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6943162 No.6943162 [Reply] [Original]

how would you improve the human body?

>> No.6943166

Ability to close the nose and ears without hands.

>> No.6943173

transparent eyelids under our usual eyelids

>> No.6943177

guys please consider the downsides of changes you make

>> No.6943199

Extracting the brain and putting it in the command module of a death star.

>> No.6943203

Self cleaning lungs, or the ability to flush them out with no gad effects.

>> No.6943204


>> No.6943210

Laser nipples.

>> No.6943220

Add a thumb on the other side of the hand for greatly improved grip strength and dexterity.
Overlapping ribs.
More prominent cheekbones and brows to protect the eyes.
Male genitals retract into the body when not in use.

>> No.6943223

Self lubricating anus

>> No.6943243

not use oxygen

>> No.6943260

Ability to take impacts better. No deaths from car accidents etc..
Better working memory.

>> No.6943296

>Extra thumbs idea

Breathing and ingestion tubes get separated so that even if food gets stuck in your throat, you can still breathe.

The long, vaguely straight bones in the body instead of just being more or less sponge encased in a tougher outer layer are instead composed of many smaller 'strands' of bone that spiral together like bridge cables, and you just fill the gaps in between with marrow. Potentially make bones much harder to break, but could also have other issues - such as what if your bones didn't break, but simply got bend into a new shape.

Change the microstructure of muscles from linear to helical. Instead of extending linearly in long lines, individual strands of muscles would be wound up in spring-like configurations. Imagine a spring - the total length of the material involved in making it is much longer than the length of the spring when we look at it in normal considerations. With these new muscles, the movements of individual cells increases that 'Overall Material Length' of the spring. Add up the movements of all the individual cells and you'd have a significant change in the OML of the particular muscle strand, and overall quicker and strong muscle movements.

>> No.6943300

prehensile tail

>> No.6943342

Being much smaller and requiring fewer resources. Less food & water consumed, smaller dwellings so less of the environment is used, etc.

>> No.6943349


ability to become a cute girl

>> No.6943360

Regeneration of removed limbs, organs and tissues.
This would imply no more aging.

>> No.6943464

Naturally occurring carbon nanotubes in bones to increase strength

Three eyes for trinocular vision

An Extra transparent eyelid like birds have

Bigger ears


Increase both the size of the cranium and thickness of the skull to allow for a bigger and better protected brain

Durable cartilaginous sheaths and plates to protect exposed arteries and tendons(jugular, and femoral along with the hamstrings)

Bone plates protecting the spine

Fibrous matrices surrounding vital organs for protection

Increase size and dexterity of feet

Sealable ears and nose

Increase lung volume and allow for the lungs to be flushed out with fluid if needed

Ability to see ultra violet wavelengths as well as well as polarized light

Give orifices acidic lining to protect from infection

Regenerating cartilage

>> No.6943467

and increase penis size

>> No.6943472

Requiring less sleep. Instead of 8 hrs maybe half like 4hrs? Think of moar activities!

>> No.6943477

more empathy

>> No.6943484


Prehensile tails with thumbs, much like an elephant trunk.

Substantially improved cellular regeneration and general healing.

Super blood cells that store large amounts of oxygen for release during exercise.

No more pooping.

>> No.6943486

A prehensile chest tentacle with chitinous manipulators.

A centrifugal pump for a heart

Regenerating limbs and organs

Eyes with zoom and the ability to see different wavelengths

No hair, hair sucks for space travel

>> No.6943550

Humans grow only hair on the head and eyebrows. Hair is disgusting.

>> No.6943565

>your butt-hole is now two meters wide.

>> No.6943569

Or if we had better memory management, just skip sleep completely.

>> No.6943605

Well I guess you mean with genetics and artificial selection
>increase the pelvic size of females to decrease difficulties in child birth related to the size of the human skull
>select features that lead to high intelligence
>remove ingrowing toenails
>generally remove genetic defects and negative mutations in foeti
>remove features that lead to dysfunctional empathy and other features that lead to faulty social abilities
>making the human body more tolerant to vacuums and other dangers of space travel

>> No.6943652

This reminded me; what is the purpose of pubic hair?

>> No.6943698

>Humans grow only hair on the head and eyebrows. Hair is disgusting.

> strong as copper wire of equal diameter
> wants to discard that
> "hair is disgusting"
Why don't you go study sociology instead?

>> No.6943700

>he doesn't like facial hair
>he doesn't like body hair on men
0/10, faggot.

>> No.6943716

To be disgusting and making the old lickaroo uncomfortable.

>> No.6943719

It doesn't necessarily need to have a purpose, it might have had a purpose in the past and it was just not a worthwhile improvement to get rid of it in processes of natural selection in the time span since we got rid of our full body hair for some reason.

