject ever

STEM master race !!!

>> No.7098104

This isn't true at all, but I understand where you're coming from.

I tutor math, but I'm better at math than at teaching it. What I use inside my own head to understand is different from what people always might need. Just as an example, I like graphing quadratic functions intuitively (because its piss-easy and fun). But most students are taught not intuition, but number-crunching a bunch of formulas to tell them the graph's behavior, and plotting 8,000 points before even THINKING of what the function might look like.

On the other hand, I'm terrible at digital audio but ran a very successful 3 month long workshop on it because I understood how to teach it. The students said they learned more from me than the other guy doing it, who had a masters. Probably because I understood what it was like being a beginner-- I had to learn the material just days before instruction.

>> No.7098133

Is it so hard to teach opposite and adjacent

How could you be so condescending towards people who pay you and seek help when they are having issues? They are still learning.

>> No.7098166

>It's the same with any subject, if you know it you can teach it.
that is a FUCKIN LIE
the most retarded shit ever spoken on sci
what makes it so retarded is that you probably believe it too

>> No.7098188
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>Tutoring General Chemistry I and II
Just look at the fucking units!! What you put down is nonsense shit hell fuck
>Tutoring Organic Chemistry I and II

>> No.7098200

if you know it you can teach
That's definitely not true. I was an okay tutor but it was only once I read ''How to solve it'' by Polya that I really understood that teaching is really letting the students gain insights themselves. Your job is to help them along. You can be very knowledgeable about a subject but be a bad lecturer/tutor.

>> No.7098204

Get him the pentel graphing pencil. It'll cost you about 12$ but it'll be the greatest pencil he ever usedl;

>> No.7098211

>NO education program is made with the advice of engineers or scientists, the people who actually have to use math
ughhh no. Let mathematicians teach math.
Also who gives a shit if you have to teach algebra to 40 year olds. Everyone has to start somewhere.

>> No.7098213
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>tfw tutoring electronic instrumentation
Kids who don't know that 1/tau = 1/RC is in rad/s and just write down Hz. Don't know bode diagrams they got in their previous lecture. Don't know what an octave is. Don't know definition of decibel. Fuck up voltage divider equations. Have to build Thevenin eq circuits, don't set power supply to Thevenin voltage. Shit that was explained literally yesterday some people are clueless about, then lie when I ask if they even went to the lecture when the lecture hall was half empty.

And the list goes on and on.

>> No.7098214
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i also am a user of pentel
i have graph1000 and graph600
both are great
I also like rotrings

>> No.7098233

Haven't you heard about the Hooker Conjecture? Turns out it is theoretically possible to pay women to have sex with you, who would've thought? Too bad all the experimentalist are afraid they get sucked in by the vag hole so it hasn't been empirically proven yet.

>> No.7098250

What's the difference between the graph 1000 and the other one? I just assumed the 1000 was better. Also how is rotrings

>> No.7098258

graph1000 feels more well built, its more expensive though
i like how graph600 feels in my hand better, for some reason

>> No.7098464
File: 632 KB, 1632x1224, muhrotring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a rotring 600 in 0.5 and I love it. It's very heavy but the balance is good enough that you don't notice it after a bit of using it. Almost entirely metal, I think the only plastic parts in it is the eraser cap and a piece in the advancing mechanism. Writes like a dream, too. There's no play in the lead whatsoever. Also you can use a bic pen cap to protect the tip, it's saved me more than once.

Worth the $25 dollars

>> No.7098484

it should seriously come with a cap
drop it once and it might be ruined

>> No.7098489

Is everyone in this thread a fucking autist?
Teaching requires patience. How much of a dumb piece of garbage do you have to be to not be understanding towards someone willing to learn to a subject.

>> No.7098499

well don't be a tutor then you autistic faggog

>> No.7098594

ITT: nerds

>> No.7098753

90% of college students are not interested in learning shit

>> No.7098795

Best post by far.

>> No.7098801

Sure ya can, jewboy. It's just an infinitely small delta x

>> No.7098849

why did you pay 25$ for a pen?
what's so special about it?

>> No.7098899


It can get retards to spend huge amounts of money.

>> No.7098904

thank mr skeltal

>> No.7098905


Because we're paying for our education to get work. This is the 21st century where 75% of good jobs need at least a bachelor's degree. We learn to get work that can give us money to do what we enjoy.