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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7043147 No.7043147 [Reply] [Original]

How is math useful for programming?

>> No.7043163

as I was failing a simple college algebra class, i asked myself that too.

>> No.7043164

Moderately. Certain parts of analysis, discrete math, and numerical analysis are good to know. Donald Knuth is the big name in that particular interdisciplinary interface. Read his textbook "Concrete Mathematics."

>> No.7043165

will do, thanks anon
-not op

>> No.7043166

Programming = Math.
Computers are made of math. Since for design of layouts you see on your screen, to calculus made to process programs and make hardware work.
If you can't/don't like doing math, then don't even try programming. Unless you want to create dumb programs that even a child could make.

>> No.7043175

better maths = more efficient programs

>> No.7043182

If you can't see it, you probably shouldn't consider doing it for a living.

>> No.7043273

best advantage of math in programming : algorithms

>> No.7044125

Not true. My uncle is a java programmer and sucks at math but still makes a decent living. His comp sci degree required calc II which he took 3 times and an intro to combinatorics which he took twice.

To write code all you need to know is... coding! Math is just a weed out in college.

>> No.7044135

You can be a complete retard in maths and still be a "good" (whatever that means) OO programmer. Such is the world of OO programming.

>> No.7044138

if you wanna do 3d shit, you'll need some decent math

although i bet a lot of programmers today just copy pastas everyone elses code

>> No.7044148

No you dont. Yes there is a lot of cool math going on but a programmer can be totally unaware of it.

>> No.7044154

Pleb tier fart apps and whatnot? It's not. That we require software engineers to get Computer Science degrees is fucking criminal; all the education you should need is 2 years of community college or a decent portfolio.

Computer Science has nothing to do with HTML and Java. It has to do with the study and manipulation of information.

>> No.7044156

helps understanding how computers manipulate binary.

>> No.7044159

it also weeds out people from making 6 figures by coding. the logic in coding is mathematical.

>> No.7044169

There is not a lot of logic in math. Its more of a memory class remembering what equations to use and how to cancel different numbers. If programming needs logic maybe they need less math and maybe some political science or law classes?? Just an idea.

>> No.7044173

What you're describing is not a college math class unless you're less than six weeks into your first year.

>> No.7044179

I can tell you've never done any post-high school mathematics.

>> No.7044181


Math is insanely useful for solving problems which then can be translated into code. Code itself is trivial to vomit out.


Algorithm analysis is trivial as fuck.

>> No.7044182

>Its more of a memory class remembering what equations to use and how to cancel different numbers.

It saddens me that people think of math like this. All you have to do is ask "why" a forumla/expression/equation came to be, take your time actually understanding it and then math is just applied logic

>> No.7044192

Well I cant speak beyond calculus III but this is how they were. I have never had a test that wasnt just basically looking at your formula sheet, picking the right one and knowing how to properly use your calculator.

Only a bit in calc 2 with the series crap did it stray from that but people bombed that test so bad the curve saved me. Also the last test for calc III was a bit crazy but we got to skip vector fields which I hear are bad so maybe I am not 100% right.

But still that is all of calc I and most of calcII and III. Its all about memorizing the right tricks, lots of practice and knowing how to get data out of word problems.

>> No.7044205
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math + code --> x > $100k
code --> y < $100k

>> No.7044206

It probably depends on the uni and teacher, but calc as it is taught in some universities isn't even math, rather "List of calculation results that science-related people might find useful". In a decent system this should start in sophomore/junior highschool and end before freshman college. You need the proficiency with formal expressions to go further, but you also need to understand where they come from.

>> No.7044219

It may shock the math majors but most people who take calculus cannot differentiate by hand or find an integral without a calculator, table or laptop.

Because theyre never asked to.

>> No.7044226

CS majors do not belong here. Leave.

>> No.7044227

Why? Internet runs just fine and the bridges dont fall even with our math-illiterate engineers and coders. Computers have made math a hobby.

>> No.7044231

That's bullshit. There's no way you could get through a calc class, even in the US, without knowing AT LEAST how to differentiate simple algebraic equations.

>> No.7044259

I said by hand. Though I am being extreme Im sure they can apply the power rule and do basic derivatives quotient/product rule problems and even a few chain rule, anti derivatives and a few basic integrals.

But many just plug it into their calculator. In my calculus classes we were handed a sheet with all the operations needed and in class we got more questions on how to input shit into the calculator than actual class questions.

>> No.7044261

At my uni, we have Analytic Geometry and Calculus classes and Calculus for Engineering and Technology classes.

AG&C is what you think of as calculus. How to find limits/derivatives, techniques for integration, infinite summations, etc. CfET is more along the lines of a tutorial path. It teaches what derivatives and integrals are, and how to use them, but not how to find them. Tables, calculators, and Matlab are in constant use. The engineering path picks up vectors and differential equations much sooner than the mathematics path, and I don't think they do summations at all.

Example AG&C exam:
>Here's a bunch of difficult integrals/summations/limits/etc. Solve them.

Example CfET exam:
>Here's a couple difficult physical situations. Figure out exactly what happens.

>> No.7044273

who are you, Trip from Pokemon Black/White? you're basic

>> No.7044277

dude, my calc III professor is giving a "group test" this week. fucking commie bastard. i dont know if i should complain to the dept head or my dept head, but thats some bullshit if ive ever heard of any.

>> No.7044286

Im in calc I now. First month is algebra/trig review, second month derivatives then two months of applications. We take our tests in a lab with computers which were allowed to use. Wolfram Alpha is encouraged and we spent two lectures on how to input. Limits are not even mentioned we briefly learn the power/product/quotient/chain rules and how to identify them then on to solving word problems and real life "industry" examples.

>> No.7044289

You poor bastard.

At least tell me you're in an engineering program. If they're doing this to mathematics or physics students that's outright criminal.

>> No.7044306

>we spent two lectures on how to input
holy shit, how stupid are the people in your class that they need to be taught how to type numbers into a fucking answer machine....

>> No.7044307


>> No.7044350

differential calculus is the easiest shit in the world, even easier than most of trig and pre-calc. Holy shit.

>> No.7044398

>Engineering Technology

THAT IS NOT ENGINEERING AT ALL. Such a course would NEVER get ABET approval.

Sorry but you go to a scam school.

>> No.7044484

I made an android app to calculate potential payouts for stock options.

Had to use some pretty fancy math in that from the black scholes model.

I just reused some code I found though... Lol

>> No.7044892

Engineering AND Technology. As in, two separate schools that take the same calculus class.

>> No.7044898

>Engineering AND Technology. As in, two separate schools that take the same calculus class.
"Technology school" is not engineering.