Besides that, it generally is beneficial in it's ability to reduce friction when skin would rub against skin otherwise and thus reduces skin diseases caused by friction. It also is a secondary sexual characteristic that can attract the other gender and could thus have a selection value in that regard.

>> No.6943731

Move the testicles inside the body, larger blood vessels so they don't get plugged with what ever you eat too much of.
Make the teeth tougher to crack.
Do something about the 2ms delay for reflex.
And the ability to regrow limbs like lizards.

>> No.6943733

Unfuck the spinal column. The design of it works quite well for quadrupeds, where there's also some nice tension structures supporting it; those fail entirely when it's rotated 90 degrees to become a stack of disks.

I don't know off the top of my head what would be better, but there's got to be a better design that doesn't completely fall apart due to bad posture.

Rejigger the junction between the airway and digestive tract so that it's possible to breathe through your nose AND eat/drink with your mouth at the same time. (An additional voluntary muscle would allow you to close your nose)

Regenerate cartilage and increase contact area at the knees so your knees don't get fucked up over time. Right now, the knees just haven't evolved to take the strain of bipedal locomotion yet.

Fix the goddamn inverted retina. Right now we've got the blood vessels and nerves they support in FRONT of the retina - this has required a whole load of kludges and hacks to get around, like developing slower but more transparent nerves, and requiring a blind spot where the optic nerve has to punch through the retina to get to the brain. Put them the sensible NON-inverted way around, with the nerves and blood vessels behind the rods and cones, like a cephalopod eye.

And while we're at it, is there any way to widen the female pelvis a bit more, or make the cervix able to loosen up more at birth? Birth shouldn't be as sucky and dangerous as it is.

Oh, and fix the thrifty gene thing; we're not hunter-gatherers anymore, we don't need to stockpile fat.

>> No.6943748

it already is just not for buttsex

>> No.6943771

Decrease appetite and decrease time preference. Humans are too monkey like. We stuff our faces and live in the moment when given the chance. This kind of behavior is not suitable for the modern world.

<span class="math">

>> No.6943776

increase the length of the duodenum

extra lobe on left lung

ditch the spleen

ditch the appendix

ditch the sinuses

ditch the hair

larger brains

more space in the intravertebral cavity

redundancy of insulin production, ie liver evolve to produce insulin in addition to pancreas, it does 50 others things, why not 1 more

>> No.6943830

Bullet proof brain inhabited sphere with high efictiant electric indestructible tool arms.

>> No.6943961


>Increase both the size of the cranium and thickness of the skull to allow for a bigger and better protected brain
>Bone plates protecting the spine
>Durable cartilaginous sheaths and plates to protect exposed arteries and tendons(jugular, and femoral along with the hamstrings)

Have fun being a stiff, lumbering giant weighing 200 kg

>> No.6944031


>> No.6944048

>Naturally occurring carbon nanotubes in bones to increase strength


>Three eyes for trinocular vision

That's not a thing.

>An Extra transparent eyelid like birds have


>Bigger ears



Shorter would be better.

>Increase both the size of the cranium and thickness of the skull to allow for a bigger and better protected brain

Bigger brain ok, thicker skull is pointless.

>Durable cartilaginous sheaths and plates to protect exposed arteries and tendons(jugular, and femoral along with the hamstrings)
>Bone plates protecting the spine
>Fibrous matrices surrounding vital organs for protection

wtf, why? Get in a lot of naked knife fights, do you?

>Increase size and dexterity of feet
>Sealable ears and nose

Could be neat, I guess.

>Increase lung volume and allow for the lungs to be flushed out with fluid if needed


>Ability to see ultra violet wavelengths as well as well as polarized light

That would be neat, but infrared would be far more useful.

>Give orifices acidic lining to protect from infection

We already have an immune system that's way more sophisticated than that.

>Regenerating cartilage

Why not regenerating everything?

>> No.6944068


manlet detected

>> No.6944073


Bio-engineer the brain to increase overall intelligence

>> No.6944088

Yeah I wonder how that would manifest itself physically. You would need more neurons evenly place within the brain. But then you would also need to sacrifice physical strength, lest having to eat constantly to maintain your enormous prefrontal cortex. This is probably why aliens have such big heads and tiny bodies..

>> No.6944098


Bigger brains does not mean more efficient brains, and bio-engineering can be relative to anything that enhances our biological processes.

Examples: external processors/chips to help us sort thoughts/store memory hardwired to us, some form of stem cell treatment to increase cortexal folds.....

>> No.6944108

As like a soft increase in power?
Make us able to re-grow shit, ala-reptile.
Also shark-tier teeth replacement.

