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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7081182 No.7081182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This little fucking shit I am so mad.

All I did was give them a simple EC assignment because I'm nice and he turns me in this.

He's a smart kid and all, really smart, but god fucking dammit he fucks up simple things like this. HOW?

>> No.7081187

why are you such an ass do you really need to comment about neatness

>> No.7081188

Yes, if they're turning in an official assignment I expect it to be neat.

Would you hand in your doctoral dissertation full of spelling errors and pen marks from people you asked to peer review?

>> No.7081194

Of course, this is a "doctoral dissertation". Not fucking simple maths.

>> No.7081195

Ah are you black? It would be weird if we knew each other.

>> No.7081196

Don't bitch about handwriting when you legit wrote a '7' instead of a '2' at the bottom.

I can tell from the way you write that you think you are hot shit now that you have some authority.

>> No.7081199

>I love math :)

>> No.7081200

what would make somebody write that on an assignment to be turned in?

>> No.7081202

to an assmad TA?
not much

>> No.7081203


did you reply to me by mistake? what do you mean

>> No.7081205

0 points, move on with your life.

>> No.7081210

are you mad because he showed the left side is equal to the right and not the other way around or what?
i don't get it

>> No.7081213
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>> No.7081214

I asked them to prove that the left side is equal to the right, not that the right is equal to the left.

>> No.7081215

So he just has to say Equality Reflexivity and bam. proven

>> No.7081216

No, that's not how it works. You do what I tell you, not what you want to do.

>> No.7081219

Are you a high school teacher or something?
First year?

>> No.7081221

power mad fucktard - I hate teachers like you

>> No.7081222

it's pretty clear that OP is the one that did the assignment and is buttblasted at being corrected. fuck off OP you fucking faggot

>> No.7081223

So what you're saying is, this is an I-was-just-pretending-to-be-retarded troll thread, of the kind retards make.

>> No.7081225

Proving that the right side equals the left side is one way of proving that the left side equals the right side.
You will get no support here because everyone who has to do proofs much more difficult will disagree.

>> No.7081228

No, I'm a college TA.

I asked them all to prove that the left is equal to the right.

Instead he breaks down the right and gives me a circular fucking answer.

He came to me after class and asked me why exactly he was wrong, and I told him because he didn't do what I said.

Do you seriously think I'm in the wrong here? He didn't follow instructions to solve the proof.

>> No.7081231

you are literally retarded or this is b8

>> No.7081233

Read the proof from the bottom up sperglord.

>> No.7081234

>You will get no support here because everyone who has to do proofs much more difficult will disagree.

I gave instructions, I expect them to be followed. There is a certain way to do math.


Fuck off troll.

>> No.7081235

lol I hope the kid goes above you and you get a bollucking for being too mathematically incompetent that every single algebraic manipulation he did was an equivalence <=> and so he did prove exactly the statement you told him to prove. It wasn't circular at all.

Are you really a math teacher?

Any mathematician knows that if you're trying to prove equality of two things it's usually better to reduce complexity in the more complex side rather than try to introduce complexity to the simpler side.

You're pathetic and incompetent.

>> No.7081236

end yourself

>> No.7081237

Yes I know about equivalent reflixivity, I'm a physics TA idiot.

It still stands I TOLD HIM TO BREAK DOWN THE LEFT SIDE, not the fucking right. And he didn't do what I said, so no EC.

I don't understand why he's so fucking intelligent, because he regularly has discussions after class with the professor and I, but can't follow instructions.

>> No.7081238


>proving shit
lol engineer heare you're a huge faget betch

>tfw skipped every proof problem on homework cause i didn't need the points and they were gay.

>> No.7081239

Because >>7081215.
Because equality is a reflexive property.
Because it shouldn't matter which side you prove equals which, so long as your steps are correct.
Because you're too worried about it being done exactly how you want it.

>> No.7081240

>You're pathetic and incompetent.
OP, you should be banned from /sci/ for life so you don't spread your retardation to the rest of the idiots on this board

>> No.7081241

>I don't understand why he's so fucking intelligent, because he regularly has discussions after class with the professor and I, but can't follow instructions.
so you're jelly of this kid and taking it out on his grades. what a fucking faggot. I genuinely hope you die painfully very soon.

>> No.7081242

>I don't understand why he's so fucking intelligent

>> No.7081243

You've never graded, I take it. Neatness is super important.

