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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7028969 No.7028969 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite formula math and physic
(mine is S=k log W)

>> No.7028978

>not S = -k*sum(p_i*ln(p_i),i)


>> No.7028986


>> No.7028992

f(aggot) = OP

>> No.7028997

Barnet's identity

>> No.7029001

Generalized Stokes Theorem yo

>> No.7029009

<span class="math">\cos{\pi}+\sinh{i \pi} = 12 \sum_{n > 0}n[/spoiler]

>> No.7029021
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mine is inclusion exclusion principle

>> No.7029037


<span class="math">\delta S = 0 [/spoiler]

>> No.7029048

You are missing Lagrange multipliers, bro

>> No.7029049


Conservation of everything.

>> No.7029051

No I'm not.

>> No.7029053

If you are referring to the entropy, yes you are. You are missing the condition that sum(p_i,i) = 1 and mean value of quantum operators (Hamiltonian, particle number or whatever you want).

>> No.7029055

I should add: unless you are referring to the microcanonical ensemble.

>> No.7029057

P = NP

>> No.7029059


>> No.7029064

fucking physicists using excel pls go

>> No.7029066

I have never used Excel for anything, nor I have it installed. More so, I don't know ANY physicists that use Excel for anything. I just didn't want to write the math tags.

>> No.7029067

pls go

>> No.7029068

<span class="math">S[/spoiler] is action you retard.

>> No.7029069

latex doesn't use parenthesis you closet physicist

>> No.7029070

I know its not what you asked but I am particularly fond of the functional equation T(t+s) = T(t)T(s).

>> No.7029072

Since OP and I both wrote entropy (S too), I thought you were referring to it.

You shouldn't write the variation alone, you should specify respect to what you are making the variation it (could be a field, a metric, coordinates).

So fucking what? I just invented that notation because I thought it was clear. Take the stick out of your ass the next time you post.

>> No.7029076

Euler's Identity. Pretty awesome. Used in so many branches of physics and math.

>> No.7029079

>You shouldn't write the variation alone, you should specify respect to what you are making the variation it (could be a field, a metric, coordinates).
1. Don't tell me what to do
2. I'm not even the guy
3. Everybody knows that fucking equation, how can you even assume it has anything to do with entropy?

>> No.7029080

>Everybody knows that fucking equation, how can you even assume it has anything to do with entropy?

Aren't you aware how to find those probabilities in this equation >>7028978 ?

>> No.7029083

How could that notation be clear? The summation index is the last argument of the function. You really must be a physicist since you're so butthurt about this lol. When i was an undergrad all my phy friends used excel or origin, I know a physicist when i see one.

>> No.7029085

How couldn't it? It's pretty obvious which one is the argument and which one the index.
All the physicist I know (including undergrad) use either MATLAB or Phyton

>> No.7029086


>> No.7029094

Quadratic Formula

>> No.7029096
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If it's so obvious and this is your own notation why specify the index at all then? Physicist logic...

>> No.7029098

Because I'm not the only one reading it?

>> No.7029122

Then why would you think it was obvious if you're taking newfags into consideration?


>> No.7029159


>> No.7029200

> You shouldn't write the variation alone, you should specify respect to what you are making the variation it (could be a field, a metric, coordinates).
I've never seen it written any other way.
Link to some literature?

>> No.7029211
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>> No.7029221

For example, if you have the following action:

<span class="math">S_{M}[\phi ; g_{\mu \nu}] = \int \sqrt{g} d^{4}x L_{M}(\phi,\partial_{\alpha} \phi ; g_{\mu \nu})[/spoiler]

Then, <span class="math">\frac{\delta S_{M}}{\delta \phi}[/spoiler] will give you the motion equations and <span class="math">]\frac{\delta S_{M}}{\delta g^{\mu \nu}} = -\frac{\sqrt{g}}{2} T_{\mu \nu} [/spoiler]. will give you]

