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File: 98 KB, 519x692, 0312-lewin-a_x616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6938615 No.6938615 [Reply] [Original]


>MIT is indefinitely removing retired physics faculty member Walter Lewin’s online lectures from MIT OpenCourseWare and online MITx courses from edX, the online learning platform co-founded by MIT, following a determination that Dr. Lewin engaged in online sexual harassment in violation of MIT policies.

>MIT’s action comes in response to a complaint it received in October from a woman, who is an online MITx learner, claiming online sexual harassment by Lewin. She provided information about Lewin’s interactions with her, which began when she was a learner in one of his MITx courses, as well as information about interactions between Lewin and other women online learners.

>Provost Martin Schmidt says, “Dr. Lewin had a long and distinguished career at MIT, and it is painful to learn of the behavior that necessitated this action. However, complaints of harassment must be met immediately and squarely in all cases. Today’s decision was made in consultation with faculty leadership both in the physics department and across MIT more broadly.”

How angry does this make you feel inside, /sci/?

>> No.6938630

Why would they remove his lectures though? What do his lectures have to do with some ass grabbing?

>> No.6938643

Oh for fucks sake, was it the guy with those really engaging lectures with live demonstrations of all sorts of cool shit? The ones I planned to come back to?

How does that even fucking make sense? How does it help the victims to have his materials removed? Leave the fucking videos alone.

Anywhere else on the Internet one can get it?

>> No.6938653


the worst part is that it was a student in an online course, meaning he never said or did anything in person

>> No.6938654


Ok, the lectures alone are fine.


Don't give a shit about the MOOCs. So I guess it doesn't make me feel angry after all.

>> No.6938673

Ok, but that is a third party website. The courses are removed from MIT's own website though, which is a damn shame since it makes no sense why they would remove perfectly fine lectures for something like this.

>> No.6938683


>> No.6938688


>> No.6938693

Exactly how was the woman harassed? Was there a threat made? Did he mark her answers incorrect when they were correct?

Because flirting isn't harassment, and I think most modern women have a misconception that it is.

>> No.6938695

Does not make me angry.
Well within the rights of MIT.

>> No.6938699

I think they should ban Feymnans books from libraries, for all the students and studenty wifes he fucked.

>> No.6938708

I bet this is the doing of some SJW cunt who was pissed off for sucking at physics.

>> No.6938712


Just Walk Away From The Screen Nigga

>> No.6938728
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, 5808557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like close your eyes niggah hahahhaahha

>> No.6938734

>online sexual harassment

for fucks sake
i remember when we used "MAN THE INTERNET SURE IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" as a joke to mock idiots

now it indeed is fucking serious business
makes me want to cry
why does everything have to go to shit

>> No.6938739

>my gf sends me nudes
>i share them with all my friends and post them on /b/
>she gets all pissed and cunty
>"Hahahaha stupid bitch just walk away from the screen ya fat cunt cyber bullying isn't real"

>> No.6938742
File: 148 KB, 410x391, Gurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she sends you nudes she is a fucking whore and she deserved it.

>> No.6938749

Fuck, these lectures are pretty good for intro level students and they were relevant and entertaining. I do not understand why everyone else has to suffer because of this bullshit

>> No.6938759

muh uva
muh rape culture

>> No.6938762

damn i was wondering why I couldn't see his courses on edX anymore

>> No.6938772

Post it then.

>> No.6938774
File: 84 KB, 403x392, 1418078334087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6938778

I made that story up you fucking retard

>> No.6938779


This is raping EVERYONE though

>> No.6938781

They don't want to be attacked by the legion of whatever they are.

>> No.6938797

Well no wonder we got so many lazer guys... Lots of BS harrasment and no safety whistle to get that steam out.

>> No.6938799

There is literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.6938814

Literally everything is wrong with this.

>> No.6938817

This should do it. This should make him want to go there and grab dat ass for himself!

>> No.6938829

Worst part on his side is, he isn't going to get a job no more.Most likely.

>> No.6938830
File: 143 KB, 560x323, lewin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in like a wrecking ball
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung
Left me crashing in a blazing fall
All you ever did was wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me

>> No.6938835

Well he doesn't need to since he is retired.

>> No.6938856

>Just like Jackie at UVA

>> No.6938867

Yeah right. Theatre...

>> No.6938874

Well they don't call him Walter Q Lewin for nothing.

>> No.6938876

We'll see.

>> No.6938930

I'm downloading them right now.

>> No.6938944


>> No.6938969
File: 169 KB, 600x450, ABtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


downloading these all now before they get taken down

>> No.6938973


how do you download the second and the third one without taking one file at a time?

there are no torrent links

>> No.6938975


haven't figured it out yet, just gonna be click happy going down the list

>> No.6938976

So let me get this straight

>complimenting a girl in public is harassment
>being a white male in a STEM major is harassment to women
>Flirting with a girl online is harassment

Unless he was spreading his ass hole on webcam and jerking off, I don't think what he did was worthy of removing all of his lectures. Countless hours of teaching and shaping minds and helping them develop an understanding of the world around them all gone because of "hey show me your tits" or something along those lines.

>> No.6938981

>Unless he was spreading his ass hole on webcam and jerking off, I don't think what he did was worthy of removing all of his lectures
The thought of him actually doing that made me laugh out loud for some reason.

>> No.6938984

Just use the DownThemAll addon.

>> No.6938985

at the bottom next to other files it says Archive BitTorrent. The 106.7kb size file

>> No.6938986


That's only for kinematics/mechanics

>> No.6938990

Using Downthemall and just deleting the duplicates afterward.

>> No.6938992

>Unless he was spreading his ass hole on webcam and jerking off

You don't know that he wasn't doing that.

>> No.6938996

Just filter on "300k.mp4"

>> No.6939002

Have you ever wondered why you have no gf, or why you still a virgin?

>> No.6939007
File: 48 KB, 566x800, Roman Polanski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this logic, all of Roman Polanski's films should be removed from sale and from public view. Of course in reality, the world is full of double standards.

>> No.6939008

Dont you understand, Lewin's behavior was problematic!


>> No.6939010

fuck this gay earth

>> No.6939011

>replying to funposts :^)

>> No.6939016

Does MIT own Feynman's books, or Polanski's films?

>> No.6939019

The videos haven't been deleted from youtube, just unlisted.


>> No.6939027
File: 55 KB, 500x375, jfjfjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news. Isaac Newton discovered to have sexually harassed a woman, therefore all of physics is incorrect. Gravity is removed from school textbooks.

>> No.6939030

The playlist doesn't work. We need a pastebin of all the links.

>> No.6939040

Maybe it has something to do with his contract?
As in, maybe he still makes money off the lectures online?

Sexual harassment is still sexual harassment, do you think it's fair that a student should have to go through that in a learn environment?

>> No.6939041

You can just paste the playlist link in youtube-dl if you want to download from youtube. Otherwise you can just watch it from youtube using that link.

>> No.6939043

>As in, maybe he still makes money off the lectures online?
No, since these removed lectures were released under the Creative Commons License.

>> No.6939046

>believing that sexual harassment is real

go back to tumbblit you retarded leftist SJW libtard feminazi faggot

>> No.6939052

Well, shit - I can still see why they took them offline though, I doubt MIT wants its named affiliated with him now.

I don't even know if this is a troll or not

>> No.6939056


People are only human, they make mistakes. Everyone from a distinguished physics professor to the 60 year old janitor at the local school are capable of fucking up and giving into their instincts.

So basically, nothing to see here. Just because he is a smart dude doesn't mean he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of his actions like the rest of us.

>> No.6939058

Not physically harassed, though, but using the carrier pidgeon correspondece. Still, an awful and disgusting crime which will hopefully make all of humanity convert back to christianity.

>> No.6939061

post mechanics please

>> No.6939062


Fair enough, but that doesn't mean everyone else should be limited in their access to these lecture videos

>> No.6939064

can you post mechanics

>> No.6939066


Their goal isn't to limit access, they just don't want his name affiliated with theirs, probably.

>> No.6939067


There is a torrent or mechanics in that first link

>> No.6939076


That's basically it. A renowned institution such as MIT doesn't want a man known to sexually harass students on their payroll under their name. Same as why any employer wouldn't hire a sex offender because it puts a bad name on the company and creates unnecessary risk.