>> No.7081244


>> No.7081246


I know that it is a reflexive property, my point stands I told them to do it a certain way. It will help them if they can introduce complexity and then simplify it.

Fuck off.

He didn't follow instructions. I am not in the wrong here. I stated I wanted them to introduce complexity.

I'm not jelly at all. I like the kid. We have great philosophical, scientific talks. He has very interesting ideas.

It's still frustrating he can't follow simple instructions. Yet gets upset when I punish it for him.

>> No.7081248

why didn't he just wolfram alpha it?

>> No.7081249

>making yourself dumber

And because I told them to show their work.

>> No.7081250

How is this introducing complexity??
Additionally, there is more than one way to write a proof, and this is one. You can't teach that there is only one way to do it, that's just incorrect.

Realistically, when this kid has to do difficult proofs, it will make zero sense to do it in a more complicated way than the easiest way that comes to mind. You should be encouraging them to find the simplest and fastest way rather than

>> No.7081251


>> No.7081253

Sure you can find the easier way, but that isn't going to help them.

By having them figure out the harder way, it'll make the problems that much simpler.

Why do you not get this? I am HELPING them. And he didn't. Fucking. Listen.

>> No.7081255

Also, why the fuck did he write

>I love math :)

On the fucking paper he gave to me. Why? This is a professional setting. Why the fuck would you turn something in with a FUCKING SMILEY FACE.

>> No.7081256


>> No.7081257

Do you TA at Florida state? Because that place is filled to the brim with retards like you.

>> No.7081258

Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you that you think teaching them that doing it the fastest way is wrong actually helps them?

>> No.7081260

No, I'm a TA in the midwest

>> No.7081261

>mfw people like OP actually consider themselves to be intelligent
kek. i pity you OP.

>> No.7081262

>with the professor and I

with the professor and me

>> No.7081263

I'm not telling them its wrong, I'm ecouraging them to at least know the hard way. It strengthens their brains

>> No.7081264

wow this isn't a troll

>> No.7081265

If you're not saying it's wrong, why didn't he receive credit?
There's knowing the hard way, and there's forcing them to use the hard way. What you're doing isn't helping.

>> No.7081266


>not drawing infinity elephants and circling coffee/pizza stains on your homework

>> No.7081267

why'd you post this shit on /sci/?
This is a super serious place.
Why didn't you just go tell your boss so he could blow you the fuck out?

>> No.7081268


meant to reply to


cant 4chan EVER

>> No.7081269

Because I'm assuming he doesn't know the hard way and doesn't care to learn.

I havent told him yet and I dont have to because I have authoirty here.

What the fuck is an infinity elephant?

>> No.7081270

I'd guess you set his gaydar off and he wants some EC. Solution? Stop being such a fag

>> No.7081271

>tells the kid to be neater
>writes a 7 instead of a 2
>buttfrustated because he proved it in a different way than you personally like
What a fucking dick.

>> No.7081272

there is no fucking difference you cunt. a correct answer is a correct answer. fucking kill yourself and do the world a favor

>> No.7081273

My question still stands.
Why are you whining to us?

>> No.7081275


it doesn't have to be an elephant but just drawing circles inside shapes and filling in the corners.

i usually just do them with triangles.

>> No.7081276

He was searching for commiseration and accidentally found out he is a retard.

>> No.7081277

What good would it do him in the world of math to know a more complicated way of doing it?
I bet you'd make him use the formal definition to get derivatives, too. What a cunt.

>> No.7081279

Because this is math related. I'm not whining, I was hoping to get some input from other teachers here on how to get this kid to follow fucking directions.

>> No.7081280

I'll say it again:
We will all just keep telling you that this is your fault. You are a fucking retard. You are in the wrong.

>> No.7081283

That sounds autistic, if he ever turned in a paper with stupid "infinity" doodles, I would rip it up and tell him to do a new one, rather than just writing a 0 and correcting him.

That's worse than telling me you LE LOVE MATH :) PROVEN XD!!!!!!

>> No.7081284

you're a fucking retarded TA. get it through your sperg brain that you have no authority. you have no power and you're going to have to accept that your students are smarter than you. seek a mental health professional

>> No.7081285

stop being a faggot.

>> No.7081286

I sure hope this kid gets his phd and steals the job from you later done the road, and you end up flipping burgers at McDonald's or something.

