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File: 76 KB, 600x653, spivak_calculus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6960963 No.6960963 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest books that should be obligatory reading for everyone before they turn 25.

>> No.6960969 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6960971


>> No.6960974 [DELETED] 


I'm not entirely serious but not entirely joking, either.

>> No.6960976

Well, they say reading the Bible is a great way to make people doubt the ancient superstition that is Christianity.

I can tip the fedora on my own.

>> No.6960984
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>> No.6961025
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The TV show too.

>> No.6961030

Herman Hesse Siddhartha.
Philip K. Dick The Man in the High Castle

>> No.6961038

Everyone, regardless of profession and goals?

The Fountainhead
Starting Strength

Not even kidding. It will teach you ethics, including work ethics, how to lift and do it properly, and how to think about thinking.

Of course they are many more great books out there, but they branch out, depending on your goals.

>> No.6961056
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I was required to read The Hobbit by my father.

>> No.6961068
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>> No.6961075

This is all that you need, OP. Everything else is a lie.

This is actually a pretty good and serious advice if you're into Philosophy, particularly Ethics and Philosophy of Religion. Reading the original texts, plus some influential works written by popes and philosophers in Christianity and some Hadith and books talking about such topics and discussing them, is better than reading a textbook and what have you. If you really wanna get into it, reading the big guys in Philosophy (Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, etc.) will help you understand how such religions and religious ideas were shaped through the ages as well.
>inb4 fedora

>not Casanova's autobiography

If there's any single serious advice on this post, it's this. Dostoyevsky's works are the topnotch of Russian literature.

>> No.6961298

>my post suggesting Bible and Quran was deleted

Why? Agree with the religion that spawned them or not, I would be well justified in calling them the two most influential books written. For millennia. Honestly, their influence is all around you and everything is filled with references to them.

Or is everything even hinting at religion considered trolling?

>> No.6961321

> There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
-- John Rogers

>> No.6961336
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The difficulty would be to choose ONE book only.
Go ask to /lit/, shitstorm guaranteed.

I genuinely don't think a stem book is the right answer, you need sthg more universal.

>> No.6961344

Something philosophical?

>> No.6961354 [DELETED] 

>obligatory reading
only if you are some sort of dweeb

the holy bible is the only book you'll need to get you through life.

some other good reading includes:
-heart of darkness
-michael crichton novels

>> No.6961375
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I borrowed this from the library. Is this hardcover custom made or is it the default one?

>> No.6961383
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>> No.6961401

> holy bible
> not Holy Bible
it's like you don't even love Jesus

>> No.6961452

H. Jerome Keisler's Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach
Young and Freedman's University Physics with Modern Physics
Brown et al., Chemistry: The Central Science
Needham's Visual Complex Analysis

>> No.6961512
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>> No.6961519 [DELETED] 

faggot mod deleting my post because it mentioned the holy bible. How many fedoras do you need to own in order to be a fucking janitor, deleting posts that make you angry?

>> No.6961536

Seeing as how we're not limiting ourselves to specific topics:

Any economics text written be a reputable author. Ideally, you'd want this to cover both introductory micro and macro, as well as statistics.

>> No.6961584

I don't care about opinion

>> No.6961631

fuck nigger, not everyone has turboautism

>> No.6961637
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fuck the haters

>> No.6961657
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>> No.6961697

Great tip - Keisler's book appears pretty promising.

>> No.6961704

Once bought one of the books and I'm peeking into on and off when taking a shit. I left it on the toilet because it used to intimidate me immensely.
It's WAY over my head. Even the way the exercises are arranged is more than clever. Dude is a maniac in a positive sense.

>> No.6961705
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>> No.6961721 [DELETED] 

Christianity is fact though, you uneducated child.

>> No.6962031

What is the significance of 25 years?

>> No.6962035 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6962090

double tip

>> No.6962122
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>> No.6962139

I'm not 25 yet

>> No.6962146

Is homosexuality still classified as a mental disorder?

