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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 390x390, mit_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7047405 No.7047405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you go to MIT?

>> No.7047408

because i graduated years ago

>> No.7047412

Because I didn't have my shit together during my first two years of high school. I am hoping to go there for grad school though

>> No.7047414

Because I live in England. I went to Cambridge instead.

>> No.7047416

I decided to embrace NEETdom

>> No.7047417

Because I go to Purdue

>> No.7047418

Yep, hoping to go there for grad school. Though I might take an offer at CMU or Georgia Tech's Robotics Labs, as they're considered to be the best.

>> No.7047427


Aw hell yeah. Just finished up there last August. Whats your major?

>> No.7047431

nuclear engineering

>> No.7047435

I'm far too lazy, I fit in much better at my shitty state school where I can do all my work for grad school in ~25-30 hours a week and spend my free time smoking weed and funposting instead of doing anything productive.

>> No.7047437


Awesome. Math here. Good times there.

>> No.7047441

Are you 300k starting yet?

>> No.7047443


lel i wish

>> No.7047491

What do you do?

(Please don't say wait tables.)

>> No.7047495

Because I went to Georgia Tech for aerospace engineering instead, and then went to Virginia Tech for graduate degree because they offered me a first year TA position.

>> No.7047496

I bus tables

>> No.7047497

>because I wasn't good enough

>> No.7047499


>> No.7047502
File: 437 KB, 594x494, Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 8.44.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's too much money and my parents make too much money for me to get socioeconomic aid

>mfw I got into berkeley but couldn't go
>mfw I'm at uw now and will attempt to go to berkeley for graduate school

>> No.7047503

yeah but i got offered the highest merit scholarship the school offers

>> No.7047504

More or less, but 5th top for aerospace undergrad is still pretty good.
>implying SSDL and Space@VT is bad

>> No.7047505

How did you get that?

>> No.7047513

because im instate for uiuc
cost price benefit analysis
but I guess hardly no one pays full price for MIT
basically wasn't good enough
also fuck purdue

>> No.7047514

"exceptional academic achievement, as well as demonstrated experience in leadership, service, and/or school or community activity"

>> No.7047518

>demonstrated experience in leadership, service, and/or school or community activity
So by good grades and serving the homeless at the soup kitchen every other Saturday?

>> No.7047520

I turned them down. Went to Purdue instead

>> No.7047522

i was also in NHS and a faggot eagle scout but only because it was basically me and my 3 best friends and our dads and like 3 other dudes.

>> No.7047524

iq of 98 and im a black

>> No.7047525

Because I'm stupid.

>> No.7047531
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>tfw low IQ

>> No.7047532

>mfw picture becomes full size

You are only human, anon.

>> No.7047549

Fucked around for three years in HS smoking weed, having sex, and playing music before I got interested in math and engineering.

Ended up going to UAH with a full ride for aerospace. Hoping to do grad somewhere else

>> No.7047554

Cause they didn't give me as much money as RPI did

>> No.7047593

MIT's in Cambridge too, idiot.

>> No.7047597

Nobody's perfect.

>> No.7047602

He graduated high school.

>> No.7047604

>top 10 engr school in country
>top 15 engr school in world
>top 10 program in country
stay jelly

>> No.7047605

>having sex
bait harder

>> No.7047620

Mmm, dat 60% rolling admission rate

>> No.7047624

not for engineering

>> No.7047627
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>tfw wasn't even trolling

>> No.7047653

because i am not really all that smart. I'm smart enough to get by as a software developer from a BS at a forgettable state school and live a more comfortable life than my parents. I'm also not all that ambitious, academically.

>> No.7047660

You went to a mediocre school, get over it.

Purdue doesn't raise eyebrows the same way MIT or Caltech does.

And according to this Purdue has a 60% acceptance rate and a mean SAT score below 2000. That is honestly pathetic.


