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7076619 No.7076619 [Reply] [Original]

So you become "good will hunting "mode

>> No.7076622

Any book you want. They point is he read lots of books, not just special books that made him smart.

If you're too dumb to figure that out you'll never make it.

>> No.7076635

Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.7076644

the bible

>> No.7076649

I think you missed the point of the movie where he can memorize entire books easily.

>> No.7076654

Maybe you missed the point where I just meant what books are good reads in genral to improve your intelligence/knowledge

>> No.7076691

inter-universal teichmuller theory

>> No.7076697
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>> No.7076701


>> No.7077709

start reading world history
then sciences
pretty much all you need really
and yes social sciences are included in that

>> No.7077741

An eternal golden bullshit

>> No.7078082

>to improve your intelligence
You can't improve your intelligence.

>> No.7078083

>all that shitty fucking christian philosophy and (top lel) the bible
>filename includes logic, reason
Fuck off.

>> No.7078169


all things considered, the Bible would be worthwhile to read. That way you can understand why people are brainwashed and have the arsenal to refute their arguments rationally

But what do I know, I haven't read the bible or touched it in 18 years

>> No.7078193

Shelf/reference tier
>Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes
Meh, read if you like, might be interesting for history's sake or if you're a philosophy major
Skim once or twice to get the gist. Good for understanding christfags
might be interesting
>Augustine, Aquinas
kek tier
>Copernicus, Descartes
again, history tier
Might be interesting, but I vomited at the cover
>Gauss, Boole, Einstein
Popsci tier. Reading about them won't make you as smart as them, you know? If you want to understand relativity then read a relativity textbook.

Having said that the Einstein would probably be interesting for historic reasons.

And finally, none of these books will make you smarter/more intelligent/more appealing to women/insert snake oil claim here

>> No.7078222
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>> No.7078223

I don't understand why reading the very first papers written on a subject is a good way to get into said subject...

Euclid is good because it's entertaining and different. Euclid is an overly convoluted way to learn geometry.

>> No.7078233

>Not understanding the significance of City of God or Treatise of the Law

Kek is on you folks. Take any western philosophy class. They'll be on the itinerary.

>> No.7078259

>>Gauss, Boole, Einstein
>Popsci tier

>The original book that created number theory as we know it and shaped modern mathematics
>The original book that created the foundation of the computer age and inspired Shannon, Hamming, et al
>The original papers that fleshed out and traces the development relativity

You're an idiot

>I don't understand why reading the very first papers written on a subject is a good way to get into said subject...

It isn't. It's good for perspective into how the subject developed

>> No.7078383

implying they'll give you a better grasp on the subject than a decent textbook

>> No.7078387
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pic related

>> No.7078412
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>> No.7078436


>b-b-b-but muh satic IQ!!!!

Psychology is a pseudoscience which has built a dogma of "IQ NEVER CHANGES", neurologists generally advocate the position of brain plasticity. Which group has more authority over you?

My IQ changed by 15 points over 4 years, IQ is not static, stop claiming that it is static just because some idiot pseudo-scientists claim it is.

>> No.7078463

You're right, i feel like my IQ dropped 3 points by reading your message.

>> No.7078490

Listen to this man

>> No.7078508


I'm thinking about picking up some books about color theory and radiometry, will this book help?

>> No.7078521

of course iq changes, average performance of the population is a factor in it. That doesn't mean its factors are within your control, specially not through something like reading.

>> No.7078523

>So you become "good will hunting "mode
the first few pages of an introductory graph theory textbook...

>> No.7078580

I heard reading makes you fat.

>> No.7078659

That's because IQ is a flawed measurement and doesn't actually measure what it seeks out to--that is, learning potential. That being said, it's safe to say it's probably correlated with learning potential, so it's not useless.

And yeah. In general I'm sure there is leeway even in that basic, immeasurable trait. But not so much that a normal person can become a literal genius. To answer OP, you will never be Good Will Hunting-level intelligent. Your brain just wasn't formed that way.

>> No.7078675

Honestly, I disagree with this completely. All this does is make the anti-theists even more smug in their arguments. They start to argue specifics of the Bible without having any of the context that comes with theology.For instance, the number of people who say "Christians are idiots. they believe the world was created in 7 days.", and then when someone replies that they are Christians but do not believe Genesis should be interpreted in that way, they reply "you idiot. you don't even believe your own religion! at least fundamentalists are consistent!" is pretty high on the internet.