>> No.6962158

no, and that is a shame, that means you won't get payed anymore if you turn out to act gay.

but if you like, you can always be labelled with some other illness. Most of them will fit your profile, it's really up to the effort of the psychologist to ask the right questions so you can fit anything you please.

>> No.6962193

A super chem+physics+math book.

>> No.6962200

which would be......

>> No.6962201
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>> No.6962204
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every scientist loves this

>> No.6962207
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>> No.6962231

>defiling beautifully typeset knuth books by putting them in the same room that you shit and piss in
Leave now.

>> No.6962243
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If you ever want to be anything more in life than a infantile leftist SJW

>> No.6962263

I like it because it puts the farting in a submissive role. Everyone else wants to be dominated and farted on forcefully, but to be honest I prefer when they can't control the farts and are embarrassed by them. It hard to find that kind of material these days, though.

>> No.6962275

Godel, Escher, Bach
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
The Book of Five Rings
How to Win Friends and Influence People
1984 (haven't read Brave New World yet but probably that too)

>> No.6962276

Most people dont write to themselves. So yeah, I would say write a notebook to yourself then read it. Your own fucking book.

Besides this, a undergrad physics book.

>> No.6962328
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Good job anon's dad!

My choice is this. Honestly one of the emotionally deepest and varied books I have ever read.

>> No.6962336
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I sympathize, anon :\ .

>> No.6962344

your autism is terminal

>> No.6962348

>computer science is for people too stupid for real math/science! hehe i am smart physics major xD bazinga
>books on computer science are too hard! only people with autism could enjoy this

kill yourself.

>> No.6962366

he didn't say it was difficult reading

>> No.6962372

as my physics professor in undergrad always said
>a teachers job is not to teach
>that is a general misnomer
>a teachers job is to inspire
>learning will come naturally to those who yearn for it

>> No.6962376

then why are they called teachers and not inspire-ers???

>> No.6962405

>The year of our Lord MMXIV
>not being le ebin dawkin atheist

>The year of our Lord MMXIV
Fuck off, kid. The dude's work is only considered great by leddit tier fedora tippers and 16 years old Facebook teens.

>> No.6962434
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>all these meme books
Okay, it's my turn to post one!

>> No.6962447

>Not accepting Thus Spoke not a literary classic
>Doesn't realize the people who enjoy Nietzsche purely because of his polemic nature completely misunderstand him

Sure he's popular with the edgy but it doesn't stop the works being great.

>> No.6962453


and your physics prof was one of those fucking stuck up arrogant academic arseholes who should not be given a teaching position. Fuck your inspiration, teach the crap the students have to know, thats what he is getting paid to do. Fucking arseholes like that make life a misery for most students.

>> No.6962458 [DELETED] 


Yeah, nah, fuck you. The bible is full of crap, blantant untruths, massive contradictions rambling bullshit and some snippets of humane common sense attributed to Jesus. Its also as boring as fuck to read.

Havent read the sand nigger version but i would guess it is much the same line of archaic hogwash.

>> No.6962464
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my only regret is that I have but one tip to give

>> No.6962468

>not 4-TR

>> No.6962473
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I know this sort of Sci Fi isn't for everyone, but people should at least give it a shot. I love it.

>> No.6962479
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>The Fountainhead


>> No.6962480
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A friggin 3+ megabyte jpg??

>> No.6962482
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"The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus", or
alternatively, "On the Shortness of Life" (and other essays/letters) by Seneca.

>pic related

>> No.6962483

Yea oops... Took a photo with my phone then spent ten or so minutes trying to get it to my laptop. Forgot about the internet

>> No.6962489

I got these in my reading backlog. Should I read them after finishing up my current read?

>> No.6962496

Asimov and that sort of sci fi like Arthur C Clarke, Silverberg, etc seams to only really appeal to people interested in stem. Like you dont hear about many art majors enjoying it

>> No.6962501
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>> No.6962505
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This board is packed full of pseudo intellectual shits who think they're the next Steven Hawking because they can integrate equations. You shouldn't let them get to you

>> No.6962516
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It's not very rigorous or well-structured, but it opened my eyes to some aspects of human interaction.