Also, rankings are based on research. Meaning Purdue may have great professors, but all that talent is going to be wasted teaching low caliber students.

>> No.7047661

Because I go to Yale

>> No.7047665

my dad refused to pay my college admission fees and I only had enough money to send out 2 packets

not that I would have made it but they did send me that thick glossy recruitment book that probably cost as much to make as my fee would have been.

then again I bet they send those things to every poorfag just to make them feel worse or to try to trap their parents in massive debt. Didn't work for my folks since they refused to pay a cent for my education.

>> No.7047667

that's for all majors genius. you cant get into purdue and still get denied admission into first year engineering. and then you can still get denied into an engineering department after your first year if you get accepted into engineering in the first place. and i know someone that was admitted to both chose Purdue over MIT, albeit for a phd program.

>> No.7047673

*you can get into purdue and still get denied admission into engineering

>> No.7047675


Dog. If you're a product of a top 10 school, you're one shit ass advertisement for them.

>> No.7047676

Because no one ever lies over the Internet.
Can you confirm that everyone that goes to Yale is a stuck up jerk?

>> No.7047678

I'm an HVAC technician. I was only in "college" for like two years.

I'm at the point where, if I went back to school to become an HVAC (mechanical) engineer, I'd be taking a pay cut.

>> No.7047688

are you independant? if not, who do you work with? is it a stable job with good pay? how many years of experience do you have?

>> No.7047719

>are you independant? if not, who do you work with?

I'm industrial so not independent. I work as a service technician for a utilities plant.

> is it a stable job with good pay?

Yes. The hours are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm and I get full benefits and there haven't been any lay-offs before. The pay is good. Right now I'm at tier-3 so I make $41.85 per hour.

>how many years of experience do you have?

Two. I went to vocational college right out of high school at 17, and got on with this company at 19 as a tier-1, which is the equivalent to a greenhorn apprentice. After a year I sat for my journeyman's and was upgraded to tier-2 for about 5 months, and when I got my EPA license and refrigeration chemical handling certificates I got moved up to tier-3.

>> No.7047731
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>I make $41.85 per hour.

that literally makes me fucking angry

i grind for 5 years for an engineering degree and some fucking technician makes nearly twice my salary

fuck this gay earth

>> No.7047737

lel what shit job you working? my roommate was on a co-op last semester and got paid 21.75 an hour, and he's not even a real employee.

>> No.7047740

That pay can be good or shitty depending on where you live.

Cost of living is everything.

13 bucks an hour in Lakemont, Georgia will buy you more than 35 bucks an hour in Chicago.

>> No.7047741

My office is in Building 24, but I'm in Physics.

>> No.7047759

Because undergraduate education is effectively standardized in North America - there's really no difference, in terms of content covered, between math at MIT and math at U of T in Canada.

>> No.7047770

Because I'm at the University of Dresden.

>> No.7047777

This. Could not have said it better.

>> No.7047794


>> No.7047843

If I go to a shit school for undergrad can I still go to MIT or Caltech for grad school?

>> No.7047864

Yes. Work your ass off on your CV, do good undergrad research, publish your bachelors' thesis, get recommendations, get decent GRE scores, and have connections through your advisors.

>> No.7047883

cause it is next to fucking impossible.

>> No.7047904


Not smart enough.

>> No.7047910

Because I don't live in freedomland (thank fuck).

>> No.7047913

Connections are very important. It is less pronounced in some places but much of succeeding in University is a social game.

>> No.7047939

I did (via their online courses).

>> No.7047946
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Because I pay 10k/yr to to go to Waterloo.

>> No.7047947

6/10 you made me reply

>> No.7047951

Because I didn't apply.

Basically this. Also getting into MIT is one thing, being at the top of the class at MIT is a whole different story. Might as well go to a school where you can actually look impressive (top 30% of the class), not to mention are able to lap up the research opportunities and make personal contact with professors without having to fight with top MIT honors students over them.
Shit schools aren't going to challenge you though, so an ideal undergrad place would be somewhere in the middle where it fits just right. Unless you really are MIT material and will excel there, in which case by all means go for it, but you should know yourself best.

