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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7032081 No.7032081 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make a /sci/ CS literature list.

>Sipser Theory of Computation
>Knuth Concrete Math
>Norvig AI
>Tanenbaum Modern OSes

>> No.7032147

Types and Programming Languages

>> No.7032360

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Introduction to Algorithms
C Primer Plus

>> No.7032405

Is SICP really a good text for beginners?

I'd like to get into CS for the theory so I can understand the foundations and then programming (or at the same time). I just don't want to learn programming and not understand why it works and shit.

>> No.7032418

Yeah they used to use it at MIT's undergrad CS programme.

>> No.7032432

SICP is good for beginners but it helps to have a nice math background, also there's exercises in the book that are hard as fuck.

>> No.7032442

Christopher Alexander's The Timeless Way of Building

i've been programming since the age of 14, and i still feel like i suck at it, no matter what books i read.

someone please hug me.

>> No.7032526

Code instead of reading books and see what happens.

>> No.7032625

>Let's make a /sci/ CS literature list.

One already exist:

>> No.7032676

>be me
>browse /g/
>buy SICP

now i have SICP. doesn't mean I've actually done jack shit about studying it.

inb4 nice blog

>> No.7032679

HTDP anyone?

>> No.7032683

>studying compsci unironically

>> No.7032773

What's wrong with it?

>> No.7032785

it's not a real science or math it's for retards that watch anime and post on /g/

>> No.7032841


I can sense you have a very bright future ahead of you.

>> No.7032849
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>tfw zero programming knowledge
>buy arduino to force myself to learn
>brick wall

I don't think ill ever learn to code

>> No.7032857

It's okay. You can do other things.
What are you good at? (you are not allowed to say nothing)

>> No.7032908

brick wall cause you forced yourself. congrats. try a philosophy book next. specifically, something on epistemology.

>> No.7033499
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Jewels of Formal Language Theory by Salomaa

>> No.7033521

Sipser is a pretty popular book for an intro to formal languages and computability. I supplemented it with these notes


I'm currently working through this book

I welcome any recommendations for books/notes on type theory (not just lambda calculus, but that would be cool too). Any good books on computable mathematics are appreciated as well (finding approachable stuff on topics like computable analysis seems difficult).

>> No.7033573

It's used for one of the intro CS classes at Caltech.

>> No.7033768

on types: start with harper; pratical foundations for programming languages for a good intro/overview.
then TAPL/ATAPL by pierce

>> No.7034027 [DELETED] 

Landau's Course of Theoretical Physics.

>> No.7034039
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Concepts and modeling techniques of computer programming

>> No.7034049

serway and stewart. god tier of physics and math

>> No.7034248
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Theory of Computation by Wood.

>> No.7034322

nice blog

>> No.7034326

Why is it better than Sipser?

>> No.7034343

Its not, Sipser is hands down one of the best textbooks I have ever encountered. Not for reference, but for actual learning.

>> No.7034352

You're in luck because SICP is more of a math book than a programming book!

>> No.7034684

The Little Schemer is absolutely wonderful. Even if it's a bit easy it's still a fun read and I got a few projects to play with on the side out of it.

>> No.7035270

Thanks anon! your suggestion is much appreciated.

>> No.7035440

I..I can help u anon. I can help u turn on Leds and make noises with your arduino

>> No.7035589
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Oh look, a weeaboo code monkey. Surprise surprise.

>> No.7035626
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halarious post. well meme'd, friend

>> No.7036904

>Code: the hidden language of computer hardware and software
by Charles Petzold
>Hacking the art of exploitation
I know, I know, 1337 sh1t, but it's actually a great book, real good stuff for C programmers
>Expert C: Deep C secrets
by Van Der Linden
>Operating system concepts
>Escher Godel Bach