>> No.6962549

Sure, his work is a classic and pretty great, but you'd have to be very retarded to consider his work of any value but helping in shaping Zionist ideologies after his sister decided Hitler was a bless. Other than that, not much but a lot of talk about not half bad music and some oldschool emo shit.

Spivak indeed is a meme, but the book in it self still has a great value and is of enormous use for people wanting to approach calculus in a purely mathematical fashion.

>> No.6962644

It's funny because the posturing ITT makes you all look like the Negroes in one of those ghetto neighbourhoods I see on cops sometimes [i.e. 100% of the time I happen to watch cops].

>> No.6962646

SICP is actually god tier.

>> No.6962648

Yeah, you really have to appreciate the sheer rigour and density of knuth. If you can work through even half of it and SICP, you'll be a pretty damn good programmer.

>> No.6962649
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>> No.6962654

Food Of The Gods
by Terence McKenna

>> No.6962657

/pol/ don't you have a cuckold party to attend?

>> No.6962695

>Sure, his work is a classic and pretty great, but you'd have to be very retarded to consider his work of any value but helping in shaping Zionist ideologies after his sister decided Hitler was a bless.

As a stylistic how to on polemics and by sheer influence his work has enormous value.

Your ignorance is showing. His sister was antisemitic and used his ideologies and unpublished works to put forward her beliefs. Even a basic comprehension of his work demonstrates he would have found Nazi'ism deplorable.

>> No.6962707

I do know his sister changed his work and that he didn't into Nazism. That's why I included his sister and how she thought Hitler was a bless ("after his sister decided Hitler was a bless"). Looks like you're the one in need of English lessons to boost your comprehension capabilities.

>> No.6962711

>implying doing arithmetic counts as math

>> No.6962713

>implying it doesn't

>> No.6962715

The God Delusion is pretty weak but that book is great popsci

>> No.6962749


Fuck you. How's about that?

>> No.6962869

this was my all time favorite book as a child.

>> No.6963134

Good, I suppose.

>> No.6963251


YES! Still got mine!

>> No.6963277

I havent read that but Ive seen the Mars Direct doc

very inspirational

>> No.6963678


>> No.6963862
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My nigga

>> No.6963964

Nietzsche is great. The only reason to hate on Nietzsche is mediocrity.

>> No.6963987

The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back: Overcoming the Behavior Patterns That Keep You From Getting Ahead

-James Waldroop Ph.D.

>> No.6963992

Are you me?

>> No.6964024

It should be

>> No.6964054

If you want someone to just feed you information for an hour and a half, you're wasting your fucking money. You need to be taught how to think.

>> No.6964154
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This one has worked wonders for me ;)

>> No.6964162

>double your dating
>2 times something really really small is still something really really small
not worth the investment imo

>> No.6964358


>> No.6964410

The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus. This essay helped me deal with a lot of problems when I was younger. Namely how to accept the daily monotony that is life and smile doing it.

>> No.6964415

>everyone is always on Spivak's dick
Aren't there more detailed books or is it just me?

>> No.6964495

I see a lot of commotion about this book around here.

I'm already done with the calculi, but we used this book, which is definitely oriented more towards engineering and physics majors, and takes the "instructions manual" sort of approach to teaching math.

(I actual took calc at two different schools which used two different books, but the previous one was extremely similar to this one).

Do you folks think I'd stand to gain anything other than reinforcing things I've already learned by working through this book front to back? I found a copy online, and from just glancing at a couple of sections, I can see that it takes a much more in depth approach to explaining the concepts. Just not sure if I want to invest time into sinking my teeth into this sucker, considering that I'm done with calc.

>> No.6964496
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Aw crap forgot the pic

>> No.6964605

I read that in high school. It was mostly a single paragraph's worth of information (when you consider intuition) stretched into 200 needlessly verbose pages. Can not recommend; bored the shit out of me.

