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7067818 No.7067818 [Reply] [Original]

Genuine question here, if evolution is solely about passing ones genes on to the next generations why do male animals not just rape female ones since they are stronger? Why do they accept female rejection and move on when their genes are at stake?

>> No.7067825

> why do male animals not just rape female ones since they are stronger?
they do
> Why do they accept female rejection and move on when their genes are at stake?
females of those species have developed counters to rape.

>> No.7067826

Because they evolved to kill other males who choose to rape their mates.

So it doesnt happen that often.

Also, see duck sex.

>> No.7067827

>they do
not very often though, i'm asking why is it not widespread

>counters to rape
like what?

>> No.7067828

how would they know if their mate had been raped unless they catch them in the action

>> No.7067831

>like what?
Other males.

>> No.7067834


And that, dear friends, is how we evolved to "love" each other; rape prevention tactic.

>> No.7067835

in ducks they use false pouches.

>> No.7067836

they dont always know. there are many genetic dead ends.

>> No.7067839

>why do male animals not just rape female ones
Sometimes they do.
>since they are stronger?
Males aren't always the stronger of sexes in the animal kingdom.

>> No.7067840
File: 235 KB, 700x986, bondage-spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting eaten

>> No.7067841
File: 290 KB, 700x986, ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067844
File: 229 KB, 700x862, crazy-hyenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having bigger penises

>> No.7067848


Criminal justice system

>> No.7067849

>do male animals not just rape female ones since they are stronger?

They do, in some sense. In most of the animal kingdom the females are always willing so sex happens when the male wants it. There are just males competing with each other who will do the raping.

>> No.7067856

Evolution is not about passing on one's genes. And animals have no idea about genes whatsoever in the first place.

>> No.7067886

Because what's the point of fertilizing a female if you scratched/clawed/pecked her to near death in the process? Especially if every other male has this same bright idea.

>> No.7067894


What "animals?" What species are you talking about?

>> No.7067912

Females don't get hurt during rape, don't be such a women.

>> No.7067948


Pretty sure this one is the wrong way round at that the female workers are created through parthenogenesis where as the males are the ones who require sperm to be created. Pretty sure when a queen births a new queen (also female) that this is through sexual reproduction.

>> No.7067972

Evolution is all about genes and the passing of them on. Mostly things don't realise it though; case in point, bacteria and trees - neither having a CNS cannot realise anything at all and yet are all over the fucking place.

>> No.7068002

Lel. Gr8 b8.

Sexual selection. You know, compatibility and shit. Also, responses above.

>> No.7068040

There are plenty of species where this happens, and the females have adapted by being able to "pick" who's rape sauce gets used.