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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7010157 No.7010157 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7010162
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>> No.7010194
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>> No.7010277
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>> No.7010279
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>> No.7010280

>3 people like this

>> No.7010317
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>common core math

>> No.7010345

Common core math is so stupid. You only need to know how to do the arithmetic, and if you aren't a fucking autist, it is easily comprehended at the age of 6.

>> No.7010350

every fucking time

>> No.7010391
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>sorry I'm really smart
>when I think freely I tend to shatter reality

>> No.7010392


Common core: a sack of buckshot on the white kid's shoulders to bring him down to nonwhite levels, so everyone is equal.

>> No.7010415

>if you go in the future and put a rock somewhere and then go back in time, the rock will be where you put it because it's there in the future.

Does he even realize how wrong he is?

>> No.7010434

what is the real reason for 1/2 though

>> No.7010439


I'm a mathematician, so I think the answer is bc work is an integral. Hopefully someone with physical intuition can explain otherwise.

>> No.7010443

integrate momentum with respect to speed

>> No.7010444

It is 1/2 because it's the first integral of Newton's equation.

>> No.7010456

I don't get it. The problem asked 427-316. The answer is 111. Why is the parent stupid?

>> No.7010463

Counting backwards is still more complicated than visually subtracting memorized abstractions the old way.

>> No.7010473

Jack did not get 111. The parent is complaining that Jack used the wonky-ass number line thing instead of subtracting like a normal person

>> No.7010485

But that is how a normal person would do it in their head.

>> No.7010488

What? I visualize it as I would be writing it on paper...

Do you really count backwards like a little kid?

>> No.7010497

That's just so incredibly retarded it might be brilliant.

>> No.7010501

When you do that, you are doing the same thing.
First you subtract a certain number of ones. The you subtract a certain number of 10s. Then a certain number of 100s.
Stop being a fucking idiot. What, do you think subtracting all the 1 digit numbers just works because "majyck?"
No. That's how it's done, and common core teaches them the foundations of why it's done that way. I don't understand how people can be so fucking retarded that they have any issue with anything they talk about. It all makes sense and is better.

>> No.7010515

You are the worst kind of person.

>> No.7010522

We all learned the foundations that way, but just for ones. Memorizing all possible x-y scenarios when x and y are <10 then using combinations of that is faster than applying the number line to every possible problem.

>> No.7011274

No, you are. Because my argument is valid and yours is invalid.
Yeah, they can learn to do that after learning why i works. I never learned why that worked, until I figured it out on my own. It's like the fundamental thm of calc. Had no clue why it worked til I gave it a good think. Just, as a kid, giving it a good think is difficult.

>> No.7011299

well it isn't the first time vis viva has had some cringeworthy comments on it

>> No.7011304

I cringe whenever I see this video.

>> No.7011314


Lol it's just there to give kids intuition behind why the math works and show them there's more than one way to solve a problem, which is a better way to produce good mathematicians instead of future /sci/ browsers

>> No.7011380

>. I don't understand how people can be so fucking retarded that they have any issue with anything they talk about.
I think they pretend they are retarded so they can get angry at the common core.

>> No.7011389

>Because my argument is valid and yours is invalid.

No it's not.

>> No.7011625

I'm in diff eq but I am absolute shit at arithmetic.

>> No.7012065
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youre not the only one
i can solve pretty much anything with a solution
but when it comes to numbers i need a fucking calculator
this only is recent though i used to be good at mental arithmetic
why is this happen to me ;_;

>> No.7013218

>First Physics class of the semester
>sit down and look around room
>an actual 300 pound fedora wearing neckbeard in the class
>didn't realize they actually existed IRL, thought it was just a meme
>disgusted at humanity

>> No.7013253

W = F l
W = m a l
W = m dv/dt v dt
W = m v dv
W= 1/2 m v^2

>> No.7013256

I don't get this shit... I mean I'm usually good at word problems but... Help...

>> No.7013265

In the end it's arbitrary. You could define it without the 1/2, but then you'd have a factor 2 in some other quantities which would be inconvenient. Historically we went from <span class="math">E = \int ds F[/spoiler], which suggests the convention as it's used. But sure, you could scale every physical law by a factor without changing the physics.

>> No.7013269

fuck off, stop pretending to be retarded on a fucking slow board, go bait somewhere else

>> No.7013288
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>> No.7013291
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>> No.7013295
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>basically, science is just as hokey as anything else and we shouldn't glorify it as reflecting objective, unbiased truth. neato

>> No.7013302

Some education major taking in government kickbacks and trying to make a name for his or herself thought that this would be a good idea to help people struggling with math understand it better by splitting it up into lots of little problems. But it ended up confusing stupid kids and infuriating smart ones and causing more mistakes to be made because the more steps you have the more chances of mistake.

>> No.7013316

dv/dt is not a fraction, nor are dv, dt quantities that can be manipulated. That is literally nonsensical.

>> No.7013340
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>But it ended up confusing stupid kids and infuriating smart ones and causing more mistakes to be made because the more steps you have the more chances of mistake.

>> No.7013349

(dv/dt)dt is literally the same as dv in any context by the chain rule. it's notation sugar.

>> No.7013361

Can someone write this more clearly in latex because I'm not sure what's going on here.