>> No.6965349

He influenced the cultural movement called modernism, and also film noir. His work has had great influence aswell on philosophy, he found meaning in nihilism which was very important in his time. Honestly have you even read his books when you have this attitude? Doesn't seem likely, and no it's not becasue you have a different opinion, but that you're extremely uninformed.

>> No.6965927

>Herman Hesse Siddhartha
got that from amazon 2 days ago

>> No.6965950
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most of these

>> No.6965992
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Excellent book. This part always stuck with me.

>> No.6966043

Calculus isnt very useful for most people. Not everyone needs to do power series and multi variable integration

>> No.6966113

Most people don't need to tell you what the main themes in Hamlet were, or point to Afghanistan on a map, or write something that's more than a page long.
Guess what? Existence as "most people" fucking sucks. Why fucking educate them at all? Teach them to read and write, then smack their dumb asses down in a job at Denny's for the rest of their life.

>> No.6966139


>> No.6966161

If you want a refresher I would buy Marsden's book "Vector Calculus". I used it for my vector calculus class, and while at the beginning I thought that the presentation of the material was a bit dry, if you are motivated, you can find that it is a well written book. As well, it's better if you are a math major, as the exercises often consists of proofs of corollaries/theorems derived from the major results presented in the book (although you always get some computation problems).

>> No.6966176

Hamlet, in a nutshell:
>Hamlet wants dat mom pussy
>Daddy Hamlet's gone. Ready for action.
>No, Uncle got his dick in before I could
>If I pretend I'm crazy, mom will suck my dick?
>Random play within a play. Woah2meta
>Ophelia, bitch plz an hero
>If I can't have momcest, no one can.
>Everyone dies except Horatio and that one guy trying to take over Denmark that no one cares about for some reason.
>"Goodnight sweet prince"

Why do we read this again?

>> No.6968160

Don't forget Hamlet being a tremendous pussy, or Ophelia's dad being a conniving old fart. And all the sex jokes.

>Why do we read this again?
Because it's a goddamn masterpiece. Watch a good Hamlet production and tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.6968187

you left out
>randomly send 2 guys to their deaths for carrying a letter they didn't even read that said to kill you

>> No.6968209

Man I need to get to this. I'm working my way through the big SciFi books

>> No.6968211

but if everyone reads it then the chicks will no were onto them :O

>> No.6968229

eh i thought it was pretty dry, i liked dostoyevsky's other works better
as pleb as it may seem, letters from the underground intrigued me more

>> No.6968235

this was my only christmas present when i was 15 and i loved it

>> No.6968352


Have you actually read this?

>> No.6968366

Principia Mathematica

>> No.6968572

Incest by de Sade
Justine by de Sade
Lolita by Nabokov
The Theban Plays series (Most notable is Oedipus Rex) by Sophocles
The Divine Comedy series (Most notable is Inferno) by Alighieri
War and Peace by Tolstoy
King Lear by Shakespeare
Paradise series (Most notable is Paradise Lost) by Milton
City of God by Augustine of Hippo
Ninety-Five Theses by Luther
Civil Disobedience (A 28 pages essay) by Thoreau
Confessions by Augustine of Hippo (Almost all of his works)
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Hugo
The D'Artagnan Romances series (Most notable is The Three Musketeers and The Man in The Iron Mask) by Dumas
The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
The Idiot by Dostoyevsky (Pretty much all of his work)

I have much more shit of value that would make literature class in school a bit more endurable. If only they gave you the good works and not the absolute horrible satire that is held so dear to the heart of retards (See: Romeo and Juliet), maybe taking literature would have been excusable.

I liked that one as well. The 'darker' works of his seem to appeal to me more than the bulk of his popular work.

The Principia Mathematica by Newton and Leibniz or the Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell. Both are godly, to be honest, but I preferred Russell's work as it's unusual and way less known (I'm sorry for my /mu/tant preference).

