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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6925850 No.6925850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ how were your grades in highschool?

>> No.6925854

2.6 GPA

>> No.6925873

2.7? I had a 3.6 college GPA from taking college courses last two years of high school. Its an associates in liberal arts.

That feel when I should have just focused on mathematics and tried to get a scholarship to a state school instead of fucking around. Just now learning precalculus. Kill me.

>> No.6925881

2.3 GPA.
Good thing my highschool was really good. Everyone at my university wonders how I got in to such a good university, but from my perspective this university is pretty bad.

>> No.6925884

My last year of highschool now, 3.4 gpa despite dicking around for a year. Shit guys and I thought I was doing bad.

>> No.6925888

what the fuck guys. 3.5 minimum shouldn't be hard, really.

>> No.6925895

If 3.5 wasn't fucking hard then the scale would go up to 4.5 or 5.

>> No.6925897

It does if you take honors/AP classrs

>> No.6925899
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Something like 5.5 on a scale from 1-6

>> No.6925910


My SAT and state test scores were remarkable.

I ate up every standardized test.

>> No.6925911

4.2 gpa at high school. Now that I think back though, it honestly didn't matter what my grades were then. I went to a small state school on a free ride and lost every single scholarship I had after my first semester fuckup, so it didn't matter whether I had a 3.0 or a 5.0 lmao.

>> No.6925913

mid 90s

>gpa in high-school
amerilards detected

>> No.6925916

>slack off on a lot of the work
>pay attention in class so i can still pass tests
>get bad grades
>nearly every teacher says 'you're too smart for this'
>public school is about learning things everyone needs to know right?
>wrong, it's about doing everything you are told.

>> No.6925917

2.9 because I was an artfaggot

>> No.6925919

top kek, you only fucked yourself with your edginess faggot

i bet you called everyone sheeple too

>> No.6925950

mid 80s

>> No.6925953

>im a homosexual eurofag

>> No.6925955

nope, superior canadian master race

>> No.6925977

>literally average at everything
>no one extraordinary was ever born in canada
>lets every other country take turns fucking it
>99% afrocanadian population
>cutting down 100000000000000lbs of timber a year
kill yourself

>> No.6925978

got As in highschool and Cs in college

not even my teacher's fault, I just got depressed and disillusioned when I hit 18

>> No.6925981

O lawd, looks like someone's a little bit insecure!

>> No.6925996
File: 120 KB, 603x932, KlUVgrI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god the mad
>no one extraordinary was ever born in canada
typical amerifat

>> No.6926026

3.1 in public high school
3.7 in local university then transfer to highly ranked national university
3.5 at uni

>> No.6926060

3.5 weighted lmao

I didnt try in highschool cause I was forced to learn things I didnt like (classes at my school were literally chosen for you) In college I'm doing great cause I actually have an interest in all my classes.

>> No.6926066

nice same fag lol

name something important that came out of canada without googling it lol

>> No.6926080

> transfer to highly ranked national university
What do people mean when they say this, exactly? top 100 on the USNews list?

>> No.6926095

Always did homework at the last second. I never studied, I ended up being top 20 at the school.

>> No.6926101

If you know trig and algebra you can skip precalc.
I had to take precalc sophmore year and it was just more advanced versions of what I learned in middleschool

>> No.6926111
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Low 90s

>> No.6926122

the telephone, you stupid faggot

>> No.6926134

It means nothing.
The people who say this are the same people who say "I am a Beethoven kind of guy"

>> No.6926145

its not hard for the people i'd expect on a science board, i guess i meant.

even in university, getting a 3 should be no issues, if you study and don't goof off like a hedonistic idiot.

>> No.6926160
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I was first of my year, got a nice trophy for it, and a local company paid my entire university fee + housing + food + books + computer because of it too.

>> No.6926161

I dropped out of high school.

>> No.6926167

>mfw I masturbate to myself exceeding

I understand what Fermi meant by Paradox

>> No.6926168

How do I be as tryhard as you guys?

>> No.6926176

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6926180
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Above average, but not better. Went to a european high-school specialized for computer science/engineering. I had a D in maths and hated it because it consisted of brainless memorization and practice. Which always felt odd to me, since I remember having an extraordinary talent at maths as a kid, doing integer arithmetic at the age of 4, inventing my own division algorithm, doing exercises 5 years above me, deriving some geometric formulas, etc.

So I decided to give it a try and study maths, and now I get straight As (In my second year now). I finally understand all the concepts behind calculus, and all the calc problems engineers struggle with are so trivial to me. Engineering maths sucks donkey cocks, but most engineers never realise that there exists a maths out there that is sensible.

We need a rigorous introduction to maths from middle school on, or people in the future will understand it as little as they do today.

>> No.6926193

Something like 1.9, I barely graduated. 3.9 in uni now. Looking at all the student loans I had to take out really did wonders for getting my ass in shape.

>> No.6926220

>most engineers never realise that there exists a maths out there that is sensible.
This so much

I loved math, also did a lot of it before school and wanted to go into a math heavy field. so everyone told me (engineers, teachers, family members) to go into engineering because you do a lot of high level math in it, so I did. It was a lof of fun the first 2 years, we did linear algebra, calc, some numerical shit,... and then it stopped. At that time i studied enough math along the side to realize that engineers dont do shit. Now after my engineering degree im doing a pure math degree and finally enjoy studying.

Also, when I tell people im doing a math degree for fun because I love math, they will say shit like "oh, yay, I love math too, im doing some more advanced math in my spare time as well" and them they show me the "advanced math" books and problems...
>5 horses start running at the same time, horse 1 is twice as fast as no 2, no 3 is in the lead, 4 is accelerating at 5m/s..., how fast is each horse running?
then i just smile and tell them 'nice' and then I go and squat.