>> No.7081288

How am I in the wrong when I gave SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS TO DO IT A CERTAIN WAY to help them?

>> No.7081289


>> No.7081291

This fucking thread.

>> No.7081293

So literally read his shit from the bottom up jerkoff.

Why does /sci/ even respond to these master baiters

>> No.7081295

I think its hilarious.

>> No.7081297

>I asked them to prove that the left side is equal to the right, not that the right is equal to the left.
Kill yourself.

>> No.7081299

>year of our Lord 2015
>responding to troll thread
kek, yall are dumber than you think OP is

>> No.7081302

All I wanted him to do was be able to figure it out the harder way, so as to help himself. I don't care if he does it the easier way in other things, but if he can figure out the tough shit, it HELPS HIM.

I doubt he'll get a fucking PhD if he can't follow basic instructions.

At the moment he has a C in the class because he can't follow these fucking instructions and doesn't study. I know he doesn't. And it frustrates me because he has extreme potential.

>> No.7081305

You shouldn't need to study for a class like this. Why the fuck are you fucking up his grades with this "can't follow directions" bullshit. Take his right answers for what they are: right answers.

>> No.7081307

>you shouldnt have to study for Calc 1

You're an idiot. You should study for EVERY class. Especially a kid like this who had a math disadvantaged background.

>> No.7081309

>At the moment he has a C in the class because sometimes even correct answers aren't really correct answers
if you were a TA in any of my courses and tried pulling some shit like this i'd go straight to you PI, and if that didn't get you to cut your shit i'd beat the shit out of you

>> No.7081311

It may be correct but I told him to finish it with a certain answer and do it the harder way.

>> No.7081313
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>this thread
>my sides
Pic related.

>> No.7081314

Picture want to do this on my next exam

>> No.7081315

Why should you study for every class? If the concept is simple enough for you to have understood it in class, and you're able to solve the hw problems, why would you put more time into it than you need, looking back over the shit you already understand? Needing to study just means that you didn't pay enough attention the first time you "learned" it. Once you know it, if you know it well enough to apply it, then you know it.

>> No.7081316
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Hey you wanna prove a=b the hard way or the easy way?

>> No.7081323

Studying helps the mind, it betters it. There is no such thing as too much studying.

>> No.7081325

>but if he can figure out the tough shit, it HELPS HIM
yep, sure helps him having his gpa lowered cause some faggot TA is misunderstanding his role.
stop being a dick, it's not your place as a TA to force your philosophy on another teacher's students.

>> No.7081326

Please tell me you're trolling. At what point can you stop studying "2+2=4"?

>> No.7081328

GPA doesn't fucking matter, I'm helping his brain if he would just fucking listen.

>> No.7081329

If GPA doesn't matter then why dock him points?

>> No.7081330

This is why you shouldn't be allowed to teach anyone anything.

>> No.7081331

>not using triple integration to prove 2+2=4 to yourself every day


>> No.7081332

Because it'll teach him to start listening.

There's a reason I'm a TA

>> No.7081334

I've had some shit teachers. Being allowed to teach doesn't mean you *should* be allowed to teach.

>> No.7081338

>GPA doesn't fucking matter
how are you a TA?
oh right, you already decided he's not going to get a phd so i guess it doesn't.
what a faggot.
>I'm helping his brain if he would just fucking listen
that messiah complex
god, i've never been baited this hard

>> No.7081340

Lol, okay, fuck this world, I guess it's now BAD to teach kids HARD things. And that them not following direct instructions is REWARDED

>> No.7081342

But the logic doesn't follow:
GPA doesn't matter therefore I will change his GPA and see results. But that would be absurd, so you think GPA does matter. This is what we call "a proof by contradiction", you'll learn about this later on in MATH 137.

>> No.7081343

You're not teaching hard things, you're teaching how to do simple things more difficultly. HUGE fucking difference.

>> No.7081346

The thought that someone like OP is out there and might someday grade my papers with this bullshit...

>> No.7081347

>I guess it's now BAD to teach kids HARD things
work smarter, not harder.
you're mad cause the kid outsmarted you and found a simple way to do something you taught was difficult? you're not teaching the kid anything imporant like you think you are, you're teaching him to be a mindless robot.

>> No.7081352

You people are fucking faggots for actually siding with the kid on this. He didn't follow instructions, Plain and simple

>> No.7081353

Wait, doing either side has about the same difficulty as the other just by eyeballing it.

