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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6979689 No.6979689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many poIlacks are currently dating or married to feminists? I've noticed it seems like lots of you are.

How do poIlacks deal with their woman's refusal to abandon this retarded philosophy?

>be in a committed relationship with a beautiful aryan girl
>be constantly showing her rayciss things on /poI/, make n.igger and mudslime jokes constantly which make her laugh and shes surprisingly okay with it and even joins in sometimes, thinks b/lacks and mudslimes are savages
>talk about how fem.inists are a bunch of shrill little cunts who just want an excuse to bitch about something and contribute nothing to human rights
>ohhh suddenly shes a s.j.w. and feminism is about equality for everyone which is why we call it feminism hurrr

>> No.6979692
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mfw realize I'm on /sci/

>oh no

>> No.6979788

nice to know what you guys worry about
>[embarrassment intensifies]

>> No.6979796

welp since moot decided to destroy pol it's expected that it would spill out. Anyway, I'm not racist for 4chan standards, but I redpilled the gf on feminism somewhat; in exchange she helped me get rid of some of the retardedness I picked up from pol. In the end truth wins, you know, especially if you have a honest exchange of thoughts. You don't have to agree with her anyway, as long as she sucks your dick and obeys you, who cares what she thinks?

>> No.6979805

>I redpilled the gf on feminism somewhat; in exchange she helped me get rid of some of the retardedness I picked up from pol

This is a better response than anything I got on /poI/ but mostly because the thread was largely ignored there.

How can you appreciate the truths of biology without admitting certain truths about certain genetic populations?

>> No.6979807
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this thread

>> No.6979810

If you're that utterly insecure I doubt you really have a girlfriend.

>as if redpillers aren't pure pussy repellent

>> No.6979813

>In the end truth wins

Not really, only academics (who are mostly feminist by the way) care about the truth. The masses care about what works for majorities and how to fuck people over to get ahead.

>> No.6979814

>How can you appreciate the truths of biology without admitting certain truths about certain genetic populations?

"How can I be open about being a white male supremacist in a world where the public isn't that retarded anymore??"

>> No.6979833

>If you're that utterly insecure I doubt you really have a girlfriend.

Please don't project your virginity onto me just because I'm a douche and I have a girlfriend and you do not.

>> No.6979842


If you had varied samples of fruit flies which had been evolving independently for thousands of years would you really call them equal?

All dog breeds are the same, rite gaiz?

>> No.6979855


What is the fruit flie's generational period compared to that of a human being? How many more fruit fly generations can pass in a given amount of time compared to people?

Dogs have what's called a slippery genome, humans do not.

Science isn't on the side of the race "realist" (lol). There is a reason modern biology doesn't take the idea seriously.

>> No.6979860


Getting a lesson from a red piller about projection is a bit hilarious isn't it.

>> No.6979880

>What is the fruit flie's generational period compared to that of a human being

True, they breed like crazy. But if they managed to change so dramatically during my 4 month genetics class then that brings the comparison to human beings over thousands of years to a much more usable ratio. Its not as though I'm saying people with Middle-Eastern and African genetics aren't human, but I believe there is something fundamentally different about white people, even if its just that we're the most adapt at exploiting every situation to our advantage, natural selection is not moral and does always favor things that humans consider good. Why would you say a small group of humans from a relatively small unremarkable area in Europe control the world's wealth, economy, culture, media, and lead the world in scientific discovery, versus the rest of the world's ethnic groups who seem to languish and become more disorganized every year?

>> No.6979883


>arfhufufuf no u

great come back brah, you guys on /sci/ are smart like I couldn't imagine.

>> No.6979896

>There is a reason modern biology doesn't take the idea seriously.
What is that reason? I'm not a racist looking to argue btw just ignorant and curious.

>> No.6979900

>Why would you say a small group of humans from a relatively small unremarkable area in Europe control the world's wealth, economy, culture, media, and lead the world in scientific discovery, versus the rest of the world's ethnic groups who seem to languish and become more disorganized every year?