>> No.6968643

someone should put these books on a list as reccomended /sci/ readings

>> No.6968650
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>> No.6968688

Most of these are works in literature, not science or mathematics. I think /lit/ would be happier to 'showcase' them.

>> No.6968738

What about GEB?

>> No.6968984

>Incest by de Sade
>Justine by de Sade
>Lolita by Nabokov
>The Theban Plays series (Most notable is Oedipus Rex) by Sophocles
>The Divine Comedy series (Most notable is Inferno) by Alighieri
>War and Peace by Tolstoy
>King Lear by Shakespeare
>Paradise series (Most notable is Paradise Lost) by Milton
>City of God by Augustine of Hippo
>Ninety-Five Theses by Luther
>Civil Disobedience (A 28 pages essay) by Thoreau
>Confessions by Augustine of Hippo (Almost all of his works)
>The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Hugo
>The D'Artagnan Romances series (Most notable is The Three Musketeers and The Man in The Iron Mask) by Dumas
>The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
>Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
>The Idiot by Dostoyevsky (Pretty much all of his work)
youre alright with me anon

>> No.6969232

You seem like a pretty cool dude too, anon.

>> No.6969812


Of course. Provided you understand the stoic concept of God i.e. it's congruence with nature, or at least Marcus' understanding and interpretation of this, it proves to be an interesting and overall pragmatic framework of mind from which to work from.

>> No.6970895


Chomsky is a fan of the book. It's not left/right.

It is anti-SJW though

>> No.6970939

Fuck da PM's. Hardy's where it's at.

>> No.6971484

He's the dude that brought Ramanujen to Cambridge, isn't he? Nonetheless, pretty cool guy, he also made a review on Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica. Here's the review if anyone's interested: http://www.metafilter.com/107360/GH-Hardy-reviews-Principia-Mathematica (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~ns441/files/hardy-principia.pdf).).

>> No.6971502

That is outdated as fuck and has nothing to do with modern economics. It is to economics what alchemy is to chemistry.
Chomsky is a retard. No wonder he would use a book that was overdue a hundred years ago.

>> No.6971517

>An old book is an old book and it is of no value
That's like saying Newton's Principia or Archimedes's Palimpsest (The method, etc.) is of no value to modern mathematics.

>inb4 economics are inconsistent
Still doesn't mean reading Marx's Communist Manifesto or Hobbes's Leviathan is a waste of time and is just bullshit.

>> No.6971518

Anything about Evolutionary biology. Reading Buss' work changed how I look at the world; but I guess Pinker, R. Wright, Tooby, Dawkins, N Wade, etc. would do too.

On the contrary, a lot of modern economics is to The Wealth of Nations what alchemy is to Chemistry.

The Wealth of Nations is the founding of modern economics that explains some pretty basic rules; todays gospels that debt is good, spending is endless, and everything can be deteremined by government, is where the mystical nonsense lies.

>> No.6971523

Communist Manifesto doesn't even try to be intellectual. It's just propaganda to rile up the working class.

Das Kapital tries to be academic though it is still shit-tier and has no relevance to modern economics. Many of its ideas are so laughably wrong (e.g. labor theory of value) a 13-year-old could've been the author.

>> No.6971538

According to the public, the most influential book is Darwin's Origin of Species, followed by the Holy Bible and the Quran, then Marx's Communist Manifesto, Plato's Republic and Orwell's 1984.

The only work of Augustine to appear is his Confession, ranked 73rd, and nothing else in the top 100. Paradise Lost by Milton ranked 44th. Did I mention that the only work of Plato that made it there was his Republic? Nonetheless, Hobbes's Leviathan was 82nd, Dante's Divine Comedy was 25th, followed by Hitler's Mein Kampf, Summa Theologica ranked 81st, Luther's Ninety-Five Theses ranked 13th, and, apparently, the most influential work of Aristotle is his poems, ranked 64th, followed by nothing else in the top 100.

