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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7039918 No.7039918 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best calculator I can have for Calculus? My teacher does not allow TI-89, 92, or N-SPIRE calculators.

>> No.7039921

>using a calculator for calculus

>> No.7039923

I need something to make the tests easier.

>> No.7039925

>calculator ... Calculus
>My teacher

underaged retard detected. you know what to do.

>> No.7039926


It is called a brain. It is very useful.

>> No.7039927

Ti nspire cx cas my friend, best calculator today
or change your teacher because this calculator my friend is indeed better than your plebtier teacher.

>> No.7039928

A brain.

>> No.7039929

My professor*
Class is Calculus III

>> No.7039932

You shouldn't need a calculator for most calculus. If your answer isn't 1 or 0 and doesn't have a pi term in it then you did something wrong.

That being said, i really like my TI-84.

>> No.7039935

>Class is Calculus III
you're an even bigger potato than I suspected.

>> No.7039939

fucking loled

>> No.7039950

Why do americans use graphing calculators? Is their lack imagination a consequence of all the shit food their ate?

>> No.7039955

>Is their lack imagination a consequence of all the shit food their ate?
i'm crying

>> No.7039969

Can the TI-84 be programmed to solve integrals/derivatives symbolically?

>> No.7039977

You should not need a calculator to do any of that. I think there is an integration function. Seriously though, don't use a calculator for it.

>> No.7040019
File: 727 KB, 2656x759, calculators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casio FX-115ES PLUS Engineering/Scientific Calculator (aka FX991es+)

>> No.7040023

I had to give an answer in approx. form once.
It was horrible.

>> No.7040026


lol fucking scum. If you cant do basic arithmetic or plug and chug rules get the fuck out of calculus. You're probably some filthy engineer who cheated their way through H.S. calc.

>> No.7040033

HP Prime or 48g

She'll allow a non TI CAS but no nspire without the cas?

>> No.7040040


You should kill yourselves

>> No.7040056

Some TIs are good.

That said, his teacher has banned them all.

>> No.7040057

It's the standard for most lower level academies. A shifty standard, but still. I think tests like the SAT require it.

>inb4 I get 50 replies of people bragging about how their school recommends a different calc or doesn't require a TI

>> No.7040059

Physics and math major.

I haven't seen a number since the tenth grade

>> No.7040063

College Board doesn't give a shit about your calculator. They write the AP calc exams and the SATs assuming you've got a calculator with a CAS.

>> No.7040101

European Physics student here, we use calculators quite often for our excercise sheets.
They give us the numerical solutions, so we can see if our approach is going anywhere.
Get some standard Sharp or Casio one and you'll be fine.

>> No.7040225

Raspberry pi with Matlab.

>> No.7040227

>numbers in your exam

How horrifying.

>> No.7040228


>> No.7040421

Casio calculator watch.

>> No.7040978

Faber Castell 2/83N Novo Duplex Slide Rule

>> No.7041000

Chem eng here. Dont get anything with itegration / programable just get a 2 line display so you can see what you entered and what your answer is so you can check your work quick.

Texas Instruments Ti-30x IIS

fuck the ti30xA with only one line display.

>> No.7041013

>a calculator for calculus
U w0t? Is 3 - 1 = 2 too hard for you?
Another European Physics student here, we never have used any calculators. We express our answers in constants/basic numbers

>> No.7041073

electrical engineering student here
try calculating
<div class="math"> \dfrac{280+i30}{3.25e^{-i 2 \pi 50} </div>
without calculator,
good luck

>> No.7041075

damn, I knew it
<div class="math"> \frac{230+i30}{3.5 \cdot e^{-i 2 \pi 50} </div>

>> No.7041079

<div class="math"> \frac{230+i30}{3.5 \cdot e^{-i 2 \pi 50}}</div>

>> No.7041094

>people using texas instrument's
casio fx-9860G 4 lyf

>> No.7041096

<span class="math">e^{-100i \pi} = e^{0} = 1[/spoiler]
So the final answer becomes
<span class="math"> \frac{230 + 30i}{3.5}[/spoiler]
You could simplify it some more but that's not necessary in my opinion
Where's your calculator now, engineer

>> No.7041116

Why would I need a calculator for granduate-level math? If I can't do it in my head and it's not worth doing on a computer it doesn't get done.

