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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6938531 No.6938531 [Reply] [Original]

>americans have calc 1 in their first year of college

>> No.6938631

>eurofags depend on americans to bail them out of war

>> No.6938686

>americans depend on chinese to bail them out the responsibility of living a life they can't afford

>> No.6938701

>i'm pulling shit out of my ass

>> No.6938704

>yurofags can't even download files illegally

>> No.6938716

get out of your fucking basement, who do you think bails you out ?


>> No.6938717

are you aware of the fact that Europe is made of distinct countries?
No shutdown here.

>> No.6938718

>eurofags can't into technological innovation and entrepreneurship because they're too busy subsidizing burkas and having their countries go bankrupt

>> No.6938729

Lol you think a country who's primary language isn't english is relevant?

>> No.6938730

iirc only like 8% of US government bonds are owned by Chinese people. The vast majority is owned by the US government itself. And Americans own Chinese bonds as well. So the whole discussion of "China bailing us out" is completely ridiculous. Take an econ class for fuck's sake.

>> No.6938732

>he thinks 7.2% is negligible
I actually evaluate investment opportunities like these for a living, so how about you get yourself an education before telling me to

>> No.6938736


>> No.6938737
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>actually evaluate investment opportunities like these for a living

>> No.6938741

lol what, i took calc 1 my senior year of hs

>> No.6938746

you just got rekt, don't worry, you'll grow up and forget it

also take macroecon classes, you'll like them

>> No.6938748

>inb4 "i took calc 1 in 5th grade faggot"

>> No.6938751

This is the part of econ thats complete bullshit.

>> No.6938752

So do dutchfags.

>> No.6938753

Not even the same person faggot. It's just that bandying your credentials about on 4chan to "win" an argument is retarded on its face.

enjoy your pathetic excel-monkey job I guess.

>> No.6938761
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>> No.6938770

>being this mad

>> No.6938776

How so?

>> No.6938786

>I know about every high school in Americas courses

Plenty of high schools teach calc OP, Im not sure where you are getting your information from.

>> No.6938800

>who's primary language
oh, the irony

>> No.6938813

I was sixteen when I started learning what you guys call calc 1 in HS, I wasn in the eleventh grade. The following summer I taught myself calc 2, needed that for physical chemistry. Not a big deal and I don't see why someone would brag about learning low level math.

>> No.6938816

Dum eurofags, do research before posting please.calculus b.c is cal 2 credit.

>> No.6938818

>I don't see why someone would brag about learning low level math
>tries to brag about learning calc 1 at 16

>> No.6938826

Not him, but learning calc 1 at 16 is fucking standard in Europe. It's would make no sense to brag about it.

>> No.6938828

No, I was just pointing that out like OP. Some people learn calc earlier, others later. Depends on the educational system and personal motivation. So what? Calculus isn't something inherently hard, there is nothing to brag about if you know how to differentiate&integrate at 16.

>> No.6938834

>calc 1 at 16
What kind of third world low education system does Europe have? Normal schools teach it at 13 here.

>> No.6938839

>yuropoors don't learn calculus in the 7th year of grade school.

>> No.6938849

I really don't get you, people. You find this low-level trolling funny, or what?

>> No.6938881


>> No.6938888


What? I know of schools in India that teach vector calculus to 13-14 year old children. It's not that unheard of....

>> No.6938912

When was the last European rocket launched into space? What was the last scientific development made by Europeans? Havent done shit since the 17th century and thats only because those scientist couldnt get to America yet. Sweden doesnt count they wont even be part of your shitty union.

>> No.6938931

When was the last particle discovered by Americans?

>> No.6938932

The last one.

>> No.6938949

Nice 8s m8, I r8 8888/10000
Top kek, faggot. ESA just sent a probe to a fucking comet. Oh, and the chief engineer that built Saturn V was German, took by ameritards after WW2 from the ruins of Nazi Germany.

>> No.6938951

>When was the last European rocket launched into space?

also, Rosetta

>last scientific development made by Europeans
nobel prizes /fields medals are numerous amongst european countries
Nature/Science publications offer a large choice of accomplishments made by europeans too.

also, the CERN

>> No.6938983

I took AP Cal in high school, tho...

>> No.6939373

>the majority of american kids who give a shit take AP Calc BC in highschool and start with Calc 3 in college

>> No.6939380

This. I didn't go to any of my classes and got all A's from my 1st and 2nd year physics/calc classes in the US.

>> No.6939472
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• be a Murikanker poorfag
• take diff/int Calc at inner-city HS
• high SAT, get scholarship & grant
• test into Analytic Geometry, wtf izzit
• ace the course because HS Trig

>> No.6940698

I tested into Real Analysis my freshman year of college.

I got REKT, then they placed me with the physics majors instead of the mathemagicians, I did decent.

>> No.6940858

shit nigga quadssssss

>> No.6940877

They let *everyone* go to school in america so yeah they aren't going to teach calc to jamal and tyrone at age 13

>> No.6940890
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>> No.6940958
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>live in a European country
>differential/integral calculus in 11-12 grade
>never taught us what an imaginary number, eulers number or a proof is
>teachers just give us baby-tier formulas to pluck numbers in (quadratic formula for example)
>it's still too complicated for most students
>they think I'm Einstein because I know basic math notation
Does anyone know that feel? Is it similar in America?

>> No.6940959
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>> No.6940982
