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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7040413 No.7040413 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.7040415

Thanks for the measles you educated medical consumers.

>> No.7040420

I wonder if there are really people who feel proud about setting back modern medicine 200 years

>> No.7040423

If I keep taking my vaccines will I be okay from this? If so then I don't mind letting the retards die.

>> No.7040426

America, you have no idea how much the world laughs at you daily. It's almost unbelievable how retarded your people are.

>> No.7040433


Those idiots will believe anything some jackass celebrity tells them is hip. Most people don't bother doing even the slightest research into anything. They're like that kid in school who always insisted they were right even when they had no idea what they were talking about. JESUS FUCK I hate people like that. Now the Flu vaccine, that's another story.

>> No.7040597

Maybe. Keep this in mind though. Those retards are hurting everyone.


>> No.7040603

Mostly I'd find it unsettling that any agency might dare suggest that kindergardener has agency with regard to "their own opinions."

For the California brand hippy/hipster anti-establishment ideal I don't really care because as much as their objections are thoughtless, the pharmaceutical bullshit IS bullshit.

>> No.7040606

looks good, hope those retards get whats coming.

>> No.7040609

What are you, retarded? It's their parents who submit these exemption forms.

>> No.7040610 [DELETED] 
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Okay yeah, they're 100% wrong but can you blame them?

Remember all those conspiracy theories about the NSA? They're all actual documented conspiracies.

The government lies and abuses citizens all the time, it's no wonder people think the CDC is tricking them into poisoning their kids and the FDA is trying to get you to eat toxic spinach to make you infertile.

Cali ain't that bad.

>> No.7040624

>Those retards are hurting everyone
No, they're only hurting themselves and each other, and a very small minority of people who weren't vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons. Those who were vaccinated will be just fine.

>> No.7040628
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Makes me feel like Wakefield got off fucking lightly.

>> No.7040632
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These are the people that walk around touting science is the future and will save us all while boasting how progressive they are due to their intellect and BA degree in humanities. They also 100% blindly believe in any environmental study that says were all going to die unless shamu and the polar bears mate while cooling the earth with their endangered semen. They believe what is seen as progressively popular at the time because they are so delusional in there superiority over those who do not agree they can’t even see the writing on the wall telling them they’re full of shit.

>> No.7040639

>the conservative and polluted shithole of the San Juaquin that I live in actually supports vaccination.

Thank you based baby boomers

>> No.7040642

the vaccine doesn't take in a significant number of folks, and it wears off. so you can get a dumbbell effect where a pandemic bounces between vulnerable populations of the very young and very old

>> No.7040643


I think it's the conservatives that are the anti vaxxers, actually

Not that both sides don't have their awful beliefs

>> No.7040646

> the FDA is trying to get you to eat toxic spinach to make you infertile.

can you elaborate?

>> No.7040655

I'm not an antivaxxer but I'm curious how much education you have.

>> No.7040656

Some of both really. There's the hardcore churches that tell their followers not to use vaccines as well as the "chemicals are evil because they're created by corporations" type of liberal. It's best to just not make politics part of this if you're trying to get people to understand vaccinations.

>> No.7040674

How the fuck is it that this anti-vax movement has only grown, not shrunk, ever since being discredited?

I'll be fine though since I just got an extra measles shot a few weeks back thanks to a research job that at orientation just gave everyone every vaccine they couldn't prove they already had which, for me, ended up being all of them because no one ever told me I needed to bring immunization records to fucking orientation. But at least now I've got more measles resistance than just about anyone else in the country!

>> No.7040873


People are scared of spinach because they read this causes ball issues.

>> No.7040875

There doesn't appear to be any correlation to actual state of public health here.

>> No.7041974

placebo still works I guess

Fuck you for making this much sense.

At the same time just because one conspiracy is true doesn't mean they all are. And it doesn't change the fact most people that believe them are crazy. Just because some scitzophrenic neckbeards thought the govt was spying on them doesn't mean snowden validated anything they were saying. If you believe the right things for the wrong reasons, you're lucky, not smart.

But I suppose evolution doesn't care about that distinction.

>> No.7042007

How long until Teela Brown?

>> No.7042008

5% get real. Give me a graph with 10-20% and then I'd be worried.

>> No.7042009


>> No.7042028

good god, it's spreading like measles!

>> No.7042045

you personally will be okay. However, in large part it is not the uneducated retards who get hurt, it's their children. Plenty of the fucks refusing vaccinations for their kids have been vaccinated themselves, and probably blame it for any and all of their health problems and mental deficiencies. This shit makes me so goddamn mad.