This applies for going into grad school though, mostly for some kind of scientific research.
Some people stop at their bachelors and in something like literature at prestigious universities. I don't really have any comment on that.

>> No.7047956
File: 12 KB, 199x199, caltech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I go to the better version.

>> No.7047958


>> No.7047959

this. how do this? how gain this skill? (seriously)

>> No.7047962
File: 115 KB, 1024x576, opdelivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7047982

I hear it's a complete sausage fest over there.

>> No.7047983

Nice. I'm considering applying to the physics major there as a transfer student. Probably not gonna get in though.

>> No.7047989

60 M / 40 F is the gender split. It's really not too bad.

Good luck! There are a couple people who transfer here every year so it's certainly possible. I'm not sure what's on the transfer exam, but I'd probably try to be comfortable with Ph1abc and Ma1abc level material.

>> No.7048013

18 y/o hs senior
>rejected from caltech
>deferred from mit

wish me luck

>> No.7048014

Due to my not being fond of America and Cambridge having Sean Holden.

>> No.7048019
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, ganbare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbare anon!

>> No.7048041

Purdue -- MIT rejects

>> No.7048114

I have a lot more respect for the people here who are willing to admit they weren't good enough than the people who try to come up with retarded excuses like hurr durr purdue just as good.

It takes a certain amount of maturity to admit to your shortcomings.

>> No.7048166

>It takes a certain amount of maturity to admit to your shortcomings.

True, but admissions also have a huge random component to them. Just because you didn't get into MIT doesn't mean you're a loser. I think they even stated something like 80% of applicants are qualified enough to attend, they just don't have enough space.
Doesn't necessarily mean you have to have had published 10 research articles during high school to get in, maybe they were lacking kids with music backgrounds one year so they took the guy who played clarinet over the guy who tutored math to kids in Africa. (Assuming they both had similar stats, and you do need high stats to show that you're ready for their work in the first place.)

At least the people at Purdue are making the best of it, which they have no reason not to.

>> No.7048243

My IQ wasn't high enough

>> No.7048292

lel you say that like Purdue's a shit school. it's great for engineering. and fuck paying 100 bucks to apply for MIT to see if you get in when you're going somewhere else anyway. MIT is good but not good enough to justify paying way the fuck more, and living in liberal as fuck MA when i can pay in state tuition and fuck around with the only reactor in the state in a top 10 program. only spergs sperg about muh ivy league. it's not like Purdue's some shit cc

>> No.7048301

that ID looks old as fuck. sure thats not your dads or some shit. how's it all worn on the edges?

>> No.7048307

do you by any chance currently smoke cigs?

>> No.7048311

Let's skip the bullshit, faggots. How do you plan to pay the jews off?

35000$ debt reporting in

>> No.7048317

Rich daddy

>> No.7048319

Shouldn't you be working on a problem set right now?

>> No.7048351

Purdue isn't even the top 2 engineering school in the big ten, don't know why everyone jumps on their dick for engineering/cs.
Michigan and Illinois are superior

>> No.7048354
File: 165 KB, 800x726, betterthandisneyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the printing quality on them is pretty bad and I just treat mine like shit anyway. Here's further proof I guess since I'm just such a nice guy

Why else would I be procrastinating on 4chan?

>> No.7048356


Orphaned -> family income is my income since I live alone -> ridiculously low income on paper and a great sob story + top grades= it rains bursary/grant money. I basically got my rent paid off for the next three years as well as tuition fees covered for two years and a half (and I'm only on my first year so far).

Never mind the fact that I own apartment worth around 100k (which I rent for a further 500€/month), because nobody asked about that, and had 10k in savings before starting.

