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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.87 MB, 2704x3226, thenewedgelordrises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6963700 No.6963700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Too soon?

>> No.6963703

Too huge. Make it smaller.

>> No.6963704

This is literally witnessing the birth of a new meme. Be proud, Shane.

>> No.6963705

who is he?

>> No.6963711

Basically, he is the master logician twin of Jacob Barnett.


>> No.6963716

a nobody

>> No.6963728

He fucking mastered the laws of logic at the age of -1/12

>> No.6963731
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>> No.6963734

when did you master the fundamentals of logic /sci/?

>> No.6963736



>> No.6963740


>> No.6963746

Right after Shane showed me how to triple integrate the Barnett identities.
Literally the greatest moment of my life.

>> No.6963754

Average /sci/ user

jewbook . com /shane.litterini

This is who you argue with everyday.

>> No.6963757

>tfw i know deep down you are right

>> No.6963760
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why you faggots so jelly? kek

>> No.6963761
File: 230 KB, 255x170, 1418176527458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triple integrate the barnett identities
what the fuck are you even saying? And why am I laughing so hard about it?

>> No.6963766
File: 12 KB, 502x128, 312312321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlightening intelligence.

>> No.6963778

no this is definitely not the average /sci/ user but probably within a standard deviation.

>> No.6963780

Fuck this is another supreme gentleman waiting to happen. I reckon we should notify the police or something.

>> No.6963786

He truly has transcended humanity.

>> No.6963803


I would ask if he has a fedora, but I suspect he probably wouldn't want to flatten his hair.

>> No.6963808


I enjoyed that every other post was about cigarettes.

>> No.6963848

its a future hero

>> No.6963879

Is this a cringe thread

>> No.6963894


>> No.6963899

le edgy pseudo intellectual man xDD

>> No.6963901

autism intensfiies

>> No.6963912

I noticed that thread but just hid it. How'd he get dawxd?

>> No.6963916


I just had to know what post it was.

>> No.6963934
File: 187 KB, 2197x1463, Elliot-Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen this shit once and it wasn't pretty

>> No.6964315

He actually looks better when you cover that shitty mustache and haircut and compress his face a bit.

>> No.6964337

This guy, His ego astounds me. That first post is amazing.

Why would you want to bother with eschewing your emotions? True objectivity comes from understanding yourself. Logical and objective reasoning takes emotions into account as human processes. But I digress.

>Irrelevant information

Why say any of this if its irrelevant? It sounds like he's got this narrow iteration of what he thinks being "logical" is, stuck in his head like its some sort of catch all system for being superior to people.

He thought he'd make it look like he had most of the answers by the way he introduced himself and then tried to present himself as humble and keen by asking a question, only to tell /sci/ to "discuss" as if it was going to benefit them more than him.

He even brought up the MBPTI, an occupational psychology tool free on the internet, as if its relevant.

It sounds like he's a walking , talking, card carrying, inferiority complex and he desperately wants people to think he's a philosophical and deep person despite being a frustrated fool who only knows nonsensical and irrelevant information.

>> No.6964349

I've been there. Probably he sees the bad things that come from emotions, like irrational reactions, but doesn't see that one can internalize your understanding of emotion to be an even better person. It takes some time to appreciate that you can utilize your emotions to make better decisions.

>> No.6964367

You're giving him far too much credit.

>> No.6964370

I was an edgy shitlord twenty years ago.

>> No.6964372


Hopefully your hair wasn't nearly as stupid.

>> No.6964374
File: 1.55 MB, 640x796, 1381118313985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ive been there

Maybe I was projecting a little.

>> No.6964377

It was worse. Ponytail but shaved on the sides. Why.

Thank god facebook and shit didn't exist then.

>> No.6964382
File: 93 KB, 960x960, 1013593_657836584254157_2380223987348342324_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ready to accept your new God King, /sci/?

>> No.6964459
File: 172 KB, 306x512, GodKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 500 hours in photoshop, my answer is a resounding yes.

