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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7011416 No.7011416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Math and physics beat all other subjects of course, but which of these two is the very best?

>protip: it's math

Vote: http://strawpoll.me/3411147

>> No.7011422


Maths & Theoretical Physics are at the very zenith of science. They are equals, but definitely superior to chemistry for example. Biology is weird, because it's even less fundamental than chemistry, but it is of tremendous importance to every day life and humanity as a whole.

>> No.7011423

inb4 xkcd purity comic strip

>> No.7011430
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>> No.7011431

>implying it isn't cs

>> No.7011433

But philosophy is the purest field

>> No.7011434
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Without mathematics, modern physics is impossible.

But without application, modern mathematics is just wank.

>> No.7011435

The purest bullshit. "Muh baseless opinions" should not be an academic field at all.

>> No.7011437

that cuck had to make a girl be the best, what happened to him to make him so much of a cuckold?

>> No.7011438

Math has its applications in economics, finance and CS. We don't need physics.

>> No.7011439


>> No.7011442

It is still the purest of fields, irrespective (or because) of its lack of foundation.

>We don't need physics.

>> No.7011446

ITT: High schoolers who have no idea of what science really is and gather their scientific knowledge from le sheldon xD

>> No.7011450

As a student of high math:

Math is better than physics, but only because physics is a big joke right now. Recent real human progress has been done by the likes of material engineers (used as an umbrella term) and biochemists. The best thing math has going for it right now is its contributions to software.

>> No.7011452

Maybe he lost his virginity.

>> No.7011453

Philosophy is the unpurest field. It's worse than sociology. Literally /x/ tier.

>> No.7011462

actually, physics have a better application in economics and finance, because stats alone aren't enougth, statistical physics blown your mind, canonics ensembles rape your wife and kill your children dude, that shit is just insane, 2nd law of thermodynamics is everywhere

>> No.7011464

sure, when ever someone says something bad about women it's because he is a virgin amiright???

Women are no where to be found in all of STEM, let alone mathematics. So why the fuck would you use women?

>> No.7011473

Why do i suck with math and such so much, i just want to know and understand things.

>> No.7011478

as a student of high physics .... well fu*** you

modern physics is highly based on previous century advances in math, for example in quantum physics where linear algebra is really important.

This is because we are in physicals scales that aren't understandible for human scale, the only way to approach thoses scales are by a pure mathematical logic.

I still think physic is superior to maths, because with physic you can give easier answers to mathematical problem then using maths.

one example, is before the numerical era, we was in a analogical era, at this time, we could solve 2nd degree differential equation just with a electrical circuit.

there is physicals waves/functions/phenomena which don't have any easy mathematical solution, some don'te even have an analytical solution, and it was even proove that an analytical solution wasn't possible.

in physical modelisation we use numerical calculus to do it, cause there is juste no way to do it analytically. and when you compare the time needed to numerical calculus compared to the experimental realisation it's just ridiculous.

math was created to understand physics, the 2 fields are linked, a good mathematician would be a good physicist and a good physicist would be a good mathematician.

but for me, math are only here to serve physics

>> No.7011483

physics is a special case of objects in math

>> No.7011486

You retards know why the title of this board is "Science & Math"?


Math isn't science and shouldn't be compared to it. Math is outside the box where all the science is.

>> No.7011488

I'm not sure if this is bait, or if you're just an ignorant freshman, but graduate courses in math are on the average split 50/50 between the two genders with regards to attendance. Mirzakhani just won the 2014 fields medal for her work on the symmetry of hyperbolic geodesics. Emmy Noether helped found modern ring theory and, consequently, algebraic geometry, without which I doubt Fermat's Last Theorem nor Poincare's conjecture for 3-manifolds would have been resolved when they were.

Enjoy your kiddy calculus :^)

>> No.7011495

There are a lot of women in STEM, in particular in math. But apparently you seem not to see them because you are too busy whining about your virginity on 4chan.

>> No.7011501

Wow, two women!!
Among thousands of brilliant men!!

Sure fits that research that says there is 30 times more men over the IQ of 170 than there are women over the same IQ level.

Your point? And no, maybe that's for your uni but no where else is 50/50 in math. Jesus christ , you women can't into thinking...

>> No.7011502

Your points are solid enough, but you are ignoring the fact that modern mathematics contributes to a variety of fields aside from just physics. Economics, sociology, statistics, chemistry, computer science, biology, and of course physics... they are all nabbing at the bread crumbs that fall from the dinner table where real math is done. Math doesn't really care about how it is used, making it isolated and pure. I would argue the only impurity of mathematics is the inherent limitation of language. You say that the two fields are linked, but it is not a symbiotic relation; it is commensalistic at best. That's not to say that physics doesn't have a huge number of uses and is overall very important, but your claim is akin to saying that the integers have a richer theory than the reals. It's just false.

>> No.7011504

no there really aren't a lot of women in STEM. On average there is something like 6 women for every class of 100. If that's a lot to you, then sure...

>> No.7011505


Opinion invalidated. Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.7011506

This thread is awful and everyone who has posted in it is either trolling or ACTUALLY BELIEVES that there are academic fields that are "better" than others given any context.

>> No.7011507

Lmao. Where do you live? Pakistan? Saudi Arabia? In civilized western countries half of the STEM students are women.