Because it's not what the data says and you don't have the evidence to make such an assertion.

I'm not saying it's impossible for different ethnic groups to be more likely to have neurological genetic differences, but I am saying that that's a tough assertion to make considering the mess of socioeconomic variables you would have to control for to make assertions about race, a concept which itself doesn't hold much biological weight.

>> No.6979903


For the same biology doesn't take creationism seriously either.

>> No.6979905 [DELETED] 

>I'm not a racist looking to argue

op here, scientifically there is nothing wrong with wanting to argue and challenge people on political "accepted facts"

>> No.6979908

Why would I hate feminism? The sexual revolution has made an entire generation of women give it up like it's going out of style. Feminism leads to extremely satisfying, varied and commitment-free sex.

Just don't get married because that's literally signing your life away.

>> No.6979912


>here is my nonanswer to your answer because up here in my ivory tower we don't interact with the public enough to care about topics like this

>> No.6979915


There are no accepted facts in politics.

Go back to /pol/. This is a board for science.

>> No.6979919


Sorry that there is no evidence behind your bullshit. Better luck next time, an echo chamber like /pol/ might be better suited for you.

>> No.6979920

I mean among the people I hang out with. I don't really care about the masses.

>> No.6979921

Also, women are people and deserve to participate in business and academics.

Arguing against feminism is retarded.

>> No.6979923

> female blonde
>valid opinion

pick one.

>> No.6979925

>Arguing against feminism is retarded.

>feminism is about woman participating in business and academics

>academia is not a hugbox for people who don't thrive in their chosen field

>> No.6979927


Most arguments against feminism I hear are really just against social justice fringe.

>> No.6979931


There is no greater prestige in science than publishing evidence that supplants conflicting evidence that was previously strong-standing.

>> No.6979932

most people seem to have a problem with internet feminism rather than actual feminism
seems like since feminism has become popular over the last few years lots of people are willing to label themselves as feminists without actually knowing what the word means

>> No.6979933


how can you call them a fringe when they're the only vocal and active ones? Where is the counsel of wise feminists I keep hearing about? I'm pretty sure its a lot of academics and professional woman who claim to be feminism on paper and don't contribute a fucking thing beyond a few angry treats and facebook posts.

The ones actually carrying the feminism banner in a public sense are these "fringe sjws" you're talking about

>> No.6979937

Which is like making arguments against capitalism based on Dickensian England.

>> No.6979938


You're probably right of center so the center seems left and the left seems fringe.

>> No.6979941


I agree it's stupid. A lot of basement dwellers read about social justice online and get the impression that feminists are taking over and forcing men to use tampons.

Then you get out in the real world, have a few serious relationships and have a few female close friends and realize all the shit women have to put up with, especially in male-dominated spaces.

>> No.6979942


I feel like the left has gone full retard lately, the same way in 2004 I felt like the right was going full retard.

Feminism used to be "Fuck this misogyny I deserve to vote"

Now its like "No one's feelings should ever be hurt and everyone is a special snowflake, this should be legislated"

>> No.6979945
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>Then you get out in the real world, have a few serious relationships and have a few female close friends and realize all the shit women have to put up with, especially in male-dominated spaces

>> No.6979947

>showing her rayciss things on tumblr
Forgot your word filters. They're still in effect, right?

>How can I be open about being a white male supremacist
Actually, Asians and Jews are smarter than white males.

>a tough assertion to make considering the mess
"Battle stations! Battle stations!"

We can make generalizations about large populations, and then the socioeconomic factors disappear. During the Korean War, South Korea was socioeconomically equivalent to much of Africa. Today, they are not, and you can't blame imperialism.

>> No.6979949


What's with people trying to project fedoraism onto feminism? Is it a "you too!" kind of thing? Fedoras will and always will belong to MRAs and redpillers and PUAs.

>> No.6979954

>Asians and Jews are smarter than white males.

