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File: 22 KB, 307x409, t100poll_thiel_peter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6962980 No.6962980 [Reply] [Original]

>Venture capitalist Peter Thiel is planning to reach 120 in age and is on a special diet to make it happen.

>The 47-year-old investor, who co-founded PayPal and made an early bet on Facebook Inc, said he’s taking human growth hormone every day in a wide-ranging interview with Bloomberg Television’s Emily Chang.

>“It helps maintain muscle mass, so you’re much less likely to get bone injuries, arthritis,” Thiel said in an interview in August. “There’s always a worry that it increases your cancer risk but -- I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade.” Thiel said he also follows a Paleo diet, doesn’t eat sugar, drinks red wine and runs regularly.

>Thiel’s Founders Fund is investing in a number of biotechnology companies to extend human lifespans, including Stem CentRx Inc., which uses stem cell technology for cancer therapy and Modern Meadow Inc., which is aiming to grow leather and meat in labs. Thiel said, however, that “it’s not yet clear whether people will eat it.”



Also, what's your opinion of HGH?

>> No.6962989

why no sugar? could honey be used in place?

>> No.6962994


>paleo diet

way to do it wrong, lots of meat in this diet is bad for you

mediterranean diet + lots of veggies + possibly caloric restriction is the way to go

>> No.6962997

> why no sugar? could honey be used in place?

no, eliminate all simple starches and sugars.

>way to do it wrong, lots of meat in this diet is bad for you

[citation needed]

afaik, keto diet is a great way to lose excess body fat and put on muscle.

>> No.6963000

Growth hormone every day? Good look with the increase in size of vital organs (aka why bodybuilders DIE due to use of GH)

>> No.6963003

>Good look with the increase in size of vital organs (aka why bodybuilders DIE due to use of GH)

it's all about the dosage.

>> No.6963004

simple sugar in all its forms honey included is bad for you in so many ways

but the way that is of most interest to me is how it affects your brain

let me just summarize by saying that nothing good happens in your head after you ingest large quantities (say a soda) of sugar

>> No.6963137

>simple sugar in all its forms honey included is bad for you in so many ways


seriously why. this is stupid. why? eat an apple, get fructose. eat honey, get fructose. eat HFCS, get fructose.

>> No.6963144


He needs to put more money into research. Following a controversial diet won't get him many extra years.

>> No.6963163

no sugar = no energy = he will age faster

>> No.6963177

>Thiel said he also follows a Paleo diet

>Le meme diet xD

...seriously, probably the worst diet at all if you're looking for longevity.

>doesn’t eat sugar

this doesn't make sense too

>drinks red wine


protip: you should drink like 100 glasses per day to get a good quantity (and it isn't even sure it helps)

>and runs regularly.

Ok this is good.

Overall 3/10, he's striving for death.

>> No.6963192

They say you can judge a person by their picture. If you look closely at his mouth, you can see he's holding back a smug look.

>> No.6963196

> no sugar = no energy = he will age faster

it's actually the opposite.

no sugar = no energy = he will age SLOWER

"A dimmer light bulb lasts a lot longer"

>> No.6963197

how come it seems like any discussion about sugar it's fucking unsolvable, is it good or bad?
what about honey?

>> No.6963200

nope, it takes energy for the cell to do its stuff continuously which includes dna repair. If it has no energy for that then you'll see more errors and hence you'll start having problems.

>> No.6963202

sugars are essential to life. It's excessive consumption of sugar that's bad for you. People don't understand what moderation means.

>> No.6963213


Fats can be converted to sugar and vice versa

>> No.6963219

I hope he will make it

>> No.6963223

sugar is just short carbohydrates that are used up quicker since they don't need to be broken up. They are absolutely not "essential".

>> No.6963228

>I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade
How long have people been saying this for?

>> No.6963236

>There’s always a worry that it increases your cancer risk but -- I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade.

Oh dear. That's a bit of a long shot isn't it?

>> No.6963245

You people are idiots. He's still eating carbs, just not eating shit with raw sugar like soda or candy or other just disgusting shit

>> No.6963248

stop oppressing him

>> No.6963250

>nope, it takes energy for the cell to do its stuff continuously which includes dna repair. If it has no energy for that then you'll see more errors and hence you'll start having problems.

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. calorie restriction slows aging. it's proven.