>> No.6939095

wasn't Newton gay?

>> No.6939097
File: 217 KB, 1366x768, IMG_11122014_001504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6939100

>under the Creative Commons License
how does this relate to (not) making money at all?

BTW, this kind of posts usually attract poltards, the kind of faggots that moot wanted to leave...

>> No.6939110


>> No.6939111

Can someone make a torrent of the lectures

>> No.6939121


Oh right, I forgot MIT isn't spelled NFL
Regardless of their goal, it has consequences that result in limited access to the material released under a a CCL.

>> No.6939137

Virgin ≠ Gay

>> No.6939150

keep telling yourself that

>> No.6939152

Is he senile?

>> No.6939161

>tfw brown
>don't have to worry about nonsense like this
It must be hard to be white.

>> No.6939188


>> No.6939209

>do you think it's fair that a student should have to go through that in a learn environment?

What, exactly did the student go through?

>> No.6939215

Good riddance. And nothing of value was lost.

Sexism and harassment need to be fought immediately. Just because he made some videos, he doesn't have the right to commit rape crimes.

>> No.6939221

Just stop your le ebbin trolling, nobody is falling for it, kiddo. 2/10 for making me reply.

>> No.6939223

>it's impossible to punish crimes without destroying everything of value the perpetrator produced, ever

>> No.6939243

the article clouts what actually happens in ambiguity. and like all media, they try to play shit up. I remember when an article read "Plane forced to land after accusations of drug smuggling" was actually a head-strong women becoming super-offended after a flight attendant joked about crack-cocaine that she reported terrorism to the flight marshal

>> No.6939245

It looks like they're all being uploaded to Youtube by "For the Allure of Physics"


>> No.6939258


I'm perfectly okay with them being taken down, they can be posted anywhere else if no commission is being made on them

>> No.6939262

It is certainly not ok if the primary source of such material gets pulled you fucking moron.

>> No.6939265

Sexual harassment online. If the heads of MIT fine the evidence online good enough to decide to cut all ties with him, then I'm likely to take their word over somebody who's inclined to believe that the woman just wants to ruin this man's life for no reason.

>> No.6939273

why? they're all going on Youtube.

>> No.6939274

Enjoy your DMCA, idiot.

>> No.6939277

>the article clouts what actually happens in ambiguity. and like all media, they try to play shit up.
I doubt MIT would release info on the incident. Why would they? They don't want this to be wide spread - it'd ruin their image.

>> No.6939279

Why would this make me angry? MIT made the right decision.

He violated policy and potentially damaged the school's reputation. Why would they keep the videos up?

>> No.6939292

see >>6939223

>> No.6939294

Who can you blame? They don't want their name affiliated with him any longer. End of. The videos won't be taken down for copy right claims because it was published under the creative commons license.

>> No.6939304

>sexual harassment via online course

unless it was dick pics, I probably think its something more along the lines of "hey, sweetheart, if you dont understand this - try going to the library ok?"


>> No.6939308


I laugh every time a situation like this comes up and people get mad at a private organization for exercising their protected rights and privileges rather than the legal system that allows this sort of thing in the first place.

>> No.6939311


As far as I'm concerned, there were already free to view. Maybe he got royalties when people actually subscribe to the online course but that can easily be changed

>> No.6939320

If that were the case I'm sure there'd be some sort of contract, it's easier to take the videos down than to hire a bunch of lawyers.
Yes. The staff at MIT all decided that something like him calling a student "sweetheart" constituted sexual harassment and wanted to get rid of his lectures. 4chan's knee-jerk reaction is to call anything labeled "sexual harassment" into something that MUST have been the woman's fault and the political correctness of a well established university. Get over yourself and your stupid world view.

>> No.6939324

Why's that? Just because you're legally allowed to do something doesn't mean that you should.

>> No.6939325

That's a ridiculous exaggeration of what's happening though. This is educational material with MIT's name on it and in these cases the professor is as much an MIT representative as he is an educator. It'd be a terrible idea to keep that up.

This would be a different discussion if this involved censoring research, but that's not the case. It's just learning material.

>> No.6939326

There's no reason they shouldn't cut all ties to Lewin, it could cause an incident that isn't worth a few free online lectures.

>> No.6939331


Did they remove the CC from it?

>> No.6939332

No, he's just retarded.

>> No.6939334


Why not? Do you feel you have the authority to decide what is and isn't in the best interest of MIT?

>> No.6939337


Irrelevant. You can comment on things that someone decides to do without having authority over them.

>> No.6939343


Women ruin everything.

>> No.6939347 [DELETED] 


sure is #SJW here.

>> No.6939350


And you don't know that he wasn't. For all we know, all he said was, "okay cutie, when you do this do this and blah blah", and she got offended because he called her cutie.

>> No.6939354

His lectures were way too good for people like me to deserve them anyway... His lectures gave me new hope for life because I used to believe it was all asinine and everything before me was shit. Truly there are great minds, just watching a video of his would make you jealous, and his appreciation and excitement for previous physicists opened me up more so than any physics professor I've had in the past.

>> No.6939362

>implying this stereotype isnt the result of constantly reading about similar stories in the news

I dont hate women, nor condemn the institution;
I'm merely remarking on the tendentious nature of these circumstances

>> No.6939367

>calls someone's world view stupid
>tries to backs up this claim by appealing to authority

back to tumblr with you

>> No.6939368

>People in positions of authority should be allowed to abuse their authority if they are accomplished

This is how you sound ITT

>> No.6939376
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 1398207008234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have u ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
so many SJW cry rape and accuse people of sexual harassment that every time I hear a case like this I have my doubts

even if it does prove to be true; its just a sad reflection of how SJW's are actually pushing people against women

>> No.6939379

If you're too illiterate to read the actual posts, sure.

>> No.6939382


>> No.6939383

>I shall paraphrase an argument by circumventing its central points and taking it entirely out of context. Hah! That will show them! I bet they are too retarded to know what a fallacy even is!

>> No.6939389

This has got to be bait; I couldn't make such a vague and unclear statement while pretending to have a strong opinion even if I tried.

>People in positions of authority
To be clear, are you referring to the lecturer in question, or the people in charge of removing the videos?

>> No.6939391

Excuse me. There has been a lot of misinformation spread about this case, so I'd like to take the opportunity and clear the air.

I'm a current MIT student who helped oversee this incident on the Panel for Micro-aggression, so I have a better idea than most as to what happened. Certainly this is an emotional case, so tensions would have run high no matter what the ruling.

That being said, Professor Lewin wrote a statement in email correspondence that we deemed to be inappropriate given his position of authority. The female student that was involved had been doing well in the course and after sending back one graded homework in particular he wrote, "Great work as usual [name redacted]. It's amazing that a young woman as smart as you doesn't have a boyfriend."

Perhaps you can see how the student would, and did, feel threatened by this statement. On a personal note, this resonated strongly with me as a female (something that I made clear during Professor Lewin's proceedings). Of course I wasn't alone. I think everyone involved agreed this was a severe micro-aggression and rather inexcusable breach of trust on the professor's part. That isn't to downplay any of Professor Lewin's contributions over his career, but he made a choice and paid the consequences.

>> No.6939395
File: 36 KB, 520x416, 1400204495295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MIT is indefinitely removing Lewin’s online courses, in the interest of preventing any further inappropriate behavior.
>in the interest of preventing any further inappropriate behavior.

Yes, because removing an acclaimed set of video lectures for everyone is totally going to end "sexual harassment" in their online courses.

How do these chucklefucks even manage to eat and breathe?

>> No.6939397

Well-written bait, but still rather obvious.

>> No.6939399

Proof or fuck off.

>> No.6939439

Great post as usual anon. It's amazing that a grill as smart as you doesn't have a boyfriend.

>> No.6939441

post waves

>> No.6939451

"Even if this case proves that this man has sexually assaulted a man (which might as well be proven seeing as how MIT knows what happened) my per-concieved notion of how all of this played out and of sexual harassment"

>SJW cry rape and accuse people of sexual harassment that every time I hear a case like this I have my doubts

Studies have found that police typically classify between 1.5 and 8% of rape accusations as unfounded, unproven or false, however researchers say those determinations are often dubious. The "conventional scholarly wisdom," according to American law professor Michelle J. Anderson, is that two percent of rape complaints made to the police are false.

