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6959814 No.6959814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it true that africans were useless or did they built and have some technology/civilization?

was the climate responsible for their lack of doing something?

>> No.6959848
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hi /pol/

>> No.6959853
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Great_Mosque_of_Djenné_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their greatest accomplishment was a "mosque" made out of mud. No I'm not kidding.

>> No.6959859

I've heard that Egypt was in Africa.

>> No.6959860

They sure did something.


>> No.6959873

Yeah, you have to be specific that you're talking about sub-Saharan Africa, which was pretty cut off from the mainstream of humanity, despite its geographical nearness.

There were relatively easy travel routes between Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and Mediterranean, enough to force everyone to keep up with their neighbors or be invaded and conquered, in an unbroken chain linking most of humanity. With the desert as an obstacle, the small expeditions south could be fought off just by force of numbers.

Everyone who was cut off from this ended up staying relatively primitive. It's not that they weren't advancing, they just weren't advancing as quickly, because there wasn't as large and diverse a population.

>> No.6960065

>because there wasn't as large and diverse a population.
you mean because they were niggers

>> No.6960067

they were responsible for u


>> No.6960074


you're welcome

>> No.6960082

There have been people in Europe for 80,000 years, but had fuck all for civilization or technology until 3000 years ago. Are white people just retarded?

>> No.6960093

Well, I suppose we'd have to ask what that makes the rest of the world if they managed to essentially get dominated by those white retards in such short order.

>> No.6960099

Who gives a crap? We're her now, we just need to bring Africa up to speed.

>> No.6960103

you know that 40,000 years ago = ice age and most of europe was covered in hundreds of km of ice. No human lived there. That's why the birthplace of humanity was around the middle east, specifically turkey. And that was about 6000 years ago.

>> No.6960107

>80,000 years
>"short order"


>> No.6960119


Is it nice living in retard land?

>> No.6960126

It's lovely this time of year.

>> No.6960172

Who gives a shit about the past? I bet you anything once the environment is right, and the social setting is not nigger tier in africa, plenty of countries could flourish into advanced civilizations.
If it's up to us to fix up the continent, thats okay. Most people on sci should understand the feeling of doing all the work on a group project, how it feels nicer than actually trying to get others to work.
I mean if you don't you are a retard and I hope you die, every smart person has known that feeling once.

>> No.6960192
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The Aksum Empire seems to never appear in any of these threads. Oh well, I pretty much agree with these niggers >>6960099
>>6960103 tho.

>> No.6960204

>was the climate responsible for their lack of doing something?

Partial geological isolation plays a big part, if you don't believe me look up different populations of islanders and artic people throughout the world. That geological isolation can narrow the flow of information and resources you receive thus limiting potential growth.

Africans had it slightly better in that they weren't completely cutoff from the everyone but notice how it is the outer rims of africa in particular the north and eastern sides closer to other land masses that did better than west and south that had nothing but miles and miles of ocean next to them.

Hell you can't even really say it's the people themselves because those outside these locations in the case of the ancient nubians and african americans have shown to produce more intellectual capital in terms of science, engineering and math on average than those in west and south Africa.

>> No.6960236
File: 18 KB, 328x360, -ethiopian_women_903273541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should ethiopians be considered black though? They were historically considered to be the southernmost members of the caucasoid race.

>> No.6960249

Tanzania was a trading centre already in Roman times. Visiting Roman and Chinese merchants spoke highly of the cities there. But we don't have much of that left. Presumably they built in wood rather than stone, and that shit doesn't last in a tropical climate.

>> No.6960251


That's the trouble with threads like this, isn't it. People switch between "African" and "black" and it's never clear what exactly is being argued.

>> No.6960259

Southern Europeans are Africans.

>> No.6960286

I heard a theory that because Africa never had winter, most tribes had no good way to preserve much food. So over tens of thousands of years, this bred a genetic disposition to preferring instant gratification over being prepared. Europeans had cold winters and lots of ice available, and so they could bury meat and some veggies to preserve it over the winter. All Africans had was smoking and salting, neither of which are great for anything but meat.

>> No.6960288

>we just need to bring Africa up to speed

why? where's the benefit in wasting our resources on that backwards shithole?

>> No.6960289

Ethiopians are definitely black. They're really just Semitic Africans.

>> No.6960292

Seems like an /int/ern to me. /pol/ never asks, the claim.

>> No.6960295
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for me?

>> No.6960297

*They claim.

>> No.6960299

While I like this theory, it still doesn't explain how people from South America and the middle east had more advance technology.

>> No.6960300

>Ethiopians are definitely black. They're really just Semitic Africans.
Isn't that an oxymoron? You can't be "definitely black" and be semitic at the same time.

>> No.6960301

Or why north americans, who lived in a climate similar to europe's never left the stone age.

>> No.6960305

not true. some north americans had metal working before Columbus.

Though the award for most retarded native goes to the Abo. Fuckers actually regressed to more primitive then they were when they arrived in Australia. Some tribes couldn't make fire, wear clothes, or make stone tools. No agriculture to speak of.

>> No.6960306

From economic point of view, nothing. From human development point of view a lot.

There has to be a lot of bright minds there just don't have the chance, and you can't select where you are born. And think about what humanity can achieve if they could include like 1 billion people more in the development.

>> No.6960310

The colonial empires were all money losers for the European powers. Though the option was to go with out the goods and commodities that they provided. WW1 and WW2 cost the English, French, Portugese, and Dutch dearly and caused them to lose it all.

>> No.6960449

If you've got nothing but the country you were by chance born in to feel good about yourself you're one sad motherfucker

>> No.6960998

Well obviously there's more to it than just the lack of winter in Africa. Like, North America didn't have any good wild animals to domesticate to be pack animals.

>> No.6961006

What about the bison?

>> No.6961012

Maybe they aren't easily domesticated, or they require too much food for the amount of work they'll do? I don't know, I'm not a farmer.