Also, I'm Finnish so I get 500€/month student support even abroad + 100€/month additional support for noparents.

>> No.7048360

So many Purdue people here. Why is it always like that on /sci/?
Boiler up.

>> No.7048363

Probably cuz it's big as shit and most people there do science/engineering. So a big selection pool of potential /sci/entists.

>> No.7048368

Because I'm South African and MIT doesn't even recognize our high school credentials despite annually offering the top mechanical engineering student from a local university a transfer year to MIT.

Also they're not brilliant at fields outside mechanical, mechatronics and CS from my experience. But the media and US entertainment industry seems to suck their dick on everything.

>>7047414 superior university for my field.

>> No.7048372

nah, but Michigan is really great

>> No.7048373


tbh UK media sucks Oxbridge dick just as hard.

Actually, seems like the university nominated as best in the world depends mostly on whether the list was made by/for Americans or UKfags.

>> No.7048377

Good researchers usually hand their undergrad class off to TAs though.

>> No.7048388

Why is your 0 a k? Is this a meme I'm not aware of?

>> No.7048390

Exactly this.

>> No.7048391


>> No.7048395

No one in Europe lives in debt unless they're retarded though, there's way too much socialism to fuck up.

>> No.7048397

I actually had a friend that went there. He tells me that they are all bright as hell but many of them are spergs and socially stunted like himself. That isn't the issue though

The big problem until today is that the professors are cunts. He told me there were many suicide and cutting cases he saw; its fucking depressing. He straight said MIT is the masochist sheltered blizzaro clone of Stanford and Caltech.

He works as a IT guy or some shit at a Hedgefund now

>> No.7048404

I've noticed that the research articles I've seen produced from the "top" universities seem to fall into 3 categories
1) Review articles. (60%)
2) Sub-par, overambitious failed research that somehow managed to be published. (30%)
3) Actual research (~10%)

But of course, no prizes for guessing which one of these articles will get the most references. That's why it's generally wiser to ignore rankings, the profs at those unis aren't going to mentor you into becoming a great scientist/engineer, you have to do that yourself.

And also the media usually jumps on "innovative" rehashes of old technology as soon as someone from MIT rebuilds it, which is kind of frustrating, but no more than anything else the media does.

>> No.7048424

I almost feel like if I went there I wouldn't want to tell anybody. I don't like that kind of attention. "Omg anon, you're a genius! Guys, he went to MIT!!!"
So fucking what, I'd probably be at the bottom of the class or end up like anon's friend in >>7048397, and even if not, normal people wouldn't even comprehend what I was working at. They just recognize the school name and start having spasms. Basically the definition of overrated.

>inb4 bitter
Even if I do attend it's not gonna change my opinion, I can see it for what it is.

>> No.7048430

Illinois is actually the top ranked engineering school in the big ten and the midwest, and their research dollars are higher of that than Michigan and Purdue by a pretty decent margin. US news isn't a great metric, but it usually has Illinois at 5, Michigan at 7-8 and Purdue at around 9

>> No.7048432

cause my toefl score was shit, so i stayed in my 3rd world country

>> No.7048433

Should've shitposted on /sci/ more

>> No.7048443

whole thread is shitpost
how come it's related to science and maths?

>> No.7048447

then why don't you go to harvard

>> No.7048462


It's tangentially related. Look at the OP, the purpose of this thread is to provoke.

University threads are a bit ambiguous regarding the rules of the board, I've seen them deleted and allowed. Tbh they usually end up not being very constructive, but that's not really what 4chan is about.

Also, in response to OP, I'd have to go and live in the US and get bent by the loan jews.

>> No.7048469

but my uni has a higher publications-to-faculty ratio than MIT

>> No.7048471

>Being Chinese

>> No.7048489

I'm American and my program is an American school. I meant my dept tho not uni as a whole

>> No.7048621

Because I'm not american and too poor to afford studying abroad

>Implying I could get in even if I had a full scolarship

>> No.7048628

Going there for my masters in engineering in the fall.