MIT has deemed this a case of sexual harassment, it was online so of course they have the proof, on top of that, if we were to look at the statistics only then we should come to the conclusion that this is true.

All evidence comes to the fact that this was a case of sexual harassment. You believe what you want to believe.

The actual reason is because they don't want their name affiliated with him anymore.
But sure.
Live in your bubble. :)

>> No.6939462

>"they don't want their name affiliated with him anymore"
>this will somehow end "sexual harrassment" in their online courses

Either you didn't read my post and decided you could reply anyways, or you are legitimately retarded.

>> No.6939465

My entire point is that it won't.
But they don't care about sexual harassment, just how it makes them look.

>> No.6939497

>"I'm going to make vague statements and then twist them around to pretend I was right all along!"

I actually agreed with your point, but in no way was saying "The actual reason..." indicative of your true position, as you could really have just twisted it in any way to make yourself "right" after the fact.

Are you purposefully trying to make garbage arguments, or do you just have a poor grasp of making coherent responses?

>> No.6939498

Why do bad things always happened to old white scientist men?

>> No.6939500

I didn't understand that you didn't genuinely think that was their actual argument. Sorry.

>> No.6939515


>> No.6939523

I'm actually mad OP holy shit....

>> No.6939525

SJW's what?

>> No.6939610

So what exactly did he say?

>> No.6939748

Seems like a tremendous waste to destroy knowledge just because the author of it later did something bad.

Also everyone knows many old geezers turn ass-grabingly perverted once they're too old to give a fuck, this will happen again and again.
We need to remedy this situation now and forward the idea that there is a big difference between a perpetrator and a perpetrators history.
We only make these type of crime a lot worse if we allow it to destroy mountains of good work that is of public interest and benefit.

We should launch a T-shirt campaign or something "It's okay to be educated by a rapist-junkie-thief" could be the slogan.

>> No.6939754

they know it's fine but they care about donor money. dollars dont come if you have bad image.

>> No.6939760

I'm sure they do, but we need like get it into the public perception that it is okay to have educated somebody even if you later in life wanted to have sex with them.
So that donors would actually miscredit MIT for 'burning books on the digital bonfire' so to speak.

>> No.6939773

they dont care about educating people

>> No.6939779


Welcome to the world of at-will employment and quasi-judicial immunity.

>> No.6939783

>why does everything have to go to shit

>> No.6939810


>> No.6939828
File: 128 KB, 1082x948, feminism-always-a-solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he harassed me
>therefore his views have no scientific merit
this is what MIT actually believes

>> No.6939837

Women judge things subjectivly, whatever they feel is right is true for them regardless of circumstances in the external world.
This is the reason they appear to have such a shroud of enigma for males. Once you grasp this this basic paradigm you can make sense of all female behavior.

>> No.6939842

>online course
>sexual harassment

>> No.6939845
File: 51 KB, 500x747, No-means-no-yes-means-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone doesn't like something he said, REMOVE HIS LECTURES IMMEDIATELY!!!!

jesus fucking christ... USA has turned into a complete shithole.

>> No.6939848

Soooo Hitler won?

>> No.6939856

Ernest Hemingway was a womanizing drunk racist, and we still read his shit. what the fuck.

>> No.6939866

not for long I'm sure

>> No.6939882

>womanizing drunk racist

and that's bad because...?

i mean i get the drinking part but...

>> No.6939888
File: 26 KB, 288x460, it has a multipage description of a penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my point was that there are alot of degenerates and criminals who were/are brilliant, and we still read them.

>> No.6939916

He died in the 60s and someone still makes money off his works. What the fuck.

>> No.6939919

No sometimes means "Maybe, but you got to do better than that" or "Yes, but I don't want to seem too cheap or slutty". The real feminism is the fight against slutshaming. When porn stars can get ordinary jobs after their carreers.

>> No.6939923

It's not about authority, it's about attracting the right people. Authority does that for some personalities, but not all.

>> No.6939930

Seriously man, don't take this theatre seriously. It is a theatre and needs to be treated as one.

>> No.6939931

You will not be in a position where it matters whether you sexually harass someone though.

>> No.6939934

Sometimes a convicted criminal writes a book. Usually sells really well. People are curious about destructive / strange behaviours.

>> No.6939942
File: 112 KB, 1280x1280, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grabbing now thx m7

>> No.6939944

Pretty sure that they can't profit from the book detailing their crimes, though.

>> No.6939945

I wonder what he did.

>> No.6939950

Their regular playground is inaccessible for the moment

>> No.6939954

he was a male

>> No.6939955

Why not?

>> No.6939963


>> No.6939980

Ok. Maybe in the USA. Not aware of any such law in my jurisdiction.

>> No.6939983


>> No.6940223

Does anyone know what the alleged harassment was?

>> No.6940280

It doesn't matter, because now the "victim" has just harassed everyone in the world who would like to watch these lectures.

Fuck this world, holy fucking shit.

>> No.6940283

Yup, pulling the lectures is bullshit. I can understand firing him if he was propositioning them for sex or sending dick picks or some shit, but why they pulled the lectures is beyond me.

>> No.6940289

a WOMAN accused a MAN, therefore the man must be guilty!

>> No.6940291

Not the victim anon. Of course someone should be able to report harassment.
Judging from the article linked by Op there is no reason to doubt it actually ocured.
If you read between the lines it's quite clear they've had chat-logs and probably even admission on Mr Lewin's part.

The blame here doesn't lie with the victim(s), the blame lie with the MIT faculty who decided the best course of action was to pull the material.
That's where we should focus our righteous anger.

>> No.6940303

I have seen too many false 'rape' accusations in y life. Give me physical evidence: photos / videos of violence, neighbours saying you screamed 'No, Stop, etc', scratch marks, ANYTHING physical. Not just word vs word.

>> No.6940330

He's not accused for rape anon, he's accused for having breached a MIT policy he signed as a teacher.
Remember that the people of MIT investigating these accusations are friendly towards Lewin and that the investigation
was conducted over the course of more than a month. There is very little doubt this harassment claim should be at all sketchy given the response.

Again, focus your anger towards the MIT faculty for responding this way. Blaming the victim for this is a lot like shooting the messenger.

>> No.6940347

She already had the course, what does she care if the rest of us can't.

>> No.6940358
File: 734 KB, 1226x1500, remember THE MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, just because we all hate them feminazis doesn't mean everything any women says, or even anything a feminazi say, is a lie.
We shouldn't let a bunch of retards polarize the situation so we too become retarded, only on the opposite side.
We should stay neutral and focused like the coldly calculating cockswagering manly men that we all strive to be on the best of days.
We should not become a bunch of whiny little pussies that scream foul whenever a women call one of us out for doing some random bullshit.

Sometimes, or even quite frequently, we are in error and we should be able to admit that.

>> No.6940365

Most of this thread is /pol/ making statements with no evidence. Harden the fuck up /sci/.

>> No.6940372

>Also, just because we all hate them feminazis doesn't mean everything any women says, or even anything a feminazi say, is a lie.
Of course not. I am pretty sure whatever she said was true. I am also sure that she felt that the damage to her was so great that she'd ruin an old man's life and put the education he provides others' in jeopardy because of the damage she suffered. I am also sure that she was 100% wrong in that cost-benefit analysis The thousands of people who would use those lectures to help themselves out because they didn't have someone giving them a ride to fucking MIT now won't be able to and this is how she measured her victimhood at receiving "problematic" messages or advances.

And that's charitably assuming she even did consider this.

You see what I mean, buddy?

>> No.6940374

He said something mildly inappropriate and they go into full book burning mode? That's insanely creepy.

>> No.6940376 [DELETED] 

>full book-burning mode
Welcome to academia. This is what institutions of higher learning find appropriate. I'm sure this won't affect the quality of education at MIT at all.

>> No.6940378

>full book-burning mode
Welcome to academia. This is what institutions of higher learning find appropriate. I'm sure this won't affect the quality of education at MIT at all.

