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7011510 No.7011510 [Reply] [Original]

How do i know what is the best way for me to learn things and how can i know more about myself?
Why do i want to learn things, even if it doesn't get me anywhere.
I just want to know things.

>> No.7011513

Study psychology, I guess.

>> No.7011517

>Why do i want to learn things, even if it doesn't get me anywhere.

Because you are smarter than the people around you. Look at them. They are mindless animals living a life without worrying about higher intellectuality. They eat, fuck and sleep like the animals they are. You on the other hand are self-aware and capable of higher cognition. It's a gift and a burden. Naturally intelligence leads to depression. Welcome aboard, brother.

>> No.7011525

Maybe you're masturbating too much.

>> No.7011535

But i don't think that i'm that intelligent, i just recently started to think and wonder things.
Part of it is, because i want to know all about myself like why do i think the way i do and do things the way i do.

I hardly masturbate ever.

>> No.7011563

Perhaps you are an android that has been recently activated, and your creators want to see how well you can blend in among us realsies.

>> No.7011572

I doubt that, because i remember things from my childhood and such.
Tough i'm usually apathetic, not sure why.

>> No.7011575

you might be a genius like tesla or lenardo (who had no emotions either). did you acquire the fundamentals of logic at age 12(ish)?

>> No.7011576

This post activated the euphoria hidden deep within my fedora. Thank you, 'Mlady.

>> No.7011579

I don't think that i did or at least i don't remember.

>> No.7011581

Stupid skin-job. You don't think they would give you "memories"?

>> No.7011587

What are they then?

>> No.7011592

Your memories? They're just stories saved to your android brain(s) to give you a human-like sense of self.

>> No.7011617

Ah i see, is it bad if i feel apathetic most of the time.
Then if my memories are false, what about these that i make now?