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File: 76 KB, 950x534, Elon-Musk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7032821 No.7032821 [Reply] [Original]

Space X,Hyperloop,Tesla....

>> No.7032833
File: 191 KB, 640x429, elon_hyperloop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032834

let's see any of those projects finish first

>> No.7032918

Only paypal actually did really well

Tesla is still just a very niche product. IIRC there is not enough lithium that we can mine from earth for every car to be a tesla though

SpaceX has had some successes but nothing HUGE yet.

Hyperloop will not happen in our lifetimes

He certainly is good at talking big though

>> No.7032925
File: 2 KB, 125x69, hyberloob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manager/executive =/= inventor

>> No.7032946

No, Raymond Kurzweil is.

>> No.7032962 [DELETED] 

Saged, hidden and reported for commercial spam.
If you want to suck Musk's balls go to reddit and join the crowd of uneducated morons.

>> No.7032973
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, RRnhhqW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats pretty ironic coming from a /sci/ user. I guarantee that the average redditor on a physics or math subreddit is much smarter than you.

>> No.7032992
File: 37 KB, 468x477, 20061015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps, but the chance that such a person is also a transgender cis horsefucker feminazi sjw is also a lot higher.

>> No.7033213

>for ants
saved it anyway

>> No.7033218

>announcing reports

>> No.7033315

No, I honestly doubt he invented anything of substance. However he is good at getting investors money so he can act on ideas most people ever dream of.

If I had a huge amount of money to invest I would work on my own project ideas to change the world. Problem is I didn't get rich like he did. I am sure there are many people just like him, but he got the money and the management skills to keep it together.

>> No.7033322

You mean businessman?

>> No.7033330

It's always been this way. Just look at Thomas Edison. He had a ton of people do all the inventing while he took credit.

>> No.7033332

Both are pieces of shit in my opinion.

>> No.7033333

I might have to reread the series now. Has it been ten years already?


>> No.7033358

>IIRC there is not enough lithium that we can mine from earth for every car to be a tesla though
That's a damn shame but not surprising. I hope we can make viable batteries and electronics that use renewable or just more common resources.

>> No.7034404


>> No.7034432

>Space X,Hyperloop,Tesla....
He hasn’t invented shit himself. He just bought companies making these things.


kek'd hard!

>> No.7034679

no, but he may aptly be remembered as the Edison of our age. Everyone thinks Edison was an inventor, when he was really just a ruthless businessman, credit thief, and lab manager.

More power to him though. He is encouraging his businesses in great directions.

>there is not enough lithium that we can mine from earth for every car to be a tesla though
boy is that wrong! by several orders of magnitude.

>SpaceX nothing huge
just brought commercial launch business back to the US, is poised for 18 launches a year, and is about to reduce launch costs by a factor of four by reusing the first stage.

nothing important.

>> No.7035092

>let's see any of those projects finish
Uh, have you not seen anything about Tesla cars driving around or Space X rockets resupplying the ISS?

Musk is just a bright guy with assloads of money and the right attitude to throw it at developing technologies that could actually meaningfully advance mankind rather than just towards whatever might make him the most money.

>> No.7035110


The age of the solitary inventor is over, at least for technologies with an actual impact on the future of humanity. There's simply too much complexity, and too high a buy-in price, for meaningful advances to made bu anyone other than well-funded groups of specialists.

I think that if someone has to get the credit for new technologies in the history books, you can make a pretty convincing case that it should be the guy who convinced the investors, founded the company, advanced his vision and hired the people capable of making it a reality.

>> No.7035135
File: 46 KB, 600x400, Dragon V2 pad abort test vehicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX just tweeted a picture of their Dragon V2 being prepared for its pad abort test which should happen within a month or so.

This is a simulation of what will happen if the rocket starts to blow up with passengers in the capsule.

You can see two of the eight SuperDraco thrusters in a pod on the side. Each one of these has about enough thrust to pick the whole thing up. So it should be fucking off out of that situation at about 6-8g acceleration.

There's enough thrust to pull it forward off the accelerating Falcon 9 launch vehicle at the point of maximum drag, which they'll be testing later this year.

I think this will make a good "NOPE!" gif.

>> No.7035143

>Elon Musk
top kek
He is a public relations front for releasing once top secret tech.