>> No.6963257

Is that Adrian Veidt?

>> No.6963259


Do you know what ATP is? Glucose is entirely necessary for it.

>> No.6963261

So what's the consensus? Should we follow suit?

>> No.6963264
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Please explain, I am a biology pleb.

>> No.6963271

Yes? Sugar isn't necessary for maintaining glucose levels, how do you even think anyone could stay alive without sugar if it was? It's the primary fuel of the brain.

>> No.6963279

The guy is clearly an idiot, blinded by his own mortality into buying into scams.

>> No.6963300

some1 should take a gun into his house and just show him that his own actions have minimal impact on his lifespan

>> No.6963335

Paleo diet? lmfao. He's going to drop dead at 60.

>> No.6963346

You don't believe eating like our hunter gatherer ancestors?

Surely we're better adapted to eat like they did, since evolution hasn't had time to fully tune us to the food we have now

>> No.6963349


Glucose contains too much energy for cellular functions, so its converted into about 38 units of adenosine triphosphate. This is how most of the energy in the body is expressed

>> No.6963350

Adrian Veidt was actually vegetarian.

And probably smarter too.

>> No.6963352

funniest thing is that his Myers-Brigg is INTJ.
I guess INTJ aren't that smart.

>> No.6963355

This is the same guy telling kids to drop out of college.

>> No.6963358

>since evolution hasn't had time to fully tune us to the food we have now

What makes you say that? European populations have very high concentrations of maltase in their saliva, an enzyme that starts to break down starches while chewing. Compare that to sub-saharan africans and their concentration is way lower. This doesn't change even with a change in diet so it's likely genetic.

We're pretty well adapted to eating starchy carbs.

>> No.6963362


Our hunter gatherer ancestors died at 30 if they were extremely lucky.

Meat isn't good for you. You're not "better adapted" at anything

>> No.6963365


That's the average lifespan, which was brought down by stupidly high infant mortality rates. If you lived to be an adult, chances were really good that you'd go on to live until 50 or more.

Learn how statistics work, faggot.

>> No.6963368


This is a common misconception, lrn2science

>> No.6963371

they died because they didn't have the medicine we have today. Most died of the flu or other simple things which today can be cured by taking aspirin and cold syrup.

>> No.6963373

Wouldn't immortality be a good thing with how the 1st world has a crashing birth rate?

You would have more time to utilize your education which you spent decades to completely pay off.

Great engineering projects such as terraforming mars becomes a reasonable task,with greatly extended
life spans

>> No.6963374

So you admit paleo is good for native sub-saharans?

>> No.6963377
File: 26 KB, 640x320, Vt4ug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he kinda looks like this guy

>> No.6963388

The biggest problem is that governments will never invest in this until we already have some tangible results, and at the same time very few billionaires are intelligent and scared of death enough to invest in the research themselves.

We need more people like this guy.

>> No.6963396

How do we convince the boomers?

>> No.6963404

You don't need to convince many people, actually.

Just at these faggots. Look at them. Every single one of them could basically solve the problem.


The truth is that they probably don't know it. They think it's impossible, just like us...but they could make it possible, differently from us.

>> No.6963684

Seems foolish, I've read making it past 100 naturally was nearly entirely due to genetics, only like 5% of people have the correct genes to make it past 100 naturally

But really fasting has been proven to extend life in many animals including monkeys they experimented on, can extend life by up to 30%, paleo won't do shit

By the time the guy is 120 anyways there will already be many things that can extend life available so I don't see the point in going to extreme measures in the present

>> No.6963724

>There’s always a worry that it increases your cancer risk but -- I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade
For someone going through so much effort to increase his longevity, you'd think he'd know that cancer isn't one disease but a class of diseases, all with different causes. We'll probably have robot bodies before we have a cure for all cancers.

>> No.6963727


Where the fuck do you get 38? One molecule of glucose yields a net of 2 ATP.

>> No.6963748
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the citric acid cycle

>> No.6963762

That's only for anaerobic respiration, not aerobic

>> No.6963979

Paleo could increase lifespan by prolonging faste periods.

>> No.6964009


In aerobic respiration, there is a net of 36 ATP produced, with 38 total, since 2 are used up in the process.

>> No.6964711
File: 49 KB, 512x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What was your grade in bio?

