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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7066040 No.7066040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your thoughts on artists?

Love, hate, don't give a shit? Or your
Both science and arts guy

>> No.7066041

/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.7066043

i have a great respect for good art. it's similar to science in the way that there are right and wrongs, but we don't know why (e.g there is good and bad art, but we can't define what good art is)

>> No.7066053


When the fuck is "normally" when it's not work, college or home?

>What's your thoughts on artists?

Artists in general or artists who post to /sci/ to get validation? I need to know before answering because they're not the same thoughts at all.

>> No.7066058

With friends? Oh wait, this is 4chan.

>> No.7066060

Define friends

>> No.7066061

a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.

>> No.7066064

To me, I believe there is a science to the arts just as much as there is an art to the sciences.
Both science and art can take inspiration from each other and at each other's core, there is thought and order involved.

Science needs the arts just as much as the arts need the sciences.

>> No.7066065

>When the fuck is "normally" when it's not work, college or home?
And this, my friends, is the difference between nerds and normal people.

>> No.7066072

Im actually artistically gifted and I work as research engineer. However since I started working my interest in drawing has constantly decreased...

>> No.7066086

I think you mean
>this is the difference between scientists and normal people

>> No.7066087

STEAM - science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics

>> No.7066089

Engineering art and technology are all derived from science and math.

>> No.7066095

This is such a reddit post

>> No.7066104


Artists? They're good at different things than I am, and have a different developed skill set.

I'm taking a lame Arts of Japan class right now, and they all seem pretty bad at memorizing facts/learning from reading. However, if you put a 12th century Japanese scroll on the screen, then I'm the biggest dolt in the class because those people can go off on analysis of it both in technical aspects, and symbolism involved. They just know their area, and I know mine. They know all about different types of inks, paints, styles, and how they all can be combined to make nice things. I know about programming, mathematics, chemistry, and how to bring it together to make things.

I'm trying to learn how to draw, too. I really like drawing landscapes, but I'm so fucking bad at it.

>> No.7066115

They're objectively worthless to be honest.
No offense.

>> No.7066119

Stop being a smartass and answer his question.

>> No.7066125


Nah. I look nice for class/work because it's easy to manage time, and get enough sleep to not look like a zombie "normally".

>> No.7066126

>don't give a shit
This, in the same sense I don't give a shit about the millions of other losers in the world.

>outside work/college

But why?

>> No.7066132
File: 42 KB, 400x550, Zdzisław Beksiński - 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the art they pursue. I consider a lot of people artists.

>> No.7066133

Personally I draw, paint etc, sometimes I sell stuff for a few dozen bucks. I never really wanted to do this primarily, so I studied physics. Still I think it's kind of important to have this as some sort of compensation, just like I make music, read or work out.
It's also part of a good education to be able to do these things. People who are ignorant about any artistic stuff are usually the least interesting of all people and kind of stupid.

/sci/ is full of people like that. Either full-time nerds who think it's a sin to look into anything but their own field, or people who think that art are exclusively very naturalistic paintings and drawings, preferably of fantasy scenarios. Latter are almost always the same people who think Metal is the greatest music, because it's so fast and technically hard to play and fantasy books are the best, because they are the longest and most detailed books (or something like that). I guess it's some sort of inability to understand things non-literally, probably just called autism on these boards. I don't like discussing art with people like that, as they are basically blind for art. They just don't see stuff and to make things worse, they don't even know it.

>> No.7066138

I hate you, no really, I hate you

>> No.7066171

Truth hurts?

Normal young people see their social life as their main existence, which the rest of their activities only support and supplement.

>> No.7066184

Normal, privliged people*

I'm not an SJW but I have to work really hard for school since I can't afford shit grades if I want a decent future

>> No.7066189
File: 21 KB, 494x400, 1294440496644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both are important in the grand scheme of things. It is okay to dedicate yourself fully to one or the other, but it is good to have a mix of them.

I'll be the first to admit that math, as beautiful as it is, can get stale. So it is nice to take a break and indulge in something else entirely. I'm trying to keep myself playing music on the side while I'm at college, just because it is a great hobby and I struggle to believe there are people who can only have one or the other.