Back to you though, yeah you'll be fine. However if some measles stricken kid gets the virus on you, it can live on your clothes for quite a while, potentially making you the vector by which it is transmitted to someone else. That someone could be your own kid, for example. The MMR vaccine is typically not given until 12 months, so even if you plan to vaccinate like a responsible parent, your kid could get it in that time window. Because some other asshole believes in junk science.

>> No.7042059

Is there an 'anti-vaccination' vaccination?

>> No.7042146

>giviing a shit

nice try OP, nice try. I could care less what happens to that shit state. It's of thir own doing.

>> No.7042183
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>> No.7042184

The difference is that the actions the NSA has done isn't that surprising for the Government to do--as there's a lot of reasons for the Government wanting to wiretap someone--what made it surprising to the public was that they were collecting information on everybody and storing it, rather than before, when most people thought the NSA didn't have sufficient resources or time to monitor everyone, and only focus on a few highlighted suspects.

The thing with the Government wanting to maliciously vaccinating it's population with the intent to cause health problems doesn't make sense. Why do that? Population control? no, that would be stupid, because in cases of that, they usually pick particular people as targets who are inclined to have high birth rates and aren't considered valuable to society; but with vaccines, it seems almost all the population besides anti-vacciners are getting them, including the Government and the Elites.
It just doesn't make sense following people who are against vaccines's rherotic

>> No.7042197

Those retards pass on their retarded genes to their children. It's simply natural selection, faggot.

>> No.7042198

oh you think you have it bad? Where I live the schools have ~65% unvaccinated rates. It is only a matter of time.

>> No.7042219

this is /sci/, you can put away those edges. And read the rest of the post. The fact that these dipshits don't vaccinate their kids not means that not only are their kids at risk, but the kids of non-dipshits are at risk as well, because the MMR vaccine isn't given until they're a year old.

>> No.7042222

where do you live?

>> No.7042226

I wasn't gonna say it, but you got quads. I live in Oregon. Goddamn hippies...

>> No.7042227

lol nice, call me ash checkum.

Holy shit though I thought you were going to say somewhere in southeast asia. That's just ridiculous. And yeah you're right that it's a matter of time.

>> No.7042230

Am I the only person who doesn't get outraged when someone says they don't want to get vaccines or get them for their kids?
Why does everyone get so outraged when people have different opinions?
>inb4 min science
The same sentiment applies to all topics, the same people get outraged at those who have different opinions on trivial shit as well.

Just fuck off and stop feigning outrage, it's pathetic.

>> No.7042241

because some people don't want their kids/cousins/nieces/nephews to be exposed to measles?

>> No.7042253

Except the specifics don't actually come into it. Like I said, you see the exact same mentality from the exact same people in regards to trivial shit.

In my opinion, people who outright say vaccines are good are just as bad as anti-vaxxers. Both driven by emotion and making a complex issue black and white.God forbid you question anyone.

>> No.7042254


Are you fucking daft? The reason average life expectancy has greatly increased in the last few centuries is not because people are living longer, but because fewer kids are dying young. You always stood a good chance of living to be old, even thousands of years ago, provided you survived to adulthood. That was the trick. Families would have many children because maybe 3/5 of them would survive to adulthood.

Guess what one of the main reasons kids stopped dying so often in youth is? Vaccines. It's one thing if you're a stupid adult and you want to roll the dice, but rolling the dice with your little children's lives is the worst kind of ignorance and irresponsibility.

The hard truth is that EVEN IF vaccines got linked to autism or whatever they're afraid of, it would STILL BE WORTH IT TO VACCINATE YOUR KIDS. Maybe a few of them get autism, but many many more will not die horribly of childhood diseases.

>> No.7042260

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

>> No.7042263

So much outrage.

I'm not anti vax but I find your attempt to link vaccines to increased life expectancy in such a fundamental way disingenuous at best.

>> No.7042266


Soooo liberty for you means the right to get your children killed when you could have easily prevented it? Guess you're lucky your parents didn't feel the same way, eh.

>> No.7042269

How is it a complex issue? Vaccines don't hurt people who aren't allergic to them. People who are allergic or otherwise unable to take them (newborn babies) rely on herd immunity, which is broken when some otherwise healthy people refuse to take vaccines. It's not a personal choice, it literally kills other people when you refuse to take a vaccine. These vaccines are REQUIRED for school registration etc., but because some people make a first amendment claim to exercise a "personal belief," public schools are denied the ability to mandate safety.

If you send your child to school with my child, and I said my religion requires my child to carry a loaded handgun at all times, would that be fair?

