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File: 326 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015735 No.7015735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did the U.S actually go to the moon?

>> No.7015738


>> No.7015751


>> No.7015754


>> No.7015755


>> No.7015760


Buttblasted yuropoors like to be jealous tinfoil hatters and say otherwise

>> No.7015769
File: 586 KB, 2340x2369, AS16-113-18320HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't tell you the number of times i've had my posts deleted and been banned for providing logical arguments that prove that we did not.

pic related, showing studio light interacting with an atmosphere. this effect is not possible on the moon where there is no atmosphere.

why would pictures on the moon be perfectly lit and contrasted to be viewed by eyes that evolved to work in an atmosphere?

>> No.7015771

Fuck off yank russia 100% won the space race.

>> No.7015772

nvidia proved they did

>> No.7015773

>providing logical arguments that prove that we did not
>why would pictures on the moon be perfectly lit and contrasted to be viewed by eyes that evolved to work in an atmosphere?


>> No.7015776

>we can recreate a bunch of things in a computer game
>we can't even reliably send anything to LEO anymore
do you even pay attention?

>> No.7015799

how can an astronaut walk on the moon if it's made of cheese?

>> No.7015804

The moon does not exist. The earth is a flat surface covered by a dome which projects the afterlife. All space information is disinfo created by the reptillians in order to control us. Come to /x/ to learn more about it.

>> No.7015810

You do realize that effect is caused by refraction of light through the billions of minute lunar regolith particles right?

Oh sorry I forgot that you moon landing deniers are worse than 9/11 deniers and pretend facts don't exist.
>guys I'm telling you
>the twin towers didn't actually exist
>it's all brainwashing and information control
>there was no 9/11... BECAUSE THE TOWERS AREN'T REAL!!!

>> No.7015815

>this proves we did not.
got anything better, goy?

>> No.7015818

you fool. The surface of the moon is actually a reflection of the underworld, ruled by Hades. You best beg Athena you find the truth before it's too late.

>> No.7015835
File: 298 KB, 2004x434, 1414225303023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this. you are responding to a caricature, a stereotype, not anything that was said.

why are you doing that? why did that association immediately come to mind?

someone planted those idea associations in you. someone wants you immediately associate any questioning of any of the official government stories with craziness.

start peaking behind the curtain instead of being amazed by the show.

>> No.7015841

Why was this video banned though? I'm really curious now

>> No.7015848

That's glare in the camera. Quite possible on the moon.

>why would pictures on the moon be perfectly lit and contrasted to be viewed by eyes that evolved to work in an atmosphere?
Same orbital radius. The eye has tremendous dynamic range.

>> No.7015851

>why would pictures on the moon be perfectly lit and contrasted to be viewed by eyes that evolved to work in an atmosphere?
because we designed the cameras so that they would give us usable pictures

>> No.7015865
File: 218 KB, 150x120, unless you a zombie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015868

>why would pictures on the moon be perfectly lit and contrasted to be viewed by eyes that evolved to work in an atmosphere?
>Includes image taken on the Moon that's not perfectly lit and contrasted

This is why we have such a hard time with conspiracy theorists. I don't even know what point you're trying to argue from.

>> No.7015875
File: 171 KB, 267x199, youstupidshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking deniers are so predictable. You give nothing more than half-assed vague bits of pseudo evidence for your position. Then when called on it you shift into full retard and call everyone closeminded and indoctrinated for not agreeing with you.

>> No.7015879
File: 1.19 MB, 3582x2346, 1411552761058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think you understand how much the atmosphere on earth affects light. have you looked up during the day? ever wondered why the sky is blue?

they put silver paint on the film canisters, but other than that, they were essentially just top of the line analog cameras from the 1960s. they were also strapped to the astronauts' chests, with no viewfinder, and no way of adjusting any of the camera settings from aperture to focus to exposure. and yet they captured images that when shown to any professional photographer they will tell you this is amazing lighting. in fact, every part of this photo would win awards for how well it was done.

>> No.7015883

Did you actually take a picture in perfect vacuum to compare it to those took in the moon or you are just talking out of your ass?

>> No.7015884

they also took thousands and thousands of pictures. they probably took like fifty different takes of that shot alone

those other pictures are all available, but nobody ever talks about them because they're all blurry messes

>> No.7015888

>Did the U.S actually go to the moon?
Not all of it.