Daily reminder you will never be a true patrician if you aren't well-rounded

>> No.7066215

>Normal young people
If by "normal" you include the greater than 50% of NEET or art major people with no direction I'd agree.

For most people whom I consider normal; those who are active, healthy and have direction and an impact on the world, care far more about their work/business/amount of money they make/the world/power/knowledge than close relationships to people who die or grow estranged.

Only losers care about something as fickle as their social life.

>> No.7066219
File: 273 KB, 1039x1024, 1039px-Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_The_Ambassadors_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to make an off-topic thread at least post some actual art instead of 9gag shit.

>> No.7066231

>Only losers care about something as fickle as their social life.

The problem seems to be that you do not, in fact, know any normal people at all, just a bunch of asspies like yourself and us.

Hopefully it's different after college, and most college students have some interest in their future and what their studying but for probably 80%+ of kids their social life is their main priority.

And the fact that you just said the amount of money people make is more important than close relationships with other people is just pathetic, I legitimately feel bad for you.

>> No.7066234

The things people believe because they want to, amazing.

>> No.7066236

You're as bad as the person you responded to but in the other direction. Most college students are at an age where they realise that they have enough friends so new ones come more slowly and the relationships they have take less time and effort to maintain. Most people are neither obsessed with work nor vapid attention whores. Can you even into real life?

>> No.7066243

Art's alright, but unfortunately a lot of modern artists are untalented hacks that will poop or blast their placenta onto a piece of paper and scream about how it's conveying a message or some shit. They do this because they can't actually produce something aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.7066257

I know a lot of healthy balanced individuals young and old, married and single alike. I wouldn't call lawyers and people with bright political careers aspies and the scientists and engineers I know are mostly extroverted and mindfully eccentric unlike the TBT stereotype people like you have concocted for themselves.

>for probably 80%+ of kids their social life is their main priority.
No, for probably 80% of kids finding a hot/rich wife/husband it is a high priority, and not the main priority. Most of them mainly care about close friends to the extent that they can meet more potential suitors through them.
>I'm going to leave town and study [] major because I want to make friends who will become the most important aspect of my life xD
-t. No one with normal thinking pattern, ever.
Prioritizing your friends who aren't in your professional network is something only directionless people do.

>amount of money people make is more important than close relationships
It is for many people, you know, those people who are successful and have more "friends" who are loyal to them than you ever will? Money makes them happy, you aren't any better than them for wanting meat bags instead. Personally I don't care for money, I have enough passive income, I only care about my research and the impact I have on my immediate and extended community. As for close friends, I have them, but I don't particularly care about maintaining the relationships long term. Having a large network of shallow friends and colleagues is a lot more rich and satisfying to me.

>I legitimately feel bad for you.
Likewise, if your friends are the most important aspect of your life, I don't even want to insult you, I just want to say I'm sorry in advance for the emptiness you'll feel when you inevitably lose them and realize you have nothing else.

At least find something else to add to your life experience and purpose, something no one can take away from you like your knowledge in a field you love.

>> No.7066262


You clearly don't talk to many people outside your immediate circle.

>> No.7066264

You sound bitter m8. Success and money isn't the only thing. But whatever, it's not like some random 4chan post will change your opinion. Whatever floats your boat, but just don't think you can speak for everyone.

>> No.7066266
File: 124 KB, 670x503, rub the gourd .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have none of those

>> No.7066268
File: 50 KB, 500x374, funny-Neil-deGrasse-Tyson-pointing-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's strip tease might be able to put these two otherwise seemingly unrelated things together:


>> No.7066273

>You sound bitter m8.
I'm a very happy person, just because I'm disagreeing with your view of life doesn't mean I'm bitter.
>Success and money isn't the only thing.
I literally said it wasn't to me, do you even reading comprehension?
>But whatever, it's not like some random 4chan post will change your opinion.
4chan posts change my mind on matters all the time, especially if they are back up by a good arguments and/or evidence.
>Whatever floats your boat, but just don't think you can speak for everyone.
I never said I do, I just said most normal people aren't focused on maintaining relationships with friends as their "main" priority in life, which was a crock of bullshit to begin with.

>> No.7066278

What is "normally" when it is neither work nor home

>> No.7066283

We've covered this


>> No.7066284

Out... you know, like.... socializing.

