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6958646 No.6958646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on /sci/ in debt from college? How much? Is it that big of a deal if you're an engineer making 80k or a math phd making 300k etc..
Is it more important to graduate debt free or attend a more prestigious school?

>> No.6958677

Czechs have all their prestigious unis free of charge nigga

>> No.6958681

I only pay 1k € a year for college, feels fucking great.

Also, 40k a year for an education isn't worth it. If you were to go to Harvard or any other Ivy league school, use it to make connections.

>> No.6958683

Polak reporting, we have it free like Czech bros.

>> No.6958687

Does Poland even have any good universities?

>> No.6958689

Will be debt free here, third year junior.
I'm at A&M studying engineering. The school's great and really high on the rankings for engineering. It isn't prestigious at all though, and I'm constantly afraid of being seen as some intellectual lightweight whenever I encounter someone from MIT, Harvard, etc.

I regret not applying to more prestigious schools. If you have the opportunity to go somewhere prestigious take it, regardless of the debt. That's my opinion, and I'm well aware that will be in direct opposition to at least one person here.

>> No.6958690

It depends on what is "good" for you.

>> No.6958692

European standard good.

>> No.6958694

I'd say yes, but I'm not familiar what's exactly in "European standard". We do have ECTS system.

>> No.6958697

Let me ask this way then, what is considered the best university in Poland ?

>> No.6958707

I don't think there is one considered best by majority of people. Why do you only want to consider Universities that other consider "best" anyway? When you think about getting a job, it's all the same and when you think about academic career, then doing a PhD in one Uni allows you to attend lectures and seminaries in each one of them.

>> No.6958716

>"best" by others
Because that is the best way to decide where to study. If you attend a university that only recycles students for the funding and doesn't help the students to estabilish contact with other research institutes in their field or does not promote individual research facilities itself then that's what I would generally consider a bad university. Yes, you can rate universities and that is what I am asking of you - to tell me which are the best in these regards in Poland.

>> No.6958718

>doesn't help the students to estabilish contact with other research institutes in their field or does not promote individual research facilities itself
I don't think even one of them does something like this. You shouldn't be afraid about something like this when studying in Poland.
As for rankings, I don't know, I was never interested in them.

>> No.6958725

>I don't think even one of them does this.
Then they are all shit by default. Attending university is not only gathering knowledge. Same can be effectively done on the internet. Many people in their field need guidance, experimental options and ways to apply their knowledge gained. Getting a diploma is not enough in this regard.

>> No.6958730

You are shit by default. Read my post once again and notice that I used double negation.

>> No.6958733
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>Being this mad
Hey, it's not my fault you decided to study in shitty slav schools instead of Ivy or Oxbridge at the very least.

>> No.6958738
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Hey, it's not my fault you're butthurt because you have debt instead of free education which is the same as the one you paid for.

Honestly though, I'm not mad, I'm having fun. Cheers!

>> No.6958740

Dutchman here, my uni costs like 1.5k a year and I receive about 1.4k from the government to study, free public transport excluded.

>> No.6958742
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>Being this delusional and mad as fuck at the same time
Just because I study in a prestigious school does not mean I have debt. Westerners aren't all poor like you communist block people.

>> No.6958745
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You're one of those people that think if something is free it must be shit. I bet you don't even use GNU/Linux too. Good goy!

If you really don't have a debt though, you're doing it right.

>> No.6958754

>He's also from /pol/
Good god. It's all coming together now.

>> No.6958773

like... 22k? from undergrad

my stipend is 28k. enough to make payments on the loans toward a ten year payoff and live comfortably, if modestly

>> No.6958775

22k in three years?