>> No.7042272

>the right to get your children killed

So you are against abortion? Why do you hate women?

>> No.7042276

There are hundreds of vaccines made by dozens of different companies in many different companies and this will only increase. Like it or not even with good intentions there have been accidents in the past and there will be accidents in the future.
To make a blanket statement that all vaccines are good and shame anyone who simply wants prerogative on the issue it fucked. It's symptomatic of a widespread sentiment today where people wish to remove freedom for emotional causes. Like it or not it is an emotional cause.

>> No.7042298

Not the guy you're responding to, but vaccines have played a huuuuge role. He is absolutely right that living through old age was not uncommon. People hear that the average lifespan was 50-soething and thin that's when you would expect to die ofnatural causes. That's moronic. We talk about averages and neglect that life span used to have a clearly bimodal distribution.

>> No.7042300

oh god typo circus

>> No.7042303

Not saying it didn't play a role but you guys are absolutely overstating it when there is no need to.

>> No.7042323

Not that guy, but you're wrong.

It's only an emotional cause for one side. There are the people who understand how herd immunity works, and there are the people who think that being told what to do in any form is some kind of evil oppression, even if they're being told to save their own fucking lives. Yes there have been problems for individuals and yes that will continue, but you can say the same thing about absolutely any public policy, including and especially the ones that benefit everyone.

Yes, vaccines are big business. So is water and sanitation. I will absolutely shame anyone who thinks they deserve prerogative on the issue of essential vaccines. Someone who thinks their opinion matters on the issue of vaccination is just as fucking stupid and arrogant as someone who thinks their opinion matters on whether to wash their hands before handling food.

Notice that note of this talk about mandating to vaccines extends to flu vaccines or shit like that. We are talking only about lethal diseases that are prevented easily and effectively with herd immunity. But everybody has to be a part of it to make it work. You get a vote. You probably shouldn't, as it's not a matter of opinion, but you do get a vote. You do not get the right to stamp your feet, ignore science, and endanger your kids and others when the vote doesn't go your way.

>> No.7042381

I'm not saying there isn't science behind you.
But when you take the leap to removing fundamental freedoms from people because they disagree, you are absolutely being driven by emotion and ideology.

>> No.7042464

What about our fundamental freedom of keeping our children safe from your disease-ridden progeny?

There are rights, you are correct in that, BUT there's ALSO being responsible for acting like a stupid fuck just because you think you should.

And there are also laws, and prosecution for reckless endangerment.

Yes, you are free to be stupid, and you are also free to pay for that stupidity.

>> No.7042607

Not him, but I think that various governments are uneasy with the notion of mandated medical procedures.

>> No.7042650

Australian here.
>Mom and my sister got the flu 'vaccine'
>Dad and I didn't
>Mom and sister got the flu last winter
>Dad and I didn't

Fuck your pseudo science.

>> No.7042681 [DELETED] 

>paying for the flu-jew

>> No.7042690 [DELETED] 


>> No.7042720

And many countries are uneasy that some of their people are stupid enough to be antivaccers. I know that many insurance companies hike up their prices if you turn out to be an antivaccer and while it's not yet prosecutable to neglect the vaccinations of your children without an actual medical reason where I live, it can be cause for your children to be taken into custody.
And it has happened.
With the general approval of the public.

The only thing lamented in those cases was that some parents could be so stupid.

>> No.7042736

>But when you take the leap to removing fundamental freedoms from people because they disagree, you are absolutely being driven by emotion and ideology.
So I am being driven by emotion when I say that murder should be illegal?

>> No.7042834

Mmhm. Fair enough I guess.

But, where do we draw the line exactly?
Shall we have a government mandated exercise and diet programme since obesity -> depression, anxiety, heart disease/diabetus/etc. etc. ?
How about a government mandated religion since atheism -> depression -> suicide ?
Or do we not 'mandate' these things per se but merely appropriate the children of those parents too negligent to provide them? Mm that sounds kinder.

>> No.7042861

>If I keep taking my vaccines will I be okay from this?
as long as you're not one of the unlucky 5% it doesn't work for

>> No.7042865

>But, where do we draw the line exactly?
at things that don't have a direct mechanistic connection between a single causative factor and disease

all those conditions you listed are complex diseases with a nearly uncountable number of risk factors. that is not the case for diseases we have vaccines for

>> No.7043296

>But when you take the leap to removing fundamental freedoms from people because they disagree, you are absolutely being driven by emotion and ideology.

It's not about simple "disagreements". I don't know how long we'll have to reiterate this to your thick skull.
You've had nothing to offer in this discussion but inane platitudes. You are essentially saying everything can be turned into a debate and each side should be respected equally. You are wrong.

