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File: 13 KB, 238x200, Science_is_hot_____by_Autocon_Femme.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6952197 No.6952197 [Reply] [Original]

New Type of World View:

>Insentive is knowledge not MONEY

>Money is used only for trade and is a abundant element not paper (CANT BE FUCKED WITH BY GOV.)

>Motivation will be spread so that we all achieve the most possible.

>Goal is we will creat technology at some point that will reduce basic work so that we can only concentrate on more important things...

>> No.6952232

Take your meds.

>> No.6952246
File: 12 KB, 466x447, 1409896170857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this nigga doesn't know about artificial scarcity and hoarding and flooding a market with minerals

I swear the fags that go on the most about the evils of fiat currency know the least about economics.

>> No.6952257
File: 281 KB, 748x992, 1353378464093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>billionaires who spent lifetimes earning money would willingly flood the market and cause inflation just for the lulz
My fucking sides.


Just give me ONE good reason they shouldn't be shot in the brain ISIS style.

>> No.6952267
File: 1.32 MB, 900x3102, austerity-not-working-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>billionaires who spent lifetimes earning money would willingly flood the market and cause inflation just for the lulz
It's more they would keep as much of that wealth as possible and cause massive deflation since you have a very limited supply.

Also, the market floods would come from other countries. It's called economic warfare. By relying on a gold standard you rely on the countries that produce and hold on to most of the world's gold reserves.

>Just give me ONE good reason they shouldn't be shot in the brain ISIS style.
Oh I see you've got a prestigious degree on economics and clearly know all the subtleties of it, as well as make well informed decisions not at all influenced by jpg's from /pol/

>> No.6952308

>economic warfare
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6952313

>2015 - epsilon
>still believing in rational human beings making well-informed choices

>> No.6952322

>Austerity not working
>Figures don't back up that conclusion
>Latest figures show that countries that pursued austerity are doing much better than those that didn't cf. France Vs. UK

>> No.6952359

>ignore Iceland completely
>yfw iceland absolutely refused austerity measures and punished the banks instead
>yfw iceland is not only outshining every country that had a direct economic crack in 2008, it outshines all the rest of the countries, too

If you are going to start blaming someone for cherry-picking, you had best be completely honest aind inclusive about the facts yourself, anon.

>> No.6952370

What does punishing banks have to do with austerity? Do you even know what the word austerity even means?

>> No.6952371

>But look at my one example, my one example proves everything.

Iceland had to go through some fairly painful restructuring. And I wouldn't use Iceland as a good example of a nation that's not pursing austerity:


It's only been a year since the Icelandic crisis came to an end.

>> No.6952387

what does the word 'instead' mean, do you even know how to read and comprehend basic english?

>> No.6952390

>iceland had to go thru some painful restructing

sorry, but that is true for every country directly hit by the crisis. iceland chose to restructure with a focus on the actual fraud and how to stop it, rather than making taxpayers foot the bill and just perpetuate the whole rotten system.

And while you may have found a single article that declares last year as the 'official' end of the icelandic crisis, its economy rebounded much faster than any other country (and far faster than the horrible prognosis given to it by western banks at the time, it was literally declared a terrorist country by the UK for example), and has been in the headlines numerous times over the last many years regarding exactly the strength of its recovery and the robustness of its economy.

>> No.6952392

also, I would love to give another example, but unfortunately iceland is the ONLY country that had the balls to give the banks the bill, despite being told repeatedly and vocally that they would destroy their country if they did so.

makes you wonder what would happen if the rest of the world bucked the big banks too, hmm?

>> No.6952399

When did he bring up Keynes, or any of the ideas of Keynesianism?

Considering how stupid _you're_ behaving, I don't think you're in a position to call for people to be executed for ``having Down's".

>> No.6952402

>but that is true for every country directly hit by the crisis.

Yes it is.

>iceland chose to restructure with a focus on the actual fraud and how to stop it

The ignorance in this one sentence is impressive. The European sovereign debt crisis was started and exacerbated by debt, Iceland had enacted capital controls in order to put off dealing with their debt, which now stands at a potential 221% of GDP. Which was okay until they started looking for foreign investment, now they want that they're going to have face and deal with that debt. Quite how they'll deal with it will depend on government expenditure.

>it was literally declared a terrorist country by the UK for example

It was declared a terrorist country by the UK because the Icelandic government wanted to liquidate all assets held by Icesave, by declaring Iceland a terrorist country the UK government was able to freeze assets held by Icesave in the UK thereby insuring that UK investors-ie regular people-would get some of their money back.

You've no idea what you're talking about, do you.

>> No.6952406

>Money is used only for trade and is a abundant element not paper (CANT BE FUCKED WITH BY GOV.)
What stops the government from confiscating all (or at least a large fraction) of this element? If the element is too abundant for them to confiscate, how could it possibly serve as a medium of exchange?

You need to go back to /pol/ with this shit.

>> No.6952407

The government could also just declare an official currency and require it's use.

This doesn't stop government from fucking with anything.

>> No.6952845

>I swear the fags that go on the most about the evils of fiat currency know the least about economics.
This. Goldbugs and their ilk are one of the biggest stains on math and science since singularityfags.

>> No.6952906

New Type of World View

OP is a faggot of unquantifiably large magnitude

>> No.6953710
File: 88 KB, 962x625, 1376799704062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deflation is a massive BENEFIT for the economy you drooling economic illiterate. Do you even know what the gilded age is?

Also what fucking austerity? Cuts in the rate of increase are not austerity you buzzword believing corporate liar. Go suck merkels dick.

Iceland is the perfect example of letting banks fucking fail and allowing the economy to restructure.
Things you delusional keynesian leftists are fucking against.

>> No.6953728

Look up "Deflationary spiral"

>> No.6953729
File: 141 KB, 786x1319, 1353374303098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keynesians can't even do basic math.

>but that is true for every country directly hit by the crisis.
No it's not. Almost every nation bailed out their banks and/or pumped massive amounts of fiat currency into their economies.
You're a liar.

>When did he bring up Keynes, or any of the ideas of Keynesianism?
The entire world runs off of keynesian theories, of course he and his establishment cunts defend it. He's anti sound money so he's extremely likely to be influenced by keynes in some way.

How unbelievably fucking stupid are you? Just swallow cyanide.

>> No.6953762

>deflationary spiral
A made up keynesian term that has nothing to do with reality.

I LOVE the fact the gilded age existed for decades, lifted millions of working class out of poverty and was a purely deflationary environment. NO DEFLATIONARY SPIRALS

Next you're going to say that the great depression was a deflationary spiral because your professor told you so.

>> No.6953788

Internet Austrians are a real special kind of something. Instead of studying economics via dogmatic image macros try some more thorough research and actually traveling outside of paultard circles


>> No.6953818

Look at the economy of Japan