>> No.6926231

>enjoys playing with numbers like an autist instead of producing something useful for society
wanna know how I know you're beta?

>> No.6926237

lel, you sure showed me

>> No.6926250

I dropped out.

>> No.6926273

>Doing things because they're useful to society and not because of liking them.

>like an autist
Spoke like a true neurotypical.

>> No.6926275

Perfect. 4.0 unweighted up to my last semester, got 2 Bs then because I absolutely didn't give a shit and had already been rejected from college. 4.9 weighted overall. Also didn't get valedictorian because even though the valedictorian got a B in one of his classes and I didn't, he took AP stats as an elective sophomore year while I took a bullshit shop class and it became mathematically impossible for me to surpass him unless he got a second B, we both took multiple online AP classes outside of school as well.

Needless to say I learned my lesson in college, I still tried to do what I needed to learn the material but didn't really give a shit about points or putting in the extra effort, smoking weed and having fun is more important than meaningless academic bullshit. Graduated magna cum laude with a 3.6.

I'm having a hard time adjusting my attitude to grad school though, I can still get decent grades with little effort but putting in the extra time isn't necessary just to get good grades, it's necessary to actually learn the shit at the level I should be learning it and I'm just so used to getting the required work done and go smoke weed it is very hard to change.

>> No.6926277

Pretty low because I almost never showed up. I didn't even graduate.

>> No.6926434
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>quit his engineering degree to pursue what he enjoys the most

You're a bro. When I talk to engineers they always think that learning well-founded maths would load their heads with an even heavier burden, while in fact it makes things much easier. You can literally throw away all these tomes of "formulary" because you can derive every single formula in no time.

The reason I am so mad at "eng. maths" or "cookbook maths" is because I would have almost studied fucking ECON. My teachers were engineers and economists, my parents studied medicine and liberal arts, I had no fucking clue what maths actually was. The ignorance of the people around me almost permanently expelled me from paradise (you can't start learning maths after 25).

There is one more reason for maths: We are facing an intelligence revolution, and within a short time-period most jobs will become redundant. Hundreds of millions of people will be losing their jobs once automation becomes cost-efficient, within a day! In such a world, can we allow ourselves, not to teach our children rigorous math? If the 10 year old kids of today are raised to study econ/law/medicine/math-less jobs, they will be filling out welfare checks in 13 years - every single one of them.

Maths is the last bastion of the human mind. Those who neglect it, will be replaced by machines. Kurzweil envisions a world were everyone will have brain implants equally, but his vision is false. There is no "individuality", morality, humanity between brains that differ orders of magnitudes in processing power. You people rest in your little first world bubbles of food, entertainment, sex and warm homes, but it won't last. AI is coming for us fast, and there is nothing we can do to stop it, nothing we should do. We can either contribute to it, imprint our little part on it, so through it we can live on, or be deleted from the pages of evolution forever. So learn maths or perish kids, learn some fucking maths!

Sorry for the rant.

>> No.6926435

Dropped out.

>> No.6926439

>you can't start learning maths after 25

>> No.6926450

>post starts off as interesting critique of formula rote memorization
>turns into crazy futurist rant with baseless speculation and biological determinism
4chan is full of idiots, I swear

>> No.6926465

rejected from oxford
desperately trying to reassure myself i'm not an idiot by posting in this thread (irony)

>> No.6926470

Rejected before or after the

>> No.6926473

The word 'interview' below the line was an accident.

>> No.6926478

interview was good, i requested feedback and apparently i got a high interview score (7/10 and 8/10 or something, where the average to get in is 7)

>> No.6926479

I agree with most of your rant but this part bugs me
>Hundreds of millions of people will be losing their jobs once automation becomes cost-efficient, within a day!

I hear arguments like this a lot but there's no reason to believe that when this happens being unemployed will be as bad as it is now.

A society where a majority of the people have nothing to do will have to be radically different in order to function at all. There's only so many people that can be scientists or artists or whatever and the rest won't just be content with living on welfare so we'll have to rethink our economy in some way

>> No.6926482

Why were you rejected then???

>> No.6926483


>> No.6926485

i dunno m8
i'd like to know because i'd like to believe that they're at least trying to combat nepotism

>> No.6926489

If you're posting on 4chan, you were already an idiot anyways

>> No.6926491


not everyone knew they wanted to be a scientist from a young age.

>> No.6926492

May I ask what course you applied for?

>> No.6926497


>> No.6926499

Unlucky.I hope you still went to a good Uni. Good luck.

>> No.6926502

cheers mate, that was a genuinely nice post

>> No.6926524

wow that happened to me this year and also lost everything, here I thought only I could screw up like that

>> No.6926567

>thinks weighted GPAs mean anything


>> No.6926570

MIT actually do go up to 5 because of the difficulty. Not a highschool, I know.

You do realise people who are genuinely really smart get the grades with no effort? I just hope you're not sitting around to this day stroking yourself for having such a great intellect.

>> No.6926574

I don't know trig and algebra.
Just now learning composite and inverse functions.

I'll be in calculus by the end of January though so its ok.

>> No.6926600

no i didnt

>> No.6926690

garbage tier, probably a 2.0 or something.
I never did any work
In college now, but now that I'm working I'm behind but at least I'm learning. But I'm 21, should I give up and become a plummer tier human?

>> No.6926703

>wrong, it's about doing everything you are told.

kekekekek. the edginess.

>> No.6926796

4.0 straight through, didn't drop so I don't have any kek worthy stories about my lack of willpower

>> No.6926883

uh like effective 5.27/6, actual 4.9/6 but the system is a bit different and some classes were impossible to ace because they werent just american tier yes/no tests

>> No.6926919

honors/college classes weren't given any special scores though which is weird

>> No.6927004


>> No.6927022


>> No.6927028

2.85 unweighted but 3.25 weighted

It's not that it's hard, I just didn't do the homework. My test grades were fine. My older sibling was abusive, so once I left for college I got better and so did my motivation/grades.