>> No.7066285

I can understand where you're coming from.
The change from classical to modern art is pretty significant. But can you provide an example of a talentless famous modern artist (I'm seriously curious, because it's not the first time I've heard that opinion).
Like what comes to mind for me is Jackson Pollack, John Cage, Joseph Nechvatal, Karlheinz Stockhausen, etc. Most of which are post modernist (some of which are engineers and mathematicians).

Maybe it's just me but most of these men are incredibly smart and well versed in their art, having learned from some of the best before them. I just feel that the skill level of artists hasn't really changed that much. Unless you were just referring to the lesser percentage of artists that are pretentious, self taught, and out of high school. In which case,I apologize for wasting your time because I completely share the disposition.

>> No.7066286

I'm okay with what you say, the problem is

>most normal people
You don't know that. You don't know exactly what normal is, you don't know who most people are. It's just this lazy thing people say to make a point without actually knowing shit, on par with "homosexuality is unnatural".

>> No.7066291

Did you never do anything fun as a child?

>> No.7066296

>You don't know that.
Who does, it's not a baseless statement in any case? I obviously meant "in my experience" (but being on 4chan I'm not going to add that bit), I can assure you my experience is very extensive however, as I do a lot of professional and casual socializing/networking. I've probably met about as many people in real life as I've met on 4chan.

Until someone does a study on this we can't know for sure and no one is ever going to because it doesn't really matter.

I still recommend you find other, less ephemeral aspects of your life to draw happiness and meaning from.

>> No.7066305

So you basically said nothing at all, okay.

>> No.7066315

whose the dude who does the lines?

theres a famous modern artist who does nothing but pictures of lines. sometimes vertical lines, sometimes horizontal, sometimes black and white, sometimes colorful, sometimes plaid.

he is like internationally renowned and a millionaire because his paintings of lines are so popular, i have no idea what this guys name is but i went to a museum exhibit of his shit one time with my parents when i was like 14.

now whether he is smart, or knowledgeable, or technically gifted, i have no idea, the point is he is famous for making a bunch of paintings of fucking lines that i or you or any other moron with a relatively steady hand including literal downies could have made. shit is fucking garbage.

>> No.7066326

not everyone who puts their social life first is a vapid attention whore...

it's just the normal human condition, very few people are passionate enough about their profession to care about it above all else, having some hobbies or interests they care about is one thing but they cant do it all the time and socializing is easy and they can do it all day everyday with facebook on their iphone so it is their top priority.

jesus christ the autism lol.

i think i found the problem, you are old as fuck and completely out of touch with the general population. doctors and lawyers and scientists and engineers and successful professionals are not representative of the population, they are a tiny fraction, the vast majority of people are mediocre as fuck.

you sound like a really miserable workaholic who's wasted his best years and i feel bad for you, you're clearly bitter about something.

and autismo 3000 over here has? i dont really know anyone over like 26-27 other than my professors but i spend all day surrounded by retard undergraduates and pick up an unfortunate amount of their meaningless vapid bullshit conversations. im not saying my personal opinions at all, just my observations about how people are.

i mean im an asspie science nerd with no friends too.

>> No.7066435
File: 11 KB, 265x450, Newman-Onement_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know who you're talking about, Barnett Newman, right?
I kinda get that. Of all styles, minimalism (to a lot of people) is kinda ridiculous. It almost feels like it's an artist trying to make money doing no work.
Though minimalism only a small part of post modern art.
Probably won't change your opinion, but in Newman's case at least, the lines that he paints are actually pretty sophisticated and takes a lot of skill to pull off. A lot of the time there are really subtle gradients changes the background and the lines are usually textured. Some of the stuff takes some decently impressive sleight of hand, and most importantly it's original. He's one of the first to do stuff like this and like all art it's a progression.

If you don't like the stuff,I can totally sympathize with view. But maybe give it another look over sometime (since you said you last saw it when you were 14). Maybe you can find something to appreciate.
thanks for the insight though.

>> No.7066598


You wear more shabby clothes at work/college than w/ friends?

Absolutely pleb-tier.

>> No.7066612


>> No.7066616

Fuck off, no way.>>7066040
You have to be a retard if you can't appreciate the importance of art.

