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7048744 No.7048744 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Bill Nye vs Ken Ham?
Just about to watch it but want to check what you guys thought about it!

>Anything wrong?
>Anything that should be changed?
>anyone talking back on themself?

>> No.7048764


>> No.7048812

While Ken Ham's point is obviously wrong, Bill Nye completely fails to address Ken's arguments. It therefore appears that Ken won the debate. Bill did a disservice for science.

>> No.7048846

This, holy shit.

>> No.7048910


It plays out just like every science vs religion debate in the history of the universe

>ham makes some stupid claim
>nye refutes it
>but muh bible says 'blank'
>nye presses for evidence
>muh faith

Repeat x 90 mins

>> No.7048932

The problem with this debate is that Nye did not refute Ham's claims even though they were easily refutable. But instead Nye made himself look like an idiot.

>> No.7048944
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I would just like to take this small moment to remind you all that the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church has had no problem with evolution from the day Darwin published his book, and continues to pump cleric scientists out of her seminaries who actively argue against creationism and for chemical evolution, micro evolution and macro evolution. That is all Continue on

>> No.7049048

The Catholic Church still believes in saints with magic powers, stigmata, self-inflicted pain for penance, rectification of body parts, indulgences, trans-substantiation, exorcism, papal infallibility, and other wacko bullshit.

>> No.7049060

*relicification of body parts

>> No.7049066

Supernatural beings acting supernaturally is not logically inconsistent

>> No.7050209

Thank you for that clarification.
I had horrible images of dismembered sections of human bodies being shoved unceremoniously into rearward facing orifices.

>> No.7050282

just inconsistent with all verifiable observation

>> No.7050303

My perception of the debate was that Nye won by a landslide. But that's if you follow the rules of logic and reasoning.
That and the fact that the entire audience was clearly in Ham's camp makes it seem like they were even-footed but they clearly were not.

>> No.7050313

Is there any mistake Nye made?

>> No.7051529

Ok, since you've said this twice now, what claims are you referring too that Nye didn't refute?

>> No.7051533

Reminds me of the science vs religion debate after Charles Darwin Origin of Species gained ground.

>> No.7051572

The whole thing was a publicity stunt funded by some "creationist museum". It was a fucking joke.

>> No.7051575
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>people still debate evolution
>people with IQ over 100 still care what morons think
>wasting an hour of your life watching this pointless shit instead of studying something important

>> No.7051587

Basically this op

>> No.7051590

this shit sounds like a huge waste of time

>> No.7051602

>absence of evidence is evidence of absence

>> No.7051610

Except that's not what they said.

>> No.7051621

>implying that wasn't what he meant
>implying that wasn't coming in the next post or two