>> No.6964463

my favorite scientist is lenardo da vinci

>> No.6964534


So not yet?

>> No.6964539

>this is my bestfriend irl

>> No.6964541


>> No.6964547
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>> No.6964558

implying lenardo had emotions

>> No.6964560

most genius had no emotions, isaac newton never even fucked a chick, yet all these fags are gonna sit here and say that there is no correlation.

>> No.6964562

Syr dude but u have to an hero

>> No.6964568

uhhh was that english? Or are you incapable of writing a coherent sentence.

>> No.6964578

>being this new

>> No.6964579

>implying is old fag

>> No.6964584

A pseudo-intellectual teen isn't that amazing, /sci/.

>> No.6964590

Hi shane, how are you?

>> No.6964594

sup bro
chillin playin some hearts of iron.

>> No.6964596

i'm studying logic to be like you, any tips?

>> No.6964598

smoking cigs, fucking sluts, acquiring the funamentals of logic. You know, nothing much.

>> No.6964603

The only tips I've ever taken were attached to a scrotum

>> No.6964606

dont go on /sci/ expecting logical discussions
I simply asked a question, and i got generalized into a category of faggots. it was funny because prior to 3p.m it was a good thread with progressive ideas being presented, and then it got shit on.

>> No.6964607

Well, you did kinda asked for it

>> No.6964609

>prior to 3p.m it was a good thread with progressive ideas being presented,
not true, actually

>> No.6964610

With hair like that, he must get all of the dick.

>> No.6964612
File: 77 KB, 606x539, yVai2Xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides

How does it feel to be exposed as the retard you are?

>> No.6964613

actually it is true, were you even in the original thread you fucking dumbass

>> No.6964616

I made the collage, friend :-)

>> No.6964618

>Having autistic friends.

>> No.6964619

Does your family know that you've been a master logician since the age 12 ?

>> No.6964627

Someone's been sheltered

>> No.6964630

where the fuck did i ever say that ? like honestly how autistic are you, your genes impress me with the amount of autism they possess.

>> No.6964635

rather be a "master logician" than a master virgin who will equate to nothing in life, and fap his miserable self away into oblivion.

>> No.6964636

>not writing as sum of two primes like 1997+17
>autism light
why don't you go have fun in a club

>> No.6964640
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>> No.6964641

Shane, why do you keep avoiding the issue at hand? Will you accept the no-strings attached blowjob or will you not? It's like you don't even understand the question. And no, Sebastian can't come with you. He looks dirty.

>> No.6964645

>not writing it as the sum of four primes 1907 + 79 + 17 + 11
do you even goldbach you normie scum?

>> No.6964646
File: 259 KB, 960x1280, 1419083784532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Logic School of Cambridge, and I’ve been involved in numerous emotionless experiences, and I have over 300 cigs smoked confirmed. I am trained in religion vs atheism warfare and I’m the top logician in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another pleb who hasn't being enlightened by logic . I will wipe you the fuck out with logic proposition the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.

>> No.6964647

join my skype call and 1v1 me bitch

>> No.6964648

resorting to over used memes

>> No.6964651

Damn shane, they found us 4spooky8me

>> No.6964652



>> No.6964653

your obviously a butt hurt little bitch because you got shit on that thread. and now your turning it on me (op) dude you just made my night i hope you know! XD

>> No.6964654


>> No.6964655

B-but I just want to pleasure you with m-my mouth. :/

>> No.6964657

>being celibate means no emotions

You're an absolute imbecile. Newton was a crackpot. He also was literally a cultist and wrote really crazy and absurd theological texts. Inventing calculus was literally just something he did on the side. His true passion was being an eccentric socialite.

Just because you're weird doesn't mean you lack emotions. As for da Vinci, I'm sure there were a few male lovers out there who would argue counter to your hypothesis.

>> No.6964658

New thread:


I'll give you 200$ by PayPal if you tell me his adress.

>> No.6964660
File: 55 KB, 991x902, 54sdgdsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964662

3/10, didn't mention fucking sluts or leonardo da vinci.