>> No.7043338

thirsty because it reminds me of our drought graphs

>> No.7043367
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>Tutoring a middle school
>one kid comes in mad
>Ask why
>He explains that less parents are vaccinating their kids in california
>He explains in detail how it is stupid
>Then goes on to explain the scientific method
>There is still hope for man

>> No.7043372

>Go to /pol/ (bad idea I know)
>People talking shit about vaccines and how it's da ebil goberment obama trying to kill ppl
>Try to explain how that's retarded
>They call me a jew

>> No.7043382

Nope. Old and young will still be effected, also vaccines don't last forever and the more the sickness is around the more it is able to become immune.
Government should make it mandatory that everyone take vaccines, especially if you have a child going to school.

>> No.7043386

>Personal belief
The biggest bullshit ever.
>It is my personal belief to kill people and my children because I don't believe in basic protection

>> No.7043421

Nope. It's conservatives that are anti-vac. Cali has the best STEM colleges in the country anon.
>Being pro environment

>> No.7043425

Hey stupid, Cali is one of the more liberal states and it's conseratives who tend to be anti vax. If even cali is suffering than your state must be in an even worse situation.

>> No.7043428

>Why do you get mad when people literally kill others because of their horribly wrong belief

>> No.7043430

>Muh freedom
It's not your freedom when it harms others.

>> No.7043444

You sound just as dumb as an anti-vaxxer.

>> No.7043452

Because science is part of the conspiracy. If you don't agree, you're part of the conspiracy.
It's as simple as that, a little magical thinking can do a lot.

>> No.7043498

Probably bait, but:
>Why does everyone get so outraged when people have different opinions?
>what is subjectivity vs. objectivity?
It's not an opinion, it's a proven fact that anti-vaccinators are full of shit.
4/10 made me respond

>> No.7043511

I always figured it was the hippie "alternative medicine" types, but maybe this had changed over time. I'm looking for data on this and in the process found this.


Hope everyone's ready to feel real fucking sad and angry!

>> No.7043533
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>General public is against nuclear power plants
>For offshore drilling

>> No.7043614
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Nice try, you fucking jew !

>> No.7043634

You're like those Christians that don't believe in using medicines.

>> No.7043648

If Darwinism is true, how come people that refuse medicine exist? Or are vaccines actually not beneficial to your survival?

>> No.7043660

Checkmate atheists!

>> No.7043691

Then why are the outbreaks happening in the most liberal places and not in the deep South?

>> No.7043722

>No, they're only hurting themselves and each other, and a very small minority of people who weren't vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons. Those who were vaccinated will be just fine.

>Those who were vaccinated will be just fine.

Anti-vaxxers are retarded but we are not helped when people who don't know what they're talking about weigh in.

Vaccines are not perfect. They work, in part, by making the disease unlikely to spread in a population. If the vaccine doesn't take in 1% of the population, that's not a problem because they'll never get exposed to the disease when the vaccine worked in the potential carrier.

I mean, the nigger literally linked you the article you'd need to read in order to understand this and you still blathered that out. You weren't even [citation needed], you were like "I'm not gonna read your citation, I'll just call you wrong."

>> No.7043733


1) Don't shit up the thread with politics

2) He said "children," not "fetuses." His liberal credentials are intact.

>> No.7043738


>Sample size of 2 and nonrandom control group

Pick a number lower than your sample size.

>> No.7043743

>It's conservatives that are anti-vac.

That seems unlikely. Do you have a cite, or did you just decide this because it lets you say bad things about a political opponent.

>> No.7043746

>its ok to remove peoples fundemental freedoms, I have science on my side.
You people are pathetic.

>> No.7043756

>If Darwinism is true, how come people that refuse medicine exist? Or are vaccines actually not beneficial to your survival?

They haven't been around long enough to be a serious selection criteria yet. The ancestral environment adaption they are ACTUALLY executing is probably more along the lines of "I would rather do what my friend and ally says than what the Tribal Authority says," and I'm sure that's been sufficiently beneficial to survival (Whenever the tribal authority was full of shit) that it's still around.

It's just that these days, the Tribal Authority uses the Scientific Method, so it's much less likely to invent stupid bullshit rules like " wear not cloting made from two cloths" and much more likely to make good rules like "Don't stick your baby in the microwave you dumb fuck."

>> No.7043760


>Letting my kid spread the plague is a fundamental freedom for me
>Living in a plague-free environment is not a fundamental freedom for your kid


Why do you support the retarded one instead of the non-retarded one?

