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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7064124 No.7064124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at the bullshit being taught in American schools today.

The answer will always be 1.




= 1

>> No.7064133



8 + 8 = 16

Apply yourself.

>> No.7064144
File: 88 KB, 641x534, 4653-bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of consent where I live is 20 / 5 (2 * 2)

>> No.7064149

If that problem appeared on a quiz and the class didn't have a policy on operator associativity, I'd want both answers to be marked correct.

>> No.7064151

Also, I never got why they teach this shit in school, why not just make things as explicit as possible.

If you're going by "Common Core" (fuck I hate that name), this would be how it should be written:

(20 / 5) (2 * 2)

And Old Way:
(5(2 * 2)) / 20

Also she looks so fucking stupid I just wanna pick through the contents of her skull with an icepick


>> No.7064152


The only correct answer is to hit the person who wrote this ambigious question in the head with a brick for writing unanswerable questions.

>> No.7064228

I just don't get what's the purpose of bringing up the "Old Way" (that hurts to type) and compare it to Common Core (also stupid) if we implement the latter?

>> No.7064245

so this is why kids fucking hate math...
dont teach them the old way, you inbreds, teach them the proper way. if you teach a child two ways simultaneously you will only confuse them

>> No.7064247

It's a shoop, and a troll.

all muh THIS
While most (but not all) computer programming languages use left-to-right as a tiebreaker for ambiguous problems, this practice isn't actually standard math, and has no place in the classroom.

>> No.7064251

that better be a shoop

>> No.7064260

>but officer, the arithmetic equals one!

>> No.7064264

"the old way" is never correct.

>> No.7064284

the problem setup is flawed since we don't know if it's 20/5(2x2) or 20/5 * (2x2)

>> No.7064286
File: 313 KB, 886x1279, Oh_pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story /pol/

>> No.7064311

1) everything between brackets
2) squares and roots
3) * /
4) + -
5) if you have to choose, its ALWAYS from left to right.

Fucking idiots learn math

>> No.7064451

>photoshopped image

>> No.7064501

20/5(2*2)= 16 always. Brackets are given preference; otherwise math is done from left to right. If 1 is meant to be the right answer the statement should be written. There is nothing ambiguous about this.

>> No.7064506

I'm realizing my statement is inaccurate. Still, multiplication and division have equal weight. So, after the brackets this problem should be done left to right.

>> No.7064519

the only correct answer to those questions is "fuck you and your term just use parenthesis

>> No.7064526

>5) if you have to choose, its ALWAYS from left to right.
>math is done from left to right.
>this problem should be done left to right.

Find me anywhere in here it says pure math goes left-to-right.

Fucking math illiterates.

>> No.7064548

I don't see where I am wrong. Because multiplication and division have equal weight 20/5*4 is (20/5)*4 and not 20/(5*4).

>> No.7064553

Right... because 2/5 can be 0.4 or 2.5

Trolling or retarded?

>> No.7064556


>> No.7064560

If you are having trouble just read the problem aloud. It says "twenty fifths times four."

>> No.7064563


Why are you writing binary operations in a deliberately ill-defined way without parentheses?

>> No.7064564

> 20 replies and counting

>> No.7064568

>math is memorizing rules and identities
Guess how I know you never took college level math unless it was named "_____ for _____ majors"

>> No.7064575

and the normal way is "Parsing error: add a fucking * after and before fractions"

>> No.7064578

>Because multiplication and division have equal weight 20/5*4 is (20/5)*4 and not 20/(5*4).

Since they have equal weight, this problem could be interpreted either way, and is thus ambiguous.

>Right... because 2/5 can be 0.4 or 2.5
What are you even saying?

>"twenty fifths times four."
You're still introducing a set of parens that just aren't there.

>> No.7064582

Intellectual cruelty is certainly the worst kind of cruelty.

>> No.7064584
File: 535 KB, 3072x2304, dsc00025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no other logical deduction.

>> No.7064601

That teacher´s hot

>> No.7064602
File: 521 KB, 3072x2304, dsc00025-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good ol' social sciences, or what I assume is feminist theory?

>> No.7064608

>If you are having trouble just read the problem aloud. It says "twenty fifths times four."

>Math is always in English, so it can only be interpreted in that way, even in languages that would read this "twenty fivetyfourths"

Apply yourself scrub. Your teacher taught you pemdas and left/right so you would shut the fuck up, not so you could use it to be wrong on the internet. x/y*z is bad writing and ambiguous.

>> No.7064610
File: 40 KB, 316x311, 1372029416590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you'll never be able to go back to Elementary School where there were no worries in life.

>> No.7064634

Not likely. When I was in elementary and middle school we had a class every year called "Social Studies" and it was just history, no sociology, feminist, ethnic studies or anything of the such.

Then again, I went to school in Texas, so perhaps other states do have those kinds of shenanigans in public school.

>> No.7064670
File: 29 KB, 399x388, 1416763710453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never get run over by a truck while being a toddler

>> No.7064691

Is math in English outside the anglophone world?

>> No.7064764

He's pointing out that <span class="math">2/5 \not = 5/2[/spoiler]. You go from left to right.

>> No.7064789

why would you ever make someone feel bad about not knowing something? If you have superior knowledge you should teach and inform not berate.

>> No.7064815

Typical 4chan idiots can't do simple distribution.

= 40/5 * 40/5
= 160/25

Learn math, fuck.