>> No.6944113

Our knees are shitty, because we just evolved to be bipedal very recently. Redesign the knees so they're not always getting fucked.

Similarly, fix the female pelvis somehow, for easier birth. You can't just make it wider, because then they wouldn't be able to walk or run as well. Maybe some kind of hinged joint for best of both worlds.

>> No.6944116
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only this

>> No.6944280

Are you implying that niggers and united-statians are human ?

>> No.6944284

make the head smaller. have the brain extend down into the neck to compensate.

this would allow humans to stay inside the womb for well over a year.

>> No.6944292


but I can close my nose without my hands

are you some kind of asian

>> No.6944295

>Bone plates protecting the spine

that's the stupidest shit ever

do you know what the third derivative of displacement would do to your nerves

everyone would be a cripple by age 30

>> No.6945126

Obviously, less neocortex. Would end this discussion before it started.

>> No.6947133

Additional padding inside the skull to prevent concussions
Regenerating nerves
Separation of the windpipe from the esophagus
Additional muscles capable of closing ears
Replaceable teeth
Additional muscle mass for the heart
Fast coagulation of blood
Faster muscle regeneration

>> No.6947157


Body hair is for protection from pathogens. The penis is not so much vulnerable to infection, but the vagina is a ripe place for it. If you get caught in the hair, you're not getting in there.

>> No.6947169

I would want the brain re-wired so that humans depend on rational processing first and foremost and emotional processing second. Would make for a HELL of a lot better decision-making.

I like what one guy said about improving the knee.

There's probably more, but overall I think we're in pretty good shape.

>> No.6947605

>I would want the brain re-wired so that humans depend on rational processing first and foremost and emotional processing second. Would make for a HELL of a lot better decision-making.
Would make for a world filled with autists and spergs

>> No.6947741
File: 497 KB, 673x697, Keepin&#039;Cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replaceable teeth

>> No.6947798

Make humans able to be photosynthetic and not have to worry about skin cancer from sun anymore much less have to worry about getting moles from sunlight.

>> No.6947799

Make human lips have the perks that normal skin have which it lacks like much more protective layers of skin, oil glands, etc

>> No.6947802

Secondary full brain devoted for the immune system so you can tell it to stop being retarded.

Third brain for the digestive system so you can also tell it to stop being retarded.

>> No.6947805

Ability to regrow healthy teeth, painlessly, and being able to replace them as many times as you want, naturally, with zero need for a dentist.

Also, make human teeth be composed of something much more stronger and resistant to pressure and decay.

While we are at it, eyes actually made for tasks requiring looking at things very close up so this spike in nearsightedness in children these days can stop.

>> No.6947806

So cute, you're afraid from dentist :)

>> No.6947838

Not sure it's really an improvement but I always wanted horns and a prehensile tail.

>> No.6948059

being able to use more than 5-10% of our brain capacity

>> No.6948062

but if the researchers who came to that conclusion only used 5-10% of their capacity, maybe their conclusion was wrong? ;)

>> No.6948067

Some small muscle/appendix close to male genitalia able to stimulate the clitoris. Well you can slam your ballsack there, but not in any position.

>> No.6948106

Put women's breasts on the back so dancing would be more fun.
Issac Asimov

Seriously, he said that.

I bwould put an eyeball with a really sturdy lid on the tip of the pinky and make women only ovulate when they want to.

>> No.6948115

id like gills

>> No.6948135
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>> No.6948159

No aging after becoming an adult.

It's the biggest crippling factor for humans.

>> No.6948186

Yiff in hell.

People should have ultramagnetic hooves.

>> No.6948208

We evolved out of those, why the fuck do you want them back?

>> No.6948224
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giant toenails for feet

>> No.6948233

Eyelashes that dont stab your eye on occasion

>> No.6948261

Is it possible to turn off discomfort? Like the one you feel when your stamina runs out. Or when you need to start working on a task you want to put off. Or when you need to present something in front of a lot of people. Also can we turn off the feeling of tiredness?

>> No.6948863

Not a good idea. Children born without the ability to feel pain often don't survive to adulthood. To many fun things are damaging.

>> No.6949035

Wait what the fuck
I can't, and I'm a respectable white male.
How? How?!

>> No.6949041

>like the one you feel when stamina runs out


>> No.6949043

>To many fun things are damaging.
Like what?

>> No.6949047

Are these feelings linked to the physical pain?