I can say with some confidence that Wyoming stayed on Earth.

>> No.7015892

This is a camera inside a vacuum chamber, without any atmosphere on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E43-CfukEgs

Surprise surprise, it looks the same.

>> No.7015893

>She Is Over 50

>> No.7015894
File: 210 KB, 904x910, AS11-40-5876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfectly focused!

>> No.7015895
File: 343 KB, 1280x743, change3lander2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you also believe in china's lunar landing?

>> No.7015900
File: 194 KB, 904x913, AS11-40-5897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect brightness!

>> No.7015901
File: 2.64 MB, 3921x3921, 1412685409756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they made a loving recreation.

>> No.7015906
File: 587 KB, 576x576, before8516r_after2775r_enhance_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something certainly landed on the moon at the same time and position as the lander China claims to have put there.

it's either China's lander or aliums.

>> No.7015908
File: 856 KB, 2349x2362, 5927_NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think you're making a point, please post more apollo pictures. i fully believe they reveal the hoax, once you look at them carefully. just look at this picture. spend more than just a couple minutes. soak in every detail. really look at each part individually. what are you looking at?

>> No.7015912
File: 1.03 MB, 2349x2369, AS11-40-5953HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

professional, award-winning quality photography!

>> No.7015913


>> No.7015914
File: 336 KB, 883x650, chinaslunarlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015917

a picture of the apollo 11 lander, on the moon

>i fully believe they reveal the hoax
no hoax is revealed. you claimed earlier that the astronauts took amazing quality photographs with perfect lighting. i'm showing you that those were flukes, that many of the pictures were garbage.

>> No.7015919

I think the most hilarious thing about the lunar landing deniers is that there is observable evidence left behind on the moon that we can check ourselves. Go to any astronomy department at any university. There are mirrors that they left on the moon that you can reflect lasers off of and measure the response, it's actually a commonly used calibration tool.

>> No.7015923

ehhhhhhhh, that's not great evidence

the deniers claim that we never put people on the moon, not that we never put equipment on the moon. it's pretty trivial for them to deflect your point by supposing that the US launched mirrors onto the moon to establish the hoax.

>> No.7015926

I just don't understand why that picture implies they didn't go to the moon. What's so special about it? It's "too good" the lighting is "too perfect" there are no stars? Looks like hollywood? I don't see it.

Also who the fuck cares if it's true. Do you deny that we sent astronauts to space or just to the moon? What about the ones that did a lunar orbit, are those also fake? Is the ISS fake? Where do you draw the line with how far NASA got? It has almost no impact on the world. At least if 9/11 conspiracy theorists are right it would have consequences.

>> No.7015929

>spend more than just a couple minutes. soak in every detail

I never really got a consensus about the name of the logical fallacy where you just get your opponent to waste time looking at something and hope the discussion's moved on by the time they're finished.

>> No.7015930

But I feel it undermines the whole premise of their argument. If we had the capability to successfully send equipment to the moon and land it safely without it being broken, and deployed perfectly, it's not an exceedingly enormous leap to get people there

>> No.7015931

>[insert major historical event or genocide here] IS A HOAX WAKE UP SHEEPLE
>hey man here's some evidence that proves without doubt that that event is real and happe-
every tiem

>> No.7015933


>> No.7015937

I am saying it is impossible to go into space because god would kill us if we tried.

>> No.7015938

>it's not an exceedingly enormous leap to get people there
it shouldn't be a huge leap, but moon deniers have a tendency to twist their argument all the time

sometimes they claim we couldn't have gone to the moon because we had shitty tech, sometimes they claim that we had the rocket technology but no way to make the journey safe for humans

you point out the moon mirrors, they'll say that of course we could have put the equipment up there, it's just that cosmic radiation meant we couldn't send people without killing them.

this is the shit that happens when you abandon a consistent logical framework and use supposition and coincidence to justify your position, and it's impossible to successfully convince people otherwise once they've settled in one opinion in a system like that. don't even try.

>> No.7015941

I really hope you're the OP. Then we can just report you for religion vs. science.

But you're not, and I'm not autistic enough to indulge you.