They are also a hell of a lot more prone to racism, but nobody cares when asians or jews are racist.

Jews believe someone is Jewish because their mother was Jewish.

Japanese people are the most xenophobic and self-aggrandizing culture in the world

>> No.6979955

>We can make generalizations about large populations

Not if you want to come to any meaningful conclusions.

Science is about isolating variables, not throwing a bunch together so you can pick and choose whatever phenomenon supports your influences the most.

>you can't blame imperialism.

Modern Africa is more torn from factions and warfare, which are from imperialism, so no you can't directly blame imperialism, only historically. It depends on how big of a picture you're willing to consider.

>> No.6979958

>lots of people are willing to label themselves as feminists without actually knowing what the word means
Don't condescend, people know what 'feminism' means. The can see for themselves what feminists campaign for these days and they can see the methods that they use.

That 'fringe' has a huge and visible effect. Universities are administering the law because of them.

>feel sorry for them and let them gerrymander every public institution

It's another side of the same coin.

>> No.6979959

I agree with some of the tenets of redpill (i.e. don't make a woman your mission in life, learn social skills and take care of yourself) but some of the hatred those type of people have for women is ridiculous to the point of pathology.

>> No.6979960

>nobody cares when asians or jews are racist.

No one in the west? Ethnophobia is a massive political issue throughout most of Asia right now, particularly Japanese attitudes towards the Chinese.

>> No.6979961


No, fedoras belong to people who think there is a trick to getting women to want to sleep with you, including the trick of "Oh im uh feminist and your life is so hard you poor darlings everyone is so mean rite?"

The trick is actually being attractive to them, spoiler alert

>> No.6979962

>Universities are administering the law

Universities administer laws?

>> No.6979963
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>> No.6979966

>Jews believe someone is Jewish because their mother was Jewish.

And u can join too... My great mother did it for instance ...

>> No.6979968
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Explained by SMBC

>> No.6979969
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>> No.6979973
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>> No.6979975
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>> No.6979976

>a small group of humans from a relatively small unremarkable area in Europe control the world's wealth, economy, culture, media, and lead the world in scientific discovery
but jews aren't white

>you just hate extremists
>real xyz aren't like that
where have I heard that one before? radical groups like isis and tumblr feminists are able to operate because they have the tacit approval of the majority.

>> No.6979977

I was referring to the policies adopted by Harvard and Yale etc to address sexual assault on campus. They handle the whole thing 'in house' without police or the court being involved. Surely, such serious crimes should be addressed properly?

>> No.6979978

>>feel sorry for them and let them gerrymander every public institution

I love when bitter dudes act like academia is in on some global conspiracy to push a political agenda.

I guess it's emotionally easier for them to believe that than except that they're wrong about whatever political issue.

>> No.6979980
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>> No.6979982

>isis and tumblr feminists

Holy shit could you be more melodramatic you neckbeard.

>> No.6979983


I believe he meant universities are administering policy because of them, but nice try at deflating his argument by pointing out a small flaw in how he delivered it, you /sci/guys are smart!

The fact of the matter is, everyone, from trailer-trash wife-beaters to academics in their secure little bubbles, harbor certain self-images of what it means to be in their field and what it means to be whatever role they are playing.

The role most scientists play is "Nerdy, liberal, super-alack lol i love the show big bang theory" guy, and that guy is the last person to ever speak up about political implications of scientific knowledge.

I know you guys like to point to Galileo and Copernicus and pretend scientists are the great martyrs of history but when was the last time a scientist risked his life or his reputation because of his beliefs, Nicola Tesla?

>> No.6979985
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>> No.6979988

>when was the last time a scientist risked his life or his reputation because of his beliefs, Nicola Tesla?

What are you talking about? Scientists put their credibility on the line every time they publish a remotely controversial study or experiment.

>> No.6979991
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>> No.6979992

These pictures are hilarious because the derision in them shows that there's nothing women hate more than a beta who doesn't know his place.

