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7003085 No.7003085 [Reply] [Original]

Does the fact that homosexuality exists prove that sexuality is not a genetically aquired trait?

>> No.7003098


>what is straight-acting

>> No.7003101

No. The gay gene could be recessive, so two straight people carrying it could produce a gay child.

>> No.7003113

No. Any trait can have a genetic precursor.
Any trait can be based entirely on upbringing.

Nature vs. nurture, who the fuck knows.

That said, homosexuality doesn't really make sense as a trait that would be selected for in the wild, since it doesn't provide any reproductive benefit.

>> No.7003122

>Nature vs. nurture, who the fuck knows.
We do. science knows. they found the gene in april two years ago:

you get the gay from your opposed-sex parent

>> No.7003178

Less competition during mating season is an overall benefit.

>> No.7003206

The truth is, gay animals still have heterosex for procreation, so it can be selected for. Maybe a same sex parental setup is beneficial or something, who knows because our gays are socialised not to occasionally fuck women and take their babies

>> No.7003338

Most animals only have sex to procreate though, so calling them 'gay' doesn't really work as they don't tend to have the same types of relationships as humans.

>> No.7003356

No, because:
- Traits can positively influence the propagation of their underlying genes in all kinds of indirect ways. For example, if having gay people in your tribe positively influences the survival rates of said tribe.
- Natural selection is blind and the relation between genes and behavior is complicated, meaning that gayness can be a 'side-effect' of some complex of genetically acquired traits
- Gayness can be a recent mutation not yet selected against.

Also, I don't believe there's something like 'pure nurture', i.e. cultural explanations for behavior must always be embedded in a biological one, for the latter give the conditions and boundaries for any possible culture. Thus, in a way, all behavior is genetically acquired. Of course, people could have more 'degrees of freedom' on some areas and less on others. Conversely, probably very little behavior is totally immune for any epigenetic influences.

>> No.7003445

>Any trait can be based entirely on upbringing.
Even Down syndrome?

>> No.7003450

Adopted kids. You can study those. Also test-tube babies.

>> No.7003458

>The truth is, gay animals still have heterosex for procreation

lots of gay men do this, too. its pretty common that a closeted fag has a wife and kids.

>> No.7003478

Homosexuality can be viewed as natures population control

>> No.7003482


Well I know gay swans have babies and take them from the mothers and raise them, I think giraffes might do the same. The gay swans obviously have sex but apparently aren't under the impression they'll get kids from it


Seems more like a socially conditioned state of denial than a reproductive strategy

>> No.7003559

Puppets Who Kill was a great show

>> No.7003818
File: 82 KB, 249x239, 1420493109517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another thread where people without even a high school level knowledge of genetics make claims about genetics and homosexuality

>> No.7003998

No, because if everyone wants to reproduce, there's less people to take care of kids that are resource-intensive, like humans. Queerness is a genetic disposition that is mitigated through the environment.

>> No.7004004


>> No.7004011

gay people want to reproduce, they're just not doing it right.

>> No.7004472

Gay is not real bro

>> No.7004475

There are many higher-intelligence mammals who have sex for pleasure, anon. Hell, look at Bonobos. they use it as a social currency.

>> No.7004486

I'll keep that in mind next time I'm sucking cock.

>> No.7004492

Having sex with men is a choice. "Feelings" are not relevant.


>> No.7004519
File: 11 KB, 225x225, looksonafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never has pic been more relevant.

>> No.7004564

People are born with deformities and defects all the time. Some are less visible than others.
Not all mutations or differences serve a useful purpose. That's not how evolution works.