>> No.6940388

Well you echo my sentiment in all but how you frame her responsibility in this. She is not clearly responsible for having the lectures pulled, MIT is directly responsible for that response.
If you wanna blame her for this for reporting it that's a fucking weird way to frame it, if you wanna play it like that why not place the blame on Mr Lewin for jeopardizing all his work chasing tail?

Not at MIT no, but 'MIT open' is a asset that reaches student all across the world, you know like even people
too poor to go to places like MIT had easy access to some real quality education there, 8.01 was excellent.

>> No.6940392

>if you wanna play it like that why not place the blame on Mr Lewin for jeopardizing all his work chasing tail?
He's an idiot for doing it. No question at all. Please don't take my disapprobation of this woman's actions for an excuse for his behavior. It is not.

>> No.6940395

OT, but I tried instructing two physics students, both females, for one semester.
It ended very badly.
One wanted to fuck me, then accused me of rape, - police: no charges.. the other one wanted a relationship; I was ok at first, then rejected her. Rape! No evidence, no charges!
Fucking women!!!

>> No.6940403

I dont feel anything. Show me the transcript the alleged victim submitted and then I will have an opinion.

>> No.6940404

Women are such an insanely high risk to do anything with. Why do pussies have to be so awesome tho?

I wonder, if I started a false rape insurance company which would offer top notch represenation for any legal or extra-legal actions taken, what would I have to charge?

>> No.6940410

hahaha that's adorable, you think there's anything you can do against feeling based judgement

>> No.6940412

>Because flirting isn't harassment
It kinda is in a student-professor situation

>> No.6940413

It depends on context, but without the transcript we can't say shit.

>> No.6940417

I agree. It might be legit harassement. It might be some sjw bullshit. We don't know

>> No.6940418

>So let me get this straight

>A list of examples with no cites or evidence.

No, you got it crooked.

>> No.6940422

>What, exactly did the student go through?

Something that caused MIT to respond like this.

>> No.6940430

>Just stop your le ebbin trolling, nobody is falling for it, kiddo. 2/10 for making me reply.

I'm sorry son, you're wrong:


>> No.6940436

>sure is #SJW here.

Did you see the post _just_ above yours?


>Women ruin everything.

Sure, sometimes, hypocritical assholes cry wolf and ruin thing. But sometimes, there really is a misogynist involved.

>> No.6940439
File: 27 KB, 704x528, because-of-society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making advances is now misogyny

>> No.6940440

>Women judge things subjectivly, whatever they feel is right is true for them regardless of circumstances in the external world.
>This is the reason they appear to have such a shroud of enigma for males. Once you grasp this this basic paradigm you can make sense of all female behavior.


Both women want street harassment to end, because it hurts both of them in different ways.

No, that can't be it, I'm sure your interpretation, "Women are secretly crazy mutants," is the right one.

>> No.6940442

>Something that caused MIT to respond like this.
SJW gurl accuse some guy!
Judge, jury & execution all in one place!

>> No.6940443

>It doesn't matter, because now the "victim" has just harassed everyone in the world who would like to watch these lectures.

I'm sure she personally ordered MIT to do this.

>> No.6940448
File: 37 KB, 527x239, 8-year-old-MALE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, so only men should have to consider the consequences of their actions?

>> No.6940450

>a WOMAN accused a MAN, therefore the man must be guilty!

>He said something mildly inappropriate and they go into full book burning mode? That's insanely creepy.

>SJW gurl accuse some guy!
>Judge, jury & execution all in one place!

>I have no evidence what happened either way, therefore injustice must have occurred.

Step up, Sempais A, B and C.

>He's an idiot for doing it. No question at all. Please don't take my disapprobation of this woman's actions for an excuse for his behavior. It is not.

Do tell me what she did that was wrong. Report sexual harassment? Or are you saying that MIT is lying when they say she was harassed?

>> No.6940453

muh first world problems

To be fair, Polanski's films suck.
Oh, and he actually raped a 13 year old girl.

>> No.6940456

people's lives are ruined for no reason all the time

Ideally there ought to be standards of proof, full public graphic disclosure of the videos lewin sent or the comments he made. Though I guess MIT is a private university and Lewin is an oven dodger


>> No.6940457

>No evidence at all either way is evidence that it was just "making advances."

And while we're at it: Teachers should not make advances towards their students.

>oh, so only men should have to consider the consequences of their actions?

That's exactly what I was implying, sure. The important part is that it's male/female, not that it's teacher/student. Well done seeing through my nefarious mask.

Hint: Of the three parties, one is a board of directors paid to make the hard decisions, one is a teacher paid to take responsibility for his courses and one is an inexperienced student.

Blaming the student is not going to solve the problem here.

>> No.6940458

I remembered seeing a video some time ago on the tube with Lewin and someone calling herself 'Physics Girl', I got this really awkward feeling from their interaction.
I can't find it on the tube anymore nor in my watch history.

Googling for "Air Pressure Can Crush with Physics Girl and Walter Lewin" reveals a lot of blogs with dead links to it.
I wonder if there is something here that's related to this.

>> No.6940461

>Do tell me what she did that was wrong. Report sexual harassment?
Unless he implied that her success in taking the course was dependent on sexual contact, he wasn't abusing his position as her professor.
Reporting anything shy of that is exaggeration at the least, and most likely she was abusing her social privilege as a woman to lash out at someone she just doesn't like.

>> No.6940463

>Ideally there ought to be standards of proof, full public graphic disclosure of the videos lewin sent or the comments he made.

Should there? The student can make any chat-logs available if she wants to, and has decided not to. The teacher can make any chat-logs available if he wants to show his innocence to the world, and has decided not to. The MIT board of directors might very well be legally barred from disclosing private facts.

By what right should we, third parties uninvolved in the case, see the logs? Because you want to?

>> No.6940466

>Blaming the student is not going to solve the problem here.
Nothing is going to solve the problem. Actions have consequences. The instructor wasn't immune from this, neither is she.

>> No.6940467

>If the heads of MIT fine the evidence online good enough...
>f the heads of MIT decide that allegations (even if unfounded) of sexual misconduct are politically troublesome...

>inclined to believe that the woman just wants to ruin this man's life for no reason.
>inclined to believe that the woman just wants to ruin this man's life for an unknown reason.


You're welcome

>> No.6940472

>Unless he implied that her success in taking the course was dependent on sexual contact, he wasn't abusing his position as her professor.
>Reporting anything shy of that is exaggeration at the least, and most likely she was abusing her social privilege as a woman to lash out at someone she just doesn't like.

Sure is lots of [citation needed] in your fannyflustered postings.

Claiming injustice without evidence is the providence of angry young men trying to shake up the tribe so they can become chieftain and get all the unmarried women. It does not become a grown adult. If you want respect, do something important during the next mammoth hunt, don't just vaguely imply that we should lose respect for the elders for non-evidence reasons.

>> No.6940481

>Sure is lots of [citation needed] in your fannyflustered postings.
That's my second post in this thread, this: >>6940453 was the first.

Please don't assume that only one person opposes your viewpoint.

>Claiming injustice without evidence is the providence of angry young men
??? You actually seem to be agreeing with me?
Is it too early to be drinking in your time zone?

>> No.6940496

>You actually seem to be agreeing with me?

Only if by this sentence:

>Unless he implied that her success in taking the course was dependent on sexual contact, he wasn't abusing his position as her professor.

You meant to convey "He must have implied that her success in taking the course was dependent on sexual contact, because otherwise he wasn't abusing his position as her professor."

>> No.6940505

>You actually seem to be agreeing with me?

Actually let's just keep this one going. You wrote:

>most likely she was abusing her social privilege as a woman to lash out at someone she just doesn't like.

That is, you are claiming the treatment of the professor was injust.

You are doing this on fuck-all evidence, unless you are either the student, the professor, or on the board that made the final decision.

So no. I am not agreeing with you, I am telling you that you need to grow up. There is no evidence for injustice, ergo there is no injustice. Claiming otherwise is just an attempt at getting higher in the tribe without putting in the work, by lowering somebody else (In this case, the MIT board and the student).