>> No.7015942

You need to go to /p/ or something man, that is shit photography.

>> No.7015943

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.7015944
File: 128 KB, 800x652, 02c208c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7015946
File: 49 KB, 940x393, 02c208c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015948

Yeah people used to argue that the module wasn't "space" proof enough years ago. You know what happened? Engineers shit on them with actual evidence and data.

So then people moved on to other things that couldn't be falsified.

>"there's no way this photo was taken on the moon, look at it!"
>"It could absolutely have been taken on the moon you retard"
>"Yeah but that doesn't mean it was because the lunar landing is a hoax and you can't disprove me".

>> No.7015949

Ask yourself this. If the moon landing is fake why didn't NASA just make all of their fake pictures and video look exactly like people imagine they should?

>> No.7015953
File: 157 KB, 640x586, Grumman LTA-1, 1st functional Lunar Module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015954

>i don't think you understand how much the atmosphere on earth affects light.
I don't think that's a rebuttal.

>> No.7015959
File: 884 KB, 4500x1656, Orbitalaltitudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah people used to argue that the module wasn't "space" proof enough years ago
yeah, they argued that almost 50 years ago, in the 1960s.

do we have a moon base today in 2015? do we have any manned space travel at all?

the best we have today is low earth orbit, and for some reason even replicating that outside of official government channels is proving to be extremely difficult.

>> No.7015960


>> No.7015961

>do we have a moon base today in 2015? do we have any manned space travel at all?
why would we need it?

we went to the moon once, we got pictures and samples. then we figured out how to get pictures and samples that were just as good without using people. then we realized there's nothing on the moon worth taking pictures of or sampling, so we save ourselves the tremendous energy cost of going there and just stick stick stuff in low orbit.

it's really not that complicated

>> No.7015964
File: 88 KB, 637x367, hasselblad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't think you understand how much the atmosphere on earth affects light. have you looked up during the day? ever wondered why the sky is blue?
Not at all. Refractive index of air is 1.000293, vacuum is 1. That's barely noticeable. But people have told you that in the last big hoax thread, haven't they?

>with no viewfinder
Hasselblad cameras have no traditional viewfinder like 35mm-cameras. You can look inside the viewfinder from above. Pic related.

>no way of adjusting any of the camera settings from aperture to focus to exposure.
That's just pulled from your ass and you know it.

>any professional photographer they will tell you this is amazing lighting.
Lighting was well known before, so there were hardly any surprises. Also note that those are analog cameras, it's pretty easy to correct any mistakes in development. And believe me those films were development VERY carefully. Also note those were 60mm cameras. They make extremely robust pictures.

>> No.7015967
File: 432 KB, 251x190, Apollo15TakeOff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was top notch special effects at the time.

>> No.7015968


>> No.7015971

My friend was really conviced that the radiation levels at the moon are too imense for any human.
Do you have information on this? Thanks.

>> No.7015977

I actually thought that WAS fake for a second, until I remembered it was on the moon.

Looks real to me

>> No.7015984

no appreciable radiation on the moon any radiation encountered en route wasn't life threatening given the shielding on the craft

>> No.7015987

Levels of radiaton in space aren't high enough to kill you instantly but if you're EVA for weeks or tried to build a moonbase with no shielding you'd get fucked with longterm radiation poisoning.

>> No.7015996


>> No.7015998
File: 74 KB, 640x815, 640px-Neil_Armstrong_pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were just sending him back to his homeworld

>> No.7016008

>realized that it was fake
>government brainwashing made you think it was real once you saw it was meant to be related to the moon conspiracy

>> No.7016010

neil a never existed, how could he walk on the moon if there is no atmosphere there?

>> No.7016013

What brainwashing? Do you mean the brainwashing where I remembered that the moon's gravity is 1/6th the Earths gravity?

>> No.7016017

The moon has no gravity you retarded sheep. The moon is a hollow alien base created by the reptillians to send mindcontrol signals at earth, fucking retard.

>> No.7016020

This guy is on point

>> No.7016023

OP you are missing the real picture. Not only was the moon landing a hoax, the moon itself is a hoax and does not actually exist.

>> No.7016036
File: 36 KB, 400x300, TruMoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say.