>> No.6949284

Trinocular vision is a thing

A second transparent eyelid would protect the eye from debris

Bigger ears allow for better hearing

Have fun when your skull cracks like an egg

Why is extra durability a bad thing

Just because the immune system is already complex does not mean it can't be improved on

>> No.6949287

>shark tier teeth replacement
Have fun no longer being an omnivore

>> No.6949302

We have this, it just takes a while.
>what is mucus

>> No.6949323

All excess protein consumed goes toward muscle synthesis without the need for exercise.

>> No.6949327

>Fast coagulation of blood
Enjoy your blood clots.

>> No.6949374
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Invasive cybernetic Implants

>> No.6949381

Retractable skin packed with nerves that cover the head of the pen-
Oh wait

>> No.6949385

The ability to transfer your consciousness into an artificial body like in Ghost in the Shell.

>> No.6949387

evolution depending on the conditions of our environment over many generations

>> No.6949395

Is it possible to get muscle growth without working out? Was reading a sci-fi story and this guy placed his body instead a machine. He was in the machine for a month and came out muscular.

>> No.6949399
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>> No.6949410


>> No.6949530

>Maybe some kind of hinged joint for best of both worlds.
Sacroiliac joint and ligaments already perform that function.

The problem with childbirth is essentially a mixture of too much nutrition during pregnancy and misalignment of the child preceding childbirth.

An improved uterus and placenta would fit the bill. Allow the uterus to align the baby better before delivery, let the placenta moderate nutrition better.

>> No.6949544

Put your lip up and breathe in though nose.

>> No.6949569

The waste still has to go somewhere, so you'd either be pissing or sweating a lot.

>> No.6949574

> what is an open system

>> No.6949596

Meditation, exercise, and more control over my own diet. Master and teach. There you go. You know, the hard way.

>> No.6949601

Give it the ability to photosynthesize.

>> No.6949613

Dougal Dixon is based.

>> No.6949701

add penis to females

>> No.6950075


>> No.6950219

Lower the lifespan to a maximum of 55, with an average lifespan of 45.

>> No.6950243

>Overlapping ribs.
So they lose their flexibility
>Male genitals retract into the body when not in use.
So your sperm output decreases

>> No.6950354


>> No.6950357
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>mfw pictured a mans penis retreating into his body after masturbating.

>> No.6950398

For unusual genetic baggage to be removed or made more efficient.
This includes the human nervous system in general
The way that blood vessels block cones and shit in the eye
The appendix.

>> No.6950400

Also all that shit in DNA that's just sitting there doing nothing.

>> No.6950577


>> No.6950653

Brain-computer interfaces facilitating automatic neural backups. Interface maps your neural pathways while you sleep. On mental failure genetically engineered brain cells regrow into the last working version.

Men have enlarged breasts
Women have penises

That's about all I'd add at the moment

>> No.6950662

>tfw no knowledge of biology
>not knowing the genetic regulation involved with introns.

>> No.6952275


>> No.6952309
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Being able to consciously override my metabolism.

>> No.6954002

average dick size of 8 inches

average height of 6'5"

lifespan of 150+ years

immunity to disease

no ugly/fat people, everybody is ripped to shit

>> No.6954048
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Never succumb to aging. Reach full maturity and remain generally in this state.

Immune response to efficiently prevent cancer

Much improved circulatory system that repairs itself to help prevent stroke and heart attack

Resistance to degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and ALS

After a certain body fat percentage, convert excess energy to repairing damage, building muscle tone, or just expelling it as waste

With proper nourishment, maintain healthy and strong muscle tone without exercise

Wider range of visual spectrum into infrared and ultraviolet along with mental capacity to perceive these as new colors

Ability to integrate senses at will, e.g. induce echo-location (seeing sounds), see scents, hear colors, etc.

Ability for the body and even more so the brain to survive long periods of time with low blood flow. Perhaps the ability to induce a state of near stasis overall

Better level of mental health: Less anxiety, depression, aggression, etc.

>> No.6954429

Regenerating teeth. So if they get broken or rotten, they will eventually fall of and regrow. This way we arent fucked if we cant pay for implants or something

Bones are a good idea, i would add a different system of water retention similar to birds, so we can be super light and fast but not fragile.(if it is even possible to maintain our metabolism like that lol) So since we wouldnt be able to sweat, i would throw in a different system of cooling down, Any suggestions?

>> No.6954453

>no ugly/fat people, everybody is ripped to shit
Dangerous. Fat people are the result of poor choices and low discipline. By forcing all bodies to be ripped, these people who are lazy and slovenly and make bad decisions will still exist, but you will be unable to tell them apart from the worthwhile humans.

>> No.6955953

The world wouldn't be that bad if we were ALL sperglords...

>> No.6955964

>how would you improve the human body?
Upload minds to internet.

>> No.6956272

Testicles are placed outside of the body to regulates the temperature which the sperm experience