>> No.6940508

So why are you guys complaining online and arguing with each other instead of actually doing something and complaining to MIT?

>> No.6940510
File: 95 KB, 670x870, puritan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when police solved crimes, prosecutors pressed charges, and juries decided guilt?

>> No.6940511

>So why are you guys complaining online and arguing with each other instead of actually doing something and complaining to MIT?

Because they're mad, not angry.

Also, the traditional remedy is to doxx the girl because surely that's where the real problem lies.

>> No.6940514 [DELETED] 

So why are you guys complaining online instead of complaining directly to MIT?

>> No.6940515

>Remember when police solved crimes, prosecutors pressed charges, and juries decided guilt?

What, in employment cases? No, I don't remember a time when that ever happened.

Are you some kind of communist scum implying that companies shouldn't be able to fire bad workers unless they can prove the worker criminal in a court of law?

>> No.6940516

Remember when well-educated students were the product to successful entrepreneurs who would buy that quality with endowments, rather than degrees being the product sold to students?

>> No.6940520

they made a public accusation of sexual harassment without proof, it is not an internal private matter

also maintaining standards of proof is crucial in maintaining the efficiency of the police and courts in catching actual rapists, without them we would get a flurry of extortion attempts, wasting resources, while actual rapists have an easier time arguing that this is just another false accusation case

also yes, this is 4chan, of course I want to see old jew Lewin swinging his wrinkly dick around

>> No.6940522

Lewin probably admitted to it anon, it's very doubtful he wants any of this getting public anymore than than the girl or MIT.

Guilt is not really the question here. Focus on the fact that MIT is conducting what amounts to fucking BOOK BURNING by pulling them vids, jeez.

>> No.6940523

We weren't complaining about him being let go, sport.

>> No.6940524

>they don't want it public
>make an announcement page
lel standards have really dropped for being employed at MIT eh

>> No.6940536

Since MIT is cutting their ties with him publicly it stands to reason they must disclose why they take this step.
Better that than if they tried to just ninja him out of history by photoshoping his face out of group photos like some corporations tend to play it.

Still, that doesn't mean you and I get to pour over all the juicy details like some sensationalist gossip tabloid readers.
If I was famous and had written some insane sex stuff to a young girl and got caught I sure as hell would preffer the details to remain a secret.
>focus on them courses being pulled dammit, that's the story here, not who was being naughty and how naughty.

>> No.6940538

>they made a public accusation of sexual harassment without proof, it is not an internal private matter

Yes it is. You are not involved in it.

>also maintaining standards of proof is crucial in maintaining the efficiency of the police and courts in catching actual rapists

What good luck that they have excellent standards of proof.

What? Evidence? This thread is an evidence-free zone. I don't have to have any "evidence" that they're good at standards of proof.

>We weren't complaining about him being let go, sport.

Right, right, you want the police involved in something even less important than his employment and livelihood.

>> No.6940549

It does allow us to, of course it does.

>hey guise we're just stuffing this prof down the memory hole
>btw all the videos of him are coming off our site too
>hope you enjoy learning in the future! Thx!
They made it everyone's business who looked to MIT for good education.

>> No.6940550

Still waiting for that torrent

>> No.6940553

>he can't download them all

>> No.6940557

Well that's the problem the fact that the pulled the videos. But do notice that we don't need to know the details of his internal trial, that doesn't concern us.
Regardless if he's guilty of wearing teenage pussy as a hat for years pulling his courses is punishing the students and the public, not him, that's the problem here.
Our business begins and ends with them trying to destroy his educational legacy together with him.

>> No.6940562

>Yes it is. You are not involved in it.
That's not how the world works, you fucking faggot.

If there is a fucking press release, that's the motherfucking DEFINITION OF A PUBLIC MATTER.


>> No.6940574
File: 638 KB, 1790x569, MIT801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 8.01 on disk from an old torrent I got years ago.
My upstream is the suckage, is there somewhere I could upload it so someone could grab it and make a torrent? Rar'ing it now.

>> No.6940577

>You meant to convey "He must have implied that her success in taking the course was dependent on sexual contact, because otherwise he wasn't abusing his position as her professor."
No, I meant to point out she may have been crying wolf.
Are you implying that NO woman would have alleged misconduct UNLESS it was actually harassment by MY definition?
all muh shiggy...

>> No.6940581

>You are doing this on fuck-all evidence
>fuck-all evidence

Britbong detected, opinion discarded.

>> No.6940582

Did /sci/ get invaded by /v/ over this or something?

It's extremely unprofessional for a teacher to make any kind of sexual or romantic advances to his students. This was most likely part of some form of code of conduct he agreed to when he began teaching at MIT and the university is perfectly withing it's right to remove him over this.

>> No.6940597

Yes, but the RedPill crowd believes that all women are lying sluts.

>> No.6940621
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>please consider reading, in an MIT student’s own words, exactly what is wrong with the Lewin situation, and why MIT’s response was justified:
>CS major btw

>> No.6940625


>> No.6940633

I'm still in the middle of reading it, but so far, the premise has been entirely based on this statement and it's bothering the hell out of me.
>I’m serious—physics professors literally refuse to teach students the skills they need to succeed in physics (or, at least, in physics classes). This isn’t an oversight.

Of course, I don't go to MIT, so I wouldn't know how things work there, but my experience as a physics/math major has not been like that at all. My professors go through the general methods and derivations in class and no doubt, you have to sit down and spend hours to apply those methods to certain problems. But these guys all have office hours and if you show up and ask specific questions, they'll be happy to help you out. There's no way they could go through every single type of problem you might in encounter in class, so you do have to figure a lot out on your own, but that's just how a lot of life is. I don't really agree with her premise at all; professors teach the concepts and give a few examples and in the end, it's up to you to connect the dots. Nobody can just give that to you, but they'll usually help you out if you have any real specific issues.

>> No.6940634

>I was a physics major at MIT a few years ago, and I know there is at least one course I wouldn’t have passed without Lewin’s excellent OCW videos.
but then
>Taking those videos and courses down was absolutely the right course of action for MIT, and I applaud my alma mater for reacting quickly and firmly.

She makes clear the lecture videos are a great learning asset she herself has greatly profited from, but then she argues the videos have been rightfully removed by MIT without stating any arguments why that is good. She then goes into a tangent about how sad the women situation in STEM is.

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.

>> No.6940637


>> No.6940640

To be more clear, I DO feel that I learned the adequate skills to solve the problems from my professors. Hell, I don't know how else I could have in some cases. Textbooks can be really verbose and confusing especially if it's a new concept you're not familiar with.

>> No.6940650

> without stating any arguments why that is good.
Well she does provide her reasoning in the closing statement.

>So when I read that MIT was taking his courses down, I was upset.
>His lectures are one of the very few examples of really good physics teaching that I have ever seen.
>I was upset even though I knew that removing those courses was very much the morally correct decision to make.

So there you have it, removing the videos is correct because it's very much morally correct to fuck the whole world over.
I suppose this means that we need to make our society more immoral so we can avoid these embarrasing and destructive situations in the future.

>> No.6940659

you are likely right, there is a small possibility Lewin is mentally ill and incapable of standing up for himself but Lewin was still active when this happened so probably not

I support book burning. Why shouldn't someone burn their books if they so desire? It is property rights. I also care about civil rights, I find it odd that you people want to go back to the days of lynchings based on flimsy accusations with no evidence but if that's what you want I can search or my grandpa's old white hood and get to work. Lewin dodged the oven but he won't escape the noose.

it would be a private internal matter if they didn't make a public accusation

the burden of proof is more a practical thing

you could spend forever trying to meticulously prove that everyone alive wasn't involved in a murder, or you could simple gather evidence and work your way up

>> No.6940665

Okay, I'm going pick a bit further into this.

> And I think they’re often not aware that this teaching style—the style that everyone uses, the style that everyone defends as the best—seems designed to privilege the students who come in with the best problem-solving preparation due to socialization or socioeconomic background, the students who are most comfortable interrupting class or seeking out professors to ask questions, the students who are most likely to buy into the idea that much of physics is unteachable because they’re the most likely to be confident in their abilities: white men.
This statement simply does not make any sense no matter how much I read it. Firstly, much of STEM is about problem solving. Of course, the best students will be the ones the best at problem solving. That's how this shit works. Now her whole argument is that you can teach "problem solving," but that's such a vague statement and concept to begin with. There are a shitload of different problems in the world and there is no one simple approach to solve those. The best you can do is learn general methods in certain areas. Certainly, you can teach someone how to solve a certain kind of problem, but you can just teach somebody to "solve problems." That's way too vague.