>> No.7016044

Radiation levels on the lunar surface could cause harm over weeks or months without proper shielding, but were safe enough for sorties lasting a few days. The bigger issue was getting crews through the Earth's radiation belts.

Fortunately by the time NASA was launching crews beyond the radiation belts, James Van Allen and his research group had successfully mapped out most of the belts. NASA consulted Van Allen's group when plotting the safest courses for the Apollo crews through the belts and effectively minimized the crews' exposure to harmful radiation.

It's worth noting however that all the Apollo crews that flew beyond LEO did suffer from cataracts due to their short exposures in the belt.

>> No.7016053
File: 892 KB, 1872x1877, 1421079177402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately even this brief overview is too much reading for most people nowadays

there's a million justifications for space but at the end of day pretty much no progress since 1972 when we decided we had enough of driving around electric cars on the moon.

what the fuck is taking elon musk so long, billionaire who's been spending over a decade at it? it took NASA less time to go from no one in the world having a space program to flying to the moon. this should be easy stuff right?

>> No.7016064

>what the fuck is taking elon musk so long, billionaire who's been spending over a decade at it?
I'm sure your commercial spaceflight company is making much better progress.

>it took NASA less time to go from no one in the world having a space program to flying to the moon
Yeah but they also had (adjusted for inflation) about $100 billion to spend with the explicit goal of getting it done as quickly as possible.

>> No.7016077

none of that proves anything. it's not an actual argument.

nothing in that picture provides evidence that the moon landings were faked. they show that the moon landings were politically and publicly useful, but no one has ever denied that the moon landings were at least partially publicity stunts.

the relevant point (that money was shoved from the space program to the war effort) is unsupported supposition.

besides, that chronology doesn't even make sense. lunar mission planning begins months to years before the mission takes place, not weeks.

>> No.7016081
File: 78 KB, 550x550, 090719-fake-moon-landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did the U.S actually go to the moon?
Radiation of Van Allen belts is way too high for humans to survive the revel through them.

>> No.7016082

>lunar mission planning begins months to years before the mission takes place, not weeks.
This is what "they" want you to believe.

>> No.7016087

>[citation needed]

>> No.7016089

Nope, not true. While radiation in the Van Allen belts is indeed high, the integrated dosage is not particularly bad.

Question for you: How did they fake the lower gravity?

>> No.7016093

>Nope, not true. While radiation in the Van Allen belts is indeed high, the integrated dosage is not particularly bad.
>>[citation needed]

Here you go boys:


>“NASA is still seeking to develop technology to safeguard humans for spaceflight into radiation-laden space within and beyond the Van Allen Radiation belts, and the protection provided by our magnetosphere.”

>“Until that technology is available, our exploits into space will continue to be well below the beginning of radiation belts so intense, Van Allen called them a SEA of DEADLY RADIATION. What we know from the effects of radiation on Earth teaches us that Apollo was nothing more than mere FANTASY.”

>> No.7016095

Are you joking? The Apollo flights spent very little time in the fields, experiencing less radiation than your average radioactive materials engineer, and they had plenty of protection, namely a tri-layered aluminum structure similar to the current ones employed on various current satellites.

>> No.7016096

I'm extremely curious, but wouldn't the Sun's light block out/overpower/deflect the starlight by racing in the direction we're looking?

>> No.7016097

>space ships use aluminum to stop radiation
>OP uses aluminum to stop government mind-control

>> No.7016104
File: 18 KB, 400x301, moon_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Question for you: How did they fake the lower gravity?
That's very simple. Bungee cord & they shot it at higher framerate and then they just slowed it down a bit to make it look like it came from lower gravity.

>> No.7016106

Right, evidence provided by some nutjobs' moon hoax blog. Either you provide real scientific evidence (that requires you to actually provide numbers from some study and integrate them etc), or you cross that argument off your list.

>> No.7016109
File: 2.09 MB, 320x244, gold_visor_retracted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't even worry about the sun!

>> No.7016111

>The following is a comment with the username un4g1v3n1

>a comment reposted on a blog

Nope. I can't believe you could be so retarded to think that was reliable. Try again.

NASA is seeking to protect astronauts on long term missions where galactic comic rays and solar storms become an issue.