>> No.7013385

I get that it's satirical, but that image has basically got it backward.

The Common Core alternative arithmetic is about using a lot of little steps of creative reasoning that are suitable for solving simple problems in your head, but can lead to meandering about and losing track of what you're doing, making mistakes, and taking a lot of extra scrap paper and effort where larger numbers are involved, rather than following a simple, rigid algorithm that consistently solves problems no matter how big the numbers are.

Going from solving a quadratic equation by creative algebraic manipulation, to just memorizing and applying the quadratic formula, is the opposite of the kind of change Common Core represents.

>> No.7013389
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Oh my God...

>> No.7013401

Let v(t) be a differentiable function of t.

v(t+h)-v(t)=A*h+o(h) as h->0 at the point t.
The differnetial dv(h) is a function of h defined by A*h.
We define A to be v' (using the usual limit definition which obviously works here)
Take the special case of the identity function, and you have
dt=h obviously

Problem solved. Just define differentials and everything will be good.

>> No.7013415
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>> No.7013469
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you fucking retards, you don't need any dv's and dt's .

W= F *S
V^2= V0^2 +2*a*S from that you get that:

go back to Force= m*a
then go back to Work= F*S

W= m*(V^2-Vo^2)/2S *s
W=((V^2*m)/2) - (Vo^2*m0/2)
W=E= V^2 * m/2

jesus fuck! sci!

>> No.7013476


Integrate momentum with respect to time. int(mv) = (mv^2) / 2

>> No.7013508


it's sad the lengths someone who probably failed math will go to in order to stop kids from learning new ways to visualize math

>> No.7013520

What am I looking at here?

>> No.7013573
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>> No.7013615


>> No.7013691

Who said I needed anything? I was just replying to that anon. I don't even know what the original problem is about. Sheesh.

>> No.7013803

what you said is stupid. this is /sci/

>> No.7013810

haha wtf

>> No.7013895

Except the old way is fucking 16 you dumb cunts.

>> No.7013907

<span class="math">Work = \Delta E = \int_0^{x_f} F dx[/spoiler]

Let E start at zero at x = 0, v = 0.

<span class="math"> F = m a = m \frac{dv}{dt} = m \frac{dv}{dx}\frac{dx}{dt} = m v \frac{dv}{dx}[/spoiler]

<span class="math"> E = \int_0^{x_f} F dx = \int_0^{x_f} m v \frac{dv}{dx} dx = \int_0^{v_f} m v dv = \frac{1}{2} m v_f^2[/spoiler]

>> No.7013959

>I'v ebeen thing about quantum mechanics cause I can
Here we have a /sci/ newfag

>> No.7013988
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What the fuck?

>> No.7013992

Lol had to prove KE=1/2mv^2 in my Cambridge interview

>> No.7013993
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>> No.7014017


>> No.7014037

I am so confused, I cannot get this to equal one. The answer is 16. Am I missing something here?

>> No.7014042


What's your order of operations?

>> No.7014045

>Kids that little knowing about multiplication, division and parentheses
Everyone who tought that was real is retarded

>> No.7014057 [DELETED] 

I assumed the first was a fraction written in-line.
Or was it a division sign with everything to the left of the sign in the denominator. When I work it like that I can get it to equal one.
I hate when fractions are written in-line, it causes so much confusion.

>> No.7014065

I assumed 20/5 was a fraction written in-line.
Or was it a division sign with everything to the left of the sign in the denominator? When I work it like that I can get it to equal one.
I hate when fractions are written in-line, it causes so much confusion.

>> No.7014075
File: 777 KB, 2408x2010, find the one correct answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some tests I graded
i didnt just pick the funniest ones, those are simply the first 20 from a random pile without exceptions

lets see some guesses who the test was for.

>> No.7014094



>> No.7014103


Clearly altered photo. But order of operations to get 1 was 20 / (5 * (2 * 2) ).

Actual "old method" order of operations would be your way (paranthesis first, then left to right).

>> No.7014117


Hard to say without knowing the refractive index.

Assuming you're testing Snell's law.

>> No.7014118

its not a mirror, its a prisma with n=1.5 or something close to real glass

>> No.7014123

whatever the index is, the beam does not suddenly goes sideways, splits in two or reflects at an angle

>> No.7014134

Third last one?

>> No.7014144


I made that statement before looking at all the diagrams.

You're right. If these kids are our future, we are doomed.

>> No.7014154

You suck and you should be ashamed

>> No.7014160

Lol it's a definition you were trolled, or they're dumb stupid fucks

>> No.7014161


Those are medicine students btw. University, first semester. The elite of our schools which will later prescribe you 1 meter saline solution, injected at a pressure of triple lightspeed per Volt kilogram

>> No.7014165



i don't know where to ...

whelps. not expecting a derivation of the Einstein's energy-mass equation here ...

>> No.7014167


UK type system?

US system would screen out such issues with the MCAT for medical and GRE Subjects for graduate.

>> No.7014174

Ding ding ding

>> No.7014180

most of them dropped physics after 10th grade and in some places you can even finish school without a math exam.
there are maybe 3% promising candidates per semester who know their shit or learn hard.
the others have trouble converting liters to cubic meters and solving A=B*C for B

but the failure rates are around 50%, so after 5 semesters there will be exactly (1/2)^5 = 3% left