Now if this list represents what the public actually thinks, then we're pretty much fucked. Over half of what's on the list are novels/stories, more than half of which are 18th-20th century novels/stories.

>> No.6971540

Your point? I merely said that it was of great value and influence, of which it was, and that it's worth a quick read.

>> No.6971557
File: 22 KB, 260x341, 519gODRRu5L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P. W. Atkins, Physicsl Chemistry

>> No.6971588

Bought this book. It's actually very good

>> No.6971590

I read all 7 Foundation books. The original trilogy is hard to surpass.

>> No.6971702
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the da vinci code

>> No.6972758

I think you mean everything pkd wrote

>> No.6972832

This thread has really been useless thusfar.

Some people suggest books, others in turn bash them. There is no "definitive /sci/ reading list". Some people like reading Dante, Virgil or Milton, other think it's outdated religious bullcrap. Rand and Nietzsche are loved and hated with great passion.

The only books to which there is some consensus are:

Asimov - Foundation
Brothers Karamazov
Plato - Republic

>> No.6972853

most of the elementary science texts of the 50-70's are good. They were written when "average" people just went into the trades with a HS diploma and still made a good living, so the only ones getting into STEM were the people with the aptitude and passion for it. Its why that book reads like a book, instead of plug n chug stereo instructions.

>> No.6972980

its literally a childrens book dude

>> No.6972983

stop posting this

>> No.6973004

There are none.

>> No.6973018

"The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins

>> No.6973025

>implying children's books can't be legitimately good
how pretentious can you be?

>> No.6973033

What is this

>> No.6973053


>> No.6973054

All of those suck. The only ones that aren't storybooks are SICP and GEB. GEB is shit, it has an "allegory" between each chapter and takes forever to say anything profound. SICP isn't as bad, it's probably the only one that doesn't belong on your list of shit books not to read, but it's also not /sci/. It doesn't teach a true lambda calculus and focuses on developing programmer skills.

>> No.6973062
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>> No.6973070

Keislers infinitesimal calculus is definitely some cool shit. I think the foundations book he wrote is good too. Robinson's original book is also good but much deeper and much more difficult (it also requires a lot more background).

The only other one I've read was the central science which seemed like a pretty standard chemistry text, which is to say I don't remember anything amazing about it.

The rest of this thread minus a few exceptions seems to be mostly trolls, /lit/, /pol/, and /g/.

>> No.6973246
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The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker

>> No.6973266


>> No.6973270


>> No.6973292

>books everyone should read
>bunch of math books

Probably The Richest Man in Babylon. It's sound financial advice, and that is something EVERYONE needs.

>> No.6973298

STFU and GTFO, faggot

>> No.6973329

Actually though I made my whole family watch it and it change the dynamic of our relationships for the better. Just made communication more fluid. Really great stuff the way it undermines religion as a spiritual experience

>> No.6973345

Stanislaw Lem is the ultimate /sci/ author.

>> No.6973347

>not analysis
Pleb. Also, it's not like everyone needs to know calculus.
Anyway, everyone should learn formal logic.

>> No.6973353

To become acquainted with at least some of the major works of western literature:
Old Testament (KJV)
The Odyssey
Brothers Karamazov
Shakespeare's major plays (Hamlet, King Lear, Anthony and Cleopatra, and Macbeth at the very least)
The Divine Comedy
The Canterbury Tales
Don Quixote
In Search of Lost Time (if you have time it's worth it)
Gargantua and Pantagruel
The Red and the Black

Science (harder to pick for these because textbooks usually suffice):
Euclid's Elements
Spivak's Calculus
Physics textbook (maybe Feynman, idk)
On the Origin of Species
Einstein's Relativity

Popular science:
What is Life?
One, Two Three... Infinity
Silent Spring
The Selfish Gene
The Whole Shebang

>> No.6973368

>implying >>6968572's shit isn't all that you need

You sound like a cool guy, anon.