If you want to learn about Christianity so you can argue with Christians, you should learn it in theological context. Take a class on religion, read a textbook on the faith, etc. That's far more important than reading the holy book, because the holy book, while central to the religion, is not the only part of the religion. The problem is that, with a more full understanding of a faith, suddenly most people don't have such a passionate hate for it anymore. Funny how it works.

>> No.7078686

Okay first of all, there is NO point in learning Geometry from Descartes, Logic from Boole, and Number Theory from fucking Gauss. We have way better resources for that now.

Also, how can you include books on philosophy but include no Diogenes?

Arthur Schopenhauer's ART OF BEING RIGHT is great, too. So is any economics book by Thomas Sowell - Basic Economics would be good.

>> No.7078698

you can improve your knowledge through reading, however probably not your intelligence. Try N-back and chess for that.

*tips fedora
keep reading your theologically unsophisticated God Delusion but don't dream that will make you right.
You forget to mention the implication that they have been very culturally and historically influential.
Adult IQ is fairly static, you have a little room to bump it up maybe 7 or so points but nothing dramatic. Just because neuro-plasticity is true, does not mean the entire apparatus becomes more proficient and improved.
The brain accounts for roughly 20 percent of caloric expenditure, and reading is intensive on the mind, provided you are not reading>>7078412

>> No.7078743 [DELETED] 

if you want to be a miserable cunt for the rest of your existence, read him exclusively.

>> No.7078932


>> No.7078958

All subjects are theories, opinion, and conjecture. Therefore one should read as many points of view on a subject as possible. Comparison is helpful in comprehension.

>> No.7078981
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>> No.7078987

I am a Christian and honestly no one takes the time to actually understand what I believe and have preconceived notions of what it means for me to be a Christian. Most of my atheist friends are very surprised that I am religious as they respect me highly for my work in my field.

>> No.7079085


>> No.7079114

any applied combinatorics book

>> No.7079134
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>> No.7079141

I actually understood that reference :-).

>> No.7079152

Arguing with religious people about religion is retarded to begin with, on the internet or off, and there is no intelligent way to do it.

>> No.7079156

crying, saved.

>> No.7079162

Just made it.

>> No.7079184

This is true, and kinda what I meant by the last part of my post.

>> No.7079186

pretty funny dude

>> No.7079188
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Why this?
It was not written by the lunatic because he died before he started. It was ghost written by a few grad students looking to make a buck.. thus it is hilarious.
The endorphins from laughing will help you cope with the fact you might get intelligent but never intelligent enough to be the next edison or einstein.

>> No.7079270

My list

The Bible (public library; free ebook), to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself
The System of the World (public library; free ebook) by Isaac Newton, to learn that the universe is a knowable place
On the Origin of Species (public library; free ebook) by Charles Darwin, to learn of our kinship with all other life on Earth
Gulliver’s Travels (public library; free ebook) by Jonathan Swift, to learn, among other satirical lessons, that most of the time humans are Yahoos
The Age of Reason (public library; free ebook) by Thomas Paine, to learn how the power of rational thought is the primary source of freedom in the world
The Wealth of Nations (public library; free ebook) by Adam Smith, to learn that capitalism is an economy of greed, a force of nature unto itself
The Art of War (public library; free ebook) by Sun Tzu, to learn that the act of killing fellow humans can be raised to an art
The Prince (public library; free ebook) by Machiavelli, to learn that people not in power will do all they can to acquire it, and people in power will do all they can to keep it

>> No.7079272

Fuck off Neil

>> No.7079312

>to learn that people not in power will do all they can to acquire it, and people in power will do all they can to keep it

Either you didn't actually read the Prince or your reading comprehension is extremely low. The book was Machiaveli's attempt to get back on Medici's good side by giving him a handbook for how to be an effective monarch. It doesn't assert anything about people's power-hungry nature. He wrote a much larger book called Discourse on Livy which is the same thing but for democracy.

Machiavelli's work is an instruction manual for effectively managing different types of government, not a statement about humanity's propensity for conquest.

>> No.7079314
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Probably some

Harry Potter
Hunger Games

That's what all the girls in my Calc 3 class read and they get straigt A's

>> No.7079315


>Babby's first books

Seriously. That's the single most euphoric post I've read in a very long time. And his commentary on each book makes me feel he hasn't actually read any of them.

>> No.7079325

Better put the Koran on there.