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7026143 No.7026143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, what the hell is going on? The planet is getting worse and worse, animals and plants are getting extinct, and we don't have a great space program that will enable us to colonize other planets (assuming there is one that will support life)

I just feel so hopeless /sci/. Is this the end for us?

>> No.7026147


>> No.7026169

99% of all animals that have ever been on this earth are extinct. What exactly makes you think this planet is getting worse?

Also, yes.

>> No.7026180

what makes you think that the reduction of ecosystem and land for mass produced of slaughter, producing mass methane and also oil spills and co2 emitting cars with no algae and the use of fossil fuels and not non renewable energy and the illegalization of marijuana does to a planet? make it not fucked?

>> No.7026239

>the illegalization of marijuana
Where the fuck did that come from? Did your mom catch you smoking weed and you came here to bitch under a pretense?

>> No.7026539

Not me, but I think that it's because of us that the we are going on a dangerous road if we don't do something about it. I know that humanity will come to an end at some point, but seeing it happen too soon feels wrong to me

I don't know, I wished we could have gotten better and more careful with technology.

>> No.7026544

>what the hell is going on?

>> No.7026545

>and the illegalization of marijuana does to a planet?

Yeah exactly what the people did, another fucking sedative.

>> No.7026549

>what the hell is going on?
Green Hysteria is getting worse and worse.

>The planet is getting worse
Worse how? Figures, studies please.

>animals and plants are getting extinct
Always have been the case, always will be the case.

>we don't have a great space program
SpaceX is doing a pretty good job. Other development in spacetechs are marching on too.

>> No.7026555

It makes clean fuel food clothes paper rope medicine and bunch of other shit its not just for stoners u dim wit.

>> No.7026560

>hurr durr green hysteria


>> No.7026569

>Always have been the case, always will be the case.

Species are going extinct at a rate 100 times the baseline rate. So, get fucked.

>> No.7026579

Green hysteria? Do you have any proof that we are not affecting the planet? Also animals getting extinct is a problem since they are dying way faster than before

I agree on SpaceX but trying to terraform Mars or other plants will take a centuries for us, and we may not have enough time.

>> No.7026580


Hemp is legal idiot.
The cannabis that actually gets you stoned isn't.. and in my opinion for a good reason (mental health issues).

>> No.7026584


>> No.7026596

that's fucking retarded it's part of the plant. The stoned stuff when illegal contributes to crime with it legal less drug smuggling and incarcerations and terrorism by police and the economy flurish look at
>hurdur wut is colorado
>hurdur i also believe in Christianity

>> No.7026610

If pot was legal, how many thousands of acres would be cut down to grow it by agribuiesness? It would be another corprate crop sprayed with pesticides and fertalizers ( made from petrolium) and harvested by machine...

>> No.7026612

I agree that it should be legal, but since we are ruled by a bunch of senile old men then we'll never get anywhere with them (unless it brings them money)

>> No.7026613


Legalization everywhere is only a matter of time. Opinion polls are now pretty much all in favor, and it's becoming more legal in more places all the time.

>> No.7026614

Man, fuck those who does that. They're not doing anything useful and makes it harder for the rest of us

>> No.7026625

not that many, considering hemp need almost no nutrients and is extraordinarily pest resistant

>> No.7026627

kill the old white men terrorist

>> No.7026631

>sub 3 digit IQ detected

>> No.7026633
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>google "suppressed technologies"
>get added to NSA terrorist database

>> No.7026646

The legalization of weed will not contribute to the advancement of mankind whatsoever. In a thousand years (if we even last that long) do you think that a human will consider a plant one of the most sacred beings on the planet like most of stoners do? No its just a fucking plant which can cause long term changes in health never for the better. Anyone who says it should be legal doesn't take into the consideration the bad mental health problems it can bring out in everyone who smokes it. And as a previously long term smoker myself i think that this is a fair point.

>> No.7026654

>not understanding the importance of individual liberty
>not understanding that alcohol is more harmful than cannabis

>> No.7026657

I picked up on the joke, anon.

I'm a real autist and still less autistic than /sci/

>> No.7026670

Alcohol is more harmful to the body than cannabis but not the mind. if you take into consideration the normal amount it is socially acceptable to intake.

cannabis is easier have of on a daily basis. i.e most people who drink do it on a weekend basis in my country, but all the smokers i know and have met smoke daily.