>> No.6973650

Outside of mathematics (e.g. physics) everyone still does math in the old 1700s way with infinitesimals. That said Kreisler's calculus is better for this than Spivak since it uses infinitesimals formally via the hyper reals.

>> No.6973653

These are terrible recommendations. Seriously anon, Euclid's elements in 2014? Did you entirely miss the all the breakthroughs in geometry of the 1800s?

>> No.6973666


I don't understand, does /sci have a soft spot for calculus or is it just that book?

>> No.6973672

Spivak is a memebook in Math.

>> No.6973673

>soft spot for calculus
Made me chuckle.
It's just the highest math some people here have ever taken.

>> No.6973674

It's a proof based approach to calculus. As most /sci/ posters who actually post on topic are math majors, a proof based approach to calculus distinguishes them from their peers at university. So when you tell people to read Spivak, what you're really saying is "you should be like me."

>> No.6973676


Oh, so kinda like TAOCP? Everybody recommends it but nobody really reads it.

>> No.6973686

Well no, people actually read Spivak but they're just being pretentious. The book doesn't cover most of the calculus tricks and techniques that an actual course covers and it's not quite as formal as a proper analysis text. Mostly what I see are students that haven't taken analysis and want a slightly more rigorous intro to calculus or students who got blown the fuck out by all the computations in Stewart and want a book that won't make them feel like a failure.

>> No.6973700

Apostol is more comprehensive and formal than Spivak.

>> No.6973705

People know, whether they read it or don't, that Spivak and Apostol are the best, most rigorous books on calculus. I read Apostol.

Since it's just such a basic topic, it's easy to separate good and bad, easy and hard, intuitive and rigorous. It's simple, really.

>> No.6973764

Mah nigger.

>> No.6973967

The whole integration before differentiation in Apostol was kind of weird.

>> No.6974400

maybe the struggle is enough to fill a man's heart

>> No.6974411
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>> No.6974752

Divine Comedy is long as fuck and there's no way you'd be able to hold the average teen's attention with it.

>> No.6974787
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I am a robot!

>> No.6975183

Inferno is more than enough for teens. I don't expect your average normalfag to read the whole of Paradise, The Theban Plays, The Divine Comedy and The D'Artagnan Romances. I merely expect them to read the most popular works and get a feel for it.

>> No.6975362
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>> No.6975364

>he doesn't know about those disney divine comedy comics
/co/ even storytimed it

>> No.6975372

>le average normalfag won't do it. That means if I do it I must be le above average smartfag
Those poems are shit.

>> No.6975404

The Little Prince

>> No.6975406

Who the fuck said anything about being smart. Reading non-educational literature (Pretty much everything that is not a textbook) simply makes you a /lit/fag that is a bit more well informed than your average San Francisco tech hippie.

You must be feeling really insecure to ridicule people for such reasons.

>> No.6975424
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>> No.6975504

Don't you have some so-called intellectual dickslinging to do oh wait you were already i'll let you get back to it.

>> No.6975511
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>> No.6975514

>reading storybooks makes you better than others.

Citation needed

>> No.6976720


Mine has silver text on a navy blue cover.

>> No.6976722


Also, this is a great book. It's what they use for Math 1a (the very first freshman class) at Caltech.

>> No.6976810 [DELETED] 

Was you abused by your English or Literature teacher as a child?

>> No.6976909

lol, this anon and his edgy teen books

>> No.6976931
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>> No.6976956


>> No.6976968

Good book, short and can be read quickly.

>> No.6977220
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>> No.6977260


>having your face and name all over the cover of your book

aaaand DROPPED

>> No.6978233
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>> No.6978239

I think everyone should definitely read the bible.
At least read through ecclesiastes.

>> No.6978377
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>> No.6978414

>euclid's elements
that's just a waste of time

Munkres - Topology

>> No.6978419
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Just about finished reading it. I somewhat regret reading this book because it raises a huge lot of questions (900 pages worth of the shit). Very deep and kinda traumatizing :/

>> No.6978426
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My nigga.

>> No.6978428

why ?