>> No.6979993


Because of the way I anthropomorphize these shapes, it appears they are turning their backs to each-other in the last panel.

But good pic, I get your meaning

>> No.6979994


>Science is about isolating variables

When you have a large enough sample size, the differences caused by unrelated variables disappear.

>> No.6979995


It's dogma here on /sci/, where people want to hold onto /pol/ beliefs while still wanting to be scientific. Easier to say sociology is a hugbox than actually consider some of your deep-seated tendencies might be flawed.

>> No.6979997
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>> No.6980000


>> No.6980002


Yeah that's wrong as fuck.

And if we're talking people, a larger sample size means including different geography, with different cultures and histories - MORE variables, not less.

>> No.6980003
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>> No.6980004

>Nicola Tesla?
Remove yourself from the genetic pool plz.

BTW, may I point out OGM researchers ?

>> No.6980005

>Scientists put their credibility on the line every time they publish a remotely controversial study or experiment.

Oh fuck off, putting your academic credibility on the line to a bunch of academics during one of your annual wankfests is not the same as telling the Catholic church they are wrong in the dark-ages, please check your modern privilege

>> No.6980008
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>> No.6980010


PROTIP: You are just as ridiculous as "tumblr feminists."

>> No.6980011


There is no all-powerful institution that will kill you for breaking dogma, you pretentious fuck. So why (and how) are you expecting scientists to put their lives on the line?

>> No.6980012
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>> No.6980014


>when was the last time a scientist risked his life or his reputation because of his beliefs


No Pedo.

They don't like to involve the police anyway, because it makes the university look bad.

>> No.6980016
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>> No.6980019

>Easier to say sociology is a hugbox

every sociologist class in the world

>hey class today we are going to study different ethnic groups and how they are all fantastic and special!
>lesson one, how to hold hands all across the world
>lesson two, how to check your privilege
>lesson three, how to trick the government into giving you a salaried position by claiming you are an expert at "social science"
>lesson four, its never your fault

Its easier to say people I don't agree with are wrong than it is to consider that some of your deep-seated moral and political beliefs might be flawed

>> No.6980020
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>> No.6980023


>BTW, may I point out OGM researchers ?

>> No.6980024
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>> No.6980025


I didn't ask you to provide yourself as an example of exactly what I was talking about, but thanks.

>> No.6980027


Mad that it challenge your beliefs ?

>> No.6980028

>don't make a woman your mission in life
Do people actually do this?

>> No.6980030


Red pillers.

>> No.6980034
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>> No.6980036


>nonarguments from anyone on this thread
>we are the glorious scientific debate and discussion board

I'm disappointed in you /sci/, when I accidentally posted this thread on here I thought it was going to be a lot of me getting bitch-slapped by knowledge bombs, instead its a lot of "muh ivory tower, muh witty retorts"

>> No.6980042


Let's make something clear, you came here looking for validation and to push your agenda. It's not like all the data in the world would ever change your mind.

You're a lot more obvious than you think.

>> No.6980043

>Knowledge bomb
>social science

U are a faggot, dear

>> No.6980045


genetically modified organisms is at least something that registers as an acronym in my head.

What the hell has happened to GMO researchers? The same liberal morons that I'm whining about vomit their leftism all over them too?

I might be stupid enough to call black people retards in 2015, but I'm not stupid enough to think GMOs are not a miracle discovery.

>> No.6980047

>MORE variables, not less
It all comes out in the wash.

Dr Gauss would like to speak to you about his Distribution, because you apparently aren't very familiar with it:

While you're at it, here's some more reading:

>> No.6980048

I'm no conspiracy theorist. I've just observed that in the last ~10 or so years public/institutional attitudes have shifted to be detrimental to men in favor of women.

I would like to know how feminism is balanced or advocates in everyone's interest. As far as I have seen it views men only as some 'other' that is the source of all their gripes. Feminist groups go so far as to protest shelters for male victims of sexual abuse - as though helping men goes against their cause. They support policies that jeopardize men's place in schools, meeting any dissent with scorn or stonewalling silence.