After totally blowing off high school and effortlessly cruising through my shitty state uni. Work experience counts for a lot, kids.

>> No.7048657

What did you guys get for your gpa

>> No.7048776


>> No.7048819

Because I'm aaawesome and my achievements are able to stand on their own.

>> No.7048821

Not quite true. But what is true is that you don't have to fear starving and freezing if you are indebted and have no money.

>> No.7048826

"much of succeeding in University is a social game."

What if someone told people in advance that achievements are not so important. Well obviously the professors would not want that...

>> No.7048836

The only way to get into a good undergrad is to be an extrovert faggotron. It just means doing a shit ton of volunteering, voted class everything, and lastly having a hook (built a business ect.). In ivy league's case, your hook has to be amazing (nationally recognized for something).

I got straight As and sick SATs w/ sick subject tests and didn't even get into my state flagship (UVA) because I didn't play the game.

>> No.7048837

As a Brit, shit's expensive yo.

>> No.7048838


After getting denied from UVA, I'll be seeing you there next fall (undergrad). CS here

>> No.7048848

That's bullshit, good tech schools don't look at volunteering faggortry, they look at technical experience and dedication. Things that will help are lab internships and your name as co-author on a publication.

You didn't get in because no one gives a fuck about your easy mode inflated grades.

>> No.7048850

>implying stanford isn't the better version of caltech

>> No.7048858

The vast mass of the low caliber students drop out during first 1-2 years. At least when I was undergrad. Class about halved when starting last bachelor year. And I went to a EU university.

>> No.7048864

>implying college can't see through your "research", which is just bored professors holding your hand through babbytime that your parents signed you up for

And everyone applying to tech schools has good grades and dedication nowdays. They buy into the volunteer bullshit because it gives them an extra dimension to discriminate.

My grades were inflated, but that's what SATs were for (2180 SATs, 800 M2, 760 Physics, 730 Lit) (not that great but definitely UVA tier)

>> No.7048869


How do you even co-author shit before even starting undergrad? Or get lab internships? With the amount of university students around, nobody would even consider a high school kid for those unless you knew someone.

>> No.7048870

literally wealthy parents. they dont even want me to repay them.

>> No.7048876

>unless you knew someone.
How else do you think you get into top-tier unis? It's all about the family you are born into.

No one cares about SATs fag.

>> No.7048880

>unless you knew someone.

Well there ya go.

>> No.7048886

>No one cares about SATs fag.

I'm pretty sure that's not accurate, low-score-haver.

>> No.7048889


Because I'm a white male and my chances of getting in even with a stellar high school record (which I didn't have), a massive list of extra-curricular achievements (which I didn't have) and a huge amount of charity or volunteer work (which I didn't do) is basically 0%. Also, not smart enough.

>> No.7048890


Europe is not a country.

It's a whole different ball game being broke in a Scandinavian socialist heaven vs. some mainland Europe shithole.

Also, most people live a large portion of their lives in debt because houses and cars and such.

>> No.7048892


the problem is that everybody and their grandmother have grades and test scores, and universities have a limited number of spots

if you're boring you don't have much of a shot, even with good grades

also as someone who did math research in high school, it may not be high-level breakthrough-tier stuff, but it helped my professor get his dissertation published, and a lot sooner than he would have otherwise

>> No.7048895


Well, shit. I guess I'm glad Oxbridge gives zero shits about extracurricular stuff.

>> No.7048902

>my professor

Did you have professors as high school teachers or did you email some random university professor asking to do their monkey work for them?

Because the former certainly wasn't true for me and attempting something like the latter ended predictably.