The last part is absolutely ridiculous. As a brown dude, I've never once been too intimidated to approach my professors simply because they happen to be a white male. That's nonsense; anybody that petty needs to readjust their attitude. One of my fellow majors who always asks really good questions is some dark brown guy as well (he's either Indian or hispanic; I'm not sure).

>> No.6940673

>It seems logical to speculate that perhaps women and minorities are the ones who are most likely to be put off by the way physics is taught.
Essentially, her whole argument is that physics professors are often not very good teachers (something I certainly will not dispute), but then somehow jumps to the ridiculous notion that this somehow favours white males. That's just stupid. How the fuck do you explain all the Asians involved in physics then?

>> No.6940696

How is this thread still up?

>> No.6940697

You're not 'mentally ill and incapable of standing up for yourself' for admitting to something they have caught you with, nowhere have I read Lewin contest the ruling.
Rather you probably feel quite shameful and regret your actions and just fess up if a trusted colleague has your chat logs and interview(interrogate) you about them.
also notice that Lewin isn't accused for any actual crime but rather a policy breach.

Should Lewin contest the ruling that aspect of it would of course change, but as is there is no reason to think he's innocent to the accusations.
The MIT response to this mess is what's the problem here.

>> No.6940725

if he was mentally ill he might not be able to contest the ruling, also there are laws against defamation

though lewin probably did it

>> No.6940738

>A female friend of yours claims to have been raped and the first thing you ask for is proof and you aren't a redpill misogynistic womanhater?

cool story bro.

>> No.6940755

What is this, the Soviet Union?

>> No.6940795

>"It's amazing that a young woman as smart as you doesn't have a boyfriend."
if this is true, how is this "sexual harassment" at all?

>> No.6940801

unless the rapist is still on the loose and the popo haven't arrived yet it isn't my jurisdiction

>> No.6940803



>> No.6940805
File: 45 KB, 395x546, feminazis can go fuck themselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Panel for Micro-aggression

>> No.6940807

There are laws, but there is also burden of proof.

Many things can be communicated in extremely vague terms and interpreted in many different ways. If formulated fuzzily enough, they can just brush any defamation or verbal harrassment off and claim "it is you who are being paranoid or schizophrenic, seek help".

>> No.6940848
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1418131578718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw all you can do is watch as the SJW do more dumb things by the day.
>Not blindly agreeing with them makes me a hater of women and all minorities.

>> No.6940853

I think Shankar's Physics vids from yale ocw are better

>> No.6940857

inb4 Lenny Susskind gets fired for bullying

>> No.6940871

>ladyfriend: I got raped.
>you: prove it bitch

>> No.6940897

people are saying that "pulling the videos amounts to book burning". also, there are some links to the videos here

this, but the other part (his defense) also doesn't have evidence. we don't even know what happened, except for one post of a (supposedly) femanon claiming to be involved

what if the videos were called "Physics Boy"? would that also be sexual harassment in any form?

>Did /sci/ get invaded by /v/ over this or something?
you mean /pol/, right?>>6940582
>It's extremely unprofessional for a teacher to make any kind of sexual or romantic advances to his students.
while I agree, you should know that they are, well, human beings

>had been sexually harassing some of his female students
so, according to her, this wasn't the first case...

I agree with you. she wants to be spoonfed, that's her problem IMO
>For one thing, it ignores that some students simply may not have the necessary problem-solving preparation to be able to grit their way through physics. Even hours and hours of hard work in isolation may not help a student who doesn’t quite understand how to approach problems analytically in the first place.
>Some professors take this to even more of an extreme and decide that success in physics is simply predestined. This is what led one physics professor my friend had at Caltech to declare to his class that “education is a mining operation to figure out which students are worth educating.”
she doesn't understand that university serves as a filter, not as a service to transform every single student in a professional...
it's true that some profs are terrible teachers, though, but she seems to see everything as a social (as opposed to personal) problem. uni is *supposed* to be all about personal merit

>> No.6940929

google jian ghomeshi nigguhhhh

>> No.6940945

This story makes me sad on so many levels.

>> No.6940967

Watching now, this seems really promising. Guess I'll better save them all to disk before this Shankar guy is caught with his hand in the nookie jar too.

>> No.6940971

>it's true that some profs are terrible teachers
Even so, as a good student, you should be able to get at least something out of it to figure out most stuff. I mean, if you spend hours on a problem and aren't getting anywhere just ask the professor or TA. They aren't allowed to just give you the middle finger and let you suffer.

>she seems to see everything as a social (as opposed to personal) problem
Yeah and apparently everybody except for white males are negatively affected by bad teachers.

>> No.6940975

The extent of misogyny and anti-social delusion in this ITT is sickening.

Do some of you really believe the fact that he made some shitty high school level videos for pop sci fags outweighs a serious rape crime?

>> No.6940978
File: 60 KB, 760x900, 1415305237931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting in this era of time and space

>> No.6940980

Rape is against the law and punishable by prison time. All crimes need to be backed up by evidence. Sorry, but the law is more important that your feelings.

>> No.6940986

All repressed gays.

>> No.6940998


>Anonymous at 7:23 PM on December 9, 2014:
>At #81 and #91. Yes, he's a brlliant scientist and lecturer. We all agree on that. But...there is a dark side that we know him all too well. Ask around in the physics and astrophysics scientific community what he's done throughout the years with women and how badly he has treated his colleagues and people in his personal life. He has no boundaries and is a total narcissist. He's not senile. He's always been this way. You are all infatuated with the persona of Walter the magnificient teacher. We know him better than that. And if you think I'm a jerk, No. 81, Walter is the jerk here. Otherwise, MIT would not have severed his ties with him after nearly 50 years.
still, no reason to take down the videos...

>> No.6941000

>Possession of a flower is illegal and results in more prison than anything else.
>American Law is actual Justice.

Sorry. No.

>> No.6941015

Your argument has nothing to do with how rape is handled within the legal system. I told you that a rape conviction has to be backed up with physical evidence and you told me that the American law system is broken/crooked.

Do you see the disconnect there?

>> No.6941025

You are appealing to the legal system's way of doing things. If the legal system is broken/crooked, then the philosophy that you are following is invalid.

Do you see that you are a bullshitting misogynist womanhater who is trying to backpedal out of personal responsibility for his response to a situation by saying, "The legal system will handle it."?

>> No.6941030

The lecturer, he was found guilty of abusing his post and was punished for it, what on earth the /pol/ in this thread has trouble understanding about that is beyond me.
>But why his lectures anon?!
Well anon, it is because as an instructor he is failing to live up to the expectations the institute and does not represent the principles the school wants to maintain. It sends the message of "we are only going to give you a slap on the wrist if you abuse your authority and we like you".

>> No.6941045

Do you guys see the disconnect with this thread going off on a tangent and starting to debate rape and the justice system?

This thread is about a disciplinary ruling of a university board for a breach of policy over sexual harassment in written form.
And how they decided to just fuck everybody as punishment for one guys error.

>> No.6941046

I feel that if a woman accuses a man of rape it needs to be backed up by physical evidence. This evidence can be medical, video proof, drug toxicology reports, etc. If the system of law we have in place simply imprisoned individuals on "word of mouth" then that would be a failing legal system that could be abused.

Just because I think a crime needs to be backed up by evidence does NOT in any circumstance mean I hate women or do not feel that rape is a serious offense. Rape is a vile and disgusting act performed by both men and women.

If you do not agree with how I think the legal system should handle rape allegations then please explain to me a better system of handling the situation?

>> No.6941048

>Atheism isnt correct because look these two people who call themselves atheist are contradicting each other!
>Christianity isnt correct because look thse two christains are contradicting each other!
>The earth must not be real because look! This guy thinks the earth is flat and this guy thinks it's round! Dumb earth-believers hahah

>> No.6941057


Name 3 without google

>> No.6941076


Why without Google?