>> No.7016114

>in 1950 they shot film at 200fps using microfilm

>> No.7016117

I can't see any evidence for a bungee cord. Also play
at 2x speed (youtube is capable of doing that without any tools, just look under settings) and tell me what you see looks like natural movement to you. Also the way the sand is behaving. Or that big stone they kicked away. Or how one of the astronauts falls over and tries to get back up etc etc. All that does not look natural at all to me.

>> No.7016118
File: 3.31 MB, 2127x2789, 1411555419847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 1950 they went to the moon

>> No.7016119

>Bungee cord & they shot it at higher framerate and then they just slowed it down a bit to make it look like it came from lower gravity.

No. No one has ever reproduced the motion in the videos with this method despite trying.

>> No.7016121

Moon landing deniers wouldn't believe it wasn't a hoax even if you took them to the moon and let them walk around the landing site.

>> No.7016125

That's because NASA has technology 300 years ahead of what civilians have.

>> No.7016126
File: 1.96 MB, 391x281, n4ihpidz0o1qigaa4o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one has ever reproduced the motion in the videos
what drugs are you on? just look at this, captain kirk is just around the corner with a two-handed karate chop

>> No.7016129

>they didn't even worry about the sun!
The Sun isn't that much more intense above the atmosphere. The visor is like sunglasses, you don't need it when not looking toward the Sun.


>> No.7016132
File: 49 KB, 500x393, 1416503190492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Sun isn't that much more intense above the atmosphere. The visor is like sunglasses, you don't need it when not looking toward the Sun.
you don't even need that, because it's just a movie set

>> No.7016133
File: 82 KB, 410x300, magnetophere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the magnetophere?

>> No.7016139
File: 6 KB, 1024x92, Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something that doesn't protect them on the moon silly

our brains literally cannot cope with these distances

>> No.7016140

So your argument is that the footage looks weird to you? No further explanation, no real analysis of the footage, you just look at it and say that it looks weird to you? I mean, what did you expect a speed up video of two men walking around on the moon to look like? What are you comparing the footage with?

You are beyond silly right now.

>> No.7016141

Hollywood space movies is what real moon landing would look like you imbicile.

>> No.7016144

rubber coated nylon, 5 layers of aluminized Mylar, 4 layers of nonwoven Dacron, 2 layers of aluminized Kapton film/Beta marquisette laminate, and Teflon coated Beta filament cloth.
All in the Integrated Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment. Designed to keep solar radiation out.

>> No.7016150
File: 26 KB, 528x365, moonset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. No one has ever reproduced the motion in the videos with this method despite trying.

Nigga plz. Kubrick has! Watch 2001.

>> No.7016152

fuk off i wont be folled by ur mind control reptile

>> No.7016155


>> No.7016158

Yes it works! You can post now!

>> No.7016163

>implying that landing on the moon is anywhere close to the most impressive thing that space agencies have done
Do you think the Hubble Telescope is a hoax too?

Anyone that thinks that landing on something and then taking back off without infrastructure or resupplying is in particularly difficult at 1/6th Earth gravity is not very familiar with escape velocities.

Anyone thinks that humans are precious cargo that needs to be uniquely quarantined from all radiation is not very familiar with how sensitive the equipment we ship up there really is (humans wouldn't be the first thing to die, that's for sure).

>> No.7016165

lol no. Good movie though.


>> No.7016168

>Do you think the Hubble Telescope is a hoax too?
Low Earth orbit, not past Van Allen Belt so humans could repair it, no humans on board...

not even in the same ballpark of complexity, kid.

>> No.7016175

Fact: Planes are a myth

No one has ever went into space, much less the sky.

>> No.7016178
File: 61 KB, 640x360, apollo-11-shining-code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kubrick "directed" fake Moon landings. He even gave clues about it in his movie The Shining,




>> No.7016180

Actually the HST service missions were the highest shuttle missions every flown. They were actually inside the inner belt at apogee, spending far more time than the Apollo astronauts.

>> No.7016183

Hubble is NOT past Van Allen Belts dude.

>> No.7016185

>He even gave clues about it in his movie The Shining
Top level insanity. This is /sci/, stick to facts not conspiracy.

Every time one of your claims is disproved you just double down and make more insane claims.

>> No.7016188

No, it is inside them, which is worse. The flux of particles in the belt is much higher than beyond.