So they throw their male students under the bus?!

>> No.6980050


>i have
>no idea what you're talking about
>genetics is biology

No, I came here because /sci/ is next to /pol/ on the list of boards and I messed up, but good job reading the thread.

>> No.6980052

>So they throw their male students under the bus?!

Now, yes. Twenty years ago, the women were.

>> No.6980058

It's not some game for them to take turns at. They should be mature about it and at least let the authorities handle such crimes.

>> No.6980059


If women are equal why do they need special treatment?

>> No.6980061

>I've just observed that in the last ~10 or so years public/institutional attitudes have shifted to be detrimental to men in favor of women.

It's more that it's closer to even now when it was far in men's favor in the past. If you perceive what used to be the norm as fair then it will be unfair to you. Sex discrimination was going on in academia for ages and it hasn't been addressed until recently.


>Feminist groups go so far as to protest shelters for male victims of sexual abuse

I would like to see an example of this, and how strong-standing these groups are with feminism at large.

>> No.6980066

did I hit a nerve?

whether it's isis, the ira, or dumb cunts on facebook, all extremist movements draw from the larger group of "moderates" who claim to be unassociated but still have underlying sympathies.

>> No.6980068


No one is going to take you seriously if you group terrorist organizations with what people write on blogs.

>> No.6980071

>It's more that it's closer to even now when it was far in men's favor in the past.

In the last 40 years academic institutions have taken a giant shit all over the place, producing unemployable hipsters and failing students at ever-increasing rates, correlation is not causation though, I musn't be silly

>> No.6980072
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>did I hit a nerve?

Yeah, you're hero Gotham needs.

>> No.6980074

Well, here in europa, they are banned in most country, and the onu banned reasearch on human GMO. And that was right party acting, here.

>> No.6980080

>le swinging pendulum face
just recently women have become the majority of college students, but they still make up less than 1% of dangerous jobs like oil roughnecks and coal miners. if you really wanted equality you wouldn't be satisfied until just as many women are dying of black lung as men.

>> No.6980082

Neither believe in the NAP

Terrorists blog, too

>> No.6980083


Well, more proof you should move to America hombre, my apples are fucking enormous and I can make soup for 2 out of 4 potatoes.

>But no, America is awful
>but no, the same liberal factions which attacked GMOs are right about feminism and absolute tolerance

>> No.6980086

I am half american, so I can't say that (loved the 2 year in Texas when I was a kid).
ANd I doubt that liberal are fucktard against GMO and I don't give a shit about feminism, I am the best, I don't care if I begin with an handicap, I am still the best.

>> No.6980091
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Accidentally posting on this board was the most enlightening thing I could have done all evening, horyshit.

>> No.6980092
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I'm this guy >>6980052 . I'm not sure what your point is.

All I was doing was pointing out that twenty years ago, a college rape (which generally involves alcohol) would have been investigated by the University and result in the man quietly being kicked out after that semester. Due to the secrecy, he could likely go to a different university and no one would know.

Today, the same incident results in a kangaroo proceeding aimed at showing the student body how they are "zero-tolerance" in order to boost the SJW cred of the Sociology and Women's Studies departments.

>> No.6980093

didn't anti-gmo shills stop golden rice from being grown in africa completely out of spite?

>> No.6980097

>It's more that it's closer to even now when it was far in men's favor in the past.
I'm talking about my experience in my own life time (23 years). I wouldn't say that it went from male-favoring to balanced; it went from balanced to female-favoring. I think it's important to state my age because the people of my cohort are the ones most affected by radical changes taking place. We're the ones exposed to universities' heavy-handed feminist bent. We're the ones who have to look for jobs when firm hire women for the sake of 'equality'. We're the ones who can't take out nieces and nephews out without being accused of being pedophiles. Did you know that the gender pay gap is favours women in my generation? Yet the story that get's people's fists shaking is the lie that it's against women.