What kind of autist gets his panties in a pinch over this?

>> No.7081357

He. Didn't. Follow. Instructions.

>> No.7081363

ITT: Following instructions for how to solve a problem is more important than being able to solve problems.

>> No.7081364
File: 70 KB, 525x800, Allisvanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one in this thread who doesn't see how proceeding from left to right is any more or less complex/difficult than proceeding from right to left in this instance?

And yeah, OP, you're either trolling or actively harming your student's intellectual development. Either way, you're in the wrong here.

>> No.7081369

No, that is why everyone has been calling OP a tard.

>> No.7081374

Don't forget he's mad that an enthusiastic, bright young mind wrote "I love math :)" on his paper.

>> No.7081375

No, we weren't going with that one way is necessarily easier, just that the student solving it in a way that comes most naturally is a positive, not a negative.

>> No.7081378

When I was in pre-cal the TA just said to pick the side that is the easiest for you. I figured she did that because all that mattered is that we knew what is equal to what.

>> No.7081441

I agree with OP on using a particular side of the proof for a solution. This is more or less used to demonstrate that the student understands the concepts used in a course rather than being capable of working around it. In reality, if the student can solve the proof on way, they should apply their better logic to prove the statement from the other direction and the teacher has asked them to demonstrate it. The manipulation from one side to another and vice versa are different while linked and students should be expected to understand this.
However, OP has no right to post the image of this student's work let alone discuss their progress. I honestly believe the student should take action and report them to the school's academic integrity board if they stumble upon this; OP will be in serious trouble if they do. Additionally, why target this kid for neatness when its clear your only issue should be the maths in question? Do you really need to assault their writing, especially when you can't seem to write a proper 2?
OP, ya done fucked up, explain, in a professional manner, to your student why they should solve the problem from one particular side. Its not because "I said to do it this way" because there is a legitimate mathematical process that is related to the thinking of the converse which the student needs to understand. The student should be able to make the argument of the proof from both sides, not one.

>> No.7081475

I love how mad you are. Have an aneurysm.

You're the kind of TA that makes university shit.

>> No.7081476

You want the proof from the other side? Read the proof from the bottom up. It doesn't make a difference. If you're having problems solving something, trying it from a different angle should always be a valid option. Not to say that either side is particularly difficult, but if you can't get from one step to the next, working the other side until you figure it out is an option. If the student wanted to, he could have worked it this way, then rewritten it backwards, and no one would know the difference. This is why it doesn't matter if you solve it one way or the other: there is no way to tell the difference.
It isn't a matter of understanding the concepts; sometimes, like when you're doing a lot of problems and your brain is fried, you might draw a blank on where to go next or something. If you solve for one side, you're using all of the same identities as solving for the other. This means you are demonstrating your knowledge of the course material equally no matter which side you solve for, since it's the exact same thing.

>> No.7081492

I'm not mad.

>> No.7081496

>This little fucking shit I am so mad.
>I'm not mad.
Choose one.

>> No.7081504

you know this is probably just some guy that made a fake homework and fake graded it to troll /sci/

no way some TA is actually like this

>> No.7081518

>no way some TA is actually like this
oh boy how wrong you are.

>> No.7081519

On my discrete math test I noticed I fucked up a minus early in the problem which made the whole problem and a shit ton of calculation wrong.

There was 5 minutes til the end of the exam so I had no time to correct it. Pointed and arrow to the minus explained why I fucked up and wrote a crying smiling face ;_;

the guy grading me still gave me some points for effort and for saving him the time of going through all the bullshit to spot the wrong minus

>> No.7081529

true there are bad TAs but this guy csnt b serious

>> No.7081531

I would agree if I hadn't been arguing with him. You could just feel the butthurt in the speed of the replies.

>> No.7081543

could just be a really good troll

>> No.7081547
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>> No.7081548

What a faggy little comment he wrote, I hope you failed him.

>> No.7081549

fuck off OP

>> No.7081554

>There is a certain way to do math.
No. There are a gorillion ways to do math. Bet you're an engineer shitting on other engineers.
He is in the right, he has proven left <=> right.
Equivalency is a reflexive and transitive property, engineer betch

>> No.7081555


God please tell me they are not at

University of Florida too

>> No.7081572
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Not OP.

