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6962706 No.6962706 [Reply] [Original]

ITT popsci books that actually are really good

>> No.6962710


The God Delusion

>> No.6962714
File: 39 KB, 281x423, moral-landscape1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6962716

The Feynman Lectures

>> No.6962719
File: 35 KB, 336x500, The-Black-Swan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6962721

Stewart's Calculus is basically pop science

>> No.6962727

God is Not Great

>> No.6962728


>> No.6962877
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>> No.6962906
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< Not quite pop but.

>> No.6962943

Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant
Elliptic Tales
Love and Math <---okay
i'm forgetting one

>> No.6962945

Oh, Turing's Cathedral was more historical, but good

Gleick is also pretty legit

>> No.6962946

Case for Mars

>> No.6962953
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in fact all Simon Singh's books

>> No.6962967

I'm pretty sure Fermat is the autor of Fermat's last theorem.

>> No.6962968
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>> No.6962970
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>> No.6962971
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>> No.6962975


>> No.6962991

This one seemed like a lot of empty babble to me.

"Hey, sometimes something happens that lots of people thought was impossible, and then everyone realize it was possible, so these things are important. So I guess, like... there are these things that are unpredictable and we should predict them."

It's a whole book that contributes nothing of value that isn't conveyed by a one-line description of the book's topic.

>> No.6963008


This is the most anti-scientific piece of shit that's ever been written. It's basically "you can't know nuffin" but for economics. It wouldn't be so bad if you couldn't tell the author was the biggest smug faggot after reading like 30 pages. Everything is just an anecdote from his life, or awkward pats on the back he gives himself by feigning self deprecating humor. Then to top it all off he includes like five pages of glossary for stupid words he made up. I really really hate this book.

Anyways, anything by James Gleick is really good

>> No.6963016


Did you guys at least get the underlying message?

>> No.6963097


Why is this a book I should read?
What will this teach me?

>> No.6963104



>> No.6963199
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I knew one of the writers for simpsons/futurama had to be a math guy.

There are been several futurama episodes where they make references, have the harlem globetrotters solving diffeqs, etc etc

>> No.6963208

this is one such professor involved in the simpsons and futurama.

>> No.6963210
File: 142 KB, 1590x885, Greenwaldian3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6963244 [DELETED] 

>le geb meme

but for real this book is fantastic

>> No.6963247

It's just a philosophical question that's been asked before.

I wouldn't expect people like you to get that.

>> No.6963252
File: 6 KB, 167x240, geb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le geb meme

Seriously though this book is fantastic. Made me look at computation in a new way

>> No.6964962

>Thinking Fast and Slow

I actually skipped through the book and read maybe 1/4 of it. All bullshit tbh. If you ever took applied stats the books is trash.

>> No.6965048

I thought half of the book was dedicated to why stat is trash.

>> No.6965138

>calling a mathematical field trash

lol retard

>> No.6965142

Everything by Esko Valtaoja
Don't know if any of it is translated though.