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7001165 No.7001165 [Reply] [Original]

what are, currently, the largest two WHOLE numbers that can be divided by each other to give, up to a point (decimal), an equal value of pi? note I know it will always just be an approximation.


Does man know an accurate formula method of finding larger and larger whole numbers that divide more accurately "into" pi?
or are such whole numbers only 'found' by analysis, through other formulas ie. BBP

>> No.7001179

A History of Pi has them

You can also derive them from making inscribe and circumscribed n-gons and increasing n

>> No.7001189

Look up "continued fraction". It gives you a nice algorithm to determine rationals that are good approximations of a certain number.

For π it is [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1,...]. That is equal to the approximations:

3, 22/7, 333/106, 355/113, 97591/31065, and so forth.

>> No.7001198

Also, just to make it complete, a continued fraction is defined as
[display]a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1+\frac{1}{a_2+\frac{1}{a_3+...}}}}[/display]
and is usually written down as
<span class="math">[a_0; a_1, a_2,a_3,...][/spoiler].

>> No.7001200

<span class="math">a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1+\frac{1}{a_2+\frac{1}{a_3+...}}}}[/spoiler]
What was the command for the larger latex math again?

>> No.7001204

Oh fuck this.
<span class="math">a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1+\frac{1}{a_2+\frac{1}{ a_3+...}}}[/spoiler]

>> No.7001217

Oh, and that is wrong, sorry. It's 103993/33102 actually.

>> No.7001218
File: 75 KB, 640x510, troll-math-aristotle_o_2524299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will it help with upper and lower boundaries?

I guess I can try to guess them as long as I have a linear structure of the upper boundary by adding n

I'm imagining what that does for upper and lower, if the inscribed means inside and circum means outside. What is this called and who discovered it first?

>> No.7001222

> What is this called and who discovered it first?
It's been many years since I read the book

>> No.7001227

Take x digits of pi, and remove the decimal. Now divide that by 10^(x-1).

The numbers can be infinitely large.

>> No.7001236 [DELETED] 


thanks, I don't have latex atm, I'd like to play with continued fractions more but I just have excel.

So I guess to answer my own question, we don't have a formula per se that dictates whole numbers of pi, we instead have continued fractions that can sometimes lead to whole numbers at an interval

is that interval expressed?

I mean, after a certain number of fractions in these sequences, we can find a whole number
can we predict the number of sequences ahead before another fraction can be expressed as a larger (and therefore more accurate) whole numbered fraction?

here's a prediction I know is wrong
2221/701 = pi?

holy shit why do I see phi?

>> No.7001270


>> No.7001275

This is a pretty inefficient way of representing the number.

>> No.7001280

then ask the question correctly. that's the answer to op's question. you want something else? ask for it

>> No.7001281

I'm not OP, so I'm not asking for anything.

>> No.7001285

then go away, your nitpicking isnt helping anyone. if you have something to say, go ahead.

>> No.7001288

Trying to improve things by a great margin is nitpicking? Do you even do math?

>> No.7001290

see >>7001280, set standards for "improve", ask again

>> No.7001297

Those troll comics are so fucking stupid it's not even funny

>> No.7001366 [DELETED] 

thanks, I don't have latex atm, I'd like to play with continued fractions more but I just have excel.

Why exactly is 221/71 important?

I could just say that pi is greater than 110/35

is it because 22*10+1 and 7*10-1 have the same feature, multiply by 10 and subtract by a tenth of ten?

>> No.7001371



>> No.7001374

<span class="math"> 221/71-\pi < 110/35 - \pi [/spoiler]

>> No.7001377 [DELETED] 


thanks for the help so far, I don't have latex atm, I'd like to play with continued fractions more but I just have excel.

Why exactly is 221/71 important?

I could just say that pi is greater than 110/35

is it because 22*10+1 and 7*10-1 have the same feature, multiply by 10 and subtract by a tenth of ten?

true, it's just what came up on the google search in Aristotle, which is sad.

you aren't trying to improve things by nitpicking, you try to improve things by showing how something doesn't work and asking a question within some logical limits to determine why it's not efficient

we haven't deciphered pi very well so it's only natural we have a large number of poor ways to find it out, even the complex accurate ways of finding pi were just based on analysing what was working and what wasn't working, finding the degree of inefficiency, and realigning it.

for example
if X is true to a degree, and false to this degree
and Y is fase at this degree and true to this degree
how can X and Y both have similar truths, and similar falses, and is the pattern determinable?

>> No.7001380


thanks for the help so far, I don't have latex atm, I'd like to play with continued fractions more but I just have excel.

true, it's just what came up on the google search in Aristotle, which is sad.

you aren't trying to improve things by nitpicking, you try to improve things by showing how something doesn't work and asking a question within some logical limits to determine why it's not efficient

we haven't deciphered pi very well so it's only natural we have a large number of poor ways to find it out, even the complex accurate ways of finding pi were just based on analysing what was working and what wasn't working, finding the degree of inefficiency, and realigning it.

for example
if X is true to a degree, and false to this degree
and Y is fase at this degree and true to this degree
how can X and Y both have similar truths, and similar falses, and is the pattern determinable?

>> No.7002941

355/113 is the simplest and most efficient approximation for pi. It gets right 6 decimal digits, to do better than that you have to get to 5/6 digits divisions.