Also TA thread general? I can't believe this kid fucked up the "free marks" question so badly, I'm considering stapling a deregistration form to his test. I want to give him at least 1 or 2 marks somewhere, but I really can't justify it.

>> No.7081585

you should appreciate that you have a student that likes the subject matter and is comfortable enough to manipulate it in this manner, he probably thought you were cool since you had have discussions previously...
on how you should processed, tell him you got the answer and see the logic, but remind him of nature of the situation and you would appreciate his professionalism, because you have a boss to report to and some day he will too...knowing what is expected and being able to deliver is half of what indoctrination/education means.
>by the way you need to chill

>> No.7081587

I don't understand all the commotions. TA gets handed in some personal notes and scribbles: I don't see any proof. What surprises me is that he looked at it at all.

>> No.7081600


This, you could have ruined the next Hawking...

I was complete shit at math in school just because I hated work, but I started learning Integration at 15 with a D in geometry just because I was fascinated with math, I fell in love.


>> No.7081607
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Didn't this man turn in some work to his professor on some brochures as he didn't have enough time?

>> No.7081609

So why did you become a teacher? You doesn't seem like an understanding and intelligent person.

>> No.7081618
File: 201 KB, 720x405, tmp_31844-south-park-s02e03c12-you-will-respect-my-authoritah-16x91829424906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing you will teach is resentment

>> No.7081619

OP is definitely a faggot, but he's right. Why are you proving something is equivalent to itself? That makes zero sense and is completely redundant.

>> No.7081624

*unpopular opinion*

I have to agree with the OP, he clearly wanted the student to learn a specific technique, which -as I'm sure most of you know- is very useful for future courses and the difference is that you won't know what you're working towards then, but if you learned the technique it will be easier.

On top of that OP mentioned that he gave him clear verbal instruction. If you cannot follow instructions you do not deserve the mark just because you think you're being "clever".

>> No.7081630

He isn't, he's leaving the left side alone and manipulating the right, rather than the other way around.

>> No.7081636


the act of "dividing" 5 into seperate parts 3 and 2 is equivalent to the act of combining 3 and 2 to 5

"going backwards" is so fucking common in mathematical proofs that I seriously doubt this isn't anything but a troll thread

either that or OP doesn't have a math degree

>> No.7081638


I finished High School, about to start college, and even I can where you are coming from

>> No.7081639

for op's specific task you need to know the following relations

1/cos = sec
1/cos^2 = sec^2
sin/cos = tan
sin/cos^2 = sin/cos * 1/cos = tan * sec

weather you are going from left to right or from right to left you are applying literally the same things

>> No.7081643

That's entirely different.

>> No.7081644

>the act of "dividing" 5 into seperate parts 3 and 2
it's called partitioning you pleb fuck.


>> No.7081646

yeah, I actually made an error that fucked up my calculations while OP's guy literally didn't do a single thing wrong mathematically

>> No.7081647

Fucking sign errors man.

How do I stop doing that shit? Goddamn.

>> No.7081650
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4th year math B.S. student here

you are an autist TA

>> No.7081652

being neat and careful

when I started being more organized in my writing I cut down on it significantly

also if you have the time don't trust your brain to keep track of it, write all the signs down until you simplify your equations

>> No.7081663

>if you have the time don't trust your brain to keep track of it, write all the signs down until you simplify your equations.
all my yup

>> No.7081667
File: 134 KB, 999x614, RuleViolation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I mean pointing out your mistake is relevant and a little lack of professionalism could be seen as an informal way to say "I made a sign error here" when you are stressed for time, some people might even find it humorous.

Writing arrogant and irrelevant statements is completely different from what you did.

Pls no, mods already hate us enough for pulling that shit.

>> No.7081669

It's not really important that you don't do any sign errors, you should just make sure that the number of sign errors is even, then you're fine.

>> No.7081674

Wow OP. What a fucking asshole.

>> No.7081676

Because he knew you'd be mad enough to post it on an anonymous korean cartoon imageboard and get incredibly buttblasted in the process.

He trolled you fucking hard m8.

>> No.7081685

Thanks, yeah I'm definitely one of those who writes as little as possible and tries to take shortcuts in my head, but I can see how it can harm me as I get into higher and higher level math courses.

>> No.7081686

>ITT: Angry undergrads project their irrational hatred of TAs onto OP.