>> No.6964714

Wish I had the money for some steroids. One month could equal superior muscle growth/energy for at least ten years.

>> No.6964822

I hope he gets aids that would be hilarious.

>> No.6964869


>Pseudoscience garbage

Well no shit sherlock

>> No.6964873
File: 72 KB, 500x333, 1400384157552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to slow his aging
>ingest a substance that accelerate mitosis, and so shorten the telomeres that much faster

>> No.6964923

wtf, why do people think honey is any different from sugar?

>> No.6964940


just a guess, but maybe because honey is natural and sugar is factory made

>> No.6964999

I don't understand nutrition, biology or evolution, the post.

>> No.6965004

Hurr durr its natural so its good for you and chemicals are bad lol !!!1!1!!!

Please get out of this board, it's a science board, not a pseudoscience one.

>> No.6965007
File: 154 KB, 576x1541, 20111121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade.
Sure we will...

>> No.6965060


You're clearly not a native english speaker.

>> No.6965071

>what is ketoacidose

>> No.6965074

>not just lifting heavy and doing cardio 3-5 times a week
>eating healthy (low carb diet)
>and cruising on test once you're 40-50

that's how I'm gonna do it

>> No.6965080


it's 26 or 28 (depending on whether the cycle starts with NADH or FADH2

38 was calculated wrong and unfortunately it's still used in some text books.

>> No.6965087

>Glucose is entirely necessary for it
fatty acids can also be used to make acetyl coa, not just glucose

>> No.6965090

I don't think that the fact he's not a native english speaker devaluetes what he's saying.

>> No.6965092

>Fats can be converted to sugar
ayy lmao

/sci/ can't into hs bio

>> No.6965101


He completely misunderstood what he was responding to, so yes, I'd say that depreciates it.

>> No.6965106

Never go full retard.


>> No.6965585

Why are you using edge cases to argue something? Moderation is the key.

>> No.6965589

>There’s always a worry that it increases your cancer risk but -- I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade.
>Curing cancer
top kek

>> No.6965608
File: 19 KB, 309x282, 1357698707429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gif

>> No.6965693


The oxidation of fatty acids produces acetyl-CoA, which is used in the citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle can be used to regenerate two amounts of pyruvate, which can be converted to back to glucose via gluconeogenesis.

>> No.6965708

>pyruvate, which can be converted to back to glucose via gluconeogenesis

didn't hear anything about this during the lectures and neither in the book. thanks, learned something new.

>> No.6965799

> >“It helps maintain muscle mass, so you’re much less likely to get bone injuries, arthritis,” Thiel said in an interview in August. “There’s always a worry that it increases your cancer risk but -- I’m hopeful that we’ll get cancer cured in the next decade.”

There's the mistake. Instead of science, he relies on HOPE, which means it's another form of religion.

> >Thiel said he also follows a Paleo diet, doesn’t eat sugar, drinks red wine and runs regularly.

That's good practice. He'll probably live into his 90s. But only about 1 in a million people live to over age 110. Humans are programmed to decay and die. It can't be avoided just by using techniques of behavior, diet and environment.

>> No.6965959

He's probably going to get cancer. Dude is not taking the environment into account.

The air your breathing isn't purified and it gets worse in the big cities where you spend most your time. Is the water you shower in filtered by reverse osmosis? Probably not.

Are you deficient in any of the essential vitamins and minerals? Statistically you probably are.

Do you use deodorant? Of course you do, and I bet it's got lovely ingredients like aluminum in it. And this is all just the obvious stuff, there's a bunch of other factors and interactions that could put you on the fast lane to cancer.

Environmental factors can create chain reactions that favor cancer and taking GH daily could be the catalyst that pushes you over the edge to developing cancer.

>> No.6965963


Levels in the brain correlate to levels in the blood.

I'm type 1 diabetic and can vouch that sugars from fruit and whole foods elicit much lower glycemic effects. Eliminating honey is dumb. It's perfectly fine to eat in normal quantities. RAW honey though, not Walmart brand 99 cent honey.

>> No.6965965


Accept those things weren't around until 100 years ago. We were hunter gatherer's in the 19th century?

>> No.6967157

>RAW honey though
and where do u buy that?

>> No.6967161


From beekeepers, or pay out the ass for it at a health food store.