>> No.7043763

So you'd rather spread autism than the flu

>> No.7043767
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>Nope. It's conservatives that are anti-vac.

Oh yeah? Last time I checked, this cunt:


and her asshole husband at the time (Jim Carrey), are as leftist as they come.

Anti-vaccine stance has nothing to do with left vs right.

>> No.7043769


And after the thread got political, the funposters showed up.

I'm out, I need to go to bed anyway.

>> No.7043770

No, its the right to self medicate.
If you choose to use a medication that is so flawed it requires everyone to take it, that doesn't put any onus on me.

And no, I am not anti-vax.

>> No.7043777
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>a medication that is so flawed it requires everyone to take it
I hope you're not describing vaccines with this statement

>> No.7043778

>Anti-vaccine stance has nothing to do with left vs right.

I would actually expect it to be aligned left/right, with a primarily left bias. Partially because it is driven by a fear of "big business" (which is primarily left-ish) and partially because the right are big on purity (which vaccines help with, keeping diseases away).

Not that "anti-vaxx" is a left belief, but rather that in a polpulation that is anti-vaxx, I would expect to find more leftists than right wingers.

>> No.7043780

Yes mate I am.
Its a problem which lies with the makers and the people who choose to take it.
It does not place any onus on anyone who doesn't want to take it.

>> No.7043783

I would expect to find more right-wingers of the "I don't want no gubmint controlling my thoughts with vaccines!" variety

>> No.7043787

If you are anti-vaccines, please kill your family and then yourself. You are all a blight on society.

>> No.7043793

I would expect it too, and there are certainly right wing antivaxxers. but sadly its not.
For example, The HuffPost, one of the most liberal publications is infamous for publishing anti vaccine material. Even the daily show has made point of liberals being anti vaccine.


>> No.7043803
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>> No.7043815

But if >=90% of people take it, it works very well.

>> No.7043831
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Then you have no idea about the fundamentals on how vaccines work.

>> No.7043906

Because people are closer together. How can you be this dumb?

>> No.7043908

Conservatives are more scared on the goberment and are generally more ignorant when it comes to science.

>> No.7043912


>scientists find link between drought and anti-vax sentiment!

>> No.7043915

>PPP found 12% of people who described themselves as very liberal believe vaccines cause autism, compared with 22% of hardline conservatives.
It's not that huge of a difference but its there.

>> No.7043956

>Public school

>> No.7044072

>make good rules
"Your kid needs ritalin"
"We're going to war with Iraq because they're hiding nukes and 9/100"

>> No.7044117

>Shall we have a government mandated exercise and diet programme since obesity -> depression, anxiety, heart disease/diabetus/etc. etc. ?

Wouldn't hurt

How about mandated military time for all citizens? Plenty of countries do that, and it does have it's benefits, in the training at least.

>> No.7044119

If you wanted mandatory vaccinations and military service, maybe you shouldn't have beat the Nazis.

>> No.7044129

Blame retarded safety measures scaring everyone, but it's not exactly their fault considering how much Fukushima could have turned out with a different wind.

Fucking Japan seriously, you'd think they'd have prepared for a tsunami when they're pretty much natural disasters central. Probably set back nuclear energy 10 years.

>> No.7044134

>Vaccination = nazis
Get lost and your analogy is horrible. GO back to /pol/ or where ever idiots like you come from.

>> No.7044145

They had mandatory diet & exercise too

>> No.7044147

If someone stuck the tip in your ass when you were a kid would you still be butthurt now?

>> No.7044150

>I would expect to find more right-wingers of the "I don't want no gubmint controlling my thoughts with vaccines!" variety
Well, you'd be wrong.

>> No.7044151

pretty much this. the people "in charge" blatantly lie all the time. Dumb people throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.

>> No.7044186

And hitler didn't like smoking, I guess that makes non smokers nazis.
>I'm an idiot b-but you are just mad

>> No.7044194

Maybe the fanatics who want to send you to jail for smoking (they exist).

Hitler and co. are a pretty good example anyway of people trying to do the right thing but taking it way too far and making shit bad for everyone.

>> No.7044199

Unlike vaccination which help everyone.

>> No.7044202

Pretty sure the nazis were working on vaccines (some of the time) when they were experimenting on joos

>> No.7044213

The cognitive dissonance is palpable.

>> No.7044238

no fucking kidding
>why would we ever have taken tsunamis into account?
>A disaster that the world refers to exclusively in our language
>which is only spoken on our island
>the island with all the tsunamis

>> No.7044313

>why would we ever have taken tsunamis into account?
>A disaster that the world refers to exclusively in our language
>which is only spoken on our island
>the island with all the tsunamis
hahahahahaha shit.