>> No.7026684

Cannabis can assist in increasing neurogenesis while alcohol (ethanol) decreases neurogenesis and acts as an AMPA antagonist.

>> No.7026706

When did this thread devolved into weed discussion? Fuckin /sci/

Anyways, will we truly be dead in the next centuries or so? I'd say so giving how we screwed up a lot of things.

>> No.7026707

>Green hysteria?
Yes, green hysteric hysteria, as always.
>Do you have any proof that we are not affecting the planet?
I'm not saying we have no effect, I'm saying our influence is enormously overplayed.
>since they are dying way faster than before
Periods of more or less evolutionary pressure isn't foreign to wildlife. They can evolve puppy eyes or become domnesticated delicacies if they want to survive.

The extinction rate in human and pre-human times are also not quantified very well.

>Alcohol is more harmful to the body than cannabis but not the mind.
Alcohol is more harmful to all organ systems than cannabis. Negative effects of cannabis are related primarily to psychiatric problems with no actual organ damage.

>> No.7026727

Where the fuck do you get this sort of opinion from? What is it, 98% of scientists and 100% of scientific bodies AGREE WITH CERTAINITY that clim4te change is occurring and anthropogenic/human-caused

>> No.7026729

7.8 billion people as retarded as you...

>> No.7026851

You know what? I think many people are dumb like you. Maybe we shouldn't have a chance of survival

>> No.7026860

>muh baseline
species went extinct at 60000000000000x the baseline when K-T extinction event happened and earth turned out fine.

>> No.7026864

Can you bring me evidence about this or are you pulling it out of your ass like the rest of the anons here?

>> No.7027099

big rock hits earth, all the dinos die + a fuck ton of other things die
the end

>> No.7027118

>Although extinction is a natural phenomenon, it occurs at a natural “background” rate of about one to five species per year. Scientists estimate we're now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the background rate, with literally dozens going extinct every day .

everythings going to be fine guys

>> No.7027119

>species went extinct at 60000000000000x the baseline when K-T extinction event happened

No they didn't. That extinction took several thousand years. In fact, the current mass extinction is faster. So, get fucked.

>> No.7027128

a huge percentage of co2 comes from nations where burning dead crops off is still in practice

>> No.7027150

is there no way for humanity to reverse this, or is this REALLY it for us?

>> No.7027155

That's not evidence.

>> No.7027159

how do they measure this?

>> No.7027173

>how do they measure this?
They make a model that's based on how much money greenpeace donates to them. Then they add error bars that's a hundred times larger than any signal which is why their estimate is 1k to 10k times normal rate.

>hurr durr 130 species go extinct every day! mankind is so ebul.
>What are those species?
>We cannut no nuffin because evil
>So we have no proof?
>So it's all just propaganda

the discussion is literally stuck at kindergarten level, which incidentally is the mental stage the average green cultist never developed past.

>> No.7027177

I mean if you ad hominem it up, it's gonna stay at the kindergarten level

>> No.7027179
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Newsflash: everything turns to shit. Everyone intelligent figures this out in their early twenties at its latest. Welcome to the club.

>> No.7027188

>it's gonna stay at the kindergarten level
I will never move beyond it because it's environmentalcases on one side of the debate.

This is the millionth time the green hysterics play out their doomsday theatrics and no matter how rational and calm the discussion is you only do the same thing; repeat your baseless delusions with no citation, no counter arguments, no nothing, just dumb fucking repetition like a stalled cd player.

It's not an ad hominem to call you stupid dimwits, it's stating a fact.

>> No.7027191

>>hurr durr 130 species go extinct every day! mankind is so ebul.
>>What are those species?
>>We cannut no nuffin because evil
>>So we have no proof?
>>So it's all just propaganda
> this is srsly how they talk

cool story bro

>> No.7027194

They might be a mot more elegant in their expression but the ceaseless repetition is the same.

The dumbing down of the language is just there to represent how stupid you really are.

>> No.7027203

> continues to ad hominem

>> No.7027205

It's not ad hominem when you're a fucking moron, as I already said in my last post.
Also there's no option to telling you that you're a fucking idiot because you'll just repeat yourself no matter what I say. Just like you did just now.

>> No.7027207

I haven't said anything except that you don't know how to argue.
How does that make me a moron?

I actually agree with your stance, your argument is just infantile.

>> No.7027217

>How does that make me a moron?
You defend the morons, that makes you one of them.