PS just google

>> No.6980101


You're retarded if you're really going to stretch out this false equivalence.

>> No.6980103

except it's literally the same argument being used

>> No.6980108

Nobody wants men dying of black lung either.

>> No.6980111

>it went from balanced to female-favoring.

That's not what the data says. I don't mean to discount your anecdotal experience, but women not being taken as seriously in certain fields as men even when they have the credentials to back it up is a serious problem, and the studies show that the numbers reflect this.

>We're the ones who have to look for jobs when firm hire women for the sake of 'equality'.

Measures that level the playing field don't put you at a disadvantage. Taking away your unfair advantage does not disadvantage you.

>We're the ones who can't take out nieces and nephews out without being accused of being pedophiles.

What? I take mine out all the time and have never run into this.

>Did you know that the gender pay gap is favours women in my generation?

I would love to see the data you're using to say this since the studies I've seen all say the opposite.

>> No.6980112


Except that one conducts mass killings and the other writes shit on the internet. You cannot be this fucking stupid to try and paint them the same.

>> No.6980114


Meant for >>6980103

>> No.6980120

>That's not what the data says.
Who's data?

>the studies I've seen all say the opposite.
The studies I've seen say that it's true for his cohort: Single, recently graduated, college educated women.

>> No.6980123

It's as if the civil rights movement called themselves "negroism"
just no, I can't allow such idiocy

>> No.6980124


What's in a name? You should care about facts instead.

>> No.6980125
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All I know is that there has never be a better time in history to be a single childfree man.

Why do people hate feminism so much when it's just that women want to be taken seriously in the workplace and not be second-guessed because "lol women cant into logics"?

>> No.6980128

Call it what you like; that wouldn't make it less biased.

>> No.6980132

>lose my virginity to jake OR bryan

Wow, what a whore.

>> No.6980136

except it's the same fucking argument being used. this isn't even a debatlable point. you have to be burying your head in the sand if you can't see that the principle is the same too.

radicals operate by painting themselves as representing justice. they're only able to do so because there's no widespread public denounciation, which is because the body of moderates is sympathetic enough not to reject the underlying philosophy.

>> No.6980146

Then why not call it "literally hitler"? Dude the name defines what a thing is, that's why it's a name. I can't believe I have to explain this lol. Did you know that names actually have meanings? I know it's hard to believe but it's true!

>> No.6980155

I think you've bought into the women's rights, 'let the girls play' facade of feminism while disregarding it's more pernicious forms. Sadly it's the latter which usually has a greater effect.

Maybe you should look at some of the problems that men face and try to figure out how feminism does or doesn't help. And how feminist 'solutions' really hinder and deprive both sexes.

>> No.6980158

Because feminism has changed. Modern 'feminism' perpetuated on the media has ceased to resemble anything similar to what feminism originally was about. Instead of working towards equal opportunities, it only seeks to undermine men and only men alone (under the guise of 'muh patriarchy' etc).

>> No.6980160

>Who's data?

Women more often denied tenure when controlling for academic qualifications


>professors at over 250 colleges and universities received fictitious emails from PhD students requesting meetings. Professors were more likely to grant meetings for the following week to students presumed to be white men compared to those presumed to be women and/or of color.


Double-blind peer-review sees statistically significant increase in female authors getting papers published.


Blind resume study finds university positions favor male names despite identical qualifications


>> No.6980162

>this isn't even a debatlable point.

What isn't debatable is that you can't group together bloggers with murderers as if they are committing the same crimes, but you're too fucking stupid to grasp this.

>> No.6980166

Not peer-reviewed. + Bat shit crazy site. + No data.

>> No.6980169

People who have had sex or a gf need to be banned from 4chan

>> No.6980170


What makes the typical 4chan zeitgeist around gender laughable is that gender discrimination is mathematically proven in academia, which 4chan tries to claim is a liberal hugbox about women's feelings.