>> No.7044333


>> No.7044346

>Neglecting to prevent deadly diseases is a fundamental freedom
>Not getting car insurance is a fundamental freedom
>Feeding my kids mercury is a fundamental freedom

>> No.7044540

Just Amerifats being braindead as usual. I can't wait until the flu wipes them out.

>> No.7044546

Part of that could be due to lag, since kindergartners are usually five years old. I wouldn't be surprised if the number for babies has gone down in recent years, with all the ridiculing anti-vax nuts get.

>> No.7044547

reported for being retarded

>> No.7044602

>I would expect to find more right-wingers of the "I don't want no gubmint controlling my thoughts with vaccines!" variety

I don't think those are nearly as common as "Big business will do anything to get ahead"-variant leftists. Citation: I am one of those.

You know that old "Stupid or Evil?" pop quiz?

Conservatives (generally) think that Government is an inefficient waste, not that it is actively evil.

Liberals (generally) think that Big Business is actively malicious when it helps them earn money, not that they're just too stupid to find out that they're hurting people.

As such, any plot that requires the Big Business to be evil is more likely to be expounded by liberals, whereas any accusation of inefficient government waste is more likely to be levied by conservatives.

"Vaccines cause mind control autism" is more "Evil Big Pharma" than it is "Inefficient FDA" so I'd expect more liberals to believe it.

>>PPP found 12% of people who described themselves as very liberal believe vaccines cause autism, compared with 22% of hardline conservatives.
>It's not that huge of a difference but its there.

Who are you quoting there? When I google the phrase I find a "Fierce Vaccines" site which doesn't provide a source for that number. Who is PPP? I am totally open to the possibility that I'm wrong and that there are more conservatives than liberals in anti-vaxx but it goes against my gut feeling so I'd like an actual poll w/ data rather than Some Site.

>> No.7044607

>Because people are closer together. How can you be this dumb?

There's no call for that in a thread that has been this polite - it's a real enough question if he didn't consider population density.

>> No.7044609

Much better than
"Your kid is devil-infected and needs to be burned"
"We're going to war with France because their king claims that he's the real heir to our throne."

>> No.7044610

>How does this make you feel?
they need to spend more money on education on the USA. free education would prevent this kind of dumb.

>> No.7044619

>Just Amerifats being braindead as usual. I can't wait until the flu wipes them out.

There are antivaxxers in Europe and Oz, too.

But go ahead, take a dig at the ancestral rival, I'm sure it felt good for you to shitpost.

>> No.7044675


They can't be from /pol/. They would welcome the Nazi comparison if so.

>> No.7044680

I think people in this thread are forgetting another aspect of Herd Immunity. More unvaccinated people means more places for whatever infectious agent it is has to reproduce and evolve.

The more pockets of unvaccinated people spreading it, the more opportunity there is for a new strain that the vaccine won't protect against to arise.

The upper estimate of the threshold for herd immunity is 95% for measles. Look at the OP image again if it didn't seem clear why it's a big deal.

>> No.7044684

>govt inefficient is conservative
>business is malicious is liberal

What are you called if you think big business is malicious because govt is inefficient?

>> No.7044739

difference being that witch burning and exorcism hasnt been a thing for around 300 years now, while prescription of psychoactive meds for children is very much a thing of the present.

and the difference between "they're terrorists and we must liberate the iraqi people from their evil dictator!" and "they're heathens and we must liberate the french people from their evil king!" is rather small.

>> No.7044747

a nutjob.
the two ends of this spectrum are basically

>corporations are evil because they don't provide charity to people and just seek to maximize profit! government must step in and force them to provide charity to some people!


>government is bad because it doesn't have to make profit to survive, thus it ends up giving away taxpayer money as charity to special interest groups! government must be stopped from giving away other people's money!

>> No.7044753

Muh strawman

govt being inefficient and businesses acting maliciously can stand alone against the issues of redistribution.

>> No.7044763

what are you even trying to say?
i laid out very simplified versions of the common "govt vs corp" spectrum that is observed in common left-wing and right-wing people.

>left-wing: more power to the government, less power to corporations
>right-wing: less power to the government, more power to corporations

big government obiously restricts private enterprise, thus you can't have both at the same time.
the absense of big government will inevitably enable private enterprise to grow and prosper, thus you'll always end up with at least one of them to some extend.

>> No.7044768

>What are you called if you think big business is malicious because govt is inefficient?

What do you want to be called?