>> No.6958783

The faggot spergs about muh GNU and you jump to "hurr pol" instead of calling him an autistic libtard? you really are fucking idiotic, i was rooting for you here because the guy is obviously retarded but you are too

>> No.6958786
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>> No.6958788

22k from four years of undergrad.

that's only like half the actual loans we took, parents picked up the other half.

i plan to pay most of the loans off in grad school now, and finish off after i graduate and get a real job

>> No.6958805

>44k for 4 years
u fokn w0t m7
How is that even allowed in a supposedly first world country

>> No.6958813

I'm on my 4th year of Chem and I'm probably 20K in debt now (covered most of my tuition) with transportation fees (fucking $280 a month and our public transportation still runs at a loss) out of my own pocket. Didn't buy a single textbook after falling for the bookstore first year trap

>> No.6958838

Anyone from Sweden who can help me?

Will start studying soon, is it worth it to take the full loan even though I won't have to? Some people say it's better to take the parts that you don't use and put it in a bank account since the interest is higher, but that seems somewhat retarded.

>> No.6958849

>negative debt
>mediocre state university
>have a 3.6 but grad school is still a lofty goal
>constantly worried about not being able to go anywhere

>> No.6958854

>Some people say it's better to take the parts that you don't use and put it in a bank account since the interest is higher, but that seems somewhat retarded.
so borrowing money at 3% and investing at a risk free rate of 5% is stupid?

>> No.6958867
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OP debt is a personal issue. I know a guy that went to USC then Harvard for law school and owes around $250,000, so he will be in debt forever.

My other friend chose a full ride to UC Irvine over Cal/UCLA because he did hates debt. Most of the shit tier UC school get their good students by offering the full ride.

I myself chose CS Northridge over UC San Diego because it was way cheaper.

>> No.6958872

It's not the principal, I was unclear. But how much do I need to know to actually get my money's worth?

>> No.6958926

that was with significant grants and financial aid, too

base cost was like 25k a year for tuition and fees

>> No.6958933

>Is it more important to graduate debt free or attend a more prestigious school?

In my experience this choice depends a lot on where you want to work. "Non-prestigious" schools still have a high value in the cities where they are located, but if you want to work in another city then your school could be great but they won't know that. So I think the value of a prestigious school is really more in the fact that you can move around easily and everyone will recognize the quality of your school. So that's the trade-off I think you have to consider.

>> No.6959016

get fucked, Chad

>> No.6959030

>went to cc because i was a fuck up in high school
>parents paid for last two years of university (like 40k) because CC was so cheap

Debt free from undergrad nigga$. Seriously saved about 40k going to CC where 17 credits was like only 300$ a semester.

Now my med school debt on the other hand...fucking kill me.

>> No.6959039

>Now my med school debt on the other hand...fucking kill me.

Funny you mention that. From what people tell me, it looks like Medicine is in the same place now that Law was 15 years ago. Law used to be seen as a safe and prestigious profession, and so people were willing to pony up the money for law school when they expected huge payouts from fancy law jobs. But nowadays most lawyers can't even find a 40k a year job because there's such a glut in the lawyer market. In the same way, my friends in med school, while they ill be making high salaries, have HUGE costs between 1. med school debt, and 2. Accident insurance costs. As med school costs rise and med schools keep pumping out MDs as much as they can fit in a classroom, it's going to eventually happen that the cost of med school eats up the rest of those "huge" doctor salaries.

>> No.6959056

I'm in England. Tuition fees at £9k per year, but I get 6k off first year and a bursary (towards living costs) of 3.5k per year for three years. In addition to which I've gotten about 5k in other bursaries so far. I'll probably be four years to get a Master's.

I also get 500€/month from the government (which pretty much covers my living costs), probably another 500€/month from renting my apartment (which goes into my savings) and if I take maximum student loans from my home country (with very low interest) my government will essentially give me 9k€ for free upon graduation. Currently I have about 10k in the bank, not counting the loans I've taken which will just sit there until I figure out a way to invest them or something.

So essentially I'll be graduating with zero debt if I'm lucky but hopefully should be able to keep it under £10k even if something a bit shitty happens.

I could have (and still could, I suppose) chosen to just stay home and pay no tuition fees, but since debt shouldn't be unreasonable I figured why not.