Outside of academia the gender discrepancies get even worse, and that's where I see feminism being more and more relevant.

A much more salient point to me has to do with the psychology of how our prejudices affect our perception of reality, how our observation can be so wrong from what real data shows under proper scrutiny.

>> No.6980171


go back there

>> No.6980172


All the red pillers and neckbeards going on about alpha/beta shit would remain. 4chan would be essentially unchanged.

>> No.6980174

[not him btw] Can't you see that the principle is the same? Both groups are the vocal minority for very popular beliefs and have very extreme stances on certain issues. The main difference is that one of them lacks the means to act like the other.

>> No.6980176

> Modern 'feminism' perpetuated on the media has ceased to resemble anything similar to what feminism originally was about
But as another anon in this thread is showing you, the original intents of feminism are still highly relevant. Women are discriminated against despite having equal credentials. I'm not even normally the white-knighting type, but that is a pretty serious problem.

>> No.6980177

>The main difference is that one of them lacks the means to act like the other.

Then your assertion then essentially becomes that social justice fringe would act just like theocratic mass-murderers, which is extremely hard to take seriously by anyone outside of /pol/.

You can point out similarities in their philosophy all you want, but in the end its their differences that make it such a ridiculous false equivalence.

It just does not follow.

>> No.6980190

I will not hire a woman because there's a non-zero chance that she will get pregnant and cost my company thousands of dollars in maternity leave.

Simple as that.

>> No.6980194

>Maybe you should look at some of the problems that men face and try to figure out how feminism does or doesn't help.

People created feminism to solve problems faced by women and femininity.

There are men's problems, domestic abuse laws and child custody laws in some states are very unfair for instance, but I don't get the point in putting that up to feminism.

It's like saying cancer doctors don't care about viruses. You're probably wrong on an individual basis and looking in the wrong place for these problem's solutions.

On top of that, very few men's issues are caused by female-dominant power structures or poor representation or discrimination.

>> No.6980198


What is admitting to discriminating against women supposed to add to your position on the debate?

>> No.6980201

That discrimination against women is pragmatic and economic rather than based on some inherent hatred of women or misogyny ingrained into the culture.

>> No.6980210


In your case, maybe. Other places (say, the military) would have other excuses.

Either way, it's interesting to see all these anti-feminism stances approaching discrimination against women from different angles - you have dudes denying discrimination altogether, other dudes saying the discrimination is valid, others for more misogynic reasons.

Meanwhile feminism is just chilling the corner, being right and watching all of its validations fight over each other.

>> No.6980220


Feminists and MRAs alike go on about mandating paternal leave, so that fathers aren't put at a social disadvantage and that women aren't put at an economic disadvantage. A lot of Europe already has this.

>> No.6980221

>very few men's issues are caused by female-dominant power structures or poor representation or discrimination.
Yet male students' under performance in reading and writing is consistently ignored to their detriment, leaving them without the ability to get a decent education or job. No, educators prefer to harp on about infinitesimal differences in girls' Math and Science scores compared to boys. This, even though most girls have no interest in Math or Science careers.

>It's like saying cancer doctors don't care about viruses.
It is not, Feminism purports to be THE solution to gender inequality. Yet feminists actively attack anything that may assuage men's issues. Feminism is in some instances responsible for the policies that have afflicted men. That's because it has been the default progressive ideology for at least 50 years now. Feminist thought precipitated things like the divestment of male-oriented sports and after school clubs (title 9) to fund under used girls' equivalents. As stated above itt the current hostile environment in universities is a result of feminist rape-panic.

How is it even right? It's full of so much bias that it can't provide a solution to women's issues without inflicting discrimination on men or other women in some cases.

>> No.6980223


Do you have any sourced facts to back up anything you're saying? Male students underperforming being ignored? Feminism attacking men's issues? Feminism claiming to be the only aolution to gendered issues? Rape-panic?

I'm a feminist and this is all news to me. Seems like boogeyman logic to me. I would love to see you try and connect the dots.