>> No.7066626

Coming in late to the argument, a "normal" person should, (ideally) be well rounded between the arts and the sciences and there's a definite science to the arts and as a musician I can say music theory is complicated as fuck and takes years to fully master.

As for the social thing, if you emphasize either your social life or your professional life so much that it causes you to disregard the other, you're not "normal"

>> No.7066643

>you are old
I'm 22.

>successful professionals are not representative of the population
Sure, if 30% is not the "general population" (use wolfram statistics for EU and US), this isn't the 20th century anymore dumbass.

>you sound like a really miserable workaholic who's wasted his best years and i feel bad for you, you're clearly bitter about something.
I've had more than my fair share fun and adventure, no regrets and now my life is just beginning while most losers (who truly wasted their life up until now) will be miserable as reality hits and they start losing their friends and they find they didn't plant the right seeds for themselves.

>you sound like a really miserable workaholic
Since my last post literally just went out drinking with friends, flirted with a qt engineering student and got her number as well.

> i dont really know anyone over like 26-27
So you don't talk to people in real life and barely go outside and you're confident enough to spout nonsense like your poorly written post on the internet? Fuck off. Also have fun not getting a job when you graduate.

>i mean im an asspie science nerd with no friends too.
As opposed to you I have a lot of friends, outside my own field as well, I still stand by everything I said. You're an idiot and projecting your own aspergers. Stop thinking it's one extreme or the other, making friends your main life priority is fucking retarded.

>> No.7066654

Way to fuck up

>> No.7066667

>As for the social thing, if you emphasize either your social life or your professional life so much that it causes you to disregard the other, you're not "normal"
Thank you, first rational post ITT.

>> No.7066709


Well fucking excuse me for me and my friends typically inviting each other over rather than meet at Starbucks. Home/Work/"Normally" is all the same set of clothes for most of us.

>> No.7066723

Exactly, "normally" should be the same as your work/college clothes for most people. Unless libarts go home between classes to change or something, but that would make them the autists.

>> No.7066734

not that guy but no

>> No.7066958
File: 219 KB, 1029x1372, Northern_Chukotka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a math major and my bf is a photography major. It's kinda fun; in general I'm not wild about photography, but I think he's really good at it.


>> No.7066968

Arts should really be a subject of science. There are objective rules for arts to be good or bad.

>> No.7066990

your bf is fucking furry

>> No.7066996

>dat lack of talent

Clearly he chose the wrong major.

>> No.7067002

>mfw there are literally people who think this

>> No.7067003

>muh subjectivism

>> No.7067007

r u a gay?

>> No.7067086

It's true though. At least in music as far as I can ell. I had one friend tell me that his composition sounds bad only because "You like music with structure."

Well, of course I fucking do. Music without structure would have no rhythm or harmony just like his. I would guess similiar order must be in paintings and expressive art.

>> No.7067116

The bad part is not that they think that way, the bad part is that they feel entitled to judge art at all.

Here's stuff that I find generally atrocious:
>Ice skating
>Any kind of standard dancing
>Rap music
>Every sport that has to do with Horses
>Computer games
I can't stand most of these things (even though there might be some examples that I do like), still I don't think that enables me to tell people who love this kind of stuff how to do it. I can't appreciate these things because I simply have no fucking idea about them. So I don't judge them.

>> No.7067131

They are all objectively bad. Except for rap music. Rap music is god tier.

>> No.7067235

Have you considered the possibility that they are a grill?

>> No.7067242

>there are still idiots who actually equate art with good

>> No.7067287

Truly the worst thing ever invented and my biggest pet hate. Americans in particular cannot seem to let that shit go.

>> No.7067905

tfw you've spotted the skull

>> No.7067942

Artists is essential to society and help inspire thinkers.

>> No.7067977

Holy shit this, I don't understand how people can actually enjoy something so campy and shallow

>> No.7067978


That was the joke. Right over your head. Also, not that anon.

Why should anyone give a fuck, honestly? Art is a hobby or a profession, and an artist is one who creates it. I'd much rather reserve opinion for individuals.


>> No.7067985

Plato, please go.

>> No.7067991

Artists with actual skill and ability to make beautiful things are fine.
The others are terrible.