>> No.7016189

>open this thread up
>read through
>start laughing uncontrollably
Holy fuck this is comedy gold.

>> No.7016192

This is not even remotely true kid, stop acting like you know shit about this subject. You're just making things up because you don't want to admit the moon landings were staged.

>> No.7016202


As you can see the flux is higher.

I used to study energetic solar particles, I know what I'm talking about. The danger beyond the belts is long term effects of galactic cosmic rays and impulsive solar events. There were no earth-directed solar storms during any of the Apollo missions.

>> No.7016205

Moon landing is absolutely an hoax. Read Jacob Barnetts "Moon landing is absolutely an hoax".

>> No.7016208

OP prolly wandered in from >>>/x/

>> No.7016213

Like you know anything about the subject, lol. Every single one of your claims has been debunked so far. The problem is that you can't defend them because you have no clue about any of the subjects you discuss and all your information comes from hardly convincing moon hoax nutjobs.

And now go home.

>> No.7016390
File: 2.13 MB, 320x240, 1412689871202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: science fanboys who know deep down they're stupid, so the government must be right!

>> No.7016570

wtf are they doing in that gif?

>> No.7016611
File: 891 KB, 320x240, astronautsinwireharnesses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you know, just science stuff.

>> No.7016613

bungee cord?

>> No.7016640

No. They didn't have a rocket large enough or strong enough.

So they sent just a few astronauts at a time instead.

>> No.7016646

Underrated post

>> No.7016666

The behavior of the dust the astronauts kick up is enough to prove the landings. No amount of slow motion would have recreated that.

>> No.7016678
File: 11 KB, 259x194, 1264344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think you better quit talkin' that shit

>> No.7016686

Who cares? I just want to know why that video was banned.

>> No.7016691

OP likes milfs

>> No.7016708

What kind of sick freak just plans extensively and makes up lies on the internet?

>> No.7016721

Do you believe in the rosetta landing?
There you go

>> No.7016730

van allen himself said he was wrong about the sea of deadly radiation comment

>> No.7016779
File: 59 KB, 640x360, tshirtgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no? another media stunt

>> No.7016789

Actually, your picture is the first ever to make me question if that picture was taken on the moon.

Why are the rungs on the ladder that shape? They should be uniform diameter for weight saving surely?

>> No.7016792

The shadow falls in wrong direction...

>> No.7016796
File: 900 KB, 2349x2373, americanexceptionalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016801

cheesus chrust! was the entire lander held together with kapton tape?

>> No.7016812
File: 189 KB, 904x913, AS11-40-5922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016819

Why are the aluminium(?) legs on the landers (us & china) and most of the support structures, that presumably dont have cabling inside all covered in gold foil?

>> No.7016838

They dust on the moon proves, without a doubt, that we did in fact go to the moon. Reproducing the movement of the dust as its kicked up in the videos would be impossible on earth.

>> No.7016845
File: 1.09 MB, 2349x2373, 1420254043486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016873

This. The movement of the crew as well. The problem is that you can slow down gravity by slowing down the whole footage, but you slow down EVERYTHING, even movements that have nothing to do with gravity. So while the hopping on the moon may look like recorded on earth when speed up, everything else looks completely unnatural. It's one of those things that is just completely ignored by "non-believers". Then they usually come up with silly stuff like bungee cords without actually explaining how that is supposed to work.

>> No.7016879
File: 162 KB, 624x529, 14lightsource.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shadow falls in wrong direction...
Shadows you say...

>> No.7016882

>What is perspective?
The world must be really difficult for you.

>> No.7016890

The absolute best evidence that we actually did land on the Moon is that the Soviets didn't disagree. They fucking hated us. Don't you think if there was any chance at all that it was fake that they would've been all over that shit?

But they didn't say we faked it, because any amateur radio enthusiast could listen in on the mission, and any reasonably competent team could triangulate the radio communications from Apollo 11 to see that it was indeed on the Moon.

>> No.7016891

no it's not, dumbass

those are craters you're seeing. in the image, not domes. the light is coming down from the left.

>> No.7016892

who says they don't have cabling inside?

it might be useful to know when your struts have touched the ground.