>> No.6927063

This was at a continuation high-school too.

>> No.6927092

A*A*A* at A level.

Now studying Mathematics at Cambridge university.

>> No.6927100

I'm there too. What year are you in?

>> No.6927126

First year. What about you? Which college?

>> No.6927152

Same. Catz, you? Come King's Bunker afterparty tonight

>> No.6927257

>implying I did homework
>implying I didn't just coast by on tests and projects
The lazy and intelligent trope was a real issue I struggled with in highschool, though I graduated with a 3.8 and with my Bachelors of Science in Physics, so I did get my shit together. That's not to say that I did awful in highschool, maintained a 3.0 but I definitely could have done better.

>> No.6927264

May I ask what your GCSEs were?

>> No.6927297

>basic income isn't a retarded concept
No anon, no...

>> No.6927307

I went from a uni that had a direction in it to one that had a state in it

>> No.6927349

Using your scale, I was a 3.4

Which is funny because I never gave a fuck about school and slept in all math classes.

On the other side, I'm mediocre as fuck with most of what I do. Lack of enthusiasm

>> No.6927670

Pretty shit, A*A*A*A*AAABBC, the C being in English lang

Cambridge don't care about them

>> No.6927681

4.0 high school is a joke

>> No.6927863

Shit happens.

>> No.6928225

Same here, except I go to uni for free, practically. 1.9 master race

>> No.6928229

Exactly like your pic.

>> No.6928230

I never gave a shit and never did homework.
Test scores were fine and teachers would give me that bullshit about "you can do better, you're just not trying hard enough".

>> No.6928231

shit grades, I go to a god-tier college in physics now.

>> No.6928246
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Holy shit this guy understands calculus, he truly is above all those pleb engineers!

>> No.6928835

4.5 GPA weighted
4.0 unweighted
9 AP courses
5s on 6 of them
4s on the rest
rarely studied
>inb4 must have been a small, non-competitive school
>mfw there were 730ish people in my graduating class
>mfw i was ranked #3
>mfw most people were asian males
>mfw i'm a mixed race female
>mfw i'm in college now
>mfw chemistry is a struggle
still though high school was easy as shit, if you didn't get a 4.0 unweighted you have to be literally retarded

>> No.6928840

Essentially perfect grades in high school, took lots of AP courses, finished calculus but surprisingly never took any physics, which I regret. Now I go to UPenn, math major, and my grades are only ok.

>> No.6928875

High school had no GPA or ranking, but I got mostly B+, A-, A.

Go to Top 20 school now

>> No.6929175

>implying anyone cares about your 4.0 with classes such as "remedial geometry" and "English12a"

>> No.6929298


>> No.6929304

timestamped records, information on the school's competitiveness, and tits or GET THE FUCK OUT

>> No.6929354


>> No.6929411

Failed English a couple times because I didn't do hw. A's in math and science.
Reminder that people under 18 are still children.

>> No.6929419

That's great, I really like intelligent girls.
Now show me your tits.

>> No.6929431

6 Highers at A, 4 Advanced Highers at A.
Still rejected from medicine. Probably because I'm too white I guess.

>> No.6929715

I'm not on hormones yet, so I'll show you my tips when I get them ;]

>> No.6929722


3.0-ish. Played vidya all day, every day and did homework the period before it was due.

>> No.6929806

Probably about a B-.

Lotsa ADD, never really did homework in highschool, and such my grade suffered. Always did excellent on tests and quizzes, so i could get by not doing homework. The thing is, I can never really focus on work unless it's challenging, or I'll just zone out. I took too many AP classes to remember, and just took 3 exams for shits and giggles at the end of the year cuz my school would pay. Ended up with a years worth of college credits from just AP stuff.

Now I'm going for two degrees, one in math and one in physics, in the honors program in my school. I'm gettin sum great grades because there's a lot less tediuos busy work assigned as homework, and the stuff that does get assigned is challenging.

>> No.6929838


First two years was addicted to EQ, Bs and Cs because I could ace tests without studying and never do homework
did a lot of drugs junior year so similar to first two.

my senior year I was like fuck I have to go to community college. started applying myself and got much better grades but too late.

4.0 in CC and college. In med school now so things worked out.

>> No.6929907

WHY? Mathematics is a sigular word! Why do you guys put an s and the end of its abreviation?

>> No.6929941

3.95 GPA. Would've been a 4.0 were it not for some faggot English teacher I had in 9th grade. I hadn't learned to deal with their kind yet.

>> No.6929996

3.2. I didn't try the first 3 years. I had a 4.0 my senior year though with 5 ap classes.

>> No.6930127

>goes to public school
>takes full course-load of AP classes
>claims to have "rarely studied"
>still passes the tests

Okay, anon. Enjoy your fantasies about your life as a "cool mixed race slacker chick."

u r turbonerd.

>> No.6930130

Mathematics is not a singular word.

>> No.6930135

85 GPA... I graduated with honors from a college prep school known for rigorous academic standards.

I was a slacker who hated school because being a GT kid in a Catholic school is the worst. I got kicked out of the honors track even though I had high A's because I "didn't take it seriously enough."

I'm still bitter.

>> No.6930140

*kicked out of the honors track my freshman year...

After that I didn't give a fuck because they were obviously full of shit and I hated them so I played video games and fucked my Catholic School Girl.

>> No.6930144

I was pretty lazy at highschool, got a 2.7

>> No.6930220

I maintained a solid 3.2.
I was a lazy fuck however. I would coast on good teat scores, and my GPA was bloated by honors band courses, which accounted for half my grades, and were automatic As.
I kek at the fact to this day.

