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7046742 No.7046742 [Reply] [Original]

Why do physics majors generally do better on the quantitative section of GRE than math majors? Shouldn't you fags be #1 in that section?

Actually, we rek math majors in every section of the test and the score differences are more pronounced in the other sections

>> No.7046748

I'm doing both undergrad and in my last semester, physics is much harder for me.

>> No.7046749

>studying in the US
>we rek you
you may realize one day that your education is shit, and you are only fighting to know whose is the least shitty.

>> No.7046755

have you taken the GRE or even looked at any of the practice problems?

none of it is remotely relevant to any classes any math majors have had in college. moreover the problems involve lots of calculations with numbers, which physics majors deal with pretty often and almost never come up in any math classes past freshman year.

the problems are literally high school math and the only difference is practice, physics majors get way more practice.

>> No.7047850


This, I took AP Calc my junior year of high school and took the ACT my senior year.

Math was my lowest score, I didn't even crack 30 (28). Why? Because all the math on the ACT is geometry, which for most HSers is like junior/senior year. For me it was 8th grade. I had no reason to know what the formula for the area of a trapezoid was off the top of my head.

It's one of the downfalls of being "smart" or "advanced", all the standardized tests are made for the lowest common denominator

>> No.7049242
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>> No.7049244


Oh no, we know it's shit. Most of us, anyway. Not much for us to do about it yet.

>> No.7049265


If you took AP calc, you better had known the formula for a trapezoid.

I never took the ACT, but if it was like the SAT, it was logical tests in the form of math, not concept testing. That was the idea of it.

>> No.7049272

>Why? Because all the math on the ACT is geometry, which for most HSers is like junior/senior year.

No, you're just dumb. Same goes for all those "I'm smart but lazy" fags.

This is like claiming to be the fastest sprinter in the world and getting dusted in a race with a 12 year old.

>> No.7049307

>mathfags are so mad they claim they don't even do mathemathics

>> No.7049555

The math on the general GRE is trivial. Just because it is trivial doesn't make it easy.

Most math majors are well beyond the mathematics tested on the GRE and it's easy to forget ll the basic shit they test for.

GRE math test for shit taught in elementary school/middle school & high school. After taking Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Topology, Functional Analysis your brain isn't used to extremely basic shit math and that's exactly what the GRE looks for.

Basically you have to study this shit to do remotely well (for timing purposes, familiarity etc). So, yeah you can do worst on the general GRE quant section than the Subject math GRE exam.

>> No.7049567

regardless of major, if you don't get at least a 165 you're terrible

here is a better theory: you just suck

seconding >>7049242

you should familiarize yourself with the question format, but you don't really need any other prep

>> No.7049577

right. because after taking topology, combinatorics, real analysis I & II, functional analysis, k-theory i'm going to remember formulas of shit i never use. fuck off.

>> No.7049587


>Sample math GRE problems, IE shit physicists spend all their time doing:

>If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour?

>Of the following, which is greater than ½ ?

>In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German. Of the students taking French or German, 9 are taking both courses. How many students are not enrolled in either course?

>2^30 + 2^30 + 2^30 + 2^30 =

>c.f. things math majors spend their time doing:

>Real analysis
>Number theory
>Linear algebra
>Numerical analysis
>Probability theory
>Stochastic calculus

Yeah buddy, I'm sure your ability to compute the number of seconds in an hour and then multiply that by five really signifies your intellectual superiority here.

>> No.7049596

m8 if you don't know how to get the radius of a circle from its circumference or how to calculate the sine of an angle then i'm sorry, you're just not very good

>> No.7049602

>Why do physics majors generally do better on the quantitative section of GRE than math majors?

>> No.7049605 [DELETED] 

The problems I don't care for are the geometry ones and I've taken courses in higher level geometry that have nothing to do with the elementary shit on the GRE.

You may be able to do pleb tier math without looking things up but you most certainly can't do the level of math I can. Fuck you, fuck off, and don't reply to me any further.

I can easily do the GRE math if i looked up the formulas, but I will never have to do any of that pleb tier shit in grad school. So, fuck off

>> No.7049614

I can do the shit pleb math on the GRE anon. But you most certainly cannot do the level of math that I do. Fuck off and don't reply to me any further. Stick with your retard math and I'll stick with what math actually is.

>> No.7049615

i'm not even talking about "memorization" shit like knowing the quadratic formula or certain series identities (is that even on the GRE? it's been years), you should know basic geometric relations if you have a BS in math

>> No.7049618

So what about physics and math majors? How do they do?

>> No.7049619

way to delete your autism post (^: unfortunately your second attempt isn't any better.