>you don't know how to argue.
Your performance is even worse.

>I actually agree with your stance
Then you'd know they are hopeless morons that can't be reasoned with.

> your argument is just infantile.
You cannot reason like a human when the opponent is a protozoan, I tried several times and it never works. A chatbot could do a stand-in for me and they'd say the same things because they ignore the content and repeat the ideological party line slogan, which incidentally makes them dumb as fucking rocks.

>> No.7027222

> Your performance is even worse.
> implying I've made an argument
calling out fallacies isn't an argument, master of rhetoric.

>> No.7027230

>calling out fallacies isn't an argument
Of course it is, you really are one of the morons.

>> No.7027249

people still chimp out. we need more sedatives imo.

>> No.7027258

Reading all of this, I, and those who read this too, come to the conclusion that this planet is fucked, but it will probably later on in a thousand or two thousand years. Maybe more, maybe less, but I know that I won't live that long to see the end, so by the time I reach the end of my life, that shit won't matter because I'll be in a coffin.

>> No.7027259

>ome to the conclusion that this planet is fucked
Based on some internet comments?
Would you like to buy the brooklyn bridge? There's great road toll opportunities there.

>> No.7027283

Yes. Because instead of being ruled by the wise and selfless, humanity - having evolved from savage animals - allows our most cunning psychopaths to rise into positions of power. And those people don't think in terms of long-term goals for our species; those who seize power are only concerned with what they perceive as their own personal short-term interests.

I sometimes wonder if the lack of advanced intelligent life in our universe despite the favorable probabilities is caused by evolution only being able to produce self-destructive and vicious sentient species.

>> No.7027376

It's not about that the planet will be fucked, it's about us being fucked. We can slow it down and there are solutions, yet nobody is willing to do anything about it.

I think that it's because of companies have too much power that lead to this bullshit.

>> No.7027394


We're fine, dude. We're living at the peak of our entire civilization's history. It's a (relatively) peaceful golden age of technology and it's getting better as time progresses.

Seriously, we're doing fine.

>> No.7027398

this. i think we're about to hit some pretty good times. just gotta get the energy thing figured out and we're set.

sure, we probably won't see colonies on other planets, but maybe our grandkids will, when they are old and gray.

>> No.7027411

>I think that it's because of companies have too much power that lead to this bullshit.

Yes, that's true. The largest American businesses can get essentially any policy or favorable regulation they want from the government.

But the real mechanism behind this is runaway wealth inequality and the failure of unchecked capitalism to distribute wealth in a sensible way. It is true that market economies distribute goods and services in an efficient way at any moment, but in the long run "free-market" capitalism creates a highly unstable society controlled by a few extremely wealthy individuals. And these individuals will invariably be the squabbling, power-hungry sociopaths that our civilization foolishly allows to reach the heights of power.

Political science studies are coming out confirming that the United States is an oligarchy that is unresponsive to the demands of its people. Who makes the policy? The rich. Why do they have so much power? Because we have failed to actively redistribute the wealth generated by capitalism so that it doesn't build up in the hands of a few.

People can scream "socialism!" all they want, but their unavoidable fate will be to live under the heel of merchant-kings unless they demand that the benefits of capitalism be shared by all.

>> No.7027424

>the illegalization of marijuana
> the illegalization of marijuana
oh, one of you folk

>> No.7027429


>> No.7027433


He might not have facts, but during the Permian extinction 96% of all marine life went extinct, as well as 70% of all terrestrial life. It's not good to keep killing things off life humans are doing, but the Earth has seen worse.

real source if you want it: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/275/1636/759.full

>> No.7027647

Hemp can grow 30ft and can be used as lumber. We can make fuel out of hemp. We can make clothes out of hemp. We can get high off of hemp. It threatens the oil, lumber, cotton, and tobacco industries. Which is why it's illegal.

>> No.7027648

Pot should be illegal because of faggots like you.

>> No.7027679

>species went extinct at 60000000000000x the baseline when K-T extinction event happened and earth turned out fine.

>earth turned out fine

The earth is a 4.5 Gigayear old, 5973 Exa-tonne massive ball of iron. It's going to be fine for a while.

But LIFE on Earth did not turn out fine, which you already knew he meant but decided to pretend you didn't because you're trolling.

Or, I guess, a retard who didn't realize that's what he meant but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's trolling.