>> No.6930224

3.9 unweighted, weighted over 5 because honors As were 5 and AP As were 6 lamo.

So far in Uni I have 3.7 math 3.6 overall

>> No.6930234

3.8, weighted. I wasn't even in the top 100. Grade inflation is real.

>> No.6930241


2070 SAT and 32 ACT

>> No.6930270

Awful. I didn't even finish 10th grade. I never showed up. .

>> No.6930276

>take all honors/AP
>school doesn't weight GPA
>had 3 students in my class's top ten who took mostly CP classes

>> No.6930277
File: 15 KB, 1047x414, gpa-scale1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are lettered and GPA scores so buttfuck retarded?

Just use 0->10 or 0->100, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6930301

>1910 SAT
>34 ACT
>3.89 Gpa unweighted
>Top 5 in high school
>extra curriculars and college classes
>took 9 APs and got a 4+ on all of them
>Strong essays and letters of rec from my college and high school teachers

Would my 1900 on the SAT lower my chances of getting into a good college? Most of the top 10 are getting over 2100.

>> No.6930344

~4.1 gpa

probably would've been way higher if my honors classes were on a 5.0 scale

>> No.6930349

don't send your SAT scores in, in this case.

>> No.6930352

>mods delete my thread about SAT scores when we had a good discussion going on, presumably because it had too much college advice
>leave this thread up for days

>> No.6930360

Unless you have essays that could make gods weap, the top 10's probably not happening.
If it makes you feel any better, I go to CMU and am probably transferring to my state uni (U-Wisconsin) by the end of this school year. Unless you want to break into Wall street or something, the uni you go to really doesn't matter.

>> No.6930365

Oh are you the uvafag?

>> No.6930366

complete fuck up in highschool (dropped out got GED) taking classes at a local community college to knock out GE's and studying programming/mathematics in my spare time. Going to transfer and pursue computer science. On paper I look like a scumbag but I was just severely misguided as a kid and had parents that allowed me to do anything I wanted. It's not their fault, they just wanted me to be happy. Trying my hardest to change my life around now. Wish me luck bros.

>> No.6930368

>4.0 unweighted
>never studied
>often did homework right before classes
>only took AP classes because they were the next ones in the sequence
>none of that "gotta be competitive" stuff
>took calc BC sophomore year
>I spent most of the time playing games on my graphing calculator and drawing weapons

>> No.6930370

Terrible parenting 101

>> No.6930371

Terrible shitposting 101

>> No.6930374

Insulin, so that we can reap the riches off fat americunts like you

>> No.6930375


the kid who wants to go to UVA? yessir

>> No.6930379

I suppose so but I don't think it was necessarily out of a place of not caring about me. I can't blame them now as I'm a legal adult and can make decisions for myself but I'm I feel like I'm about 5 years behind most kids academically and I'm trying to play catch-up.

>> No.6930380


pisses me off that people legit interested in CS get lumped in with these faggotrons who pick CS "cuz they like video games and computers lol"

>> No.6930386

If you didn't think high school was easy, you should probably kill yourself.
>post yfw you realize there are people out there who succeed without effort while you try and are only mediocre

>> No.6930393

Yeah I understand where you're coming from. In my community college classes they force us to "introduce" ourselves on the first day and ask us what we want to get into. As soon as I said computer science there were a few kids that added "oh you want to make video games, huh?"

>y...yo..you too

>> No.6930397

You can definitely make it. It's a smart move to study programming in your spare time. At some point you can probably start a Github portfolio and start getting some experience. Which state do you live in? There are plenty of great CS state unis to apply to.
I feel for you. About half of the reason I'm majoring in EE while self studying CS is because I can't stand those types. The other reason is b/c of the tech bubble constantly bursting and what not, lol.

>> No.6930403

I'm in Wichita, Kansas. There's tons of aircraft manufacturers in my city.

>> No.6930408

The shitposting just keeps coming.
It's obvious that the most successful people are those that put in the most work. I also never said high school was difficult, but I just hate the idea of the lazy genius. I've seen brilliant people become complacent because of this, and it kills them.

>> No.6930425

4.0 Nonweighted, 4.46 weighted average, with at least 2 electives (which are never weighted) every year

>> No.6930429

Some top-10 colleges don't require you to send in all of your scores. Depending on what you want to do, somewhere like Berkeley would ignore the 1910 and only look at the 34 on the ACT, since that is obviously stronger.

>> No.6930435

It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. My story's true, and I got by on my intelligence alone in high school. There were a lot of hard working people in my class and I beat them all. And yeah, my bad habits probably hurt me in the long run, but I eventually figured things out.

>> No.6930440

but don't you ever have moments of self reflection where you're like

>I'm already intelligent, imagine what I could accomplish if I had insane work ethic on top of that?

Or is it just a matter of being content where you're currently at?

>> No.6930456

>>I'm already intelligent, imagine what I could accomplish if I had insane work ethic on top of that?
Sure, I think about that occasionally. If there were a way to magically make me as interested in physics (I'm a physicist) as Feynman, then that would be great. But while I'm not content, I don't really see the alternative. I don't see how I could make myself passionate about the things that I study.
>so why not spend all day on 4chan

>> No.6930461


Nice buddy. You'll be tipping your fedora all the way to a nice 150k job in your 50s and dying mediocre like everyone else

>> No.6930477


nobody gives a shit. employers want someone who works

>> No.6930483

>>dying mediocre
>not signing up for ALCOR
>not having Aubrey sign your analysis books
>not having plans to collaborating on anti-aging research in the future
Sorry m8. I plan on saving my unwasted potential forever.