>> No.7049622

avg math: 154v 162q 3.7a
avg phys: 156v 161q 3.8a

>> No.7049631

take a course in cohomology :^)

>> No.7049632


>higher mean AND lower variance

Physicists confirmed for mouthbreathers.

>> No.7049638

Excuses and rationalization: the thread

>plug and chug is so easy, hahaha babby engineers and physicists can't do real math
>you only do better on the GRE because you have more practice! It's not fair!

stay salty and unemployed

>> No.7049676

I took geometry in 8th grade. I took the ACT senior year when I was in Calculus III and I got a 36 on the Math section.

No excuses nigga.

>> No.7049689

Why the fuck are philosophy majors so amazing at Verbal Reasoning and the Writing section?

Also, English Literature majors don't even beat them in those sections.

>> No.7049712

No, it's more like claiming that a 5 year old is smarter than an architect because the 5 year old is better at playing with blocks.

>> No.7049720


ACT is the SAT for minorities, you're not special

>> No.7049726

Because math majors aren't arithmetic monkeys like physics majors.

>> No.7049730

Ahahahahaha is this sample questions for real?

>> No.7049822

because smarter people choose physics

>> No.7049825

The GRE is only slightly harder than the SAT.

>> No.7050066


Kek, true

>> No.7050071


If you can't do that shit by reasoning alone then you're just plain fucking stupid, math major or no.


This is true.

>> No.7050072

I have a highschool level physics question for anyone if you can help me.

A car accelerates from 36km/h to 80km/h in 500 meters with constant acceleration, what would its speed be at 250 meters?

Can someone give me the method of working this out?

>> No.7050076



>> No.7051276

I forgot to mention I also got 800 SAT Math. no troll, it's not hard if u kno basic math

>> No.7051281

Math Major. The quantitative was trivial. I got 790. Even if I never encountered some of it, it was easy to deduce.

>> No.7051305


>> No.7051307

distance formula: <span class="math">d(t) = 36t + a/2*t^2[/spoiler]
velocity formula: <span class="math">v(t) = 36 + at[/spoiler]

find t_0 (the time at which you reach 80 km/h based on a):
<span class="math">80 = 36 + a*t_0[/spoiler]
<span class="math">t_0 = 44/a[/spoiler]

plug it into the distance formula
<span class="math">500 = 36*44/a + a/2*(44/a)^2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">500 = 1584/a + 968/a[/spoiler]
<span class="math">a = 5.104[/spoiler]

Find t_1 (the time when you reach 250 meters):
[mat]250 = 36(t_1) + 5.104/2*(t1)^2
Quadratic equation -> <span class="math">t_1 = 5.1[/spoiler]

plug it into the velocity formula:
<span class="math">v(t_1) = 36 + 5.104*5.1 = 62.03 mph[/spoiler]

>> No.7051447


34 composite faggot, suck my 99th percentile dick

>> No.7051469

probaby because there are more women with math majors. It is a statistical fact that men have higher IQ than women. Physics majors are the aspiest of the aspiest.

>> No.7052221

All the SAT/ACT measures is how fast you can do problems which is no real use to anything.

>> No.7053129


So you attribute your 28 to the fact that you were, quite literally, too advanced?


>> No.7053157

Most undergrad physics doesn't involve numbers either. It's almost always symbolic.

>> No.7053164

psh. be in the 99.9th percentile like me and maybe ill be impressed

>> No.7053177 [DELETED] 

Physics attracts higher calibre students.

>> No.7053183

Physics attracts higher calibre students.

>> No.7053194

>99.9th percentile
>still no gf

>> No.7053208

maths >> physics, I don't even see how this is a debate

Maths is way harder than physics, and there are more mathematicians who contribute to physics, than vice versa. Physicists don't even learn 70% of what maths majors learn. Maths solved the Poincare conjecture, physics can't solve the three body problem.

Mathematicians are smarter than physicists, there is a higher percentage of women, and they are less autistic in general. Physics is a field full of contradictions, and the only proof you ever have is experimental.

Still, physics may be worse than maths, but it's not horrible. I'd say, if you're smart enough for maths, do maths, if not, do physics.

>> No.7053220

They're basically our diplomas.

When I was in high school, the maths diploma was five hours long.
It really doesn't.
>there is a higher percentage of women
That's a negative.

>> No.7053228

>Why do physics majors generally do better on the quantitative section of GRE than math majors?

They don't, you retard. God, fucking stupid physicist.


11.5% of mathematicians are in the 170 range, as opposed to 7.8% physicists.

>> No.7053267

Pointless debate aside, the math section of the GRE is extremely easy. I'm fairly certain someone who scored 2100+ on the SAT back in high school can ace the GRE with a week or two of preparation. They're the same shit.

>> No.7053309