>> No.7016894

lmao that line completely fucks up the perspective on the lander's shadow

>> No.7016900
File: 183 KB, 400x384, 1419762633592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this chamber is real

how does it feel to be a stooge?

>> No.7016902

>he thinks 4chan is real

>> No.7016905

>He thinks his eyes are real

>> No.7016908

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

checkmate atheist

>> No.7016910

way to ruin the joke

>> No.7016912

>he thinks Jayden Smith is real

>> No.7016914

Seriously man. There's always one guy in the crowd who tries to top the joke and ruins everything.

>> No.7016916

can i just see that banned video of the 40 y/o with dat fine ass

>> No.7016949

Can't let this slip by without calling the bullshit. You really think that IllumiNASA is competent enough to fake film and photos from the moon, but went right on ahead and published the photos that are so clearly faked that any bored 30 something can pick their conspiracy apart? Both of these photos were from training for Apollo 16. You're either dishonest or an idiot for implying that they're proof of a conspiracy.

>> No.7016950
File: 54 KB, 645x450, 02a85c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get back to official pictures instead of samefags spamming garbage

>oy vey if it's not perfect then that's proof it's real!
you are extraordinarily gullible

>> No.7016967

When an intellectually dishonest person runs out of actual arguments and can not support their point further, they will resort to other tactics to compensate.
>denial without a refutation
>intimidation with no actual substance
There's a lot to learn from this kind of thing. They have no interest in evaluating their own beliefs and will blindly defend them against all questioning. Once you expose a point where they have no actual argument, press them on it. Insert a visual metaphor here.

>> No.7016970

>you are extraordinarily gullible
What a convincing argument. You clearly gave up trying. Can't blame you.

>> No.7016975
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, NASA_MOON-ROCKET_APOLLO-17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else is there to say to someone who has made a religion out of a 1960s television production?

>> No.7016977

I don't know, what would you like to hear?

>> No.7016980

>oy vey if it's not perfect then that's proof it's real!
If you try to fall towards the point and miss, would you orbit it?

You are directing the global government NASApentagonNWO operation to fake a moon landing. All you need to do is work the cameras and lighting and doctor the photos prior to release. The next logical step is to take pictures of the astronaut actors smiling with their helmets off on the moonstage in your book.
No. If you believe that photo was suppose to go with the fakes on the moon, and posted it as proof that IllumiNASA screwed up, you're an idiot. If you posted it to make it look like you're making good points, even though it's obviously of astronauts training (or faking training?) then you're being dishonest. Take your pick.

>> No.7016983
File: 2.17 MB, 1500x1552, 1410138287759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole thing is a movie set. it was always a movie set. you can see the front screen projection used for the background very clearly here.

go away with your ridiculous nicknames. this is all obviously too much for you to cope with at once. come back in a few years when you've learned a bit more about the world.

>> No.7016984

>you can see the front screen projection used for the background very clearly here.
No, you can't. Do you have ANY real argument that hasn't been debunked a million times in these threads already?

>> No.7016986

From nat geo's rebuttal of tinfoilers:

there were multiple light sources, Launius said. "You've got the sun, the Earth's reflected light, light reflecting off the lunar module, the spacesuits, and also the lunar surface."

It's also important to note that the lunar surface is not flat, he added. "If an object is in a dip, you're going to get a different shadow compared to an object next to it that is on a level surface."

>> No.7016991

Hey, I remember that picture. The rock in the left foreground has a big C on it because it's a movie prop, therefore it was obviously a stage.
It doesn't look like a screen for projections at all either. There's clearly a drop in the terrain. Check the left edge.

go away with your ridiculous nicknames. this is all obviously too much for you to cope with at once. come back in a few years when you've learned a bit more about the world.
I haven't given any nicknames. I'm assuming you're the one throwing "kid" around, though. And nothing better than looking down on someone without providing any actual argument. You clearly have an unassailable position with all of the facts on your side.
Again. Idiot or dishonest. How many hands did these photos pass between, from capturing to publishing? And with a huge conspiracy behind it all, no one was aware enough to say "You know... this one is clearly faked, guys. Let's leave this out."

>> No.7016993

Looks like the astronaut and rover are on a vista looking down. Sure you aren't just seeing what you want to see?