>> No.6930487

Tell that to my boss at Argonne.

>> No.6930552

3.2, and nothing special on the SAT, I got lost in at home projects honestly. went into an AC circuit craze my senior year.

I was one of the very few people to have the opposite excuse most underachievers give that pursued science.
Most people I talk to in my field tend to say something like, "yeah I was super lazy in school and not good at anything but math."

I suck absolute balls at math (high tendency for error in long proofs and terrible memory) But I love science so much I pushed through my AE major. I'm superior in architectural design and I have no regents, but I feel like an oddity for it considering.

>> No.6930559

Ausfag Queenslander here, I got an OP 5

>> No.6930573

that's not the right scale
90-100: 3.7 - 4.0
80-89: 3.0 - 3.5
70-79: 2.0 - 2.7
60-69: 1.0-1.7
0-59: 0

>> No.6930576

Weighted 4.20 (I only remember it for obvious reasons), unweighted was like 3.9. That was a retarded scale with A being 4.0 and A+ being 4.4, though.

>> No.6930621

2.5 GPA in High school

now it's like a 3.2, keeps going down from that 3.5 i had a bit ago

Still fairly early on in my degree though. Hoping I can finish with a 3.6.

>> No.6930622

And then I dropped out.

>> No.6930709

Now 3.65.

>> No.6930720

Pretty awful, I don't remember my GPA but I graduated near the bottom of the 3rd quarter of my class.

>> No.6930740

All over the place. I tested really well but i had a shitty attitude towards school and had a habit of not doing the homework, ended up dropping out.

>> No.6930743

Worked my ass off in year 12 to get an ATAR of 97.6

>> No.6930744


Got into Cambridge NatSci.

>> No.6930753


>tfw want to become a doctor
>tfw can't

>> No.6930755

Do you say mathematics are fun or are good for you? No!

>> No.6930756


>> No.6930764

average all 8 semesters? 3.5 unweighted, 4.2 weighted, 2000 SAT

I think I'm above average.

>> No.6930775

1.9, I think?

Then I went to community college, maintained a 3.85 taking every math class they had (which was suprisingly a lot, Diff Eqs, Linear Alg, intro to Abstract Math, etc.) and transferred to a really good private university for chemical engineering.

Like a lot of people here, I'm sure, I was just fucked up mentally in high school. Hated everything about it, didn't have the focus I needed, was picked on constantly, home life wasn't great, etc. Classic smart underachiever excuses that everybody hates hearing. I just wish I had a little more perspective back then.

>> No.6930781


Same here. If I went back to HS now after a few years in college I'd probably sleep my way to a perfect GPA. We use 1 to 6 here and I recieved a 3,8. I put in some effort in the last weeks of the final year to ace out some strong 5s and one weak 6.

>> No.6931740

>2.2 GPA
>go to CC
>transfer with 3.7-3.8 GPA
>ftw im in a better school than some of my high school friends

>> No.6931914

3.2 UW GPA/4.3 W GPA
34 ACT
1510/1600 SAT
Twelve AP Tests, 3's on two of them, and 4's or 5's on the rest.
Graduated 47th percentile in my class.

Highly competitive highschools really do prepare you extraordinarily well for college, but damn is it a depressing four years to be constantly one of the dumbest(relatively speaking) people in the entire class.
But hey, at least I have a crazy work-ethic now.

>> No.6931950

3.2 GPA unweighted, 3.7 weighted. I never turned in homework, and bombed english classes because of it. I'm linguistically retarded, got C- averages in foreign language classes. B+ average in most math and science classes because I can't be assed to study or do homework. I usually ace finals. I'll be attending college soon, so I wonder how that will go compared to high school. I went to a fairly good high school. I always got teachers saying "He can do well but doesn't apply himself". I don't really give a fuck because I just want to do ROTC and commission. I think my college GPA will be better.

>> No.6931970
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Absolutely shit tier.
I didn't care and I coasted by with like a 2.6.

I realized I should 'be the best I can be' with my life (Corny and sappy I know).

I do some things well, and in a lot of areas I'm just not that intelligent and that's fine. I just really like learning, even if I won't be the next breakthrough scientist or whatever. It's all about exploring the world around you and reaching your potential, dude. Like, why do people want to go through life without ever knowing how things work and what things are?

I was one of those dudes in high school.

High school doesn't mean much it seems, you really aren't yourself yet.

>> No.6932215

I dropped out of high school. I graduated from university with a 3.67, so I guess everything turned out OK.

>> No.6932236

1.8 and dropped out
3.6 in uni as an EE

I really hated high school

>> No.6932242

4.0 GPA unweighted with the provincial curriculum (didn't have AP offered at my school). 41/45 IB score.

>> No.6932280
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I never finished high school because of that stupid spanish class, damn that heathen language.

all i know is buenas nouches and cayate pendeho

>> No.6932373

You guys are fucking stupid. I didn't try at all for the first three years, and I went to a "prestigious" high school, and I still got a 3.7

>> No.6932448
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4.0 nigga

>> No.6932532

Holy shit i feel bad for all of you fuckers
I thought this board was respectable. Maybe this changes my perspective on what's important?
In any case, 4.6 out of 5

>> No.6933564

Thank god I'm not the only one

>> No.6933579

Same here but I'm still in highschool. I worry; can good test scores (and LOTS of extracurricular stuff) get me to a half decent school? I want to study cybersecurity

>> No.6933585


Me too

43 points in IB

>> No.6933606


which college?

also this thread is probably gonna get taken down.

>> No.6933668

Must be different over in Britbongistan. A friend and I are engineers, and we're doing Linear Algebra independent study right now. I'd be fucking the shit out of her except she's 43 and married, with kids.