>> No.7041129 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">e^{-i2\pi 50} = 1<span class="math">
\frac{460}{7} + 30i
Sorry, you need to find a better example, that literally took me 8 seconds.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.7041131 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">e^{-i2\pi 50} = 1 \frac{460}{7} + i\frac{60}{7}[/spoiler] Okay, then it's 8 seconds + 60 seconds waiting.

>> No.7041132


ok that was a bad example
here's something more relevant:

<div class="math"> \frac{230 \cdot e^{i \frac{\pi}{9}} V}{120 \Omega + \frac{1}{i \cdot 50 \cdot \pi 0.000363} \Omega }</div>
I hope I didn't mess up the syntax this time

>> No.7041173

Took Cal II last semester, never once used a calculator on a test even though they were allowed.

>> No.7041187
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job, mr. tough guy

>> No.7041192

Use a non-programmable, scientific calculator. Use software to do the rest.

>> No.7041214

Would agree 100%

Has everything you need, and nothing extra. My little Casio gets regular use whilst the battery eating HP 49g sits in the cupboard.
I have had mine for about 7 years.
Calculators are only needed once you have the answer.

>> No.7041221

How is that tough? You just don't need one for any Calc lecture. And go back to wherever you found that meme.

>> No.7041245

Are you actually mentally challenged?
Not using calculators is the norm

>> No.7041269


>> No.7041470

Get the fuck out of here with that babbys first impedance shit. Math courses typically focus on exact solutions. You're deluded if you think this example proves anything.

>> No.7041483

>first two years of uni is nothing but doing shit by hand. only physics allowed a simple scientific.

>junior year hits and its nothing but Mathematica and Matlab.

>> No.7041501

postgrad = have a bs in that context

>> No.7041508

Normally you're not allowed to use calculators in college, especially in calculus

>> No.7041641

>they allow a calculator for calculus

>> No.7041865

You're actually allowed to use calculators in calculus? Wat

>> No.7042139
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>> No.7042167

>Taking math classes that allow/require use of a calculator


>> No.7042174

>numbers in your classes and not pure variables and constants
holy shit you're never going to make it.

>> No.7042175

Can they squeeze any more buttons on there? how useless.

>> No.7042178

If you need a calculator to do calculus, you are fucked. Don't buy a calculator, change your major.

>> No.7042185
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>> No.7042195

Here we go again...the look at me crowd.

>> No.7042201

Math isn't science. I said it. What are you mathfags gonna do about it? It's like saying paint is a painting. Good job, you memorized a bunch of stuff. Now actually do something.

>> No.7042203

No, he's being serious, if you need a calculator for calculus you're beyond saving.

>> No.7042205
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>> No.7042215


>> No.7043097
File: 79 KB, 800x1067, 61QQC-jbnkL._SL1067_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How useful are graphical calculators? I mean one isn't allowed to use them in exams and when doing problems one has to figure out how the graph looks like oneself. And outside of studying if one would do some serious work wouldn't one just use a computer?

>> No.7043115

They're not. Just get a scientific

>> No.7043122

A huge waste considering you can just pirate Mathematica.

>> No.7043136

Certain calculus problems need a calculator to be solved. Solving certain integrals would take forever if you didn't have a calculator.

>> No.7043137

Not any that you'll encounter in calc III

>> No.7043142

>he doesn't enjoy spending time trying to solve difficult integrals

Why don't you just kill yourself right now?

>> No.7043221

Having a calculator for calculus is more of a luxury OP, if you are confused on a definite integral, you can check it and with a TI 83 or 84 or any other for sure. But in general, the shit isnt that hard to do by hand. The only problems that will take more than a page to compute are differential equations and proofs. Your babby's calc 3 will be muh vector fields and equations and double integrals until you get to green's and stoke's theorems

>> No.7043233

*Stokes' theorem

>> No.7043256

good catch. thanks

>> No.7043298

OP that class doesnt require a calculator, you will at worst have some elementary matrix operations to do, and only for taking gradients and partial fraction decomposing.