>> No.6941102

notice how SJW's and radical feminists can't come up with a counter argument when you use logic and reason instead of slinging insults towards them.

>> No.6941112

check your privilege white devil.

facts are racist.

race is a social construct

we all one race

da human race :DDD

>> No.6941120

Your feelings are not "logic and reason". Let me remind you that this thread was started under the premise of infantile crying and throwing a tantrum because OP is emotionally upset over some irrelevant videos being removed.

>> No.6941121

Because if you dont personally have the names and dates of things memorised then they never happened

you fucking shitlord

>> No.6941125

>Logic and Reason
>appeal to a Corrupt and Broken system's way of doing things as THE ONE TRUE WAY.
>Logic is Aristotle's, a famous misogynist, rules for how to think real gud.
>Reason has limits, and has never been infallible
Good job parroting the same misogynistic bullshit that's been spouted since the Greeks were oiling each other up performing NAMBLA buttsex all of the time because women were so stupid and gross.

>> No.6941133
File: 127 KB, 400x400, 17569576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi feminazi/SRS piece of shit!

Evil book-burning witch!

>> No.6941171

> upset over some irrelevant videos being removed.
Irrelevant videos as in having provided hundreds of thousands of people with foundational education in physics.

>> No.6941184

>hundreds of thousands
How emotionally irritated and how fucking immature do you have to be to exaggerate so obviously?

>with foundational education in physics.
There are so many other better sources for physics education on the internet which weren't created by criminals. Not to mention that real physics education (i.e. more than just a shallow pop sci collection of factoids) is only obtainable in a university.

>> No.6941189

>Irrelevant videos as in having provided hundreds of thousands of people with foundational education in physics.

Just on official MIT channel, those videos had over 20 million views. And they had the same on iTunes U.

MIT PR assholes can go fuck themselves.

>> No.6941195

Statistically it favors white men for the reasons she listed, because of the following two reasons: 1) White people are wealthier than non-white people on average and more importantly areas of high wealth concentrations tend to be predemoninately white, this gives two advantages, first that wealthier areas will have wealthier schools with greater resources and second that our kids raised in these areas are taught to be more independent (which is what she was talking about when refering to students seeking out teachers). 2) Men: We live in a culture that reinfornces the notion that men do math and science and women do not, this has changed very recently in the media, but we wont feel those effects until the kids of right now grow up.

Now this is all about general realiziations, annecdotes about how a black-transgendered-paraplegic has a 5.0 at MIT and Harvard at the same time doesnt make these observations incorrect. I am from the suburbs, our town is exceptionally well off compared to our neighboring towns, we score higher on nearly everything in highschool than they do and succeed more at the university level, race isnt really important, what matters is wealth and not just for the reasons you think. As was noted before, white people are going to be better off in general than non-whites in america at least. Men are better off in math and science, because we didnt grow up with the notion that those subjects were not for us. If you want citations, just search around for these subjects, I am on a mobile and could care less about your demands for >'muh citations cuz i cant google'

>> No.6941210

Because this anon clams that they are such a regular occurence that they automatically assume all accusations are false. Either they have a terribly low threshhold for when they begin doubting reality or it is actually occuring so regularly that they should be able to name 3 without having to think about it, I wouldnt even care if the fumbled with the names a bit. That is why without google, I am sure there exist more than 3 accustations total, but if it is such a regular occurence as anon implied, then 3 is a lower number to recall

>> No.6941224

For false sexual harassment accusations, I can think of the Duke case, that girl from colombia who carried her mattress around campus, and the recent Jackie from UVA case, all off the top of my head.

>> No.6941227

no he was an autistic vergin basment dweller

>> No.6941231

>how fucking immature do you have to be to exaggerate so obviously?
They were taped back in 99' and some of the videos had several million views on youtube alone anon.
No idea how watched the course on MIT open, but if you include students around the world taking physics and turning to the MIT
videos as an aid to enhance their understanding I don't think 'hundreds of thousands' is an exageration.

>Not to mention that real physics education (i.e. more than just a shallow pop sci collection of factoids) is only obtainable in a university.

This wasn't pop sci anon, it was a univeristy course, this was 3 taped ~25 hour courses of lectures taught to undergraduates at MIT 1999.

>> No.6941239

Social Justice Warrior

>> No.6941241

What you are saying doesn't really have citations though, that is, it has plenty of bullshit social studies citations made up by people trying to get a paper published by being progressive as possible, it isn't actually backed up by statistics or hard evidence. For example women in shitty countries like Pakistan are much more likely to study math or science related subjects when they have access to education than women in extremely egalitarian countries like Sweden, unless you think it's specifically a bias of Western culture and have some alternative explanation for the gender gap in eastern countries that's some pretty good evidence that your explanation is wrong.

That's not to say that you're not pointing out statistically valid and real trends, you certainly are. But to pretend that because those trends exist that must be the entire explanation of everything ever and there must be no deeper inherent genetic or biological factors at play at all is ludicrous, there is literally no evidence to believe any of that just politically correct conformity to egalitarian political ideals.

>> No.6941249

>I am from the suburbs

>> No.6941251

An SJW is anyone who doesn't think rape is funny and that women are all lying sluts/whores/bitches.

>> No.6941254
File: 67 KB, 1297x938, 1416155327389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SJW's what?

Here's an explanation of what this thread's about:

>SJWs – almost all of whom are white, upper-middle-class college students – picture themselves as persecuted, oppressed crusaders for peace and equality. But, upon any level of inspection, this claim immediately falls apart. I have been on the Internet since I was a small child and I have perused some of the most extreme and disturbing corners of the web. I have had personal encounters with every manner of vile cretin – the sorts of people who would make even Charles Manson himself blush. With that said, never have I encountered anyone who was so giddy about their hatred than the people who make up the SJW community. These are people who, on a regular basis, call for violence and genocide against “oppressors”, whether it’s white people, heterosexual people, thin people, or just anyone who even slightly disagrees with them.

>One favorite tactic that SJWs use to quash all opposition is doxxing – they will publish the personal information (real name, job, phone number, address, and so forth) of anyone that they deem to have committed an act of thoughtcrime, then they will usually encourage people to commit acts of violence against that person in real life and will do their best to have that person fired from wherever they work at.


>> No.6941255
File: 67 KB, 800x430, fat-shaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take down more videos, I'm sure that will help your impoverished minorities get access to education for free... somehow!

>> No.6941275

>caring what Celebrity Actors say about anything
>expecting *that* to increase your credibility on a forum about science
Just... go. Never come back.

>> No.6941286
File: 1.46 MB, 1834x2580, 1308509855498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nowhere to go. As far as I can tell, /sci/ is the last place anyone cares about education.

Here, have a picture of a strong woman instead. It should inspire you to fuck off.

>> No.6941288

I'm so confused, what does any of this have to do with SJWs or whatever? Any professor who does something unprofessional like make inappropriate comments to students should be fired and the university should stop affiliating themselves with their name.

>> No.6941293

>posting more celebrity pictures
>still posting
You're digging yourself deeper, Anon.

You're the asshole here.

You're conflating issues into your stupid red pill crusade because righteous indignation feels fucking great compared to depressed virgin loser despair.

>> No.6941295

You cannot falsify history that easily. Everyone knows Lewin is affiliated with MIT, deleting his videos is not going to change that.

>> No.6941296


>> No.6941301
File: 546 KB, 650x434, anita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no crusade. I just want free access to quality education possible for people that can't afford to go to MIT. Don't you care about people that lack that privilege?

>> No.6941302

>Stop affiliating with someone
>Falsify history
S-s-sure thing buddy.

>> No.6941304

Because online sexual harrassment is not a real thing and you are a total fucking moron who has no place on 4chan if you think it is.

>> No.6941310

So if the professor was making inappropriate comments to students in person, would you support his removal then?

>> No.6941311

I would really love to know what the fuck actually happened. My initial reaction is to defend Lewin and think this must be some SJW bullshit again. But he's 78, who knows, maybe he doesn't give a fuck anymore or went senile and sent pics of his wrinkled balls to some student.