You guys must also be first year or something. Literally you're supposed to be doing Calc 3 stuff in year two of college, only the nobodies and idiots have to take stuff like "tech math".

>> No.6933672

I had a 3.5 throughout. Worst year was 3.3 because fuck APUSH. Senior year I had a 4.2.


Who cares. HS gpa didn't matter because I wanted to go to community first for smaller class sizes then transfer. I only tried to show that I could be a smart kid if I wanted.

>> No.6933675

I failed high-school because I failed AP US Government and Economics
>they wanted a fifteen page research paper
>I got about six pages and died
>got into college with AP credit for Calc 1 (had a 74 in HS), started at Physics 131 with Calc (had a 40 in highschool)
Don't know about any histories
>AP test scores were delayed
>take their ability test
>would've tested into Calc 1 or 2, highest score the test person had ever seen
I wish I had English credit

>> No.6933887

3.69 high school GPA
35 on the ACT
3.9 GPA first semester of college
dropped out before the end of the second semester

i'm NEET now

>> No.6933931

why'd you drop out?

>> No.6933936

> 4.2
> using "weighted" gpGPA
Get thee hence, phillistine

>> No.6933975


Ausfag here, we didn't have a GPA, but we had this somewhat complicated system that ranked you against every other high school student graduating that year which scales everyone according to your relative performance and what actual classes you took. Like performing mediocre in a difficult class like physics ended up being better than perfect marks in some bullshit liberal arts class.

Ended up with 92.60 (out of a possible 99.95). Number is supposed to represent the percentage likelihood that I would succeed in university. The number is used to place people into theuniversities/ courses they pick. (Like you need xx.xx minimum to get into course ABC etc.)

Ended up doing pharmacy at university. High school was dumb as fuck.

>> No.6933980

>Like performing mediocre in a difficult class like physics ended up being better than perfect marks in some bullshit liberal arts class.
That doesn't sound like a good system at all.

>> No.6934087


I got a 1.9 and regret it everyday. How the fuck did you get into uni?

>> No.6934170

that's a real mean question there

>> No.6934471

QLD here. Thoughts on ATAR versus OP?

>> No.6934582

Underage b&

>> No.6934609

Cause none of what he said is actually true, he never even graduate from high school

>> No.6934642

my country uses a /10 system
Is there a way to convert it just to compare with the rest of the thread?

>> No.6934645

A's and B's. Like everyone here, "I could've gotten straight A's if I'd tried and applied myself but I was too lazy to do it"

>> No.6934673

> being this insecure

>> No.6934675

I remember a ton of "lazy geniuses" from highschool.

>"I have a 2.1 gpa but trust me, I'm actually super smart and if I actually studied I would have a 4.0."

>> No.6934680

multiply their scores by 2.5

>> No.6934701

I'm 18 though.

>> No.6934716

Pretty shit. 2.3 freshman year, eventually got up to a 3.3 by graduation. Somehow I got into the same school as our salutatorian, so it didn't fucking matter.

>> No.6934825

Did pretty badly. Was too soft on account of being used to shit-tier schools, but then I got into this HS with a stringent science-oriented curriculum. Shat meself. Ended up still coasting all the way with a 3.0 average because I am retard.

>got into the uni I wanted
>still a retard

>finals week
>on 4chan

>> No.6934830

Grades: Average for students, shitty for smart students. SATs were killer though, 1590/1600

>> No.6934872

Was this fag >>6934825

Didn't add SAT details.

We don't have SATs where I'm from, but we do have this thing called the NCAE. It's just for career assessment though. Anyway, general scholastic aptitude was 99+ percentile. Then again, shit school system is shit, and it's a common enough result for kids with the same school background, I think.

>> No.6934912

1.6 in hs, 2.1 in college eventually got kicked out. spent a year off came back and graduated BME, did my masters in BME, than went off to med school 3rd year so far. life is life.

>> No.6934921

>3.6 high school
I was 17th overrall though, because it was a small school that is apparently pretty good

>3.8 state uni

>> No.6935018

My high school didn't even do whatever this "weighted GPA" bullshit is. You just got a straight number based on your grades, nothing else. Then again my school was one of the worst in the state of Oregon, so that probably explains that.

>> No.6935097
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dank memes bruh XD !!3!

Who gives a fuck. If someone's contributing in a nonannoying manner and admits to being underaged, then why bother?

>> No.6935104

>plummer tier human
Fuck no. Kill shit at the college you're at, go to a good/prestigious grad school, get a masters or PhD of your choosing, and get a good job. Once you're in college and not flunking out, there's no point in turning your back on a degree/career unless you plan on starting a business or run into some money. You CAN do it anon!

>> No.6935109

Lol I know a kid like this except he pulls off straight As and is doing 4 AP courses and a ridiculously difficult Spanish class. I envy him more than anyone.

>> No.6935115

>the uni you go to really doesn't matter
From what I've heard from College Board people that have come talk at our school, that statement is only partially correct. Yes the INITIAL uni you go to doesn't matter, but grad school severely matters. That's what I've heard at least.

>> No.6935116

>plummer tier human?
Nope. I was a "gifted child" who was meant to go to post-secondary.

I worked in a trade for 5 years afterwards instead. Trust me, you'll hate yourself if you constantly wondering what if...

Get your shit together.

>> No.6935121

Are you a UVAfag? If you go there, what's campus life like?

>> No.6935127
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Yeah I'm gonna need some elaboration.

>> No.6935136

Not him but I dropped out as well and am attending a pretty nice university with the equivalent of a 4.0 (90% - 100%)

Here in Canada, if you drop out of high school, you can still attend post-secondary after 21 if you have prerequisite high-school courses, which you can easily "upgrade" at night-school/community college while you're working.