>> No.7035155


>> No.7037058 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 125x120, 1419041771615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>musk will never throw you onto the bed and mount you
>he will will never whisper in your ear as you moan and cum beneath him "You love this, don't you, you ULA slut."
>you will never feel his massive Falcon pulse and cum in you as he tells you of his plans for satellite constellations and trips to Mars
>musk finally cums inside you and pulls out
>as you lovingly slurp at and clean his dick off, he whispers "You Ariannesluts really aren't worth 60 dollars a pop. I'll give you 15 instead."
>you shudder and cum hands free as this future visionaries words and humiliation turn you on more than anything else

>> No.7037067

>He had a ton of people do all the inventing while he took credit.
Edison was an engineer who spent hours in his labs doing research.

>> No.7037075

Why the fuck did Musk and Hawking intentionally and knowingly spread paranoia about AI research? They know that their reputations as "famous science-related guys" make average plebs respect what they say, and when they say that AI will kill all humans, it has a negative effect on progress.

>> No.7037105
File: 50 KB, 372x400, 2600944985_773efcee19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edison busted his ass to make it
>tesla is literally the kid who coasted on talent
>has tesla dig holes to show him the meaning of hard work
>boo! edisons a jerk

>> No.7037126

Tesla was also a fraud, taking people's money and wasting it on his personal projects instead of the thing he was paid to do. It's no wonder he died penniless. The research he did and the inventions he created were good, but there is no need to venerate a guy like that.

>> No.7037146


Cause it's something we should be careful about. AI could be the best thing to ever happen to humanity, but only if the risks are properly taken into account and compensated for.

Honestly, when the first strong AI is created, it will likely have safeguards out the ass to ensure it's one hundred percent benevolent and only ever does things that benefit humanity. That's a good thing, and as silly as it seems, a lot of that will likely be specifically because there's been a century of people screaming about the dangers of AI.

We also have to be careful about things like economic impact. If we have a computer program that, once turned on, will rapidly make the vast majority of jobs obsolete, then we better make sure we have a plan in place to ensure that we don't immediately go great depression mode.

If strong AI is possible, it's going to happen, and no amount of fear-mongering will change that. But what fear-mongering can do is make sure everyone is aware of the potential consequences, and plans accordingly. This can only be a good thing.

>> No.7037187

The creator(s) will become the ruler(s) of the world, that's what is going to happen.

>> No.7037189


Nice try, CyberTron-2000.

>> No.7037190

>1. See opportunity few others do
>2. Make some bullshit company that you slave away at for a few years
>3. Sell it
>4. Repeat
Paypal (kinda, it wasn't his idea as far as I know)
>5. Congrats you can do cool shit now. Unless you lose it all in a financial crisis
2007. Almost.

>> No.7037194

can one of you provide source?

>> No.7037202

nice repeating digits

>> No.7037249

I'm not an AI, and even if I was, what I'm saying is still true. As we have never encountered another intelligence, synthetic or alien, it's pointless to speculate as to its motivations and thought process. Certainly, there's the possibility that AI will kill all humans, but the possibility that it will save all humans is just as valid. We have no reason to think one way or the other without knowing how that particular AI works and what its values are.

>> No.7037250

Eat a dick

>> No.7037718

To the point about lithium:
It's a pretty abundant element, more so than lead.

>> No.7037750

This scientific concept of "abundance" isn't a good guide to practical availability.

What you need are ores, not significant traces in common rock, so you have to look at figures on "reserves" and "resources", not "abundance".

However, in the case of lithium, it looks like seawater extraction may be practical. There are also other battery technologies under development that don't rely on rare and costly materials.

>> No.7037799

Haters gonna hate.

As a matter of fact there are people developing the hyperloop right now.

>> No.7037802

Because they make money from "muh space exploration". The importance of space exploration is nothing compared to the importance of AI. Strong AI could make all our human endeavours seems like child's play.

>> No.7037804

>when they say that AI will kill all humans, it has a negative effect on progress.
It may spread fear to the dumb masses, but it IS something you need to keep in mind.

They should go about it a different way though, look what happened with Nuclear. That was a technology that needed to be kept in check but as a society we really have made it safe, it's just that it comes with such a stigma that the safety isn't even relevant.