>> No.6978819

> everyone before they turn 25
>Nuclear engineering and fluid mechanics
Yeah, everybody can read that and understand it.

>> No.6978879

Is it good though

>> No.6978899

Principia discordia

>> No.6978911

> war and peace
> edgy


>> No.6978921
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>21st century
>still reading books

street smarts > book smarts

prove me wrong

>> No.6978932

>lel epic edgy meme
Can't wait for this shit to die and normies to go back to reddit or facebook or whatever

>> No.6978934
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>> No.6978938

hehe ebic meme :^) i bet he wears bedora too :DDDDD

>> No.6979047

Explain yourself

>> No.6979069

I can't honestly say why or explain to you. It's just how it is, anon.

>> No.6980367
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>> No.6980368

>implying more people shouldn't know more about nuclear engineering/nuclear power

>> No.6980379

Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman

>> No.6981137
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there was a book on Bell labs that I personally found insightful, also a book called "Branded Nation"

>> No.6981145


related question, what's the first history book you'd recommend to someone?

>> No.6981147

Newton's Principia

More seriously? Will Durant

>> No.6981193

ITT lulz, shitposting, and a /pol/ user taking it all seriously.

>> No.6981561

>there was a book on Bell labs that I personally found insightful

>> No.6981590


I think it was this one


>> No.6981923
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What if it's a book on street smarts?

>> No.6981968

wow many spurdo much finland

>> No.6983706

ha ha no

>> No.6984146
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>> No.6984448
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I guess you guys don't like Larson-Edwards

>> No.6984504

Haha. The Game would be a better way to learn ethics.

>> No.6984561

Anyone know which site(s) (not the russian one) has all the pdf's these of textbooks?

>> No.6984611
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Munkers is a bad reading. It's complete though,,,

This is the better choice to learn from

>> No.6985119


Teahcers are redundant and so is school. Pretty much of all of the great scientists taught themselves.

>> No.6985637

It teaches integration by parts using the tabular method. Good book.

>> No.6985640


>> No.6985707

>Philip K. Dick The Man in the High Castle
Why do you think that?
I recently read it and found it, average, interesting sure and I dont regret the time spent reading it but it wasnt particularly enjoyable and I dont feel as if I have learned something special.

>> No.6985764


Why the hell is Calculus brought up every damn time there's a thread about "I want to learn math"? Aren't there more important math subfields?

>> No.6985811

I am sort of reading it and it is ok. Unless you are interested in Stoicism or looking for a life guidance, don't read it.

>> No.6985817

No. Nothing that "everyone" will remotely use anyway.

>> No.6985840

This is sort of a teenager book. It has weird short stories about things paranormal or natural. Its all written out like they're real events but I doubt even half of the stuff really happened. It's a sort of book X-Files

>> No.6985846

Forgot the image and now its not working. Book name is Charles Berlitz's "World of Strange Phenomena"

>> No.6986094

thank you so much anon

>> No.6986186

Sweet, I only know bookfi & gen.lib


>> No.6988319


>> No.6988328
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underrated post

>> No.6989545
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any matlab book

>> No.6989561

stormy attaway easy to find as pdf

>> No.6989596

semi related, but what are some good astronomy books that dont require a ton of math knowledge?

>> No.6989606

A brief History of the Universe from Nothing - Richard Dawkins

>> No.6989631

thats actually what i read to get me interested in this, im looking for a bit more like textbook-y stuff

>> No.6989649
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>> No.6989655



>> No.6989677

The Little Prince
Twilight of the Idols

>> No.6989736

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Please sit down with one of his middle-years books. Some of his early stuff was pretty bookish and academic, his late stuff very high-level literary-philosophy-poetry-shamanism. Try Beyond Good and Evil, or On the Genealogy of Morality.

Or don't, and do everyone a solid and don't pretend to know about or understanding something when you really don't. Humbleness is hard to learn but it's for the best.

>> No.6989758

Tao Te Ching

>> No.6989827
