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7011948 No.7011948 [Reply] [Original]

So which one is "the best" Java, Python, C*insert rest* or something else?

>> No.7011950



most globally executed lines of code

>> No.7011952

Depends what you are using it for.



>> No.7011957
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So which one is "the best" hammer, pipe wrench, saw *insert rest* or something else?

>> No.7011960

General calculations: MATLAB (Python if you are a freetard, Julia seems pretty good too).
Really heavy numerical computing: FORTRAN

>> No.7011961


>> No.7011964

Oh you.

Java is used primarily for enterprise work (essentially work that NEEDs to get done and needs to meet certain specifications that aren't unreasonable but might be intensive) and for easy-mode multiplat.
Python is used mostly for quick-and-dirty scripting (want to find an answer to something but don't feel like doing math, just solve it in Python) and for in-program interaction with program API.
C[++] is primarily for drivers and shit that delves deep into memory management for hyper-efficiency. Also used for programs that have been around for a long time (but still are being developed).
C# is Java for Microsoft shills, but there are tons of those out there so this can get you a job if you want to sell your soul.

Those are the big programmer programming languages. There are tons of other languages for the various other purposes.

>> No.7011973

Sorry that came off as dickish.

What I was trying to say is that programming languages are tools. Like the hand tools in my image they were devised as solutions to various problems. A hammer was devised for inserting/pulling up nails. You wouldn't use a saw to pull up nails, just like you wouldn't use a hammer to cut boards. You see?

You wouldn't use assembly to program a state-of-the-art video game (Christ I hope not), just like you wouldn't use Java to write an operating system. And you wouldn't use C to do very intensive number-crunching, because that is not was C was designed for.

The "best" is whatever language "best" meets the specifications for the job. Devoid of context, your question is meaningless.

>> No.7012011

If you HAVE to start with one, I would pick either C, C++ or Java.

>> No.7012019

C++ baby

>> No.7012030

I disagree with the term "best". It's "best" to have a footing in a number of languages of which I'd recommend python and C#, and then sprinkles of other C's and java.

>> No.7012052

The knife you can use to make the rest.

>> No.7012076

>making tools with a knife
The dwarfs are not amused.

>> No.7012087

>relying on the mountainous jew for industrial knowledge

>Can't smith without picks.
>Can't make picks without handles.
>Can't make handles without something sharp.
Checkmate, hammerfags.