I'm just saying that IF you are calling yourself a liberal, you have a higher probability of believing corporations are evil than if you're calling yourself a conservative and vice versa if you are a conservative re: government inefficiency.

>corporations are evil because they don't provide charity to people and just seek to maximize profit! government must step in and force them to provide charity to some people!

As somebody who is actually pretty far out along that axis, that's not the belief. They're not actually evil; they cannot be, they have no minds. Rather, their behavior, in aggregate, harms people because they are not rewarded for avoiding harm, which is a mouthful so it's easier and almost-as-accurate to just call them evil.

And while we're at it: Because I am a real person rather than a caricature, I also believe that government inefficiency is a major problem. I just don't find that problem as important as the other one. I'm sure if you found a real conservative rather than the cartoon conservatives upheld in left-wing media, that conservative would also believe that companies do some fucked up shit sometimes, but just not find that as big a problem as government waste.

>> No.7044769

key differene seems to be the definition of "causing harm"

as in, corporations pretty much never actively cause harm to anyone. because that'd get the people in charge arrested for breaking the law.

for some reason, the left wing seem to define "causing harm" as "not giving out charity to everyone who asks for it" while the right wing defines it as "actively infringing on somebody's property or liberty"

>> No.7044773

>measles outbreak
natural selection at work

>> No.7044788

>Ayya on /sci/
What's going on?

>> No.7044789


You are, I'm guessing, more right and/or libertarian than left?

Mainly because it seems you got the right-wing one down exactly right but fucked the left-wing one completely.

"Harm" is stuff like killing people. They don't do that so much any more in the west, but they're doing it everywhere else and they used to do it in the west as well. Not because they like to kill (psychos excepted) but because killing is a useful tool in getting what you want (that is, profits.)

"Harm" is stuff like polluting. Half the reason we have all the problems with pirates near Somalia is that their traditional fisheries have been ruined by all the shit that is being dumped in the water there, so they have to find different sources of income, and what's better than coercing money from the people that fucked them in the first place?

"Harm" is stuff like lobbying the government to use Eminent Domain so you can build new stuff in an area people are already living in.

"Harm" is simple stuff, like scheduling every worker for 39 hours every week so you get a full work week but they don't hit that magical 40 hour limit that changes their designation to "full time" and makes you have to shell out the accompanying benefits. Making workers come to work even if they're ill because otherwise they get fired. Things that are perfectly legal but nevertheless cruel.

>> No.7044793

>What do you want to be called?
Idk really.

I just think that business are obviously driven by competition and that if they can get away with breaking laws designed to protect consumers they will eventually try it especially if they're aware others in their industry are doing so.

As a side note, breaking the laws that regulate business is basically guaranteed to be profitable since if it wasn't nobody would have ever done it [profit seekers are generally not in the business of shady practises just for fun] hence there would be no laws on the matter.

Anyhow, I think the ideal arrangement is one where government is too scared of the people to fuck business, business is too scared of government to fuck the people, and the people are too scared of business to fuck the government; result being that nobody fucks anyone over and we all get (relatively) along.

>> No.7044809

I think all anglo countries need to ban vaccines.
And close their borders.

>> No.7044812

This antivax shit started in the UK

>> No.7045116

>There are antivaxxers in Europe and Oz, too.

[citation needed]

>> No.7045125

>Funposting this hard

Shouldn't you be on /b/?

>> No.7045132

Still waiting on that proof, Americuck.

>> No.7045413


One google search away. Europoors couldn't invent the internet; I guess they're still learning to use it.

>> No.7045432

Another good political cartoon ruined by overlabeling.

>> No.7045434

Why does only mostly stupid "scientific" ideas spread through the public like anti-vaxx and new age bullshit?

>> No.7045442


>eastern european

They probably can't afford it.

>> No.7045444


You have a word for it?

>> No.7045462

For now, those retards are functioning as a home for any bacteria or virus to mutate and fuck with everyone including you.

>> No.7045490
File: 26 KB, 429x410, 1325295198001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw when I live in a shithole but we still have full control vaccines
>From the moment you are born you are handed a immunization record and you get a new one depending on your age (infant, kid, teen, adult and old man)
>If you don't follow it the state can take your kid for child abuse
>If yo don't have all your shots you can't apply for a job or at least yo must actualize the ones that wear off and the the rest as a requirement to get hired

Diseases are not much of a problem, only in the communities that are almost lost between mountains with no roads where you can only get by horse and the government still deploys shots for them.

It blows my mind these kind of people and they always bring the flu as some example that vaccines can't work, I mean that shit changes so often that is not in our immunization record, only the ones that are essential, I'm curious how do this kind of mentality gets to develop and grow.