>> No.6941313

>pure sophistry
Keep going on about this like there are no other Physics 101 lectures available on the Internet. I'll wait. You amuse me.

>> No.6941319

>you don't deserve to watch MIT lectures

>> No.6941320

They took down his lectures because watching them might have triggered other students.

They will be replaced by a series of lectures on consent and intersectionality feminism and privilege.

That should help undo some of the damage that a series of lectures given by a RAPIST has undoubtedly caused to young minds.

>> No.6941337

E=mc^2 is a sexed equation so physics has some deep problems it needs to address anyway. It's actually good that these lectures are down before they can indoctrinate fragile young minds.

>> No.6941341

>MIT lectures

They're not *that* great. I've watched them. And they will probably still be available on archive.org, and are definitely available on videolectures.net, just not via the MIT site. This also allows MIT to create a new range of modern videos that aren't from 15 fucking years ago.

>> No.6941350

>They're not *that* great.
Your opinion, but let me just tell you they are indeed renowned and very well received by people from all over the world. That in itself should be enough for keeping them up, because public interest in physics is important.

>from 15 fucking years ago.
>implying these videos need revision because they are 15 years old
You troglodyte.

>> No.6941353

If it could be verified and proven, yes.

But that depends on the actual comments themselves, as well, if he's just being a creep and hitting on some 20 year old acting like it's a major scandal is incredibly fucking retarded, if he's, like, telling her to come to his office so he can beat that pussy up maybe you fire him. But online comments are not sexual harrassment short of sending the person unwanted dick pics.

>> No.6941359

Apparently it was already investigated by the university. It's up to them to decide how much of a liability he is to them.

>> No.6941361

I don't see how comments online are any different from comments in person. So your argument that there is no such thing as sexual harassment online is pretty stupid.

>> No.6941363


Teacher ->Student relationships are ethical No-No's, regardless of the age between the two. If you are a 29 year old Professor and have a 40 year old student, it is still bad to have any kind of sexuality in a relationship with them.

>> No.6941367

I think you should delete your comment it's sexually harassing me.

>> No.6941369

I'm not saying that they *need* revision, but this allows MIT to create a new range of OCW videos, which isn't a bad thing, because it's not like Lewin's videos are wiped from the net because MIT removed some hyperlinks.

>> No.6941372
File: 30 KB, 480x314, 1386198230909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see how comments online are any different from comments in person

kek'd hard!

>> No.6941377

>It's up to them to decide how much of a liability he is to them.
Actually, the problem is that it isn't up to them. It's up to some arbitrary judge in a civil case that could be brought. So they overreact enormously to avoid this ill-defined civil liability. Which is why once claims of harassment are given with even plausible merit (but no facts), corporations and institutions will likely burn everything down to avoid this civil liability that they are accountable for in ways that they cannot anticipate because the statutes are exceptionally vague on this point.

Truly, this is "social justice" in the most generic interpretation of the word—decisions made by society, not laws. I have more power to get you in trouble by saying you harassed me than I do if you actually provably stole from me, not because the law gives me more power, but because the law holds the employer liable for harassment and the burden of proof is on the employer to show that they took adequate measures. Which measures? Don't ask! Just prove you did it, ok?

>> No.6941379

Don't be obtuse.

>Hahaha just drop the class when your professor sexually harasses you hahahaha. see problem solved!
Don't be this stupid.

>> No.6941386

I find your name calling extremely offensive.

>> No.6941387

>Actually, the problem is that it isn't up to them. It's up to some arbitrary judge in a civil case that could be brought.
Oh really? I wasn't aware that MIT was claiming it was executing a civil tort against him. I guess if I smear shit all over the walls of my lab the university shouldn't fire me, they should just wait for the civil suit. Retard.

>> No.6941391

This has nothing to do with "justice." Employees who act unprofessionally and become a liability to their employer should be fired. Remove for a second your kneejerk reaction to anything gender related and look at this as simply unprofessional conduct.

>> No.6941396

>Oh really? I wasn't aware that MIT was claiming it was executing a civil tort against him.
You are really this stupid, aren't you?

They are liable for his harassment of the student as his employer. Thus, in absence of any other action, they are open to a civil suit by the student.

OK sport? Now, run along to whatever hugbox you borrowed these opinions from. Adults are talking here.

>> No.6941402

>This has nothing to do with "justice." Employees who act unprofessionally and become a liability to their employer should be fired.
Protip: your use of "A should do X" is a strong hint that this is about justice. Do you know what justice is, even? Are you old enough to be posting here?

>> No.6941418

>They are liable for his harassment of the student as his employer. Thus, in absence of any other action, they are open to a civil suit by the student.
That's what I'm saying. This is part of why they were right to remove affiliations with him. Try to keep up.

If you don't want to get fat you should stop eating so much. By your logic this means dieting is about justice. Please stop posting.

>> No.6941427

>That's what I'm saying. This is part of why they were right to remove affiliations with him.
Yes, I know you think they were just. This is your problem. Especially when you pretend it isn't in your other response to me.

>> No.6941434

Again it has nothing to do with justice you fucking retard. Removing an employee who will embarrass you and cost you money has nothing to do with justice, it's just common sense. You're argument is pathetic shoehorning.

>> No.6941441

>Again it has nothing to do with justice you fucking retard. Removing an employee who will embarrass you and cost you money has nothing to do with justice
Then why did anyone pass a law forcing employer liability in harassment cases if it isn't about justice?

Yeah, you're retarded.

>> No.6941453

>Then why did anyone pass a law forcing employer liability in harassment cases if it isn't about justice?
Then why is the sea wet? What? Completely non sequitur.

>> No.6941466
File: 83 KB, 720x540, do-what-you-must-i-have-already-won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally think justice is TOTALLY UNRELATED to law. Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.6941467


MRA's assravaged at the thought that a private organization might exercise the rights within their purview and remove material that they were giving away for free.

>> No.6941479

Imagine a world in which the university was not liable. Would the professor be any less of an embarrassment? No, it would still be in the best interests of the university to remove affiliations with him. So no, justice has nothing to do with the decision. The reality is that the university is liable, regardless of why. We are talking about whether the university's decision was reasonable, not whether sexual harassment law is reasonable. But nice try at moving the goalposts

>> No.6941485

Justice is not law. Law can be just, but there can be unjust laws.

>> No.6941488

and that's how /sci/ became /pol/...
if these faggots at the very least had NOTIONS of logic and rationality...

>> No.6941527

>No, it would still be in the best interests of the university to remove affiliations with him. So no, justice has nothing to do with the decision.
Not legal justice. Social justice, as I said. In the most literal fucking sense. Holy shit dude.

>> No.6941530

Neither have anything to do with this. Is it socially just to go on a diet?

>> No.6941545

It is if you were fat shamed into it.

>> No.6941550


>> No.6942577

the Principia IS a rape manual, after all

>> No.6942639

Do you think what Grothendieck tried to do was right?

>> No.6942644

To be fair, they never went this far on the sex issue.

>> No.6942646

>American Law is actual Justice
Do you have an alternative. Because I'm pretty sure that amounts to treason if seriously and consistently pursued.

>> No.6942682

Could someone be awesome and download all of the lectures and archive them. The foolishneas of others whouldny prevent this man's valuable teachings to dissapear forever.

There are some actors, filmmakers, artists, and other content creators whose personal lives may be disagreeable, but people should understand that ones own personal misgivings has no bearing on the quality of their products, such things are mutually exclusive.

>> No.6942996

>ladyfriend: I got raped.
>me: how dare you burden me with your ills, that's what the cops are for, such trivial matters must not be allowed to interfere with my precious science, come back when you've finished your rape counseling and are no longer neurotic and can get back to work*

that is what i would actually say, I am a douche but not a stupid douche

>> No.6943015

Why should someones professional efforts be censored because they did a social mistake? Isn't the embarrassment and chauvinism labeling punishment enough?

>> No.6943022

Wait, I think I know the answer. It is "because I want to be able to fuck with people who are more skilled than me". But for obvious reasons you're not gonna tell me that...

>> No.6943025

Learn to google


>> No.6943116

It's not treason if you're not american citizen. Then it's more like... terrorism probably.