>> No.7016995

>Again. Idiot or dishonest. How many hands did these photos pass between, from capturing to publishing? And with a huge conspiracy behind it all, no one was aware enough to say "You know... this one is clearly faked, guys. Let's leave this out."
Yu have to understand, NASA is either incredibly stupid or incredibly smart depending on what serves the agenda better.

>> No.7016998

It's the same shit with every conspiracy theory. The NWO has smarts and tech from the ancient reptilian alien overlords that can brainwash the masses, but constantly leave Scooby-Doo style clues on everything. They can't help but build a giant pentagram heralding the end of days next to their base and every time a new paper bill comes out, they've handily included their secret plan laid out to those who have opened their eyes. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.7017003

>sound in space

>> No.7017004

bla bla bla circlejerk yourself off, the official story is always correct and the government loves you!

goodnight, enjoy your nasa blue pill

>> No.7017005

Good night to you too. And remember to always think critically.

>> No.7017009

Kind of sad really.

>> No.7017031
File: 67 KB, 457x319, spacesuit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that there's a lull in the conspiracy tide, can we discuss moonbases? The British Interplanetary Society?

>> No.7017043


>> No.7017417
File: 71 KB, 600x714, Ap4-s67-50531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in my experience you guys never respond when that movie is torn down as the disingenuous bullshit that it is.

here's another iconic apollo picture. too bad this shows all the signs of photo manipulation. they stitched together multiple images to achieve this scenic shot and it's obvious if you spend more than a minute looking at this picture.

>> No.7017434

you still don't understand lighting

>> No.7017440

>in my experience you guys never respond when that movie is torn down as the disingenuous bullshit that it is.

I expect it's because points made probably are things like this:

>here's another iconic apollo picture. too bad this shows all the signs of photo manipulation. they stitched together multiple images to achieve this scenic shot and it's obvious if you spend more than a minute looking at this picture.

Which aren't worth wasting half an hour to generate a response for. I'm sure there's something that might be signs of manipulation. It's probably a press photo, and the publisher likely tidied it up for printing. But anyone who thinks this somehow proves the rockets didn't exist when they were seen by thousands of members of the public with their own eyes is clearly trolling or a bloody idiot.

>> No.7017443

you didn't watch the video. i don't care why you didn't watch the video but your opinion on why i think people don't respond to the video at that point is completely worthless.

>> No.7017447

That video is retarded. He quotes an irrelevant paragraph he found on google that does not even mention high speed video as proof that high speed video existed before 1969.

Then he attempts to rebut the claim that they didn't have recording devices big enough to capture the entire telecast by showing us a machine you can view the video on. This is completely unresponsive to the point, which is that you couldn't record CONTINUOUSLY for longer than 30 seconds. Editing together snippets of 30 second videos and playing it back at high speed would be noticeable.

So not only did he not understand the arguments being made in the original video, his "research" consisted of googling his argument and failing to find anything.

>> No.7017448
File: 919 KB, 4000x3856, 1412686954827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he covers that argument as well if you actually watched the whole thing. you are making yourself look really dumb, it's good this is all anonymous you can pretend to be someone else in your next posts.

>> No.7017449

Where does he cover it? He doesn't. He brings up completely irrelevant facts without an actual argument.

>> No.7017452
File: 36 KB, 632x357, 237000miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fucking troll someone else, you didn't watch the whole thing, be honest with yourself at least, i don't care if you lie to me but why are you lying to yourself?

hint: because you're trying to protect a belief that is tied to your identity

>> No.7017453


>> No.7017455


Smooth genetic fallacy.

>> No.7017457

I just finished it retard. I watched the first 20 minutes and then responded to the points he was done making.

>> No.7017461


that's actually pretty bad. It's not very well lit and it's out of focus. A professional photographer would consider that shot to be unusable.

>> No.7017464
File: 34 KB, 514x380, 1411566095233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, you've convinced me. if that kind of "logical argument" works for you, then it's proof to me that you've lost the ability to think critically and aren't worth the time.

"you know how i know it was real? it was impossible for them to fake it! that's why it's 2015 and we never left low earth orbit since 1972! because it's impossible to fake it!"

>> No.7017465
File: 1.17 MB, 482x353, FastTurningLem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of thing they used those backdrops for, by the way.

makes for impressive special effects but just not quite good enough today