>> No.6935140

3.2 if I remember correctly. 3.4 sounds too high. 26 on the ACT. I later graduated with a 3.08 in physics.

>> No.6935141

A's until 2nd year of high school. Dropped to a C student and almost didn't graduate.

>> No.6935143

Why would you drop out?

Your family need another pair of hands corralling moose or hauling trees to the maple syrup factory?

>> No.6935149

Lol pretty much

Deaths in the family, money issues, mental health issues etc. Standard fare for those who drop out.

>> No.6935153
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>> No.6935154

English: HA
Math B: VHA
Math C: HA
Chemistry: VHA
Physics: VHA
Biology: VHA
UAI: 99
2 months after starting university, dropped out. LOL

>> No.6935159

87/100, in Turkey, got 800 maths, 600 cr, 550 writing. In a mid high university in US.

>> No.6935163

3.9 unweighted, 4.5 weighted. was 4th in class. Could have been valedictorian but I got a B+in English Freshman year and gym sophomore year. Those were the days. Now i'm just hoping for a 3.5 to get into grad school. If only I could still do minimal work and still succeed.

>> No.6935196

Has anyone done or known anyone who has done IB HL Math + 2 HL Sciences?

>> No.6935269

It's a good system. It balances it out so its equal between subjects.

For example, there's a hard math and a piss-easy math. Hard math goes up about 12/50 points, whereas easy math goes down 2/50 points.

>> No.6936899

11 -shit
11.5- dece
12 -stellar

>> No.6936900

what is a "mid-high" university?

>> No.6936914

high school senior here cruising on a solid 5.0

>> No.6936919
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Relating a little too much to your post for comfort.

>> No.6939024

Are you me?

>> No.6939459

4.0 highschool
3.8 college, 2 semesters left
(I could 2.0 the rest of college and end with a 3.7 so i don't even care anymore)
BA math

>> No.6939466

meant to say 3.0 the rest of college (80%)

>> No.6939474

In the top 20 in US at my subject

>> No.6939487
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>tfw 3.6 gpa at cc
>probably going to be a 3.5, depending on whether I got an A or B in Calc II
It's not fair.
Everyone else has to worry about getting a 3.0.

Most of the people who transfer to the college I'm aiming for have 3.5+s.

>> No.6939494

ah okay, so you're in graduate school?

>> No.6939502

2.7 high school (didn't give fuu + adhd)

3.65 undergrad

4.0 grad (finally got adhd meds)

>> No.6939521

lel me too I have a 3.8 at CC which isn't even above average for the schools I'm trying to transfer too (UC Berkeley, cal poly SLO, engineering departments)

Literally any B I get fucks me over completely and people think I'm a faggot because they're like who cares if you got a B on that test and I'm like IF I GET A B I CAN'T FUCKING GET INTO A DECENT SCHOOL

seriously what's the point in going to college if you go to some mediocre state school with no connections into industry and research. cool have fun working at starbucks.

>> No.6939527

High School: 3.8
College: 2.9

Fuck engineering, still have two and a half years to raise it r-right guys?

>> No.6939529

Currently a senior.
Cum is a solid 94, weighted is 97 (competitive public NY high school ranked in the top 50 in the state)

2140 sat
800m, 660 cr, 680 w

28 ACT (taken 3 fucking times, 28 every time)

NY resident. I want to go to Cornell :D

>> No.6939536

I'm so fucking glad I found this thread. I thought /sci/ was a board for assholes that only care about grades. I guess I'm not the only poor student.

I started off slow my freshman year, started with 2.5. My sophomore year was atrocious, I failed a lit class and got like 3 more Ds on top of that. Junior year was only slightly better first semester, but then I got like 3.3 for the rest and graduated with 2.6

>> No.6939563

> being this brainwashed
went to a top 100 or so private school
did not end up working at starbucks

>> No.6939567

I think I had like a 2.9-3.0ish. I never gave a diddly damn and fucked off through all my sophomore AP classes, so that kind of dicked me over a little in that regard.

Still got a respectable 26 on the ACT though, so not a fuck was given. Sitting at a 2.54 GPA in college right now, so I'll see about giving more fucks in my upper level classes, and maybe that'll bring me up to speed. Or I'll fall on my face. Either way, it'll be a good ride.

>> No.6939574

>seriously what's the point in going to college if you go to some mediocre state school with no connections into industry and research. cool have fun working at starbucks.
You realize that state schools offer fucktons of internships, right? Like, they seriously push them because you can get credits, giving the school money while not really draining much of the college's resources.

>> No.6939579

It's been 10 years since I graduated, how should I know?

>> No.6939581

Canadian average of 96% which I think is a 4.0 GPA

I wasn't even a studyfag, I was just good at math and it reverberated in calculus, physics, chemistry, data management, etc.

I'm not really surprised that even on the /sci/ board, 4chan is filled with a bunch of dumbfuck psuedointellectuals

>> No.6939582

>You do realise people who are genuinely really smart get the grades with no effort?
But that's wrong.

>> No.6939591

>he went to a private school

>> No.6939600

why would this be an issue?

>> No.6939614

>if you didn't get a 4.0 unweighted you have to be literally retarded
Not all of us are American.
Big deal, I was learning Calc III on my own sophomore year.
You aren't intelligent, you're a dumb cunt who is bragging on a Iranian guro imageboard.
Lying online is so easy ;)
>and I went to a "prestigious" high school
They only give good grades to minorities.

>> No.6939636

D's & C's HS
B's & C's Uni
grades are the worst part about me being alive; so fucking inferior. I'm the deadweight of public school indifference and inexperienced parenting.

>> No.6939658

gtfo of this board faggots.

>> No.6939662

You can fail high school because you fail an AP class? There weren't any other lower level classes for them to put you into?

