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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7014537 No.7014537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So 0.00...01 in a neither positive nor negative and transposes to 0 when they're added up, but my problem is: when infinity transpires it leaves 1 in a gray zone that's neither positive nor negative, how does math circumvent this without it breaking down to 1 equaling 0 or undefined?

>> No.7014541


what the fuck is that supposed to be? That's not a number that exists in math. Thats like asking if "3.1fork4potato" is positive or negative.

>> No.7014543
File: 29 KB, 500x355, 406873_434361059952484_215614623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there's 3 different kinds of the same number so I thought it would yield an interesting anylization

>> No.7014545

no that's a positive number

i suggest you refresh your memory on what a positive number is


>> No.7014547

the thing you posted isn't a number. It's not defined. It only superficially resembles a number.

>> No.7014551

x/inf, its a number

>> No.7014558

Imagine someone promises they'll go out on a date with you. And then they kill themselves to avoid it. That 1 is like the date that never was.

But seriously, there are some applications where saying <span class="math">\lim_{x\to\infty} 10^x = 0+[/spoiler] is relevant. But remember that 0+ is not so much a number as it is a concept.

>> No.7014564

fuck. -x or -infinity. every time.

>> No.7014566
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0/10 try harder

>> No.7014570
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So is the entire scientific community have a taboo reaction to defining zero? Because that's what it fucking looks like

>> No.7014575

Oh you.

>> No.7014919
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Seriously though does how does this go unadressed its like the 3 bodied problem of math

>> No.7014929

Nonstandard reals

>> No.7014957

It's neither unaddressed nor an actual problem. It is an artifact solely of your own, personal misunderstanding of math.

>> No.7015055

it's something that could stand to be addressed... wait I you're saying having 0 being defined and having fucking lego to work with is not a bloody problem? I think it would be so cool if we could actually make some conditions for zero... and having a legitimate structure to build an empire of physics from

>> No.7015063 [DELETED] 

no, this is. what you said is nonsense.

\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac{x}{n}

and only for x being defined as a number and not something else

>> No.7015066

no, this is

<span class="math">\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac{x}{n}[/spoiler]

and only for x being defined as an object.
what you said is nonsense

>> No.7015072

You sound like you have autism.

>> No.7015081

That's not possible, autists are supposed to be good at math.

>> No.7015140

so tell me anon, what various drugs did you imbibe before posting today? because i find myself suddenly desiring them.

>> No.7015141