>> No.7048909

I'm >>7048892

it isn't necessarily about knowing someone. This about it in terms of grad school:

>be physics professor at school known for good undergrad
>all the good undergrads go to top-tier grad programs
>everyone who comes to my school for graduate work wasn't good enough for the top-tier programs
>I prefer the undergrads to the grad students for research because of this

It's the same way (in certain cases) with high schoolers and undergrad research. I did my math research at a small midwest liberal arts college I lived near. Not many of the students there were very good at math because if they were, they'd usually be going to a school better known for it. Because of this, the professors preferred me (and a friend of mine who also did research) over the undergrads from time to time because we were just more passionate about math.

Now obviously if you're a high schooler doing research at a very competitive university this would be different.

>> No.7048918


My high school was really close to a small university, so students were allowed to take college classes there if they could fit them into their schedule. The professor I mentioned was the one I had for Linear Algebra. I mentioned to him one day that I was interested in doing research and he seemed really receptive to the idea.

>> No.7048923

of course not, those things are horrible. Why do you ask?

>> No.7048925

That's another thing though, people are so disconnected nowadays that high-school kids have no idea that helping with research is even a possibility.

I'm not saying we need smaller communities, but we need an image board for every town/city so people can get to know each other and the world again.

>> No.7048930


I can agree with that statement. Though to be fair, it's very difficult to do any kind of meaningful research in math before taking Linear Algebra, which would be a big hurdle for most students. I hadn't even thought about research as a possibility before taking Linear, however.

>> No.7048948

Because I go to an Australian uni

>> No.7048952

So you took college courses and did research in HS, how much did it pay off? What undergrad do you go to?

>> No.7048960

because they have gender studies

>> No.7048962
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Because I'm dumb and poor, so I applied to a bunch of top engineering universities and went to the one that ended up with the cheapest net price.

I didn't even apply to MIT. I got accepted to Carnegie Mellon and Cornell, but that's long gone now.

>> No.7049129
File: 13 KB, 284x276, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accepted to Carnegie Mellon and Cornell
>assuming from pic related you go to Texas A&M
you fucking tard

>> No.7049154

because I just got deferred last December :(

There's hope still but not much

>> No.7049299
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undergrad: because I could go to a flagship state research feeder uni for free.

grad: because there were opportunities that better suited my specific research interests at other schools.

still got into a PhD program at a top 10 engineering school with full funding, feels good to have zero debt nigga.

>> No.7049341
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Because I go here and swim as well.

Nuclear Engineering with physics minor.

>> No.7049395


I'd say it payed off really well. I won't disclose anything specifically, but I got into a really good undergrad program, certainly in part because of it.

>> No.7049404

>because I just got deferred last December :(
Same. Good luck man

>> No.7049432

>be hs senior
>gpa 3.68
>act 30
>assume i will be fine to get inextra corricularsto UW-Madison because of strong extracorriculars
>didn't apply anywhere else
I only have myself to blame. Now i have to find a school that will accept sorry ass. I would have done so much better if i would have tried harder and kissed ass.

>> No.7049438

>assume i will be fine to get into UW-Madison because of strong extracorriculars

>> No.7049450

Because my state school is in the top 10 for my major and is a fraction of the cost of MIT.

>> No.7049454
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Try not to burn out Anon

>> No.7049503

It's less about getting brunt out and more about getting enough TA and research hours when you're a graduate.

>> No.7049547

Because I am aiming for Brown instead.

>> No.7049594

Because I'm not particularly intelligent. It was a childhood dream of mine to attend some prestigious instution, but some dreams die hard.

>> No.7049764

Because I haven't heard whether I've gotten in or not yet.

I did get accepted to a PhD program at Yale, which is better than nothing, but not for a department that's particularly outstanding there.

>> No.7049832

I'm too poor to go there, because at my level of dumbness, I didn't get enough money from them to go there.

>> No.7049859
File: 20 KB, 204x242, UChicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Chicago master race.

>> No.7049944

because I fucked up any chance I had

>> No.7049995

Chicago is pretty master race, coming from a foreign observer.