>> No.6939683

During high school, low-mid A range
Now - 6.5GPA

>> No.6939685

Stop blaming your shitty performance on others. How can you expect to improve that way?

>> No.6939904

I may not have brought home a magna cum laude, but your mom seemed to like my magna cum loads OP.

>> No.6939928

3.9 my senior year.
3.5 cumulative.
Fucking 3 years of Latin wrecked my shit. Rapta in anum.

>> No.6939939

>26 ACT

top kek

>> No.6939961
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The CCD was invented by a Canadian you fucking faggot

>> No.6940002

>its not hard for the people i'd expect on a science board, i guess i meant.
People who study science take science classes, which are infinitely harder than whatever liberal arts bullshit everyone else takes.

>> No.6940013

Mines was like that until I worked my ass off and gotten my GPA to a 3.4

>> No.6940037

they called it the holy trinity in my school
at least 10 people out of 130 did math, phys and chem HL

>> No.6940057

there were only 2 kids at my school who did that, out of like 110

one of them failed all the exams, the other got 6s in chem and math and a 7 in physics despite awful math and physics teachers

i did hl chem math and spanish with sl physics myself, we had an awesome hl spanish teacher and i learned it really well

>> No.6940061

Why not Columbia? :^)

>> No.6941232

Had 1.94 GP in sweden it's about 3,0 - 3,5 in the US

>> No.6941521

I have a peasent worthy B C Distinction *
Southampton studying Pol & International Relations

>> No.6943319

I pretty much kept a mid-80s average for everything except maybe Trig which I think got caught around 78 or so.

>> No.6944860

shinobu best grill
also dropped out at a 3.9

>> No.6944875
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4.0 GPA but I think my school made everything easier
Everyone got really good grades and teachers would help you through problems during tests, never take off marks for late assignments, etc. Sort of wish my parents sent me to a more challenging school rather than a private christian one

>> No.6944892

Don't think too much about how others will read what you write, because their impressions do not affect your self-perception.

>> No.6944911

Above average as long as the class didn't require me to do too many pointless assignments, I could ace any test or project, but man, fuck being constant about shitty homework.

>> No.6944958

96 for normal Math
94 for advanced Math (essentially calc I with some financial math and linear algebra)
94 for Math III (statistics and advanced geometry)
96 for the 2 Science classes (Phys+Chem)
87 for Biology (not science, despite being called "Life Sciences" in this country)
84 for History (The exam was like 4 essays, my poor mark was due to my contentious political viewpoints)
Then for the 2 language classes at "home language" level I got 76 and 75; really regret not paying more attention, I spent a lot of time in uni catching up my writing skills, as a teen I had no idea technical writing would be so rigorous and important to my job.

High-school in this country was super easy, I progressed from the Starcraft II bronze league to the diamond league during the exam prep period. (which meant reading about strategies and watching a shitton of games, especially since I didn't play SC I)

Also I didn't post my GPA because they are irrelevant as fuck in our country since we have a few bullshit easy classes that are weighted with the subjects already mentioned. 80+ is considered a distinction here.

>> No.6944971

>got As in highschool and Cs in college
Uh, that's kind the norm since high-school is easy as fuck.

>> No.6944974


nearly failed high school. Graduated university with honours.

>> No.6944978

4.5 weighted 3.8 something unweighted
8 APs all 5s
National Merit Scholar
2280 SAT
IB courses, didn't didn't get the diploma
Go to shit state on natl merit scholarship because I was an autistic shut in in HS who didn't participate in any extracurricular activities besides shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.6944980

>Hurr engineers this and that I'm poorly masking my jellyness because I didn't get into engineering

First of all, at any good uni, engineers take verbatim exactly the same calc and lower level math classes as math majors, as offered by the math department for the first two years. Secondly, very few engineers struggle in calc., it's fequently seen as an easy A compared to more difficult engineering science classes. Thirdly there is no such thing as "Engineering maths", they use the same textbooks as you and the courses are usually proof based and rigorous.

>> No.6944989

2.8 GPA

>> No.6945021

Well you should've stopped reading at his baseless comment on formula rote memorization, which literally no one does.

>> No.6945024

3.95 unweighted
college? 3.2
ask me about failure

>> No.6945030

It's not, you people are delusional and >>6926570 is right. Most of us on /sci/ were bored in high-school just like all of you are claiming, and we spent our high-school days reading uni textbooks or partying. Personally I was rarely in classes after teachers gave me special permission to practice my sports as long as I got good grades. Then we study the curriculum specific material a day before or the morning on the test (because usually it's never more than 100-200 pages of super easy material) and got our As.

I'm sorry, but you aren't some special snowflake, only retards don't get As with minimal effort in HS. If you felt you were "too smart" for the material then you were still a massive fucktard for not putting in the 2 hours or so before a test for your own future.

>> No.6945033

You did quit because you're not working as an engineer right now.

You should study pure math in your free time like the rest of us retard, it's a hobby not a career.

>> No.6945040

>>mfw chemistry is a struggle

This is so common with females and asians, it's because you work too hard in HS and try to memorize everything, meanwhile white males learn the vital skill of understanding material after skimming, they have to learn how to learn efficiently because they're usually busy with so much more shit during HS.

You should've played more sports and socialized more in HS (and also study something outside the curriculum once and a while), then you would have both an easy time academically and with networking. And you wouldn't complain about cis white males getting the high salary jobs.

>> No.6945077

I don't know what any of your grades mean.

>> No.6945085

92% final year high school
3.8 GPA (4 point scale) in university

>> No.6945088

This thread is an anomaly, usually /sci/ census threads returns an average of 4.0 for HS. I have no idea why all these failures are browsing /sci/ nowadays.

>> No.6945093

>teachers would help you through problems during tests
What the fuck?