>> No.6959060


Yeah I got in while the getting was still good. Definitely within 10 years the cost/benefit will make it not worth it or at least not an easy decision. Especially if you had to pay for your inflated undergrad degree tuition. I seriously know people graduating with combined tuition debts of like 400-600K.

That and along with obamacare and all the other bullshit thats impacting everyone's bottom's lines, the future of medicine isnt as bright as it used to be say in the early 2000s. It has been tarnished.

It also sucks that physician salaries are easy political targets whereas no one really talks about the outrageous fees that hospitals charge and the salaries of top administrators.

>> No.6959070
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>really more in the fact that you can move around easily and everyone will recognize the quality of your school

This is why Californians all want to go to UCLA or Berkeley. The reject UC schools have no name value outside of California and our border states.

>> No.6959072

Nah, not gonna happen, the AMA won't allow it. Lawyerfags got greedy and licensed more law schools for the short term shekels but the AMA is in it for the long game, they are going to license the bare minimum of programs for the bare minimum of seats that they can get away with.

As long as there are only ~150 med schools in the US, there are only going to be a few thousand doctors graduating each year which is far lower than the real demand in a country of 310 million. With hardly any doctors coming into the market and the need for doctors only increasing as the population gets older and healthcare gets more and more complicated the last thing they have to worry about is their salaries going down, they're just going to keep going up.

In pretty much every other industry a cartel artificially restricting market supply to force up prices and inflate profits is illegal but when it comes to healthcare all you need to do is tell a horror story about incompetent doctors fucking things up and people will bend over and lube themselves up for you.

Yeah the student debt and malpractice insurance are pretty huge. But the salaries are so high they are affordable and the salaries aren't going to change, we are never going to reach a point where qualified MDs are looking for 40k a year jobs, it's just not going to happen while the AMA exists.

>> No.6959076

shit, really? that makes me feel a lot better. not going to the best school in general, but in the city i'm going to school in it's seen as "pretty good"

>> No.6959160

>Nah, not gonna happen, the AMA won't allow it. Lawyerfags got greedy and licensed more law schools for the short term shekels but the AMA is in it for the long game, they are going to license the bare minimum of programs for the bare minimum of seats that they can get away with.
>As long as there are only ~150 med schools in the US, there are only going to be a few thousand doctors graduating each year which is far lower than the real demand in a country of 310 million. With hardly any doctors coming into the market and the need for doctors only increasing as the population gets older and healthcare gets more and more complicated the last thing they have to worry about is their salaries going down, they're just going to keep going up.
>In pretty much every other industry a cartel artificially restricting market supply to force up prices and inflate profits is illegal but when it comes to healthcare all you need to do is tell a horror story about incompetent doctors fucking things up and people will bend over and lube themselves up for you.

I think it is going to be hard for the AMA to stave off the huge forces of supply and demand. Case in point: the law is already creating workarounds by allowing nurses to take over most of the functions that physicians used to do such as prescribing prescription medicine. Cartels can slow the balancing of the market but there's too many people who want medical services and too many people who want to provide medical services that the laws will figure out a lot of work arounds to allow those two to meet up, like in the nurse example I mentioned.

>> No.6959164

Yeah it's kinda funny if you go to almost any city they will tell you that the best school in their city is "a public ivy" or "almost as good as an ivy" or "ranked just below the ivies" or some similar claim where they think it's really good. I don't say that to mean that those schools aren't actually good, because they usually are, it's just that *most* cities have as good a school as theirs that they will likely never know about.

>> No.6959169

I go to a state school because fuck ig; I'm an EE major they don't give a shit if you went to MIT or whatever as an engineer. And at my state school it's pretty easy to set yourself apart from the dummies if you're smart. So far it's been working out

>> No.6959183

See I'm going to UMass Boston, which isn't *bad* but considering the dense population of good colleges, I've definitely felt like I'm wasting my time

>> No.6959186

That is harsh but honestly most of those Harvard and MIT kids will be leaving for other cities anyway, unless they decide to stay in Boston's finance sector which is pretty palpable, or maybe the small mini-silicon valley developing around MIT.