>> No.7045493
File: 727 KB, 1836x2448, hehe. HAHAHA. DUHUHUHU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really, honestly, seriously believe with all of your heart that no more than one person in all of europe is anti vaccine?

Oh I can fucking smell the british on you from three thousand miles away please stay over there.

>> No.7045498

I've tried to find shit on google that is reliable enough to persuade someone to get their children vaccinated but most of the shit isn't that great. What are some studies I can cite that would persuade someone. These are the kinds of people that think food is bad unless it's organic.

>> No.7045501

>mongoloid slavs
Nice try, Murricunt.

>> No.7045502

> californians
> murricans
I can pretend certain segments of the population doesn't exist either.

>> No.7045506

>racist shit

seriously, take that crap back to stormfront

>> No.7045508

They're literally Asians you stupid burger, unlike Californians who are the same claps as you.

>> No.7045512

> 2015
> still defines people by their race.

>> No.7045514

>implying eurofags aren't the source of antivaxxers

>> No.7045515

That's rich coming from an Amerikkkan.

>> No.7045519

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.7045527

You're a nigger.

>> No.7045541

You only need the WHO, look around there.

>> No.7045542
File: 11 KB, 160x160, homer-simpson-vaccinations-illuminati-160x160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I saw this, I remembered the "Mr. X" episode from The Simpsons.

>> No.7045605



>> No.7045643

>Implying it isn't BBC-slurping Americucks

>> No.7045651
File: 117 KB, 320x263, 1421335535104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is nothing bad about vaccines. I always trust science. I am a freethinker and I dont just blatantly follow any stupid cults!

>> No.7045654

>pretending le fedora maymay is going to save your children from measles

>> No.7045656

> government should make it mandatory

Hell no. I like vaccinations, but giving the government the power to force you to have something injected into you is retarded.

>> No.7045665

Maybe your place is a shithole because the vaccinations make them dumber.

>> No.7045702

The thing is, is not just "something", this is the root of the problem.
People don't now exactly what vaccines are and are just scared of "something" being injected in their bodies.

>> No.7045706

No, it's a shithole because crime and low education and a corrupt government.
The vaccines we take are the same the rest of the world take.

>> No.7045708

>People scream and cry that vaccines are bad
>Last year everyone was concerned why there wasn't a vaccine against Ebola
I know is not representative but even the local anti-vax people where nervous and expecting something for Ebola.
So we playing a game of "I don't want it until my life actually is at risk"?

>> No.7045724

Very little change in the average person over the last 2500 yrs.

>> No.7045733

In the USA at least it doesn't help that their track record includes non-consensual frontal lobotomy.

>> No.7046258

>Still waiting on that proof, Americuck.

Look at the timestamp of that post, see that I'm European, then realize that you are the kind of person who jumps to conclusions without evidence.

Then get off /sci/

And gb2 >>>/x/ where you belong.

>> No.7046264

>Why does only mostly stupid "scientific" ideas spread through the public like anti-vaxx and new age bullshit?

Rrue, boring, stories do not get told.

False boring stories do not get told.

True interesting stories DO get told, but twisted so they're more interesting.

False interesting stories DO get told, untwisted because they started out with maximized lulz rather than maximized truth.

>> No.7046272

>There is nothing bad about vaccines. I always trust science. I am a freethinker and I dont just blatantly follow any stupid cults!

Pretty much this, unironically.

But I guess it's easy to make good opinions seem bad by posting them in greentext next to a fedora. Have you considered that the problem might be yourself?

>> No.7046969

How fucking priviliged and sheltered these people must be. NO! I will not protect me or my children against painful life threating diseases that many before me would of given anything for a cure. Unfortunatly vaccination rate is correlated with personal experince/paranoia, some more people may have to die before these diseases are fully wiped out :/

>> No.7047294

You can make fun of us once we see your country's flag on the Moon.

>> No.7047753


In Japan's defense, there aren't many other options for building nuclear plants. You need a supply of water for cooling, so you can either choose to:
>build it on the coast
>build it on a river
>use recycled sewage
Anti-nuclear sentiment probably doomed the second option, and only Arizona uses the third option.

>> No.7047758

>You can make fun of us once we see your country's flag on the Moon.
Show me one picture, from a telescope, showing that flag.

You can't because it's not there. US never went to the Moon. It was a Cold War hoax designed to promote America's supremacy.

>> No.7047915

And tell me friend, what telescope would you have us look at the moon that would have the resolution necessary to see a flag on the moon?

1/10, made me respond

>> No.7047925

If it was a hoax, why was it repeated so many times?