>> No.7029225


<span class="math">\frac{\delta S_{M}}{\delta g^{\mu \nu}} = -\frac{\sqrt{g}}{2} T_{\mu \nu} [/spoiler]

>> No.7029235
File: 1.64 MB, 1832x1304, legroomingface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geneticist intruding on your thread and there's nothing you can do about it.

hamilton's rule

r * B > C

simplest shit ever, applies to the evolution of the genes for all the weird behavioral shenanigans with kin selection

>> No.7029523

Maxwell or bust fegits

>> No.7029723

e=mc vagina

>> No.7029741

Haha nerds I've still yet to master the equation for a line haha

>> No.7029971

>I just didn't want to write the math tags.
Didn't want to, or don't know how to?

>> No.7029973

What does this have to do with physics?
Autist logic...

>> No.7029981

<span class="math">ur \, a \, fagget[/spoiler]

>> No.7031148

L ∝ m^n

>> No.7031404

Would have to be a classic for me:

e^{ix} = cos(x) + isin(x)

>> No.7031416

[-ℏ^2/2m∂^2/(∂x)^2 + V(x)]ψ=[iℏ∂/∂t]ψ
Time Independent Schrodinger for a one dimensional particle.

>> No.7031425

When I did the taylor for this and realized what it all meant I came buckets.

>> No.7031427

b^2 - 4ac

>> No.7031430

>time independent
>one dimensional
top pleb

>> No.7031437

>top undergraduate taking physical chemistry for my nanotech. track in chemical engineering while taking separations and reactor design.

Get your hierarchy judgmental piece of trash self out of here.

>> No.7031560


>> No.7031567


>> No.7031585

<div class="math">(\frac{1}{\tau}=\frac{\delta\sigma}{\delta U})</div>

>> No.7031775


although, i never got how the fuck the first guy thought of writing sin, cos and e in power series form. He must have been high as shit!

>> No.7031784

the time dilation formula is incorrect in that picture.

>> No.7031807


>> No.7031859

No it isn't.

>> No.7031888

\math \Delta p\Delta x \ge \frac12 \hbar

>> No.7031946

>favorite formula
>not e^(pi*i)+1=0

>> No.7031983

Out of those? Time for special relativity.

>> No.7032063

yes it is.

It should be T'=T / ((1-(v^2)/(c^2))^(1/2))

they missed a division.

>> No.7032105


>> No.7032113


>> No.7032119

that's an equation, not a formula.

hence "equate" = 0.

>> No.7032148


>> No.7032155
File: 457 KB, 668x1175, beaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is the standard model of particle physics, if you can count that as one equation. That shit is beautiful as fuck. My life dreams and aspirations is to work on a grand unification theory - one, single, elegant equation. The dream of many brilliant physicists.

>> No.7032170

Which are the varables here? Mass, charge, time..?

>> No.7032180

Mathfag here, this is absolutely disgusting, physicists are a bunch of uncultured swine

>> No.7032186
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dy = (1/dx)*dy*dx

>> No.7032203


>> No.7032213
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<div class="math">Nat(h^A, h^B) \simeq Hom(B, A)</div>

>> No.7032219
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>grand unification theory
Don't forget renormalization is a workable form of the vacuum energy density's value which would otherwise be infinite

>the vacuum is empty
>only matter can real
>much "dark" energy

>> No.7032225

It's pretty fucking horrible, mathematically.

>> No.7032258

You dun fugged up.

>> No.7032274

<span class="math">\frac{m^{i \pi}c^{2i \pi}}{11.999...} = -\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} k[/spoiler] aka Barnett-Euler-Einstein(BEE) identity.

>> No.7032275

1 + 1 = 1

>> No.7032292

>doesn't know principle of least action
>thinks he can lecture others about it

>> No.7032294

I came upon it by taking the derivative of cis(x).

>> No.7032296

Die cis scum

>> No.7032509

Remove the - on the right hand side.

>> No.7032513
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I believe you are right mister, my mistake.