>> No.6959221


Why do Yuros like to brag about free education? Yeah it would be bad if your education is free because some of your country's population don't even rival that of most US states.

>> No.6959228

>big population = good
arse blasted brainwashed amerifat detected

>> No.6959231

My work pays 100% of my tuition and books up to $8,000 per calendar year. That's only if I go into something related to business, finance, or computer science related.
The kicker is that I'd still have to work full time so I'd have to find a online/distance.

>> No.6959234

big population = big pool of talented individuals to select from = wealthier economy with more money to spend on high level education = more top tier students to necessitate a world class institution = more productive research and international prestige = more qualified foreign applicants making the quality of student even higher = good.

It's one thing if you're in a proper country like the UK or Germany but shitholes like Belgium and the Czech Republic just can never hope to compete in terms of their top universities, the best they can do is provide low tier universities for average students free of charge with a better quality education than american community college

>> No.6959237


Because you have to admit it's ridiculous for young adults to graduate with tens or (rarely) hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt when degrees are losing their value but are still pretty much a prerequisite for any job that isn't manual labor.

>> No.6959236


1) immatriculate in top level german university
2) move to 2nd world EWR country with crappy university
3) complete all courses required for your degree within one year because professors there don't care, list as interest modules
4) get interest modules transcribed to your degree
5) complete "hardest, most prestigious" university in one year with a 1.0 (or 4.0 for amerifats)

>> No.6959240


you can become a taco bell or true value manager if you have $20K in the bank.

>> No.6959247


That's great.

>> No.6959257

>be shitty student in high school
>only apply to local large state school and MIT
>MIT swiftly rejects me (no surprise)
>fire under my ass started halfway through junior year of high school
>kick ass, take names throughout undergrad to try for some scholarships, since I didn't get many during high school
>get several, no debt last two years
>still graduate 22k in debt

oh well, I'm off to grad school next year

>> No.6959275

Do you actually believe this or are you just a shitty troll?

>> No.6959283

Are you actually retarded enough to think the top university of a country with 5 million people with an economy of $200B/y is going to be on par with the top universities of a country with 310 million people with an economy of $17T/y?

I know yuropoor education falls short but I didn't realize it was that bad.

>> No.6959291

>Do you actually believe this or are you just a shitty troll?

>I know yuropoor education falls short but I didn't realize it was that bad.

really what's the point in arguing this? You're both assholes with your head shoved up your respective asses

>> No.6959304


A lovely conclusion.

>> No.6959311

A country with more people needs more unis, so the money will be more spread. Im not saying our top universities are on par with yours, but comparing them to a university college is ridiculous.
Also our education is much, much better than yours in general and thats what the original comment was about.

>> No.6959330

>really what's the point in arguing this? You're both assholes with your head shoved up your respective asses
calm down m8 we were just having a discussion, no need to insult us for it

>> No.6959347

As long as you feel superior to both sides.

>> No.6959365

I get 500 euros monthly from the state, and I'll have to pay back around half of it. For 3-4 years that's uh... 12k euros? Whew.

>> No.6959375
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>tfw getting paid to go to college

>> No.6959401

Don't you want to get work experience first?

>> No.6959584

US fag here, you euro fags make me sick

I'm about to finish my MS, will have total of ~40k debt, will prolly start out around 70k salary

My brother was worse, he did 4 years of pharmacy school, each year was 25k, no scholarships. Hes looking at 130k debt, and pharmacists only make like 85k.....stupid shit

>> No.6959612

Not from US or europe but don't worry US bruhs let europe enjoy their socialism :D

>> No.6959615

Don't worry friend as long as you picked the right subjects it'll be worth it.

Europes get the luxury of paying their tuition back in taxes and then some for all the women's studies majors.